This Pokémon trainer is too strong

Chapter 530 Lilia is stupid, stupid!

Chapter 530 Lillie "Stupid, stupid!"

When the slightly dazzling sunlight shines through the window, it hits your face.

The young man's sleeping face, his closed eyelashes twitching slightly, Su Yuan propped up his body with one hand, subconsciously blocked the sun, and looked around.

In her room, with her long off-white hair tied up, Lillie sat beside Su Yuan's bed, her groggy head dozing off from time to time.

His body gradually regained consciousness, Su Yuan's expression was stunned, and his left hand was surrounded by a delicate softness.


Lillie was dozing off, holding her left hand tightly with both hands. There was a basin of water on the bedside cabinet, and a soft towel covered the edge of the basin.

Su Yuan touched his forehead with his right hand, and could still vaguely feel a warm touch.

The memory still lingers on the dark scene after Necrozma was repatriated and he relaxed.

I can still feel the slight tingling in my mind.

Face Necrozma's terror, overdrawn mental power and waveguide, and cooperate with Kapu and Fin to forcefully use Z moves

For Su Yuan now, it is still relatively reluctant.

"So Lillie has been taking care of me?" Looking sideways, Su Yuan whispered to himself, but did not dare to take out his left hand that was tightly held by Lillie.

According to Lillie's temperament, she would actually doze off while taking care of others. That could only mean that she was really tired.

"It would be better not to wake her up."

Su Yuan thought in his heart, and suddenly felt familiar mental fluctuations coming from the space.

Not long after, there were slightly hasty footsteps outside the room.

Gardevoir gently pushed the door open, followed by a round auspicious egg.

Their eyes met, and Su Yuan could feel the worry in Gardevoir's eyes.

And in the eyes of auspicious eggs

Shock! ?

Lillie's head sank and she woke up from her dozing state.

It was just a slight sound of the door opening, but it still woke up the girl.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect to wake you up." Su Yuan said with a slight smile, but his voice was still a little weak due to the forced overdraft of strength.

"Su, Su Yuan?"

The tired look in Lillie's eyes was immediately replaced by joy and surprise.

The strength in the hand's grip increased unconsciously.

Su Yuan's fingertips touched Lillie's palm and scratched it accidentally.

The two people's eyes collided in the air, and suddenly they were in perfect agreement.

Su Yuan: "."

Lillie: "."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

The tightly held hands did not loosen, but it only made the girl's face become more rosy.

Wearing a nurse's hat on her head, the nurse-like auspicious egg coughed twice and took out medical instruments from the tool bag she carried with her.


I know you have a lot to say.

But don't worry, you two.

Checking the patient's physical condition is the most important thing at the moment!

No one knows how Geely Egg packs simple medical equipment, large and small, into tool bags.

Physical examination equipment is all available. Geely Dan’s eyes are serious and focused, and he carries out the physical examination in an orderly manner according to the physical examination process.

"Luck!?" After the physical examination was completed, the surprise in Ji Lidan's eyes became even greater.

He even suspected that he had made a mistake in a certain step, so he gave Su Yuan another physical examination.

Comparing the two physical examination data, Geely Dan's expression gradually became solemn and his brows furrowed tightly.

The look of the auspicious egg made Su Yuan feel a little scared in his heart.

Lillie's heart tightened and she asked aloud: "Is there something wrong?"

"Luck." Gilly Dan shook his head slightly, his expression still a little confused, and told the results of the physical examination.

"Except for his mental state, which is a little weak, everything else is normal."

Gardevoir's telepathy translated the meaning of the auspicious egg's cry.

"Even very healthy."

Hearing this, Su Yuan and Lillie breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Luck!" "But!"

Gilly Egg tapped the inspection report lightly, his serious face not relaxing at all.

"The level of mental trauma I encountered, I was only in a coma for a day and a night."

According to the diagnosis results of the doctors at that time, it was not strange for Su Yuan to just fall into a coma for a week.

Severely mentally exhausted.

Those who were not sure thought that this kind of damage was caused by being forcibly attacked by some kind of evil Pokémon with mental power.

Being reminded by the auspicious egg, Lillie also recalled the stern expressions of the doctors the night before.

"Although the result of the coma can be attributed to severe mental overdraft, as long as you take a good rest for a few days, you can recover."

"But if you are mentally exhausted and have reached the level of mental damage, it is hard to say whether you can regain consciousness by resting alone."

There is currently no effective treatment for mental trauma.

In addition, due to the collapse of city buildings that night, although there were no deaths, there were many injured. The hospital was seriously short of manpower, and simple temporary beds were even set up on the roadside.

Su Yuan's situation was quite special, and he could only be temporarily sent home to recuperate. The hospital would take time every day to send out personnel to observe his condition.

After reading the diagnosis from the hospital, Su Yuan was speechless for a while, and coughed with a fist: "It shouldn't be that serious, right?"

The voice became quieter as he went on.

After all, it was "Radiance God", Necrozma!

Even if he just faced it, it was a kind of mental torture.

Not to mention that at that time, he was not just facing Radiance God.

The use of wave power to lock Necrozma and assist Tapu Finfin to release Z moves, no matter which one it was, it was quite mentally exhausting.

If it wasn't him, if it was a normal trainer, he would probably really fall asleep, right?

Suddenly, Su Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he blurted out: "Then what about my parents, and sister Yiran?"

They were also trainers who faced the terrifying "Radiance God".

Especially his own parents.

It is estimated that when they were missing, they had already started to face the pursuit of Necrozma.

"Su Yuan, don't be so excited."

Lilia changed her usual behavior and pushed Su Yuan back to the bed. "Uncle Mo, Aunt Liu and King Meng are all fine. They just fainted because they exhausted their energy. They will recover after a few days of rest."

"But Uncle Mo and Aunt Liu are a little weak, so they are still staying in the central hospital to recuperate."

"On the contrary, it's you."

Lilia changed the subject, "You are the one with the most serious condition among them!"

"You need to rest well!"

When they parted at the central hospital, Lilia remembered Dr. Kukui's advice.

"If there is anything, just tell me!"

Looking at Lilia's overflowing wife power. Oh no, it should be said that it is the glory of motherhood.

Su Yuan glanced at the clothes on his body and suddenly realized something.

"Then did you change the clothes on me?" Su Yuan asked suddenly.

"." Lilia's face flushed.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"That, that, that kind of thing is definitely not my responsibility."

The voice suddenly became quiet.

Liliae's head was close to her chest, her eyes were wandering, and she didn't dare to look directly at Su Yuan.

"Although the work of wiping the body, it is indeed, indeed, only I can do it."

Wow. What did I say?

Liliae's eyes rolled in circles.

Think about it, and update it.

It is a bit of a stab, but it is not written in such a writer's block.

(After all, Zhou Zhou will open a new main line tomorrow. If I take a leave today, I will definitely not be able to take a leave tomorrow QAQ)

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