This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 37 Returning Home

"I can only say there is a chance."

"This is a random thing in itself, just like you guys didn't know about the store before." Ling Yu said.

"This... is true."

Dou Ya nodded.

At first, he also had doubts, but he was completely convinced after making real profits and entering the group chat.

"So don't be impatient about everything."

Ling Yu took a sip of tea and said in a master's tone.


"Don't stay for one night?"

After dinner, Dou Ya looked at several people and tried to persuade them to stay. Ling Yue Xian Ji also stood aside with Seshomaru.

"No, I have to get up early to open the store tomorrow." Ling Yu refused.

"Get up early emmm."

After hearing this, Mijiu and Luna looked at each other in silence. Getting up early even when the sun was shining on their buttocks?

"In that case, I won't persuade you anymore."

"If you have anything, find me in the group. I will definitely help if I can." Dou Ya said to everyone.


After saying goodbye, Dou Ya watched Ling Yu and others enter the space channel.

"Now you can tell me who they are." Seeing Ling Yu and the others leave, Ling Yue Fairy's cold voice sounded.

Dou Ya Wang chuckled, took Seshomaru from Ling Yue Fairy's arms, and handed it to the maid.

Then he hugged Ling Yue Fairy's arm and whispered: "Let's go back to the room and talk."

Suddenly, Ling Yue Fairy's snow-white face turned red as if she thought of something.

She said coquettishly: "Why do you always think about that kind of thing!"

Although she said so, Ling Yue Fairy did not reject Dou Ya Wang's proposal.

The two of them went back to the room together.


Ling Yu set the destination of their return at his own home.

When the space channel teleported the few people over, Ling Yu first sent Jianzi back to her world, and then looked at Luna and the others.

"We've been busy all day, you should go back and rest early."

"I'm really sleepy." Luna yawned, "Then you, the owner, should also rest early."

"Got it."

"Well, good night."

"Don't come to me before 9:30 tomorrow morning." Ling Yu instructed.

The two girls looked at each other and said in unison: "Yes, yes, yes."

After seeing them off, Ling Yu also began to help Esther wash up.

Esther is very good at fighting, but she is really negative in terms of life skills.

Taking a bath, washing her face, brushing her teeth, etc., except for washing her feet, all other things need Ling Yu to help her complete.

Although he said so, Ling Yu himself also enjoyed it.

When taking a bath, Esther was like a doll, letting Ling Yu fiddle with her.

After working for most of the day, he finally washed her fragrantly.

"Go to sleep!"

After lying on the bed, Ling Yu and Esther snuggled up and fell asleep.


The next day

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ling Yu opened his eyes.

Feeling his breath, he turned his head and found Esther sleeping with her hand on her face.

He glanced at the time on his phone.


Ling Yu was a little surprised. Did he wake up so early today?

Or did he go to bed too early last night.

Following the principle of lying down if possible and taking a nap for a while, Ling Yu also turned sideways, hugged Esther, and continued to close his eyes.

Ding Dong!

At this time, the reminder sound came in his mind.

Curious Ling Yu entered the group chat.

It was a private message from Mijiu.

Yu Xiao Mijiu: "I made breakfast here. Remember to bring Esther over when you get up."

Ling Yu: "Okay."

Yu Xiao Mijiu: "Are you awake?"

Yu Xiao Mijiu was very surprised to receive a reply almost immediately.

Is the sun rising from the west? There is still an hour before 9:30.

Ling Yu: "It should be because I went to bed early last night, so I woke up early today."

Yu Xiao Meijiu: "Is that so? Do you want me to scoop it up for you to cool it down first?"

Ling Yu: "Sorry, I'll come later."

Yu Xiao Meijiu: "It's okay."

After finishing the conversation similar to that between husband and wife, Ling Yu got up.

And with his action, Esther was also taken up.

"Do you want to go back and sleep for a while?"

Ling Yu raised his arm and asked Esther.

He was talking about the Divine Power Seal, which was originally a place for elves to rest. As a sword elf, Esther could go in anytime she wanted.

However, Esther shook her head.

She stretched out her hands to Ling Yu with sleepy eyes, which was a gesture for hugging.

"Okay, okay, brother hug."

Ling Yu picked up Esther from the bed, and Esther hung on Ling Yu like a tree.

He patted her back, took Esther to the bathroom, and helped her tidy up her hair.

Ling Yu didn't know how to braid her hair, but he could still make her long hair not tangled.

After working for a while, Ling Yu took Esther out.

This feeling of raising a daughter is so comfortable.

In addition, Esther didn't cry or make a fuss, which made him feel even more comfortable.

He took the elevator upstairs and knocked on Meijiu's door.

"You are here."

The door opened, and a girl with long blue hair wearing an apron came into view.

"Good morning."

Esther made a three-way sound.

"Good morning, Esther." Meijiu chuckled.

She stepped aside and welcomed the two into the house.

"Is this beef?" Looking at the food on the table, Ling Yu asked curiously.

"Because Luna said she wanted to eat it, I bought some."

"This kind of dry-cut beef is very good for dipping in vinegar."

"You don't have to spoil her too much. It's not good if you spoil her." Ling Yu said.

"I won't be spoiled. I also help Meijiu with housework."

Luna, who was eating, retorted.

"Then what did you do?"

"Washing dishes, sweeping the floor, washing clothes, I did all of these!"

"There is a dishwasher for washing dishes, a robot vacuum cleaner for sweeping the floor, and a washing machine for washing clothes."

"These all need to be placed and controlled, okay? For example, the robot vacuum cleaner needs to be manually controlled by APP."

Ling Yu: "I think you just treat it as a remote control toy."

"No, no."

Luna's voice seemed a little guilty, as if she was hit on the mark.

"Luna actually helped me a lot, although she often made a mess."

Meijiu showed a far-fetched smile.

It can be seen that what she said was against her will.


Luna looked at her with emotion.

This is an angel.

Although she broke more than a dozen bowls and plates, tore up expensive clothes, poured a whole bottle of detergent to make the clothes smell good when washing them, disassembled the sweeping robot with violence, and blew up the garbage in the room... but! Meijiu still loves her!

Ling Yu ate silently.

Since the original owner didn't care, he had nothing to say.

When breakfast was over, it was already past nine forty.

"Let's take a break and go to the store." Ling Yu said to the three people in the room.

"Today, we will also walk through the imaginary space?"

"It's convenient."

"Why don't we walk there today? If we keep going like this, I feel like I'm almost forgetting the scenery outside." Meijiu said.

The imaginary space is convenient, but it is also easier to go from one point to another and lose touch with the surroundings.


Ling Yu thought about it and nodded.

It has indeed been a while since I saw the surrounding streets.

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