This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 43 Yang sits up, resurrected Menma

Although Luna said this to Menma, it was more like she was saying it to herself.

In Menma, she saw her former self.

How did Ling Yu comfort her at that time?

Luna recalled it, but then she regretted it.

Because Ling Yu not only did not comfort her, but also asked her for money for tissues!

Immediately, she made a contemptuous gesture to Ling Yu.

Ling Yu: “???”

Looking at Luna who gave him the middle finger, Ling Yu was a little confused.

Is she sick?

After Luna’s guidance, Menma regained her spirit.

Just like sister Luna said, she can’t change the past, but she can protect the present as much as possible!

As long as there is this talisman, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be recovered.

In this way, she can protect everyone from the troubles of diseases and let the people around her live a healthy life...

Thinking about it, Menma looked at the horse talisman in her hand and clenched it slightly.

After she figured it out, she raised her head and said in a sweet voice: "Thank you, Sister Luna."

"It's okay."

Luna touched her head.

Who doesn't like a cute little girl?

Menma continued to open the cans after she recovered, but it seemed that three purples were the limit. The next two cans opened white light balls.

Until all ten cans were opened, Menma didn't get anything to revive, which made her feel a little disappointed.

If she couldn't revive, she couldn't reunite with her friends.

This made Menma, who wanted to stay with everyone, feel a little uncomfortable.

But at this moment, a big hand suddenly fell on her head.

Feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand, Menma raised her head and saw Ling Yu smiling at her gently.

"Give up so soon? Do you remember what I said?"

"What did I say..."

Menma looked thoughtful, and then suddenly raised her head as if she thought of something.

"Come with me."

Ling Yu walked out from behind the counter and brought Menma to the center of the living room.

This scene made the other people in the store very curious. They didn't know what Ling Yu was going to do.

Under Menma's gaze, Ling Yu spoke.

"Although I didn't get anything useful from the jar, it doesn't mean there is no way."

"Menma, do you believe me?"

"I do!"

Menma looked at Ling Yu and said seriously.

Ling Yu chuckled after getting the answer: "Then next, I will revive you."


Tian Daohui's mind buzzed when he heard this, and he subconsciously looked at Luna, who was a clerk.

"Can the owner do such a thing?"

Meijiu and Luna were also confused.

It is common sense that the dead cannot be resurrected.

But thinking of Ling Yu's strange abilities, the two of them were unsure for a while.

"If it was Ling Yu, it should be possible."

Meijiu looked at her wrist. Wasn't she also rescued by Ling Yu at the beginning?

Although she still doesn't know how she was rescued.

"Brother, is this true?"

Menma also showed an expression of disbelief after hearing this.

"Of course, our store is based on integrity, and how could I cheat you on such an important matter."

Pinching Menma's soft little face, Ling Yu smiled.

"Close your eyes, don't think about anything, relax, and leave everything to me."

Hearing this, Menma did as she was told and closed her eyes.

Looking at Menma with her eyes closed, Ling Yu stretched out his index finger and tapped the gem on the hairpin on her hair.

The next second

The gem lit up with a dark yellow light.

Just like Obito's Kamui, the imaginary gem sucked Menma's soul in.

After Menma's soul entered the imaginary gem, the hairpin had no carrier and naturally fell into Ling Yu's hands.

Holding the hairpin and looking at the faint light of the imaginary gem, Ling Yu's mind was slightly calmed.

The first step was successful.


The gray pupil texture switched to the unique pattern of the Herrscher of Reason.

The next second, blue structural energy emerged and wrapped the hairpin.

The structural energy rotated in Ling Yu's palm like a celestial sphere.

Ling Yu got inspiration from Lao Yang for the way to revive Menma.

Use the core as a carrier of the soul and then revive it.

Walter Yang relied on this ability to do sit-ups and sneak attacks.

Even if the body collapsed, as long as the consciousness in the core was not destroyed, a new body could be constructed again and again.

Of course, the premise is that the user has an incomparable understanding of every cell and structure of the body.

Otherwise, it is easy to make mistakes.

Ling Yu put the light ball in his hand into the void.

As the structural force continued to rotate, the gem embedded in the hairpin took the initiative to break away and fell to the center of the structural energy.

Then, Ling Yu began to reshape Menma's body based on the imaginary gem.

Under Ling Yu's fine control, the energy in the imaginary gem began to extend to the surroundings like the meridians of the human body, and finally constructed the veins.

Then came the bones, cells and skin.

The people in the store all stayed where they were, not daring to move.

In their opinion, Ling Yu was just constantly operating something in front of a blue light ball, but this did not affect their concentration.

As time passed, after about five minutes, Ling Yu took his hand back.

It took Ling Yu a long time to build a human body for the first time, and there were too many places to check.

Because if there was any place that was not adjusted properly, it would cause a series of accidents.

In order to ensure that Menma's resurrection would not go wrong, Ling Yu also did a rare delicate job.

However, the second time is better than the first time, and he will be much faster the next time he resurrects people.

He took out the hairpin without the gem from his pocket, took out a gem of the same color from the system space and pressed it on it.

Then he stretched it forward and finally pinned the hairpin on the beautiful silver hair.

At this moment, you could hear a pin drop in the store.

Tian Daohui and the other two looked nervously at the pure white figure standing in front of Ling Yu like a sleeping beauty.

"Open your eyes." Ling Yu's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Menma's eyelashes trembled, and then slowly opened.

"Big brother?"

Menma looked at Ling Yu in confusion after opening her eyes again.

Unlike before, Menma's pupils had changed from sky blue to gold.

With long silver hair, she looked divine.

Ling Yu smiled at Menma: "It's over."

"The end is..."

Menma was stunned when she was halfway through.

She seemed to have thought of something, and she pinched her arm gently.

It was soft, and she could still feel the pain.

"Let's see if there is any discomfort first."

Ling Yu's voice came, and Menma came back to her senses from the shock.

She moved her arms and thighs and shook her head: "No, there is no discomfort at all!"

"That's good."

"Big brother, I am resurrected now, right?"

"Yes, now you can go back to your friends and family."

Ling Yu rubbed her head again.


After getting the answer, Menma immediately gave Ling Yu's thigh a big hug.

"Brother! Thank you!"

Ling Yu patted her on the back and said: "But I can't let you go back for the time being, I have to observe for a while."


At this moment, the few people in the store just felt that their brains were not enough.

Resurrecting the dead, isn't this a method that only gods have?

"Too powerful! This is the owner!"

Tian Daohui said excitedly.

If he can even do something like resurrection, what else can he do?

On the sofa

In order to ensure that there are no hidden dangers in Menma's body, Ling Yu asked her to hold the horse charm.

The horse charm can cure all diseases, and naturally it can also eliminate the hidden dangers in the body.

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