This Pokémon trainer is too strong

Chapter 424: How can this be called the Clear Sky System? I think this is a suicide squad!

The positioning of this Pokémon, whether it is the "intimidation" characteristic or the "sacrifice" characteristic, simply highlights the word "reckless"!

Either you die or I die.

Or, we both die together.

"On the surface, Mukeying's "fighting" move is just a one-for-one exchange with the opponent. "

After completing the command of Pokémon, Su Yuan explained to the camera: "But this is the first step to "destroy" the opponent's system! "

Once the opponent's system is successfully destroyed, even if it is not completely destroyed, the impact on the trainer's mentality will be huge enough.

Subsequent command will also be affected to some extent.

If the mentality is broken, it would be strange if the command does not change its shape.

"Thank you, Muckhawk."

The ecstatic prayer for rain came belatedly.

Meng was still a little thoughtful, recalling Muke Ying's previous "fight for his life."

Then, Meng Yiran raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Perhaps this is the last piece of the puzzle that I am missing.

Although you can't be so upright and use scarves to fight for your life in the Champions League, you only need to make slight adjustments around this tactic.

It is not difficult to draw with the champion in a singles match that you are not good at.

As for the doubles match against Meng Yiran, he was already sure of winning! !

Although the champion's rainy day system is fierce, her tactics are not weaker than the champion's!

The game continues.

Taking over the role of Swampert in the rainy day output position is Cleansing Rotom.

It is also commonly known as a "washing machine".

The combination of water attributes and electrified attributes gives Cleansing Rotom quite excellent resistance.

In addition to the ground moves that are immune to the "floating" characteristic, only the grass type is left that can truly restrain Rotom's attributes.


A loud cry sounded, and the sharp claws of the flame chicken were tightly wrapped with bandages, and his temperament was like that of a fighting master!

Before the game started, Teacher Router clearly said that the lineup he chose was the system of Sunny Space.

But now there is neither clear sky nor space.

Instead, the "Acceleration" Flame Chicken, one of the representatives of fast break, was used.

"It can only be said to be reasonable!"

"Give the Coal Turtle a chance. If it doesn't work, forget it. The Coal Turtle can't do it."

Fans in the live broadcast room shouted "My youth is back" one by one, while opening the "Fat Delivery APP" and placing a takeout order.

No matter what kind of Rotom it is, it should be immune to the ground attribute, in most cases.

But not now!

"Flaming chicken!"

Su Yuan's eyes flashed, and he raised his left hand with the characters in the game, "Mega Evolution!!!"

The light of the keystone shines, breaking through the majestic heavy rain.

Su Yuan ridiculed him as one of the "most cowardly Pokémon in the universe". He always protects the insignificant Mega Flame Chicken, but this time he will no longer protect him!


The ribbon-like filamentary flames drew orange-red light in the air, and the Mega Flame Chicken hit the ground with both fists!


Terrifying power surged underground, instantly shattering the site. The protruding sharp rocks and rock formations attacked everything around the Mega Flame Chicken without distinguishing between friend and foe!

With the inhalation of "chemical change gas", Clear Rotom temporarily lost the ability to "float".

"Even if the Seductive Eye has lost its "mischievous heart" characteristic, it still has many ways to disgust you. "

Su Yuan explained: "I can recognize a Pokémon that can learn "Swap Fields" even if it turns to ash! "

If you let the enchanting eye change the venue, it will cover the trick of cleaning Rotom.

Under the blessing effect of the rainy day, there might be a real possibility of being overturned!

After all, what Su Yuan is facing is not an ordinary game player, but the Fairy King of the Yan Kingdom! !

Fortunately, the seductive eye is wretched and wretched, but it cannot master the "wide area defense" move.

"Qiang Qiang——"

First, he read about the earthquake of the Mega Flame Chicken, and the "Guard" barrier lit up in front of the cleansing Rotom and Soul Eye.

The only thing on the field that was damaged by the earthquake was the double-bomb gas next to Mega Flame Chicken.

"If you beat yourself, then Teacher Lu will explode this round!?"

Meng still seizes the opportunity and switches freely between defense and counterattack.

The blue ion arms covering the surface of Rotom rotated, and the dark clouds above the field thundered, violently hitting the Mega Flame Chicken who had just released the earthquake move!

Just for diversion, the thunder that is sure to hit in rainy weather has a higher priority than the water cannon.

Charming Eyes swung his hands to get the first move from Rotom. The terrifying shadow appeared behind him and flew towards the double bomb gas!

The durability of the double-bomb gas was due to Su Yuan's careful calculation. He could just survive an earthquake, but his physical strength was not very healthy at this time.

The dark night demon with seductive eyes can definitely absorb the remaining health of the double bomb gas.

Once Rotom regains the "floating" characteristic, under the cover of the Ecstasy Eye, the Mega Flame Chicken will no longer threaten it!

The fans' hearts were beating in their throats, they clenched their fists tightly, and said anxiously: "Hold on, hurry up and hold on!"

"As long as you survive this wave, you will still have an advantage!"


The barrier he was holding lit up, but not in front of the double bomb gas.

Mega Flame Chicken crosses his hands in front of his body to resist the thunder!

When the attack of the Soul-catching Eye was about to hit the body of the Double-Bomb Gas, the mist that appeared on the field at some point suddenly lit up with a pink and white light in response to the body of the Double-Bomb Gas!

Like a small mushroom cloud, with the Double-Bomb Gas as the center, an energy shock wave that was more terrifying than an earthquake destroyed everything on the field!

"Thin-Mist-Explosion-Crack-" Su Yuan roared again.

The earthquake of Mega Flame Chicken seemed to be an attack, but in fact it was also covering the mist field cast by the Double-Bomb Gas!

When the field was broken and the rock layers were all protruding, few people would notice the thin layer of mist covering these rock layers.

In reality, Meng Yiran might have noticed it.

But in the game, limited by the limitations of the screen performance, it is almost impossible to find it unless you focus all your attention on the rocks!

Using all the factors that can be used, this is also one of Su Yuan's command styles!

Mist Explosion, an attack move that costs the user to fall down due to exhaustion. If it is performed on a mist field, its power can even be comparable to the Big Explosion of non-classes!

The Soul-Catching Eyes covered his gemstone eyes in pain, and his physical strength quickly ran out.

Fairy-attributed moves are the only weakness of the Soul-Catching Eyes!

The brilliance of the mist explosion dissipated, and Mega Flame Chicken crushed the mist under his feet, and his momentum rose sharply!

The "chemical change gas" disappeared along with the mist explosion, and Mega Flame Chicken's "acceleration" feature began to activate! !

Retrieving the unconscious Double Bomb Gas, there was an uproar on the barrage.

"Another extreme one-for-one!?"

"First it was the life-threatening Mook Hawk, and then the mist explosion double bomb gas"

A fan friend immediately realized: "How can this be a sunny space system? I think it's a suicide squad!"

I'm stuck, woo woo woo QWQ

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