This Pokémon trainer is too strong

Chapter 612 It can be seen that he is really steady

March 27th, noon, sunny.

Sunday was quiet, the sun shone slightly warmly on the curtains by the window, and a light golden spot was cast on the floor.

Weather like this should be a good day for sleeping in.

Su Yuan rubbed his dry eyes, yawned lazily, and then got out of bed and changed into his regular clothes.

Because the official of the event gave the players three days to rest and formulate tactics, Su Yuan stayed up late last night for the first time in a long time.

It's called staying up late, but in fact it didn't stay up too long.

When the sky was just getting a little bright, he was already lying on the bed, ready to go to bed.

If Lilia hadn't urged him, he could have stayed up a little longer.

It's not that the two of them lived in the same bedroom.

It's just that Lilia, who was used to getting up early, accidentally heard the dubbing inside when she passed by Su Yuan's door.

That's why there was a scene of urging to go to bed.

"Has Liliae gained some girlfriend power recently?" Su Yuan began to think about it while brushing his teeth. "Well, it should be an illusion."

Although Liliae has become more caring than before because of Little Nebula in the past few months, the increased attribute should not be biased towards "girlfriend power".

From a certain perspective, Liliae is Little Nebula's "mother", and the proficiency points should be added to "wife power".


I didn't think about anything.

Su Yuan was serious.

After washing up, Su Yuan sat in the chair in front of the computer desk and browsed through the scheduled videos.

That was the video he edited after staying up late and working overtime yesterday.

Some of the games that are worth explaining were re-dubbed in the later stage so that the audience can better understand some of the playing methods and commands.

Especially the games with the five gym spectators except Chibana.

If it weren't for the fact that I had been a bit lazy recently, the quality of the commentary of those five games, any one of which could be taken out separately, could be enough to fill several episodes of video.

Yes, not one episode, but several episodes.

For example, the original version, the edited version, the post-dubbing version, the refined version, the director's edited version, etc.

I am worthy of being so fond of my fans!

"The response to the video is much better than I expected."

Su Yuan took a sip of the Nutri-Express bar he took out from the cabinet, "It's worth it for me to work overtime for so long."

Scroll down to the comment section.

Although it can be guessed that his fans will play some jokes below, Su Yuan's mouth still twitched slightly.

The first three hot comments, one is torturing Chibana, one is breastfeeding Xiaojuer, and the last one specifically praises Su Yuan's luck.

"I guess in this world, only the routing teacher can produce such video material."

"If you are unlucky to a certain extent, you will never meet such a person, let alone produce it."

"That's why the routing teacher is so popular [dog head][dog head][dog head]"

Fortunately, in addition to the top three hot comments, most people in the comment area are more concerned about high-quality games.

Likes, coins and collections, the data in the background is almost skyrocketing every second.

Su Yuan is not surprised at this.

After all, he can barely be regarded as a "big anchor" in the eyes of others, and he has a certain amount of traffic.

What's more, the quality of his game last night, even if it was posted by some unknown small UP, the result would definitely be a hit.

The four words "gym master" have their own traffic. He met six gym masters at once, so it's curious if the video is not popular.

Put the video aside for the time being.

Su Yuan quickly created a new folder, re-created a document, and glanced at the time in the lower right corner.

"It's almost one o'clock." Su Yuan pondered for a moment, and his ten fingers tapped the keyboard flexibly: "For the match with my brother-in-law, if we just make a rough plan, we should be able to plan the tactics before lunch."

In this all-out battle celebration, my brother-in-law, well, Gladion, can be said to have hidden his team very perfectly.

Even in the battle with the captain-level trainers, Ilima and Kachi, he still only selected four Pokémon: Silver Companion, Night Mane Rock Wolf, Zoroark and Crossbat.

If it weren't for Gladion's only four Pokémon, Su Yuan would not be naive to think that the remaining two of the six Poké Balls hanging around his waist would be decorations.

"So which two Pokémon will Gladion have left?"

Su Yuan concentrated on meditation. After traveling for a long time, it is inevitable that the memory of the previous life will not be clear.

It's not Su Yuan's fault.

Gladion's Pokémon configuration is different in the three different works of the game, animation and special.

In addition, the three Pokémon around Gladion, Silver Companion, Wolf Mane and Zoroark, have a much greater presence than his remaining Pokémon.

This makes it difficult for Su Yuan to accurately determine the remaining two Pokémon.

It's not that he can't remember them at all, but he is afraid of remembering them wrong or getting them mixed up.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much."

Su Yuan waved his hand and chose to give up, giving up thinking, "At worst, I will consider the Pokémon that my brother-in-law may have at the same time."

"As long as I am well prepared, I am not afraid of not being able to read your lineup!"

I also have the ability to be a mere "super high school-level analyst" - Su Kamiza Izuru Yuen.

The information in the document suddenly included several more names behind the four known Pokémon.

For example, Porygon Z has the "download" characteristic, and Lucario has "psychic power".

Su Yuan has listed all the possible lineups that Gladion may have. The next step is to formulate more detailed tactics based on different competition systems.

"Compared to the 6-for-4 doubles, my uncle would prefer the 63 singles rule." Su Yuan murmured to himself.

I didn't realize that "brother" in my mouth became more and more smooth.

"You can think of Silver Companion as a fixed entry point, and the rest of the Pokémon is the high-speed Crossbat, which can target my Orchid Mantis. It is also a high-speed tailwind player. Silver Companion is in the tailwind. Under the conditions, combined with the attribute switching of the "AR system", it has considerable suppressive power."

The probability of the cross-shaped bat being selected is also relatively high.

Then there's Zoroark

After simulating dozens of possibilities in his mind, Su Yuan forked and saved the document.

"The current tactics are still a bit rough. Let's finish them when we feel better in the evening!"

If others knew that Su Yuan had specially formulated dozens of different response tactics for Gladion, they would probably blurt out words like "Please be a human being".

The organizers specially set aside three days of rest time for the players to formulate strategies, but that was only for ordinary players of similar strength.

When there is a clear gap in the command level between the two, it would be a bit bullying to target other people's lineups.

It's like Meng Yiran, the current trainer of the King, spent three days thinking about how to defeat Mei Yue, who had just debuted less than a year ago, in the next competition.

It's true that it's somewhat unnecessary.

However, Su Yuan said that he had only debuted for less than a year. Adhering to the idea of ​​"respecting the game and respecting the opponent", he still chose to give his best.

"After all, it's an all-out celebration, a battle dedicated to the island's patron saint. Of course, we have to go all out!"

During this period of time, Kapu Fin Fin actually helped him a lot and saved him several times.

Trying your best to respect the island’s patron saint!

Kapu Mingming, the patron saint of a certain Melemele Island, said: Shall I leave?

After drinking the Nutritional Express on the left hand side, Su Yuan suddenly thought, "I almost forgot to formulate the strategy for 64 doubles."

Although he felt that it was unlikely that Gladion would choose to have a 64 doubles match with him, he should be prepared for a rainy day!

It can be seen that he is really stable.

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