This Pokémon trainer is too strong

Chapter 644: Strike! Necrozma! (4K)

In the Poni Grand Canyon, in order to prepare for the decisive battle with Su Yuan a week later, Meiyue set the location of her training at Alola's original "training place".

Before the establishment of the "Island Tour", only trainers who had challenged the Poni Grand Canyon and were recognized by the "Overlord Staff Tail Scaled Dragon" would be considered to have unique strength.

In the territory of the overlord Ankylosaurus, the battle area opened up was full of pits and traces of explosions.

In the open space on the other side, a group of staff-tailed scaled dragons and scaled dragons surrounded the bonfire, their scales making a jingling sound as they danced a strange dance.

The flames more than two meters high dyed the wood owl feathers on the head of the stick-tailed ankylosaurus orange-red.

Under the warm invitation of the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon, the Wooden Owl flapped its wings and joined their dance formation, occasionally taking a bite of the tree fruit handed by the Scaled Scaled Dragon.

Ankylosaurus has a strong fighting spirit, but has a very friendly attitude towards the trainers and Pokémon they recognize.

Mitsuki sat on a rock nearby, wearing the most common short T-shorts, dangling her legs gently, and the knitted hat on her head was replaced by a red peaked cap.

Straighten your right hand and point the blue-gray Dragon Z between your thumb and index finger at the moon in the sky.

The inside is as clear as a gemstone, imprinted with the symbol of "dragon".

If you don't observe carefully, you can't tell much difference between the blue-gray Dragon Z and the blue water Z.

Meiyue lowered her arms slightly, and sparks were flying above the bonfire in the distance. Heat waves spread with the wind, and tiny flames swayed inside the clear and transparent Dragon Z.

I went through the actions when using Dragon Z in my mind.

Meiyue solemnly put away the dragon Z and distinguished it from the blue water Z.

"When you want to use Dragon Z, you accidentally pick up Water Z by mistake. That would be embarrassing."

On another rock block not far away, Gladion quietly retracted his gaze.

The original plan was to go to Huiklani Mountain for training, but after discovering that the state of the Pokémon on the mountain was not quite right, he changed the training location to the Poni Grand Canyon.

So we met this guy again?

Before Gladion could, Mitsuki took the lead in defeating the overlord Skeleton-Tailed Ankylosaurus, obtained the Dragon Z deep in the cave, and completed her final "tour of the islands" at the same time.

Although on the second day, today, Gladion also obtained the recognition of the Overlord Staff-Tailed Scale Dragon, there was no extra Dragon Z.

What Meiyue took away yesterday was the last Z-spar collected by the Overlord Staff-Tailed Ankylosaurus.

"Swiss, swish -"

The sound of the helicopter's propellers whirling could be heard in the sky, and the Aether Foundation's logo was eye-catching on the cabin door, flying straight in the direction of the altar.

Gladion frowned slightly, feeling uneasy in his heart: "What are they going to do on the altar at such a late hour?"

The retracted gaze met another's gaze.

After standing up and patting the dust, Mitsuki shook her phone and said, "Why don't you go up and say hello? Maybe Chairman Lusamine will come in person."

Mitsuki had a good impression of the "Aether Foundation". The Bico branch chief was an intellectual and gentle person, and she had never heard of any negative news from Chairman Lusamine.

The specific reason why Gladion, the son of the Ether Foundation, chose to run away from home is unknown. It was probably due to some misunderstanding with his family.

At this age, things happen often, so it's not too unusual.

As Gladion finished speaking, he saw the video playing on the screen with the beautiful moon rising. His eyes widened involuntarily, and veins in the shape of a "well" bulged out on his forehead.

"Silver Companion Beast——"

In the video, Gladion completed the Z move, the ability on the Z bracelet overflowed with light, and the Z power surged towards the Silver Partner Beast, "using "multi-attribute attack" and sublimated into "Cute Star Flying Crash"! ! "

(PS: Because in the game, attribute discs and Z crystals cannot be carried at the same time, when using Z moves, the multi-attribute attack must be normal Z; but in the second setting of this book, Z crystals are not considered items carried by Pokémon, so , the Silver Companion Beast carrying the Fairy Disc, multi-attribute attack is Fairy, can be changed to Fairy Z).

Activate the "AR system", and the silver companion beast with the fairy attribute will unleash the strongest attack with all its strength!

"Cute Stars Flying into the Sky"——is the full name of Fairy Z.

Gladion's mouth twitched and he covered his face with one hand, unable to bear to look directly at the video screen.

I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the battle with the Overlord Staff-Tailed Ankylosaurus. At that time, I didn't feel anything was wrong at all. I calmed down and took a look.

"Well, so shameful!!!"

Some details of the Z-move's movements are slightly different depending on the gender of the trainer.

But no matter how different it is, Fairy Z is also recognized as having more cute actions.

"You, please delete the video for me quickly!" Gladion gritted his teeth.

This is definitely a dark history that needs to be sealed!

"Isn't it a pretty good battle record?" Mitsuki put her hands behind her back and said with a smile: "Lillie should also take a look at this battle!"

"This is the only one that is absolutely not allowed!"

Gladion subconsciously wanted to blurt out that if he showed this video to Lillie, it would ruin his image in Lillie's mind.

Before Gladion could speak.

The sky over Pawnee Grand Canyon suddenly glowed with rainbow light.

The air wave takes the "Sun Altar" as the center point and spreads around the Poni Grand Canyon.

In an instant, sand and rocks were flying, and the bonfire stretched its flames in the air waves, almost igniting the feathers of Mumu Owl.

The Silver Companion Beast took the initiative to play the ball, its silver war feathers against the air waves, its limbs crouched low, its mouth let out a threatening roar, and it looked at the sky vigilantly.

Deep in the cave, the Overlord Staff Tail Scaled Armored Dragon, who had closed his eyes and dozed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the altar. The dragon pupils that were erected were more solemn than ever before.

Outside the cave.

Sand and stones hit the metal scales of the Staff Tail Scaled Armored Dragon, and there was a chaotic sound of footsteps. The proud and unyielding warrior trembled on his knees and fought desperately to resist the trembling in his heart.

Gladion raised his arm to block the wind and sand, and Mitsuki's cap was blown away by the air waves. I don't know when she equipped the "dust goggles".

"The source of the change is at the Sun Altar!" With the help of the "dust goggles", Mitsuki's vision was clear and she found that the Silver Companion Beast was in a wrong state.

"Could it be the Ultimate Beast!?" Mitsuki covered her mouth with one hand to prevent the wind and sand from flowing back into her mouth, and said loudly.

Last time on Ula'ula Island, near the House of Ether.

When facing the headless clown and the Ultra Beasts that burn the forest, Silver Companion Warmon, who has the attribute: Empty, also showed an unusual reaction.

"I don't know--" Gladion calmed Silver Companion Warmon's emotions and turned his head and said, "But I don't think there are any Ultra Beasts that can make such a big noise!"

Reached out to Mitsuki's position.

"Anything else?"

"What?" Mitsuki tilted her head.

"Of course it's the "dust goggles"!" Gladion shouted, "I don't usually have the habit of carrying props."

The waist bag on the hip is usually used to place attribute discs and Z crystals, as well as some recovery fruits.

The capacity is so large that it can't hold more props!

"Yes, yes--" Mitsuki searched in the bag and then took out the "dust goggles", "but there are only women's ones!"

This thing is actually divided into men's and women's versions?

"Don't worry about this now." Gladion didn't care too much and took the "dust goggles" from Mitsuki.

"Dong, dong, dong————"

The ground under his feet shook violently. After putting on the "dust goggles", Gladion clearly saw that on the stairs leading to the Sun Altar, the Overlord Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon was wrapped in the "Overlord Aura" and ran towards the altar against the wind.

At this moment, even the most dull people knew that something must have happened at the Sun Altar.

Gladion's mind flashed the scene of the Ether Foundation's helicopter flying to the Sun Altar a few minutes ago.

Maybe it would be Chairman Lusamine in person.

Mitsuki's half-joking words suddenly emerged in his heart.

The sky was spinning with the brilliant and magnificent "Ultimate Hole", the dreamy rainbow color, just like the day when his father disappeared——

"Mother." Gladion murmured.


The roar of an unknown beast.

A laser beam passed from top to bottom, and the space it passed through was visibly distorted, and it was about to hit the body of the Overlord Staff Tail Scaled Dragon!

"That is——" Gladion's eyes tightened, and he recalled the scene he had seen in the video.

The "Overlord Aura" burned under the laser beam, and the Overlord Staff Tail Scaled Dragon kept rushing forward, the scales rustled, and the leg muscles exerted force, like a ground-to-sky missile, and swung out the hooked "Sky Punch"! !

In the laser beam, brick-red energy flashed, and the Overlord Staff Tail Scaled Dragon rushed out without injury, and the beam was forcibly defeated from it.

"That move is!" Mitsuki was stunned and exclaimed: "The move of "Glorious God" Necrozma——"

"Prism Laser! ! "Glazio continued.

A month ago, Necrozma came to Haole City in pursuit of Lunala.

The laser beams that rained down from the sky were later named "Prism Laser" by researchers and officially recorded in the archives.

Together with another move "Photon Surge", it was classified as Necrozma's exclusive move!

The air suddenly became heavy, and the creatures' instincts warned themselves to leave the area as soon as possible.

Glazio took a deep breath and tried to restrain his trembling legs. His father's back flashed by. When he thought of his mother at this moment, she might be on the Sun Altar.

"I want to go up!" Glazio uttered, his golden gradient eyes clear and firm.

He knew very well the possible consequences of facing the "Glorious God" Necrozma.

He inevitably began to fear in his heart.


Glazio's clenched fists creaked, and his knuckles turned white.

Since his father disappeared, his mother suddenly became a different person. She became unkind and alienated him and Liliae. Every time they met, she only gave cold orders.

"You only need to obey my orders to be happy!"

The mother who often said this sentence might not be out of care for them?

In fact, Gladion understood.

After his father disappeared, his mother was the one who suffered the most. It was because of the pain that she became distorted and formed her current paranoid and crazy personality.

She violated her and her father's wishes and did many wrong things.

Gladion did not think of excusing his mother's crimes, but he could understand his mother's pain and secretly made a vow - to replace his missing father and protect his mother and Liliae! !

"I want to go up!" Gladion repeated again, stroking the back of the Silver Companion Beast with one hand.

"You don't have to follow me, face the God of Light directly."

Gladion knew the danger of facing Necrozma directly, but he didn't have time to say it.

The silver companion battle beast turned its head sideways, its handsome battle feathers cut away the air waves, and it looked firmly at Gladion.

The elf ball on his waist also swayed at the same time.

Without too many words, a look, or an action, Gladion immediately understood the feelings of the Pokémon accompanying him.

"Silver Companion Battle Beast, and everyone." After reading the Silver Companion Battle Beast's gaze, Gladion's throat choked, and his eyes were gentler than ever before. He hugged the Silver Companion Battle Beast's neck and pressed his cheeks together: "Please! "

The birth of the Silver Companion Beast is full of pain, and it should hate the Aether Foundation and its mother.

A special flow of emotion connected the hearts of the trainer and the Pokémon, and most of Gladion's original fear disappeared.

"And, thank you." Gladion was riding on the back of the Silver Companion Beast, his fingers passed through the pokeballs on the ball sleeve one by one, and his tone was gentle: "And, thank you!"

The Silver Companion Beast carried Gladion on its back, stretched out its strong limbs, and climbed up the rock wall.

The cave of the Staff-tailed Ankylosaurus is extremely complex, and it will take a lot of time to get to the altar steps from there.

Therefore, Gladion chose another shortcut.

"Meiyue——" Gladion didn't forget to turn around: "Hurry up and take the Mu Mu Xiao and the staff-tailed armored dragon tribe to seek refuge!"

There was no reason for her to join him and face Necrozma.

After all, facing a "legendary Pokémon" is something they shouldn't have to deal with in the first place.

"It's not everyone, they're all that monster Su Yuan!" Gladion wore "dust-proof goggles" and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

With him by Lillie's side, he should be able to take my place and protect Lillie, right?

The backs of the silver beast and the silver companion disappeared in the sandstorm.

Meiyue's eyes flashed slightly, and she hugged Mumu Xiao tightly with one hand. After arranging the evacuation route of the staff-tailed armored dragon, she raised her arms and threw the elf ball against the wind and waves.

Her opponent was the "Great God of Glory", and even she was inevitably afraid.

"But you can't just let your friends ignore you, right?" Meiyue half-lyed on the back of the Arrow Eagle and said without hesitation: "Tailwind!!"

With Gladion's power, it is impossible to compete with Necrozma, the "Great God of Glory"; besides, Mitsuki also wants to know what the Aether Foundation did at the Altar of the Sun to attract The rampaging "God of Glory"!

The appearance of Biko's branch manager flashed through Meiyue's mind.

I don’t know if the Biko branch director is at the Sun Wheel Altar, but just in case

Meiyue raised her head and looked at the rainbow light in the sky with firm eyes.

Besides Gladion, she also had a reason why she had to go!

"Ha" Meiyue suddenly remembered Little Z's arrogant appearance, "It would be great if Little Z was here at this time."


The loud eagle cries, and the air waves blow through the feathers of the Fierce Arrow Eagle, like a beating flame. The Fierce Arrow Eagle spreads its wings and flutters, crushing the air waves in the headwind, and immediately gathers behind itself to form opposing air waves!

In the sky above the Sun Altar, Necrozma's rampaging figure could be vaguely seen.

Mitsuki half-closed her eyes and quickly simulated the battle situation.

Refer to the battle a month ago.

With himself, Gladion, and the Overlord Staff-Tailed Scaled Dragon, the probability of defeating Necrozma is infinitely close to zero.

Even if it is repelled, it is difficult to do so.

"However." Meiyue raised her head and looked directly at Necrozma's light, her eyes shining brightly: "It is still possible to persist until the support of the island's patron saint - Kapu Fin Fin!"


Her breathing gradually became faster. Mitsuki patted her cheek, adjusted her breathing, and imitated the champion of Galar, saying loudly: "Come and meet my "championship moment"! ! "

There is still a big gap between the strength and the championship.

But how can "Championship Moment" be such an inconvenience?

The "Legend" is on a rampage, and the light of "Courage" is shining brightly!


The Overlord Staff Tail Scale Armored Dragon burned its aura and jumped onto the Sun Altar.

Meiyue commanded the Fierce Arrow Eagle, hovering behind the Overlord Staff-Tail Scaled Dragon. Under the wings of the wind, the "tailwind" covered most of the altar.

Silver Beast jumped to the rock on one side. Gladion's eyes flashed with surprise on his back, and then he silently nodded to Mizuki.

"I clearly told you not to follow me." Gladion thought helplessly, "It's not surprising though."

Gladion turned his eyes and glanced at the altar.

Employees wearing Aether Foundation uniforms fled in panic.

In place of a pile of broken instruments, a huge rock block stood conspicuously.

Gladion's eyes narrowed.

Under the rock, there was a shocking pool of red.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

"Has anyone been killed?" Gladion looked at Necrozma in the form of "Wings of Dawn" with a heavy heart.

We can't let it continue to run rampant!

"Silver Beast!" Gladion jumped off his back, threw out the "Evil Attribute Disc", and shouted: "Multiple Attribute Attack!!"

"The first battle to intercept Necrozma has officially begun!!"

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