This protagonist is obviously very strong but extremely cautious

Chapter 71 In front of me who is fully prepared, everything is a paper tiger

After swallowing the seventh top-grade soul-hardening pill, Lone Peak continued to climb.


The crisp sound was very clear, and Zheng Tuo was a little nervous.

Because the small world that had been protecting him had cracks.

The small world was the actual embodiment of spiritual power, and now it was cracked, making him a little dazed.

But fortunately, it was just a crack.

Thinking in his heart.


Another crisp sound.

Zheng Tuo said inwardly, no way.

As if to cater to what he thought in his heart, spider-web-like cracks began to appear in the small world.

In a loud bang.

The small world turned into pieces and disappeared.

At the same time.

Zheng Tuo successfully completed the seventh soul-hardening and reached the peak.

When Lone Peak reached its current position, he looked at the world under his feet.

Instantly understood why the seventh soul-hardening was called the Great Perfection.

At this moment.

He seemed to be the king of the world, and everything was under his feet.

To be honest, this feeling is great.


Going down the mountain at this moment and stopping the soul tempering will be more helpful for future practice.

Because when he looked up, he saw not the blue sky, but a dark night sky.

In theory.

He has now reached the seventh soul tempering perfection.

But Xian'er's eighth soul tempering and the ninth soul tempering recorded in ancient books have made him know that the lonely peak under his feet still has room to climb.

It's just that the dark world above his head is like a gluttonous beast, opening its mouth wide and wanting to swallow him.

Fortunately, I am well prepared.

Zheng Tuo was glad for his caution.

While the lonely peak under his feet was still at the top, he took out the eighth top-grade soul tempering pill and took it.


The lonely peak continued to climb, and in the blink of an eye it entered the dark night sky.

In a moment.

Zheng Tuo found himself in the dark.

Above his head, under his feet, and all around, it was dark.

The most terrifying thing about darkness is that you can't feel the passage of time.

In this situation, one second seemed like ten thousand years.

A breath called loneliness surrounded him.

Although Zheng Tuo was well prepared, he still felt uncomfortable.

The spread of loneliness soon surrounded him.


A warm breath came from the lonely peak under his feet.

Zheng Tuo squatted down and touched it gently.

The warmth made him linger and wanted to stay here forever.


In safe house No. 1.

His body began to emit white light, which was soft and exactly the same as the situation when Shenxianer became a Taoist.

"Is this the feeling of being about to become a Taoist?"

Zheng Tuo, who was originally enjoying the warmth, slowly stood up.

Feeling the loneliness from all directions, I am happy and free.


He really has to thank the crossing.

Because during his crossing, it was almost exactly the same as now.

The same loneliness, coldness, and life is worse than death...

To be honest.

He didn't know why he survived.

But it was obvious that he got very precious wealth.

Of course.

The reason why he was greedy to enjoy the warmth just now was purely to experience life.

You know, soul tempering is an irreversible process. If you miss this opportunity, you will never get it again. It is not a bad thing to experience it.


In safe house No. 1.

His body still emits a soft white light, but it looks like it has been controlled.

When the eighth soul tempering was completed.

Zheng Tuo took the ninth soul tempering pill without hesitation and attacked the ninth soul tempering.

According to his analysis of the information he consulted, plus the observation during this period, he has 100% confidence in attacking the ninth soul tempering.

He is a person.

Never do things without confidence.

As for the most fundamental reason, of course, it is because he has a top-grade spiritual root.

The top-grade spiritual root is the extreme among the spiritual roots, which corresponds to nine soul tempering.

Normally speaking.

Sixth-grade spiritual roots are tempered six times, and seventh-grade spiritual roots are tempered seven times, which is the most basic common sense.

He is a top-grade spiritual root, and it should be easy to temper the soul nine times.

In addition to his previous preparations, there is no reason to fail.

The lonely peak is still rising, rising continuously, like a lonely traveler in the dark and lightless world.

Zheng Tuo sat cross-legged on the top of the lonely peak, without any protection, he was meditating quietly.

In a trance!

There seemed to be someone's breathing around him.

He didn't open his eyes, but felt something soft touching his arm.

As an old driver, it was easy to tell what it was.

At least it was a D.


There was a gentle call in his ear, and the sound made people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

At the same time!

He felt not just one, but a group of people dancing around him.

For himself, who had been bombarded by Aunt Li's square dance team and Aunt Wang's Yangko team in the community, he had already equated the word dancing with square dancing.

What's so good about square dancing.

He still closed his eyes tightly and meditated at ease.

At this moment.

He was recalling in his mind his journey from the beginning of joining the Luoxian Sect to now.

It was a rare opportunity for him to have such time, so he would definitely review his past to see if he had made any fatal mistakes that he had not noticed.

This was something he loved to do.

He has always believed that true freedom is not being unsupervised, nor being supervised every day, nor being unrestrained, but extreme self-discipline.

When you can use your mental power to control your behavior 100%, that is true freedom.

Reading history makes people wise.

Examining one's past helps to improve one's inner cultivation.

Facing those exaggerated temptations outside, he will not pay attention to them.

Let me say something from the bottom of my heart.

Women can't even compete in games, and they still want to compete with immortals. Where does the courage come from?

Yingying and Yanyan danced around him, touching his body intentionally or unintentionally.

But everything seemed futile, even a little embarrassing.

Zheng Tuo was like a Buddha in meditation, motionless, sticking to his heart.

At some point, Yingying and Yanyan disappeared, and miserable ghosts and wolves howled around.

The degree of misery was more painful than having hemorrhoids and sitting on a durian.

"There are so many tricks."

Zheng Tuo muttered to himself and continued to examine his journey.

The rise of the lonely peak soon stopped.

Zheng Tuo slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment.

He stood on the lonely peak like a little sun, dispelling the darkness around him.

The ninth soul tempering, completed?

Zheng Tuo asked a question mark.

It was too simple, which would easily arouse suspicion.

The peak of the ninth soul tempering had been reached.

But Zheng Tuo could clearly feel that there seemed to be room to climb higher.

He took out a soul tempering pill and put it to his mouth, ready to eat it.

There was no record of ten soul tempering in ancient books, the highest was nine times.

But this does not mean that there is no possibility of ten soul tempering.

There were only nine soul temperings recorded in the ancient monuments, and there was a blank space left behind.

He did not pay attention at first, but after reading more, he found that the blank space seemed to be left intentionally by someone.


At this moment, it was his only chance to impact the ten soul tempering.

If he missed it, it would be missed, forever missed.

Zheng Tuo obviously did not want to miss this opportunity.

He picked up the top-grade soul tempering pill and put it to his mouth, wanting to eat it.


Zheng Tuo felt something was wrong.

He couldn't tell what was wrong.

He didn't rush to take the tenth top-grade soul-quenching pill.

He didn't know why, maybe it was because of his professional habit of being cautious.

His sixth sense told him that something was wrong.

Since it was wrong, he naturally wouldn't continue to quench his soul.

Anyway, he had already completed nine soul-quenchings, and there were not many people since ancient times. He was already at the top, so why take risks? It was not worth it.

It would be so embarrassing if he messed up.

For the sake of caution, he put away the top-grade soul-quenching pill.

Just as he was hesitating.

The peak of the ninth soul-quenching ended, and the lonely peak began to fall.

It started slowly, and as the speed of falling accelerated, the sound of whistling wind came to his ears.


Finally, there was a muffled sound, and the lonely peak stopped falling.

It was over.

Zheng Tuo slowly opened his eyes and froze on the spot.


Can you still play like this!

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