This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 923: The dangers of gambling on dogs (Part 1)

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After firming up his faith, William finally succeeded in persuading himself to take another risk.

Anyway, her spider queen is not a good thing in the first place, and even one of the four priesthoods is [evil]. This person will definitely be hostile to human forces and even the entire Austrian continent in the future.

And because of the hatred between the spider queen and the elf gods, the dark elves who believe in her have not been very honest. When the devil invaded, they took the opportunity to kidnap the elves to strengthen themselves. All the forces of the world, and assembled the army to invade the Austrian continent, trying to seize the living space of the ground race.

Although the intrigue between the forces in the underground world is serious, and the overall strength of these underground races is really too bad, not only the impact is much smaller than that of the sea clan and the demons, but also the Holy See of Light pressed the head with a hammer, almost Was counterattacked back to the ground.

But after all, it is done... er... But the spider queen will definitely do it in the future!

So in order to protect the common homeland of mankind, it's alright for me to make a wave of her in advance, right? Besides, if the invasion of the underground world is wiped out, the goddess of pulling the crotch cannot be pushed to the **** position all of a sudden? Aren't my thighs in place?

In line with the beautiful vision of having no thighs to hold, then he will grow one by himself, William seriously planned a crazy plan to hunt and kill the descendants of the ninth-order spider.

The first step of the plan is to obtain enough and strong enough divine poison.

Just how powerful the poison of the spider queen is. Toth has proved it with his life. Just the poisonous mist that evaporates in his mouth can kill the powerhouse of the ninth-order peak in one minute. The real venom in the spider venom gland is probably stronger, and it will be gone if you lie there and tremble twice.

And although he doesn't have a weapon that can resist the poison, doesn't he still have a fist? As long as you can get enough poison, smear a thick layer on your hands and body, and then forcefully ridicule the [Provocation and Abuse], you can directly upgrade to the name of the **** of death, and whoever is called will have to come and die!

After thinking seriously for a while, William resolutely focused on the spider's claws again.

This thing is pointed and sharp, and it is hollow. It has accumulated all kinds of venom. After so many years, it may become a paste. As long as you can open her fangs and take away the accumulated venom. Venom, the rest is as simple as putting an elephant in the fridge.

After taking away most of the divine blood that was like a bullet above his head, William held the ambition to pick 15 ninth-rank powerhouses, and even directly kill the descendants of the spider queen to the point of death, calling out a group of the highest brightness as much as possible. The [Burning Sacred Fire], began to adjust the landing position of the [Shadow Eclipse Sword], aiming at the tip of the spider queen's fangs. be reasonable, the [Sword of Eclipse] is a divine weapon anyway. It should be 0.0001 level higher than the spider queen's body, and the spider queen's fangs are so sharp, and its main function should be to break armor and inject poison. It is estimated that it is not as strong as the root bone and the gums. Although I cut her gums before, it is not possible to cut the sharp points directly...

engage! I became a tender model of the clubhouse, and if I lost, I was a tender model!

It's a pity that although William's mental preparations were well done, the plan still couldn't keep up with the changes.

After he slammed it with all his strength, the tip of the spider queen's fangs was indeed slashed to a small point, and a large amount of milky white venom that had accumulated into a paste was spilled out.

However, before Wei Nenmo Lian could get up to pick up the poison ointment, the spider queen, whose teeth had been chopped off, shuddered violently and let out a sharp and slightly painful roar, and the entire mouth shook violently. .

After William finally grabbed the precious "little tip" in a "shaking of the earth", the incomparably violent air flow was like a volcanic eruption, unstoppable spewing out from the throat of the spider queen.

At this time, he didn't even have a chance to change a windshield, so he was swept away by this unstoppable storm, and suddenly spanned a distance of thousands of meters, under the extremely shocked expression of Kress. In the middle, one head smashed into the hard ground, and even the [Death Fight] state that was triggered only by half blood was thrown out.

The original grand one-hundred-fifteen hunting plan, the first step was just taken, and it was declared a premature death...

"So what did you do in there? Why did Lord Spider Queen wake up!"

Facing the grief-stricken questioning from Cress, who came in a hurry, William slowly lowered his head as he looked into the clouds. He was looking at his spider queen with two giant eyes, and his scalp felt numb as if it had been electrocuted.

"I'll tell you that later, hurry up! Hurry up and cooperate with me to cut off the summoning contract, or it will be finished!"

"I'm going to cut the contract before it's over!"

She was also stared at by the spider queen, her scalp numb, and Kress, who knew that she was afraid that she could not get rid of the relationship, gritted her teeth, dragged William, who was still injured, and ran away, roaring while running:

"You bastard! Taking the initiative to cut off the contract is to leave me and run away?"

"How can I call it escape? Do you understand the strategic shift?"

Raising his hand and pushing Kress's head back to prevent her from being blinded by the light that flashed on his body when he was stubborn, William brushed treatment for himself, while the old **** explained on the ground:

"An, you don't need to be so surprised, it's not that the spider queen was really provoked by me, it's just that her body sensed something abnormal and produced some kind of instinctive defensive response.

If you really can't understand this concept, imagine that she is sleeping now, and you and I are the mosquitoes who want to bite her. She fell asleep and felt itchy ass, so she reached out and scratched twice..."

"Bah! You are the mosquito! You are still a big poisonous mosquito!"

Turning her head while turning her mouth, she squinted her eyes and looked at the spider queen's eyes, and found that it was indeed very dull, not as if she had awakened her true self-consciousness.

"Do you understand? This is really just the defensive instinct of your spider queen. Now her eyes are fixed on me. As long as you cut the contract to open the space crack and let me leave from here, she will... "

"Do you think I don't want you to get out of here?"

After speaking against William resentfully, Kress dragged him away from the spider queen's divine body with all her strength, and said angrily:

"In the past, the body of Lord Spider Queen has been pressing the entrance of [Spider Abyss], blocking the flow of space power between other abysses and [Spider Abyss], and the lack of space power is equivalent to blurring [Spider Abyss]. The coordinates of the abyss.

And as long as there are no specific coordinates of the Spider Abyss, without being invited, no one can break in except for those gods who have studied the way of space... This is the spider queen guarding the [Spider Yuan] way.

The problem is now that you have brought her up, and the power of the divided space on both sides has been exchanged again, and now all the spatial flow in this piece is chaotic!

The space of the endless abyss is not as stable as your Aofa Continent. You can go wherever you go. If it is not suppressed by the spider queen, even the abyss that leads to it must follow the flow of the power of space.

Therefore, even if you have a bad luck and successfully open the space crack and pass by one by one, you will only be thrown into the other layers of the abyss with the turbulent flow of space, and it is impossible to return to the Austrian continent! "

"…" that so?

After raising his hand and scratching the back of his head, William said with a somewhat embarrassed expression:

"Ah... My impression of this side of the abyss is to follow the portal opened by others. I really don't know what you said... Why are you suddenly so caring? I'm still worried that I will be involved in the chaos of space. In the flow?"

"Do you think I want to?"

Listening to the sound of a landslide behind her, she knew that Lord Spider Queen's divine body had already started chasing her. Even though Kress knew that she wanted to ask William, she still couldn't hold back the resentment in her heart and screamed:

"I usually kill you! But you don't look at the situation behind, is there still a place for me in this [Spider Abyss]?

If you can go back to the Austrian continent, I still have a place to live, if you die in the turbulent space, UU reading www.uukanshu. com or be dragged into other layers of the abyss, should I stay here and die? "

After yelling at William like a cannonball, Kress took two heavy breaths, and then dragged him away desperately, and complained with eyes full of collapse:

"It's over! It's over!

That little **** Yimisi knows that you were brought by me, and you have provoked the body of Lord Spider Queen. Even if we can run away through the turbulent time of space, I will definitely be caught by Lord Spider Queen. Chased across planes! Maybe there will even be a tenth-order servant of the gods who will personally take action..."

"Uh...that's not necessarily..."

Made a little guilty by Kress' resentful woman, William touched his nose and said:

"I met your sister in the spider queen's body, and she helped me a little, so I promised to give her half a barrel of divine blood, and the reward for reporting you may not be as much.

And according to her character, it is estimated that she will try to blackmail us first, try to get as much blood as possible, and will report you if it really doesn't work... Why did you stop? The spider queen's divine body is about to start chasing after him? "

"squeak... squeak..."

In William's puzzled look, Kress stopped abruptly, turned her head abruptly, gritted her teeth and said upside down:

"What did you say?"

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

"You actually... want to give her divine blood? Give it back to a small half bucket!!"



Make up a thousand words first... The rest will be made up tomorrow/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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