By the time the final words of this chapter were published, they were first published on August 13, 2020. In total, this book actually took more than three years and one month to write.

I only wrote 1.7 million words, I’m covering my face ()

There are actually various reasons, but I actually feel pretty good about having this word count when writing a book for the first time.

Hmm. To reveal a little bit, when I signed the contract, the estimated number of words in the finished book was 1.2 million words.

At that time, I thought it was great to be able to write 1.2 million words for the first contracted work. However, in fact, it dragged on all the way until the current 1.7 million words, which counts as the completion of the second volume of the book.

Because the title was useless, I didn’t deliberately divide it into volumes and choose volume names (mainly because I was not satisfied with the several volume names I thought of). It can be roughly divided into "City Chapter" and "Alola Chapter".

The next volume will naturally be "The Galar Chapter + Donghuang's Road to Champions"

When I opened this book, it was just around the time that "Pokémon Sword and Shield" Gai's Island was released, if I remember correctly.

In fact, I still have a deep affection for "Sword and Shield". Although most of the current reviews of "Sword and Shield" are mixed, I still enjoy the battle of "Sword and Shield".

Affected by this, most of my early battles in this book were based on the Dynamax environment of "Sword and Shield".

"Jiu Zi" is worse than "Sword and Shield" in everything, except that its performance in battle is not as good as Sword and Shield. Ahem, I'm going too far.

Talking back to Sword and Shield, Xiaoyu is my favorite protagonist. In addition, the reason why most of the generational protagonists in this book are women is because I chose heroines ()

At that time, I remember that the third royal family I chose was the Banglui King Kong Ape, but when I was writing about Xiao You, I felt that the King Kong Ape and Xiao You didn’t match well, but the Flaming Ace already had one (referring to Su Yuan) , had no choice but to choose the most frustrating Thousand Faces Avoidance, the King Kong Ape was given to Hepu ()

However, defeating a strong enemy by inverting attributes and inverse strength can also show Xiaoyou's strength from a side, right?

As for why I chose Flare Ace when I was the third Pokémon. Ahem, because at that time I was playing against Flare Ace Team ()

Many of the early chapters of this book were my personal "whims."

Including writing novels.

I have mentioned it in the group before, but there should be many book friends who have not joined the group. I will briefly mention the beginning of this book again.

As we all know, the beginning of this book is actually a little strange.

Because my original setting at the time was that this book was not a "Pokémon" novel, but a book about Infinite Worlds. And at that time, there was no such category as "Infinite Worlds", so I plunged headlong into the depths of the world. A bottomless light novel.

The reason why I set it to "Brave" is actually simple. I was watching/playing this type of genre at the time, and I set it like this as soon as my mind got excited.

In addition, regarding the more detailed setting of "Brave", I initially based it on the setting of the brave in the "Lance" series, and made some modifications and deleted many anti-human settings. In short, I highlighted one invincibility.

Later, I was set to be a game anchor. It was also because I was watching AG at that time. A lot of it at the beginning was based on what I was watching/like at the time. In addition, it was the product of a twitch in my head, which was actually very unqualified. .

If according to my thoughts at the time, the world is infinite, after the beginning, it is actually the conflict between Groudon and Kyogre, and then a series of developments, Su Yuan himself came to the "finishing point". Ahem, it's a bit of a hit. .

But after writing three or four chapters, I felt that the theme of Infinity was a bit troublesome, so I made a big change and directly set it to a single Pokémon world. In the early stage, I wrote whatever I thought of to highlight it. One has no outline and just writes randomly.

So when I was coding later, it was quite painful a lot of the time, because I had to conceive the subsequent chapters and developments on the spot, and at the same time, the materials for the competition were the best to write. After all, I played ranked every day, and there were a lot of materials that could be used in the game. Then we were matched with AG () at five or six in the morning

Uh-huh, that game was actually quite interesting. I still remember that at that time I was on loan to a Korean player’s team under AG’s dynamic, self-destructing the Magnemite team, roaring tiger cover, combo-style martial arts bear master reaping, etc. of.

However, this team is not easy to deal with Bulbasaur. Many times they need to guess whether the opponent should be very direct and ground attack, so at that time I chose a more mine-based play style, Gigantamax Blazing Roaring Tiger, with the help of the opponent's On a sunny day, he backhanded Gigantamax Bulbasaur for seconds.

Then when I met AG, he also chose Bulbasaur. I didn't even want to think about it and went to Dynamax Roaring Tiger. Then he changed players + yawned. Emmmm, in short, I still remember it fresh.

Going too far again.

As mentioned above, there is no outline in the early stage. The plot is improvised and written on the fly. When it is really impossible to write, I will use the competition water to pass it. Therefore, most of the previous chapters and the battles in the game occupy a very long space.

But in fact, if you really have to count it down, it’s not that long when you say it’s long. It just feels like it’s a lot, including me.

Coupled with the problem of poor writing, it seems very confusing and difficult to understand.

Moreover, if you think about some things clearly when you are thinking about them, you may inadvertently make them messy when writing.

For example, I only learned a month ago that in the first few chapters of my opening chapter, I wrote that the attack power of the Blazing Roaring Tiger's intimidation was reduced by half. This was an obvious mistake, but I never knew it. A book friend reminded me in the middle. Yes, but at that time I was in a state of long-term interruption and didn't notice it at all.

Then, let’s talk about the problem of original characters. The appearance of original heroines in fan works is indeed a poisonous point when I think about it now, but at the time... ahem.

Next, there is the aspect of character setting. Maybe it’s because I was still playing Lance at that time, or maybe the concentration of the second dimension is a bit high. I don’t know how to set up a "perverted Lily girl" like this. written()

Anyway, as of now, everyone doesn’t like it, so I’ll try to mention it as little as possible in the subsequent plot.

Also, let’s talk about the heroine.

According to the initial thoughts above, I wanted to have more heroines in this book from the beginning. It is undisputed. Why do I want more heroines? I am watching "Fairies Please Respect Yourself"/"Ask the Red Dust" , I am a fan of Ji Da, ahem.

However, now, I have written that I feel that in the subject of Pokémon, especially in the current urban setting, having multiple female protagonists is always a bit strange.

So when I come back, another original female protagonist, who can also be said to be my xp, Bai Xin'er, may be deliberately ignored by me. At least this book will definitely have two female protagonists.

In fact, Bai Xin'er has a lot of elements of a fight. When the regular server can't describe it in detail, I just briefly mention it with a look similar to XXX. In addition, I mentioned that I am the single recommendation person of Tohka, Rinni, and Rokugho!

"Do you know why crows look like writing desks?"

"Because I like you, there is no reason."

I still quite like this tone. Ahem!

If it were based on...well, I won't say too long, at least a year ago, I might have a lot of candidates to decide on the heroine.

Xiaoguang, Lillie, Mingyi, and Xiaojuer may all get it.

But forget it.

I’m not even going to add my current favorite Riko!

Uh-huh, I’m the one who recommends Rico and Meowha!

Actually. The main reason is that I have written it up to now. If the overall plot is not easy to modify, I might not even plan to add Lillie, just the heroine Xiaoguang. If the plot is still in the Alola chapter Words before.

With the current development, if Lillie is not included, it would be better to just cut it all off, not to mention I quite like Lillie.

If you really want to rank the heroines of Pokémon throughout the ages, from my side, Kodena will always be number one, followed by Riko (uh, overtaken by Horizon, but listen to me, Riko and Miaha is really cute), then Xiaoyu, Lillie, and Mingyi.

Besides, I already decided when I was writing the Alola story. The Alola story is Lillie’s story. I decided on this theme even before I decided on the main plot of the Alola story.

As for "The Magic of Victory", I quite like it.

Finally, I can actually talk about why Lillie and Kukui were suddenly added when I was writing about the city.

For a very simple reason, I didn’t have an outline at the time, so I got stuck writing it.

It’s strong to be irrational!

My initial thought about La Lulas was that she was abducted home by Pseudomantis who sneaked out to play.

It makes perfect sense for a Pokémon of a different color to kidnap a Pokémon of a different color.

But when I was actually writing it, I got stuck and wasn't very satisfied. I was racking my brains thinking about how to break it. Then as I was thinking about it, I flipped through the Pokémon Encyclopedia (Pokémon Encyclopedia). When I turned to Kukui, I saw the experience of traveling to Kanto and fighting against the champion Wataru again.

Since Kukui once traveled to Kanto, why shouldn't I travel to China?

So the decision was made directly.

As Dr. Kukui's assistant, Lillie showed up along the way, bringing along La Luras and mentioning Su Yuan's parents. There was nothing wrong with that.

That’s why, when I decided to end the urban chapter (still no outline) and thought about which region to go to first, Alola was the first thing that came to my mind.

In addition, the seventh generation of "Ultimate Sun and Moon" has not passed for a few years, so it still leaves a deep impression.

When deciding to write about the Alola region in the next volume, when it comes to the story of Alola, it will definitely include Little Nebula, Necrozma, and the Ultra Beasts.

But in the plot of the original game, Nebula follows Lillie directly at the beginning.

How to connect Little Nebula with Su Yuan and Lillie is actually very difficult.

I thought about it a lot at that time, and then decided to refer to some settings in the anime and entrust it to the island’s guardian angel.

Then I contacted Su Yuan’s parents and Lunayala, and briefly conceived the structure.

Having said that, I was actually not very satisfied with the opening chapter of Alola.

Now it seems that there are many places that can be modified. To put it simply, it is caused by the problem of no outline.

Then when the plot reached the Altar of the Sun, I thought that Necrozma would almost appear.

But before it appears, you have to find a reason, or a cheat, that allows the protagonist to defeat Necrozma.

Necrozma in the jet black armor state also has the strength to easily suppress Lunala and Solgaleo (Necrozma in the Pokémon special short story is really strong), in general Don’t portray the protagonist as too deliberately invincible.

In this novel, I actually deliberately blurred the concept of "level".

But I still have a rough idea of ​​the specific division of strength.

At that time, Su Yuan had just arrived at the Altar of the Sun and was being tested by the overlord's Staff-Tailed Scaled Dragon. The fighting prowess of Lan Mantis and Gardevoir on hand could not compare to the master's level.

Being able to defeat the Overlord Staff-Tailed Ankylosaurus (my classification of the strength of the Overlord Staff-Tailed Ankylosaurus is the main force of the Heavenly King) is mainly due to tactics and command, of which attribute restraint accounts for a large part.

In addition, it was a test, not a real indiscriminate battle. At that time, it was not so far-fetched for Su Yuan to defeat the overlord Staff Tail Scale Armored Dragon.

Then there is what I mentioned above, the first plug-in to face Necrozma - the ultimate beast.

The strength of the Ultra Beast far exceeds that of Pokémon, but it cannot be compared to Necrozma, that's for sure, so the Paper Mitsurugi I set to appear can be said to be the best among the Paper Mitsurugi group. special individual.

In terms of monster hunters, it is probably "King of War" and "Two Names". The Black Flame King is to the male fire dragon, the Blue Lightning Lord is to the electric dragon, the Demon is to the horned dragon, and Asuka is to the resentful tiger dragon. That's it.

This paper sword has a very strong growth rate, and its own strength is not weak, but it has an extremely deadly four times weak fire.

Combined with Capu Fin and the evolved Explosive Flare Ace, he can be defeated and forced to conquer.

As for the actual conquering battle that followed, it was specifically targeted at Zhiyu Sword's inability to deal with "abnormal conditions" and its ability to cut off "fire", which he had not yet fully mastered. In the end, Zhiyu Sword was about to run out of strength and was defeated by Su Yuan himself.

As for Su Yuan's own strength, this goes back to what I said above - about the "brave" setting in the "Lance" series and after the magic modification.

I will briefly mention a few key points: the level will not be reduced, no matter what the situation is, the strength will not be reduced. Originally, in Lance, as a limitation, it was difficult to increase the level of the brave, but I changed it to If you don’t do it, your strength will slowly increase ()

There is also the ability to see through. As long as a move is used once, it will be seen through immediately the second time it is used.

But just take a look at these settings, I won’t describe them in detail.

All you need to know is that the protagonist’s strength can increase even if he doesn’t do anything ()

Said it was far away again.

The first battle against Necrozma in my setting.

In addition to the paper sword, the island's patron saint was bound to appear, but it was still not enough, so he started shaking people directly and shook the original Donghuang King. In addition, he was preparing to return to Alola and became a half-step king. Dzogchen Kukui ()

The name Meng Yiran comes from a sentence I wrote blindly before: "Looking back, Penglai Mountain is still the same, and many dreams before are still the same."

(Why is it Hoglai Mountain? Because I am the single promoter of Hoglai Mountain Kaguya. Although my Q avatar keeps changing, my ID is always Hoglai Mountain Kaguya!)

In fact, there is another sentence, which was picked up by a friend: "Looking at the Eternal Daocheng Temple from afar, I still feel regretful about it."

He is Qing Ji's single recommendation person.

In my setting, Meng Yiran is not weak in strength and grows quickly. After his travels in Sinnoh and his battle with Zhulan, his strength is at the championship level.

(As a side note, the setting of the championship-level trainer that appears in Zhuzi is indeed very civilized.)

So far.

The lineup for the battle against Necrozma was determined to be the champion's paper sword with the assistance of Su Yuan, the champion trainer, the island guardian, the king's trainer, and Lunayala in a weak state.

Such a lineup is barely enough to deal with Necrozma.

After all, at that time, other regions, including the Alola region, did not know the existence of Necrozma who went on a rampage to hunt down Lunayara, so it was difficult to shake the champion king of other regions.

I wrote it according to this script. To be honest, it was the first time I encountered such a "big scene" battle and it was a bit difficult to control the rhythm.

Overall, it's not satisfactory. I feel good about myself.

After the first battle with Necrozma, we actually entered the main plot.

I have been imagining this scene for a long time in the final battle with Necrozma of "Wings of Dawn" at the Altar of the Sun.

The first idea was that Su Yuan would fight on his own, and finally use "Sunlight Swirling Under the Sky" to inject energy into Necrozma's body and awaken it.

As you will know later, I gave up this idea.

I think it's a bit too much.

The difficulty is no less than crushing Arceus with incomplete stone slabs with one punch.

I thought about many ways to defeat Necrozma, and finally I saw Zygarde when I was flipping through the Divine Hundred. It just so happened that Zygarde cells also existed in the Alola region (according to the game collection).

Taking the encounter between Little Nebula and one of the core bodies as an opportunity, a series of subsequent plots will unfold.

Originally, on my side, Zygarde appeared more as a "tool man", with not much interaction, and the kind who should leave the game after defeating Necrozma.

But even if he is a tool, well, if he is Little Nebula's new friend, according to Lillie's character, if she doesn't know her specific name, she should have a very cute nickname.

Thinking like this, I thought about the name of this core cell body.

There is no doubt that I chose a bad name, but I was lucky. The core cell body I set has a red gemstone.

But for some reason, I like horse racing, and I was playing Horse Racing Tycoon 9 2022 or 10 at the time.

The earliest scenario started.

My breaking hand in 2022 was "Miss Star Bi", the Thousand Representative, and my favorite was riding CB to crush Rudolph.

For 10, I don't consider the stallion factor, and my favorite horse is "Toshio Boy" Tosho Boy/Fujimasa Boy, who is also the father of the Thousand Representative.

Later, in 1987, among the descendants of Tosho Boy, there was a mare named "Daichiru Bi" First Ruby/First Ruby, which happened to be my favorite historical horse.

So, this core cell body got a name - Ruby.

Ruby is ruby.

Later, because of this name, I had the idea of ​​interacting with Ruby, and gradually I had the current stupid Ruby.

As for Ruby's anthropomorphic image, you can refer to the first ruby ​​of Uma Musume. When I wrote Ruby, that image was in my mind.

(In addition, I am really not a two-dimensional person. I prefer reality to Uma Musume!)

Then, according to the setting in the anime that the 100% form of Zygarde requires the fusion of two core bodies, I created the corresponding Xiao Z. In fact, Shafia is the most correct name, but I chose a name that is closer to Shafia and is usually used for women - Sofia.

Although now everyone calls her Xiao Z.

In my setting, Ruby is a soft and silly person who is close to humans; then the corresponding individual Sofia is a little cold and arrogant, and is not so cold to humans.

As for Sofia who often appears later, she looks at people with her nose, cough, cough, I am Liu Su's single pusher!

What Qingjun, Chengcheng, Minghe, Xiyue, etc., are not as good as the first wife ()

(The above is from Ji Cha's Xianxia novel, now named "Wendao Hongchen", but most of the chapters have been deleted and modified due to some unavoidable reasons)

Since I chose to put Ruby on Su Yuan's side, I naturally chose to put the corresponding Sophia on the side of the Sun and Moon protagonist, that is, Mitsuki.

I think Gladion's temperament is a tsundere against a tsundere, well, I can't say what will happen.

In addition, regarding the improvement of Mitsuki and Gladion's strength.

I set it completely according to the template of the game protagonist, except that the best thing is "indiscriminate fighting".

In terms of the speed of growth, Mitsuki is definitely the fastest in Alola, no one else.

In addition, she fought against the "Skull Team" and "Ultimate Beasts" in a row, traveled throughout Alola, completed the test of the island tour, and then fought against Necrozma, and finally uprooted the Skull Team with the help of Xiao Z.

The main reason is that there is too little description of Mitsuki's strength improvement. In fact, after experiencing this series of events, it is certain that she will reach the master level and become the champion. This is waiting for the follow-up.

At the same time, Su Yuan, who is only more ruthless than Mitsuki in continuous battles, must have reached the master level after experiencing the events in Alola.

After all, he trains with Paper Sword every day, or with Tapu Finfin and Meng Yiran, so his strength must have improved quickly.

It's just that the main opponent is Necrozma under the "Wings of Dawn", a master level. I don't quite think of standing in front of Necrozma like this.

But it's not good to completely hide.

So when conceiving the second duel with Necrozma, the main Pokémon was decided to be Gardevoir, and at the same time, a little foreshadowing was laid for the third battle. (Is it a foreshadowing?)

Psychic Pokémon have always been relatively buggy, and Gardevoir can sense moods. In the setting, it can rub a black hole with its hands to protect the trainer.

After absorbing Necrozma's negative emotions, the trainer's determination, and with the help of repaying a favor and venting anger, his strength increased in a short period of time. After Mega Evolution, he can probably be regarded as the peak of the king.

With this strength, it should not be too difficult to beat a normal Necrozma in a weak state.

In addition, the reason why Su Yuan is easier to defeat Necrozma than others is mainly because of the information gap.

Pokémon battles are intelligence battles.

Champion Xue Zijin and Wu Song Tian Wang were also temporarily assigned by me to fight Necrozma.

Four island gods, a champion, a champion level, the strongest king in the region, Solgaleo, perfect Zygarde, champion level paper sword.

In addition to the consumption of the previous overlords, the Scaled Armored Dragon, Mitsuki and Gladion.

Facing the Necrozma of "Dawn Wings", the lineup is very luxurious.

But even so, it is still a bit difficult to win.

But. This is the strength that I imagined Necrozma should have.

After all, in the state of "Dawn Wings", in addition to the power of Necrozma itself, Lunala should also be added.

After recovering to Ultimate Necrozma, in my setting, it is the strongest legendary Pokémon.

One more thing.

Arceus's mythical beast is not a legendary Pokémon.

At the same time.

After setting the main background of the second volume in Alola, Ultimate Necrozma was classified as Su Yuan's plug-in by me.

Not only will there be a big boss to back you up in the future when it comes to an emergency, but more in daily aspects, such as move training and strength improvement.

The moves of legendary Pokémon will be delegated sooner or later!

Necrozma's two exclusive moves are psychic-type moves, which are naturally for Gardevoir.

I wonder if you can guess what I will give Lan Mantis's exclusive move?

There should be no need to guess the single sword sheath.

As for the others, I don't have a better idea yet.

Unconsciously, I have said so much.

I almost forgot that this is the end of the volume.

Finally, thank you all for your support. After all, it has been a long time since the update, and there are still people who persevere in urging the update in the group. It is really touching.

The next volume, as mentioned above.

It is "Galar + Champion Road", which is the main line and the main title. The subtitle is naturally Xiaoguang.

Alola is the Liliae chapter, and the next volume is Xiaoguang's chapter.

However, in this chapter, the main line of the Galar region will not progress too much. It is mainly the gym challenge, Xiaoguang's emotional line, and the growth of Xiaoyou, Marie, and Hupp.

As for the Blazing Roaring Tiger, I classified it as Lillie's side quest, and will start Lillie's side quest when I go to Galar for the second time.

In addition, I deliberately wrote the theme of "treasures" this way.

The dawn of Zhu and Zi, the glory of the sun and the moon, and the treasures are for "Zhu Zi" ()

I won't reveal too much about the details.

That's all.

Thank you again. (End of this chapter)

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