This Pokémon trainer is too strong

Chapter 17 What is the title today?

Chapter 17 What is the title of today~~

The temporary inability to fight is not a big problem. Just take a short rest or eat a few fruits and you can recover immediately.

At least, Pogaman has now recovered his strength and looks like he has never been injured. He can also grab food with Guang with full energy.

"Mooooo~ Pogaman, this is my share!"

"Poga Poga!!"

In terms of diet, Pokémon and humans can be said to be no different.

It's nothing more than some Pokémon food is specially made according to Pokémon's preferences and breeding directions. If you can accept the deviation in taste from Pokémon, humans can eat Pokémon food.

It's like someone in the previous life who had nothing to do and liked to eat dog food and cat food.

However, not all Pokémon like Pokémon feed. No one can say for sure about the deviation in taste. Guang's Pogaman is a special case. Although he doesn't hate Pokémon feed, if he can choose, he will definitely choose the same food as Guang.

If you don't have enough, just take it directly from Guang.

From the perspective of feeding, the easiest to feed is the grass-type Pokémon.

Su Yuan scooped up the last bit of food and put it into his mouth, while turning his eyes to the pseudo-mantis.

Generally speaking, grass-type Pokémon only need sufficient sunlight to maintain normal activity needs, and occasionally a little water will do.

For most people, they do the same.

After all, compared with most people, Pokémon trainers can only be counted as a minority.

Of course, as a qualified trainer, it is naturally impossible to feed Pokémon in the most common way.

Su Yuan attaches great importance to the cultivation of pseudo-mantis. Take the Poké cube that pseudo-mantis is eating now, for example. This small dish of Poké cubes cost him nearly a thousand yuan.

Poké cubes, also known as energy cubes, are not rare in this world. Most Pokémon restaurants are basically equipped with special Pokémon breeders to make Poké cubes.

According to Su Yuan's needs, the raw materials of the Poké cubes eaten by the pseudo-mantis include pomelo fruit that can restore a small amount of HP, Wuhua fruit that restores medium HP and suits the taste of the pseudo-mantis, banana fruit and corn fruit that increase cuteness and beauty, and long-term consumption of lily fruit that increases attack.

Su Yuan even wanted to add a piece of leaf stone as a raw material to the mixed Poké cubes supplemented with two bottles of nutritional drinks - HP enhancer and attack enhancer.

Lunch time passed quickly, and there was nothing to do in the afternoon, so Su Yuan took Guang and bought some tree fruits and moo milk and went back.

Tree fruits can be regarded as fruits in this world, and humans can also eat them directly. Take banana fruit for example, except for the pink color and the taste is slightly sweeter than bananas, the rest is basically the same as bananas.

After returning to the room, Su Yuan skillfully turned on the computer. He wanted to think about the cultivation ideas of pseudo-mantis in the future.

"It's only a little after 1:20 now."

Subconsciously, he glanced at the time on the monitor. According to Su Yuan's normal schedule, he would have just gotten up at this time in the past.

Su Yuan created a new document, and then immediately opened the browser to find the official website of the Pokémon Encyclopedia, the information in the column belonging to the Pseudo-Mantis.

Browsing the Pokémon Encyclopedia requires payment, and the price is not low, but the advantage is that this encyclopedia has a very complete introduction to the relevant content of Pokémon, including the evolution chain, the moves that can be learned, the moves that can be inherited, the common characteristics and hidden characteristics, as well as some insights on the direction of cultivation, which are all very detailed.

In his previous life, Su Yuan really liked Pokémon and was willing to spend time to understand him, but this did not mean that he had the ability to remember everything he saw. Even if Su Yuan still remembered most of the information, there would still be some omissions.

Necessary information still needs to be consulted.

However, the insights that can be shared, even if they are paid content, will not be too precious. It can be used as a reference, but it is definitely not okay to cultivate them all according to the above.

"Although the solar beam is powerful, it needs to use the energy stored in photosynthesis. Excessive use may even affect future evolution, so please try to avoid using it frequently."

Repeating the words in the illustrated encyclopedia, Su Yuan suddenly realized that as a member of the Pokémon battle party, he knew what kind of Pokémon was suitable for what kind of play, and he knew all about the moves, characteristics, and how to deal with unfavorable factors.

But if you ask him about the living habits of Pokémon, he might be a cloud player.

Su Yuan carefully typed the marked information into the document word by word. Real life is not a game, and he still has a lot to learn.

"Photosynthesis is not just a source of energy for Pseudomantis, but it is necessary for the vividness and strength of the color after evolution."

"Pseudomantis is a nocturnal Pokémon. During the day, it will sleep while stretching its leaves in all directions for photosynthesis."

Looking at Pseudomantis, who was lying by the window, basking in the sun and sleeping, Su Yuan was thoughtful.

"But not all pseudo-mantis are like this. A very small number of pseudo-mantis are still active during the day."

"The main food is horseflies. Hmm?"

Su Yuan selectively forgot this information. Pokémon preying on each other is a very normal ecological chain in this world, just like Mongoose Slash and Rice Spoon Snake, Octopus Warrior and Armor Warrior. The simple predation of upper and lower ecological niches is like Pidgeot and Rayquaza larvae, Trump and Rada family.

However, Su Yuan still found it hard to believe that a cute Pokémon was preyed on by another cute Pokémon.

That kind of look.

Shaking his head violently, Su Yuan dispelled the horror picture that unconsciously came to his mind. Su Yuan felt that the cute Pokémon should continue to be cute. Preying on other Pokémon is not suitable for their positioning.

"Then there is the training of moves."

Su Yuan only took a rough look at the content of cultivation and training, and then skipped it all. Basically, the whole article was about the pseudo-mantis with the characteristic of "leaf defense". Although it also talked about the characteristic of "singing the opposite tune", none of them talked about the key points, and there were still a lot of crooked reasons.

What does it mean that the Pseudo Mantis is excellent in physical attack, so the special attack can be given up directly?

Isn't the enhanced output of Leaf Storm good?

The double defense is good, so you can consider developing it towards the tank positioning?

Are you not clear about its HP racial value?

The speed is too low, you can consider pairing it with some teammates who can use "tailwind", "you go first", and "delay" moves.

Then wouldn't it be more convenient for me to directly blow the mother (trick space)?

However, when it comes to the training method of moves, Su Yuan has no idea at all.

Is it really necessary to learn from Xiaozhi?

The method of training the seed machine gun is to let the Pokémon spit watermelon seeds continuously. Iron Tail is at least more scientific, which is to increase the strength of the tail.

If you use the move skill machine, it may be a way, but the premise is that you have to get the move skill machine first.


For a moment, Su Yuan had an idea: "Move Skill Machine"

The move skill machine in this world naturally cannot let Pokémon learn moves directly with one click. Instead, the trainer will use the Pokémon that has already learned this move, and by explaining the principles of using the move and the matters that need to be paid attention to when practicing, the time for Pokémon to learn skills and moves can be greatly reduced.

"But I already know the skills!"

Su Yuan's expression was a little strange. After several years of getting along with Roaring Tiger, he not only perfectly inherited Roaring Tiger's characteristics, but also most of Roaring Tiger's moves.

There is nothing wrong with directly saying that Su Yuan is a human-shaped Roaring Tiger.

Thinking of the feasibility of the matter, Su Yuan immediately opened the column belonging to Blazing Roaring Tiger, found all the skills that Blazing Roaring Tiger can learn, and then compared them with the skills that can be learned by Pseudo Mantis.

"Sunny Day, Bloodsucking, Hold On."

After excluding the moves that Su Yuan had not mastered and the moves that Pseudo Mantis could not learn, there were still three moves left to learn, "plus the photosynthesis that I suddenly learned today, that's four moves."

Considering that the contact flying leaf knife used today has a bit of the prototype of leaf blade, Su Yuan added the move "Leaf Blade" to the document.

"For the time being, let's find a way to train these five moves."

After a busy day, Su Yuan was quite satisfied. Although the move of Sunny Day has no bonus for the current Pseudo Mantis, and the Sunlight Beam cannot be used frequently.

However, it cannot be said that Sunny Day is useless for Pseudo Mantis.

After Pseudo Mantis learned photosynthesis, its endurance has been greatly improved. Now, Sunny Day can still confuse the opponent.

This is not the previous life when fighting against the battle tower, as soon as I saw the Pseudo Mantis, I knew it was the characteristic of "singing the opposite tune".

He believed that most people's first reaction when seeing a false mantis in the sunny day would definitely be "leaf defense".

"Has it been so long?"

After saving the document, Su Yuan realized that it was already past five o'clock.

"Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so let's just live broadcast for a while."

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