This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 930: Harvest and tremble

Why is your spider head so dead!

In Kress' stunned expression, William said speechlessly:

"I ask you, were you present when the divine blood was stolen? But was Yimis standing beside her? And although she didn't get the divine blood, did she not report me immediately after finding out, but wanted to follow up with me? Am I complicit?"

" seems like..."

"What seems to be! It is! And you have to firmly believe that Yimis is the real mastermind behind the scenes! You are just an innocent accomplice caught up in her desires!"

After righteously correcting Kress's mistake, William vowed to flicker:

"So, don't be afraid of the Styx oath, you just follow it and you're done! Anyway, what you said is not a lie, it's just that you haven't finished speaking the truth, what are you afraid of in the mere Styx oath? !"

After flexing his fingers and flicking back the little black snake who wanted to take the opportunity to bite him, William grabbed Kress's palm, patted the back of her hand lightly, and said earnestly:

"Cress, think about it, apart from the two of you sisters and that Tot, who have seen me in the [Spider Abyss], are there only those brainless magic spiders left?

And now that Toth is completely cold, it is sitting in the warehouse of the workshop, and Yimis is suspected of not being able to wash her body, so what are you afraid of?

If she dares to report you, she will be finished together. If she doesn't report it, she can still get divine blood from me. Which path will your sister choose? As a sister, you must know better than me...

Um? What are you dazed about? I didn't understand you, but you squeaked! "


After kicking Kress, who turned back three times, back to the [Spider Abyss], and listening to the sisters tearing each other's chickens and dogs for a while, William closed the space crack with satisfaction and took stock of the gains this time.

First of all, there is a large mass of divine blood of the spider queen. Although Toth’s brain is not very good, people can really “pretend”. The divine blood that comes back can touch about half a pond, enough to fill several standard-sized ones. swimming pool.

And although this thing can't be absorbed by oneself, whether it is refining pharmaceuticals, quenching equipment, or enhancing the strength of the dark elves, it is an undisputed "divine product".

However, although the value of this group of divine blood is high, the biggest gain for him is probably the piece he got from the tip of the spider queen's fangs.

[Spider Queen Broken Tooth (Excellent)]

【Weapon Material (God)】

[Traits: Sharp (God), Armor Breaking (God), Pollution (God), Poison Injection (God)]

[Source: The broken tip of the fangs split from the spider queen Luosi's body, the broken stubble still carries a little shadow power that has not dissipated]

[Detailed explanation: After William Vankins invaded the Abyss of Spiders, he brazenly broke into the blood-giving ceremony set up by the spider queen Rose, and used the artifact "Shadow Erosion Sword" of the Church of Shadows to successfully destroy the spider queen's fangs. Its tip split off a small piece of abnormally sharp bone fragment...]

Tsk... this can't be called a small piece.

After weighing the fist-sized [Spider Queen Tooth], William tentatively scratched the tip of the broken tooth with his thumb.

With a very slight tearing sound, William's thick and indestructible skin was actually cut open with blood, and he couldn't even feel the pull.

Good guy... as expected of the spider queen's fangs, just a slight scratch can break my defense? The last one to do such a thing was [Shadow Eclipse Sword]. It seems that this broken tooth already has the potential of a divine weapon.

After sucking the blood beads oozing from his fingertips, and taking a look at the characteristics of [Spider Queen's Broken Teeth], William's face couldn't help showing a touch of joy.

Sharpness, armor-piercing, pollution, poisoning... This broken tooth not only has four qualities, but also has the word "God" on the back. It is simply the perfect gun head material, and its suitability is estimated to violate the advertisement. law.

As for the gun barrel...

After rubbing the space ring in his hand, William quickly walked out of his "office", found an open space, took out a "towering giant tree" with a height of more than ten meters, and plunged into the ground.

【The setae of the spider queen (good)】

【Weapon Material (God)】

[Trait: Hard, Powerful]

[Source: The setae ripped off from the right front foot of the spider queen Luosi **** body, although the end was damaged to a certain extent by the brute force of the plucker, and was also partially eroded by the power of light wrapped around him, but it was still extremely Excellent weapon material]

[Detailed explanation: This kind of solid special hair has an excellent power-reducing effect. It is precisely with hundreds of thousands of tough bristles that assist in the power-dissipation, so that the huge body of the spider queen can move freely on the ground without sinking too deep into the ground. deep.

And after William Vankins climbed out from under the spider queen's chest, considering that he still lacked excellent gun barrel materials, even though he knew that the current situation was not safe, he still couldn't control his greed.

He did not leave immediately when the turbulent flow in the space was stable, but instead launched the combat technique "burning the holy fire" with all his strength, rushed to the right front foot of the spider queen, and forcibly pulled out dozens of hard bristles, and then he was reluctant to part. Leaving the Abyss of Spiders...]


Fuck...Is that called greed? I'm not forgetting the original intention, okay? Besides, I originally came here for this, would I feel comfortable if I didn't break off a few pieces?

After tugging the bristles of the spider's back twice, confirming that this thing can really withstand his strength, William nodded with satisfaction, and then reached out and patted the lucky coin through his pocket.

"Get up and do me a favor, find out the fates of those master craftsmen, and see who is closer to Flange, so I can go to the door and place a big order... eh? Why are you still trembling?"

After being silent for a while, the goddess of pulling the hips answered:

"I'm not shivering. It's mainly because of a sudden turn in one's fate. I'm trying to figure out what the impact will be... um... I think if I tell you what you see, you might actually start to tremble."

Tsk... how about you liar?

After listening to the goddess pulling the hips, William raised his eyebrows in disdain.

To tell the truth, with my current configuration, as long as I use the spider queen's leg hair and broken teeth into handy weapons, I won't be afraid to single out the female pope of the Church of Knowledge! Makes me shiver... uh...

Seeming to remember something, William suddenly shook:

"What? Melanie's grandfather's lifespan really went wrong?"


The goddess of pulling the hips said with some schadenfreude:

"Just like what we said that Arcane Empire's ruling artifact has exhausted the life of the Pope of Light in advance, and he does not want to continue his life.

Then the Holy Maiden of Light, who is unclear to you, should have lied a few times according to your previous suggestion in order to allow her father to live.

Because her fate is too deeply entangled with you, I can't see the exact lie, but the Pope from the Holy See seems to be very angry. After talking to the minister who taught you the Holy Flame, he almost died of anger. .

Hmm... but it's not all bad news this time, there is good news. "


"What good news?"

"You don't have to worry about a demon invasion for the time being."

The goddess pulling the hips said with a smile:

"The Pope of Light has made up his mind. Before he successfully kills you, he would rather become an undead and stay in the Austrian continent, and he will not leave even if he is killed!"

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