This Pokémon trainer is too strong

Chapter 11 Why can’t the trainer be a humanoid Pokémon?

When Su Yuan arrived at the station, it was just past nine o'clock.


She let out a long breath. For Su Yuan, a homebody who doesn't like sports, running for half an hour is much more difficult than three consecutive protections.

"Fortunately, I'm not late."

Su Yuan wiped the sweat off her forehead and took out her phone to call Guang.

Although being late is nothing, Guang would complain a few words at most.

But since she had promised Guang to pick her up, even if there was a reason, it was her problem.

She said on the phone last night that she wanted to see Pokémon first, but is that really the case?

As a round blue penguin-like Pokémon, Pokémon is indeed very cute, but in Su Yuan's memory, this girl named Guang is also very cute.

There are two types of cuteness. One is simply cuteness; the other type of cuteness is similar to Gardevoir and Miss Skirt, which have humanoid cuteness.

Miss Skirt is still okay, it's still a Pokémon of the plant group, but since Gardevoir was reclassified from the unfixed group to join the humanoid group Pokémon, I don't know how many Pokémon trainers dream of catching a Gardevoir and hatching eggs together.

You are a humanoid group Pokémon, so I can be a humanoid group Pokémon, why can't we hatch eggs together?

It's so cold, only male Gardevoir and female monsters are allowed to lay eggs together, can this world still be better?

The phone was connected quickly.

"Guang, are you at the station?"

"Yeah, I just got off the bus and will be out soon."

The voice in Guang's phone was a little messy, but it didn't hinder the call.

This is how it is when there are many people, there is nothing we can do about it.

Adjusting his breathing, Su Yuan continued:

"Then I'll wait for you at the exit. You'll see it right after you come out."

Guang replied softly: "Then wait for me for a few minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuan turned his head and used his fingers to tease the pseudo mantis on his shoulder. The little guy also cooperated and made a "chirp" sound, looking very happy.

It smells even better!

The breeze blew, bringing a pleasant fragrance to Su Yuan's face. At this moment, Su Yuan was like a cute horsefly attracted by the fragrance of the pseudo mantis.

Su Yuan continued to twitch his nose and sniffed the fragrance in the air.


A familiar exclamation sounded beside him, but because he was too close, Su Yuan was really scared.

Even the pseudo mantis on his shoulder was in a state of confusion at this time.

"What are you doing, Guang."

After coming back to his senses from the shock, Su Yuan looked over and saw that the person who came was about 70% similar to the figure in his memory.

"It's so scary."

"It's obviously you who scared me first!!!"

Looking at Guang, whose face was slightly red and whose words were a little incoherent, Su Yuan asked in confusion: "Really?"

"How can a girl smell someone's scent as soon as she gets close to him!?"


A question mark appeared on Su Yuan's head, "Isn't that the scent of the pseudo-mantis grass?"

The next second, Su Yuan raised his right hand, lifted Guang's blue straight hair, leaned forward slightly, and sniffed again.

"It's really that smell."

"Are you stupid!?"

With a strange cry, Guang's face was red as if he had eaten noodles, and at the same time, the cry seemed to be "Look at my mother", attracting the attention of the people around him.

There were also people who frequently looked at the pseudo-mantis grass on Su Yuan's shoulder.

In reality, Su Yuan didn't like to be noticed too much. After saying sorry to the passers-by around him, he pulled Guang's suitcase with one hand and held Guang's hand with the other hand and left the station.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, I apologize."

Walking on the road, Su Yuan dragged Guang's suitcase with one hand and opened the map on his phone with the other hand, "So where are you going to live next?"

"The rent here may be a bit expensive. As for the hotel, although trainers will have discounts, it is better to rent a room by yourself from a long-term perspective."

"I'm not angry."

Guang first rolled his eyes at Su Yuan, and then said as a matter of course: "Then of course I'll live in your house."

"That's fine."

Putting away his phone, Su Yuan didn't seem surprised at all. He had also considered this possibility. Anyway, there was no child in his family who said that he couldn't stand it after seeing it.

Since Guang wanted to live here, what reason did he have to refuse?

The current Guang is much cuter than before when she hadn't grown up, but it's a pity.

Su Yuan glanced at Guang's chest in an imperceptible way.

It's still too small.

In addition

"It's too short!"

Su Yuan stretched out his hand and gently tapped Guang's forehead, and said helplessly: "Are you stupid? It's easy to show your underwear when you wear such short clothes!"


Guang tilted his head in confusion, and only reacted after Su Yuan finished speaking: "Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid! I'm wearing it well!"

"Safety pants and so on"

Guang's last words were barely audible, but Su Yuan still heard them clearly because of the close distance.

"Then there's no problem."

"But speaking of it, Su Yuan, the Pokémon on your shoulder."

Guang wanted to ask when they just met before, but he just couldn't find the opportunity.

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that you didn't have any initial Pokémon?"

As he said this, Guang took out the Pokémon Pokédex from his backpack.

Not every trainer can get the Pokémon Pokédex. It will only be awarded to novice trainers after they pass the test.

The Pokémon Pokédex can not only automatically record the Pokémon that the trainer encounters, but also check the skills of the Pokémon that he has captured through the Poké Balls of the captured Pokémon.

The function of checking skills alone is more advantageous than Pokémon trainers who don't have the Pokédex.

Pokémon battles focus on the bond between trainers and Pokémon. The more you know your Pokémon, the more you can take the initiative in the game.

Knowing the moves that your Pokémon has learned is even more important.

Each skill move has its tactical value, and when the skills and moves are combined, they can exert several times the original power.

Guang skillfully opened the Pokémon Pokémon Encyclopedia and aimed the camera at the Pseudo Mantis on Su Yuan's shoulder.

"Pseudo Mantis, a sickle grass Pokémon, is good at long-range attacks such as Leaf Blade and Solar Beam. It emits a refreshing and sweet fragrance. In the grass where Pseudo Mantis hides, flies often gather. It will launch a fierce attack on anything that hinders its photosynthesis."


Hearing Guang's words, Su Yuan smiled slightly and put Pseudo Mantis on Guang's shoulder.

"Pseudo Mantis is indeed not my initial Pokémon."

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