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Chapter 321 Should I give you an award?

Loli Chiumeli, the God of Death, looked calmly at the man and the dragon in mid-air.

The ax gun in his hand moved, and the tip pointed at Deusalbad, issuing an invitation to fight.

Seeing this, Deusolbert, who was sitting on the flying dragon, held the flaming bow slightly tightly, and then controlled the flying dragon to slowly land.

In the end, Deusalbad and the God of Death Loli stood on the same ground.

"If you, a member of the Dark Empire, rescued the detainee who violated the "Taboo Index" without permission and entered the human world, I, the Axiom Church, the Integrity Knight Deusolbert Synthesis Simon, will execute you immediately. "The white knight said calmly.

The blazing bow in his hand burned with scorching flames, and in the leaping flames, the cry of the Phoenix could be vaguely heard.

The expressions of Alice and the three people who saw this scene changed, and they hurriedly looked at Lolita, the God of Death, "Sister, thank you for saving me, but let's stop here. If you continue like this, you will be implicated!"

Luna, who heard this not far away, became more determined in her thoughts.

To even arrest such a kind-hearted little girl, this Axiom church really has no justice at all.

"You talk the same thing, but I don't know if you are strong enough to say it with your mouth."

Under Luna's control, Death Loli put the ax gun on her shoulder and spoke with a very disdainful tone.

Deusalbad's pupils condensed, and then he raised his long bow towards Lolita, the God of Death.

Then, an indifferent voice came from his air.

"Enhance Armament."

Suddenly, many things similar to loading rings appeared next to the blazing bow, which stunned Luna who was not far away.

She had never seen such special effects before.

At the same time, she doesn't think about the world in the direction of games at all.

The loading circle came and went as quickly as it came. In just an instant, the bowstring turned into ashes and disappeared.

The next second, violent flames instantly filled his body.

"What's this?"

Kirito looked shocked.

This is the first time I have seen this kind of technology when I came to the UW world.

Eugeo and Alice next to them also looked confused.

People from small villages like them usually don't even see a knight, let alone the ability to fully control their weapons.


It only took a moment to accumulate power, and the cry sounded.

A phoenix made of flames shot towards everyone like a sharp arrow that was taken off its string.

The terrifying high temperature caused the ground to oxidize directly.

‘This weapon should be able to sell a lot of Origin Points. ’

Luna thought in her mind.

After all, the special effects are pretty cool.

At the same moment, Death Loli also moved.

Because there were three little ones that needed protection, she did not jump up.

The power of the king is attached to the ax and gun in his hand.

Under the green light, he slashed towards the Phoenix with an axe.


In the explosion, the phoenix was directly exploded.


It seemed that this was the first time that the integrity knight encountered such a situation, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

What he just performed was the first stage of the weapon's complete control technique, the weapon strengthening technique, which can release part of the weapon's memory.

And his weapon is an artifact transformed from the Phoenix.

Being able to accept it so easily was the first time he had encountered him other than the strongest integrity knight.

Look at the little sparks falling from the ax gun.

The God of Death Loli swung her body forward and stepped forward, her petite body flying out like a cannonball.

The huge ax gun carried a huge force and slashed towards the stunned Deusolbert.

Not daring to be careless, he quickly used his spear to block it.

"Bang", a dull sound came.

That terrifying power made even him, an integrity knight, feel his feet sink.

Just when Deusalbad wanted to regain the situation, he found that the figure of Loli, the God of Death, had already disappeared from him.

next second

Along with the heavy force and the pain of tearing flesh and blood, the dark ax spear fell from the sky and struck on his left shoulder.

The pain on his shoulder directly caused the nerves in his hand to temporarily lose consciousness, and the blazing bow fell directly from his hand and fell to the ground.

Like Cecilia, Death Loli Mercury prefers to attack from mid-air.

Because of its petite body, it can well accumulate power in mid-air by rotating, and maximize the destructive power of the ax gun.

When Deusolbert saw the weapon dropped, he hurriedly squatted down and tried to take back the blazing bow with his right hand.

There is no difference between losing a weapon on the battlefield and being a lamb to be slaughtered.

But how could Mercurius give him a chance.

Her master had given the order.

Take this weapon back for your own use.

In Mercuri's heart now, Luna is just like the God of Death she once served.

Her orders must be fulfilled.

One kick will kick the blazing bow far away.

Then a spinning side kick directly kicked Deusalbad's integrity knight's helmet away, revealing his long bright red hair and burly face.

As a demi-god who enjoys fighting and a former priest of the God of Death and War, she fights with all her strength.

So much so that this kick almost cost Deusalbad half of his life.

Looking at the former who was still trying to stand up, the black ax gun pressed directly on the side of his neck.

The icy chill made Deusolbert's body stiffen as he still wanted to fight.

His mouth moved, and finally he sighed helplessly: "I lost... I didn't expect that there is such a skill in the world."

Not far away, the three Eugeos looked shocked.

Grandpa Tong is okay, modern thinking.

But the two natives, Alice and Eugeo, were extremely shocked.

The Integrity Knights, the strongest fighting force in the entire human world, actually lost like this.

They were almost powerless to fight back throughout the whole process.

"You are not bad either, I feel a little hot."

Mercury said.

Deusolbard: "..."

The weapon he used was of fire attribute, how could it not be hot.

He sighed helplessly: "The Dark Empire actually has such a strong man like you, I wonder if you can tell me your name."

He was ready to die, but Mercury's next sentence made him completely confused.

"What is the Dark Empire?"

Deusolbard opened his mouth and looked confused: "Are you not from the Dark Empire?"

"I just look down on you for using chains to tie up a little girl, and never said you were from the Dark Empire."

Mercury picked up the Blazing Bow on the ground and said casually.

Deusolbard was completely silent now.

Since he was not from the Dark Empire, he felt that he might be able to reason with him.

But before he could speak, he saw Mercury put away his weapon, the Blazing Bow, which made his face change.

"Wait! That won't work!"

"What?" Mercury was surprised.

"You defeated me head-on with your superb skills. You can do whatever you want to me, but the Blazing Bow is a precious asset of the Axiom Church. I can't let you take it away!"

After that, Diosorbad struggled to stand up, but his head was buzzing. The kick from the God of Death Loli just now gave him a slight concussion, so that he stumbled when he got up.

But even so, his face was still firm.

That was the artifact given by the high priest. Even if a person died, it must not be lost.

Otherwise, if it fell into the Dark Empire, he would be a sinner in the entire human world.

"Okay, I know."

Hearing Diosorbad's words, Mercury nodded, and then put away the Blazing Bow without any pause.

"Didn't you hear what I said just now?"

Seeing this, Diosorbad's face changed and asked hurriedly.

Mercury looked puzzled: "I heard it, then what, are we going to give you an award?"


Before the others could react, Tong Laoye couldn't hold it anymore. (End of this chapter)

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