This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 312 Da Gu: I want to take back everything that once belonged to me!

"Consider it a benefit. Your total expenses with me are over 4,000."

"It stands to reason that only those who spend four thousand at a time can get small benefits, but who asked you to be my first customer? It's just a small relationship." Ling Yu said with a smile.

When Yan Yiyue heard this, before she could say anything, Yan Yan bowed to Ling Yu first.

Then, he said in a tone similar to entrustment: "Thank you for your tolerance for my stupid sister all the time. From now on, my stupid sister will be looking after you!"

Yan Yiyue looked at her sister with a blank expression.

What is she talking about?

Yan's father and Yan's mother were also stunned, and then looked at Yan Yiyue and Ling Yu thoughtfully.

Is there actually this level of expansion?

At the same time, the stunned Yan Yiyue also reacted and quickly pulled Yan Yan to her side.

Judging from the strength, there is no doubt that she is my sister.

Yan Yiyue looked at Yan Yan in front of her, shocked and ashamed: "What are you talking about!?"

She was surprised by Yan Yan's boldness, but also ashamed of her misleading language.

Then he secretly observed Ling Yu's expression.

After finding that the other person looked normal, I felt a little sad when I felt relaxed.

To be honest, she did like Ling Yu's appearance at first, otherwise she would not have been shopping in the store before it was transformed into a dimensional store.

But as time went on, she found that she seemed a little unworthy.

In addition, I am a person who is not good at expressing myself, so I hide this love deep in my heart.

With a 'whoosh', a white flame appeared in Ling Yu's hand, and then he handed it to Yan Yiyue.



Yan Yiyue's gaze was attracted immediately after the White Horse's Flame appeared. She had no time to care about Yan Yan and took the White Horse's Flame to express her gratitude.

Immediately, she blushed and said, "Um, shopkeeper, Yan Yan was just talking nonsense."

Obviously, she still cares a little.

"I know." Ling Yu smiled and nodded.

After hearing this, Yan Yiyue paused for a moment, feeling a little disappointed in her heart, but still smiled on the surface: "You didn't misunderstand..."

However, midway through her words, she was interrupted by Ling Yu: "But I don't even know where your home is, how can I take care of you."

As he spoke, he looked thoughtful, as if he was distressed.

Yan Yiyue was stunned.

Yan Yan smiled and gently pushed her dazed sister with her arm.

Yan Yiyue came back to her senses instantly, and then smiled unnaturally as if to cover up: "Ling Yu, you are kidding."

"This is my home address. Brother Ling Yu can come and play often when he has time."

As she finished speaking, a person passed by her and placed a piece of paper in front of Ling Yu.

"Yan Yan!"

Yan Yiyue exclaimed, but saw that the note was accepted directly by Ling Yu.

At this moment, Yan Yiyue was completely stunned.

Then Ling Yu chuckled at Yan Yan: "I will go."

"Brother will be very welcome to our family." Yan Yan clasped her hands together happily and placed them on the side of her face.

Yan Yiyue didn't know what to say at this moment.

In other words, her mind is very confused now and she has no idea why it developed like this.

Then, she noticed the smiling Yan Yan beside her.


It's her, it's her silly sister who has been giving her crazy 'assists'!

Thinking of this, Yan Yiyue decided to love her when she went back and repay her 'kindness'!

"Brother Ling Yu..."

Confused, she put away the White Horse Flame, and a crisp voice sounded. Yan Yiyue, who was still in a daze, suddenly became excited.

Grabbing Yan Yan's hand.

He looked at Ling Yu and said, "Ling Yu, thank you for the jar. We will leave today!"

"Won't you stay for a while longer?" Yan Yan asked with her eyes wide open.

"Go back quickly!"

Yan Yiyue gave her worried sister a hard tug.

She was really afraid that if she was slower, Yan Yan would expose the color of her underwear.

Ling Yu also bid farewell to the family of four.

When Ling Yu sat down again, he found that Mianzi and the others were looking directly at him.

"Are there flowers on my face?"

Ling Yu scratched his cheek and said doubtfully.

"It's nothing, I just think you are very lucky." Mianzi snorted, folded his arms and left.

"Don't let others down, and don't show mercy everywhere."

After Miku finished speaking, she also followed Miko's pace.

Finally, there was Luna. Under her twisted expression, she said with a sinister tone: "Our family will welcome my brother very much."

Ling Yu: "..."

The desire to hit people came back.


Not far away, Miko couldn't help laughing when she heard Luna's sinister tone.

But he quickly stopped, coughed slightly, and shut himself into the bathroom.

Then I heard Mianzi imitating Luna's sinister tone in the bathroom, laughing while talking, leaving Ling Yu speechless.

"Mr. Ling Yu, I would like to take a leave."

At this time, Jiang Yue came to Ling Yu and directly stated his request.


"Thank you for your hard work during this time." Ling Yu agreed without any hesitation.

However, Ling Yu's joy made Jiang Yue stunned, because she had never approved such a happy leave.

This made her a little flustered, and she quickly said: "I don't want to leave, but there are some things that need to be dealt with."

"Is it about Yan Yiyue?" Ling Yu asked after hearing this.


Jiang Yue didn't hide anything.

"You also know that there is no holder of golden items in the inspection bureau. Miss Yan is a very precious combat power to us."

"Recruitment is the main thing, not force."

Ling Yu took out the note with the address that Yan Yan had handed him before and waved it in front of Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue's heart trembled. Knowing that this was a warning, she quickly said: "Don't worry, we will never force her!"

Ling Yu nodded and said in a tone: "Also, bring the kid next door with you. After all, we have experienced things together, so it will be better for him to speak up."

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Jiang Yue said quickly.

Ling Yu waved his hand and continued to sleep.

Accepting the solicitation is something Yan Yiyue cannot refuse.

Because she is not alone.

Looking at Jiang Yue's leaving figure, Ling Yu opened his eyes slightly and then sat up from the sofa.

"Miku, Miko, Elfilu, Luna, Sirin, you all come with me."

The five of them followed Ling Yu's pace without hesitation.

They can still distinguish between big and small things.

Place of trial

Ling Yu blocked the entrance.

"Next, I will help you increase your strength." Ling Yu looked at the people in front of him and said.

"Why is it suddenly getting stronger?"

"Because you are too weak and can easily get hurt when I'm not around."

After hearing this, Jianzi didn't ask any questions, because she also felt that she was quite weak.

In the following time, Ling Yu used the power of the Herrscher of Reason to help everyone renovate their strength.

And everyone is connected to him through [the youth's] power.

By the time a few people came out, it was already past three in the afternoon.


at dusk

Dagu started a live broadcast.

In an instant, everyone rushed in because this was Dagu's first live broadcast.

Ling Yu: "Dago started a live broadcast? Do you want to make yourself miserable by performing live broadcast?"

Da Gu, who had just started broadcasting, almost stumbled and fell to the ground when he saw Ling Yu's barrage.

He smiled bitterly: "Shopkeeper, I'm not that kind of person."

However, the barrage didn't care about him at all.

Shadow King: "There is only one way to become light, and that is!"

Rimuru: "Big bones are boiled into soup!"

Fukasumi: "Good sentence, good sentence!"

Listening to several people's support and stamping, Dagu showed an expression of despair.

Imperial Wisdom: "It's strange, why are people doing live broadcasts so frequently recently?"

Mia wondered.

Now she is completely free from the power of the guillotine.

After experiencing the hands of Sid, the underground forces of the entire continent were bloodbathed, so that now the Diamu Empire where Mia is located is truly the strongest country.

Flawless girl: "Wouldn't it be better to do more live broadcasts? This way we can communicate more."

Tanjiro: "Is that the Gate to Hell of the Kirialodians?"

At this time, Tanjiro's barrage floated by, and everyone was also attracted by Hua's door in mid-air, surrounded by black mist and emitting purple light.

Door of hell

Behind the door is the legendary god Kirialod, a coward who was scared away by Gatanjeel.

Everyone in the group knows this.

Because Tiga's plot has long been accepted by them word for word.

At this moment, the victory team's fighter planes were constantly attacking the Gate of Hell, but it was useless. Their lasers were like hitting the air, without even sparks flying.

And the door to hell slowly opened.

Zero: "I can feel a strong evil aura inside, but it's not as good as Beria."

Zero said after looking at it.

Ling Yu: "The so-called God Kirialod of Belial's blaster."

Sero: "I think so."

As the most promising Ultra Warrior in the Kingdom of Light, who had fought against Beria twice, Zero dared to conclude that the aura in that door was much inferior to that of Beria.

He can kill the opponent instantly by turning on the infinite mode.

As for the Shield of Palagi, the opponent is not worthy yet.

Ling Yu: "I kind of understand why Dagu wants to start a live broadcast. He wants to take back everything that once belonged to him."

King Douya: "After all, I was knocked out."

Shadow King: "Facing the enemy in front of me, I am reborn and want to wash away the shame of the past with my own hands and take back everything that belongs to me!"


Looking at the barrage floating by, Dagu didn't know what to say.

Although I do have similar thoughts.

But he is no longer the same person he once was.

Moreover, these words are really shameful!

He really couldn't say it in front of so many people, so he took out the divine light stick and shouted: "Humans are not as fragile as you think!"

In the pure white light, the giant mountain superpower appears! (End of chapter)

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