This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 52 Rainbow Stone Space Contract

Chapter 52 Rainbow Stone·Space Contract

"Develop it carefully. Byakugan can be inherited by blood."

"Your child might also be able to awaken his Byakugan in the future."

Tanjiro was stunned for a moment and asked in shock: "Can the Byakugan be inherited by blood?"

"Blood inheritance is something special. Of course, not all blood stains can be inherited."

"I'm just saying it's possible."

Ling Yu explained to Tanjiro.

"Even if that's the case, that's awesome!" Tanjiro said excitedly.

Is this the purple item?

So scary!

"That's great, brother!"

Seeing Tanjiro gain new abilities, Nezuko was also happy for him.


Tanjiro was also emotional.

After feeling joyful, Tanjiro looked at the rest of the light balls.

Although blue items are not as good as purple items, they are the second best color after purple.

The items in the top blue light ball can even surpass ordinary purple items.

After Tanjiro opened a blue light ball, a blue-green triangular gem fell into his hands.

"This is……"

Seeing the gem, Ling Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Relevant introductions come into view.

[Rainbow Stone·Space Contract]: A rainbow stone belonging to the space system, the wearer can freely exchange space with objects.

"Star Travels?"

After reading the introduction, pictures related to it emerged in Ling Yu's mind.

The rainbow stone worn by Diya, the supporting actress of Star Travels, has the ability to exchange space with anything in sight. (Because the heroine is Gudong, which is funny)

"The ability of the space system, although it is just the simplest way of exchanging space, but if used well, it is also an elusive and powerful skill."

This rainbow stone is a blue item that is almost as close to purple.

Because judging from the introduction, the rainbow stone opened by Tanjiro only has the ability to exchange, and does not have the solidification ability that Dia used on Carat.

The space contract and solidification is a move that interrupts the transmission, imprisons the space of both parties, and gradually is swallowed by the space cracks, and is used to perish together.

The rainbow stone opened by Tanjiro does not have such a fatal move.

But the ability to exchange space alone is also extremely valuable.

The ability of [Rainbow Stone·Space Contract] was explained to Tanjiro and the two of them.

Both of them widened their eyes after hearing that they could switch places with anything.

He looked at the blue-green gem in disbelief.

Swapping spaces is no longer an ability that humans can possess!

"Be able to exchange places between yourself and the person or object you see at any time..."

Tanjiro was stunned.

In other words...instantaneous movement?

If he exchanges space with the stones at the ghost's feet, he can instantly be in front of the ghost and chop at its neck! ?

Thinking of this, Tanjiro was shocked.

This rainbow stone is simply not too powerful for a ghost hunter!

The reason why ghosts are powerful, in addition to their terrifying power, is because of their various weird abilities.

So if humans can also gain the same abilities as ghosts, then...

Tanjiro's hand holding the Rainbow Stone tightened slightly.

It's a pity that no one else can use this rainbow stone except him.

Another powerful ghost hunting skill!

The breath of the sun that kills ghosts, the white eyes that see through ghosts, and the rainbow stone that moves instantly.

This trip to the store was so rewarding!

When all external resistance has been resolved, what he needs now is the power to cut off the ghost's head instantly!

The next few light balls were crushed.

Tanjiro didn't get any special abilities or items.

They are all ordinary gadgets.

For example, [Red Buff] increases strength for five minutes, and [Storm Blessing] increases speed instantly.

But compared to the Byakugan and the Rainbow Stone, these two are much inferior.

The ability to see through the space system is extremely powerful in any world.

"Tanjiro, this is your benefit."

After all the items were opened, Ling Yu took out a knife from the domain space and threw it.

Tanjiro hurriedly took it.

It was a golden sword. The sharp blade had a faint golden light, and the blade was engraved with mysterious textures. Both of them explained the extraordinary nature of this sword.

"Shopkeeper, what is this?"

Tanjiro looked at Ling Yu, seeking the answer.

"Because you brothers and sisters have spent up to 3,000 yuan in the store, this is a benefit given to you," Ling Yu said.

The golden sword in Tanjiro's hand is a golden blade made by Ling Yu using divine power.

It is one of the billions of golden swords in his realm called the Golden Sword Domain.

The other party made him earn three thousand origin points, how could he not give him some benefits?

"I carved part of the sun's authority into it, so the ghost-killing effect will be much better than the Sun Blade."

"The authority of the sun..."

Tanjiro murmured, and then his expression changed.

Could it be said to be an artifact? !

Just like Kagura, the God of Fire, is dance music dedicated to the God of Fire, so isn’t the authority of the sun the power of the God of the Sun?

For a moment, Tanjiro, who was so imaginative, bowed ninety degrees to Ling Yu.

"Mr. Shopkeeper, I will borrow this artifact first. After killing Wuhan, I will return it completely!"

Ling Yu: "???"

No, I said I would give you benefits, so what else... wait.

As if he thought of something, a smile appeared on Ling Yu's face: "It's not necessary yet, just come to the store more often to review."

"I will definitely come!"

Tanjiro said seriously.

"Come here when I accumulate enough Origin Points!"

"Okay, okay, I look forward to your next visit." Ling Yu smiled.

Ling Yu wasn't sure about the others, but with Tanjiro's character, Ling Yu believed that he would definitely come.

"Then, Mr. Shopkeeper, let's take our leave now."

"Well, I'm looking forward to your next review."


Tanjiro and Nezuko left.

After bidding them farewell, the store became empty again.


"Shopkeeper, we are back!"

"There shouldn't be any absenteeism, right? Where are they?"

Looking at the two people who had arrived late, Ling Yu's lips twitched.

"came back!"

Tanjiro was surprised when he opened the door and saw the familiar scenery.

You can really open the door and return to your original world.

The store is really amazing!

"Tanjiro, where did you go?"

A rough voice came from the tree.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a boar hood jumped down from the tree.


Tanjiro looked at his friend happily.

"Now I can also do [Full Concentration·Zhongzhong]! Now you are no longer the one walking in front!"

Inosuke pointed at Tanjiro and made a heroic declaration.

"Really? That's great!"

Tanjiro said happily.

"Hmm, huh? You are?"

At this time, Inosuke noticed Nezuko next to Tanjiro and stepped forward to take a sniff.

"The little one?"

Inosuke said in surprise.

The smell is unmistakable. Although it is a little different, it is Tanjiro's ghost sister.

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