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Chapter 90 Karen has lost her father, but she still has me!

Destiny Floating Island

Ling Yu and his group arrived with Otto.

Looking at Cecilia who appeared here, Otto understood.

"My Lord Bishop."

Cecilia didn't dare to look at Otto.

After all, she had disobeyed Otto's orders before and forced herself to take a vacation.

But now Otto obviously didn't care about this kind of thing. After nodding, he made a gesture of invitation to Ling Yu.

"Please follow me."


"My Lord Bishop!"

"My Lord Bishop!"

When heading to Kallen's location, the patrolling Valkyries saluted after seeing Otto.

After seeing Kevin and others, they also bowed respectfully, after all, they were guests personally received by Bishop Otto.

"Is this definitely destiny, not heaven?"

Alicia looked at the Valkyries passing by one by one, her eyes were straight.

It must be a very happy thing to live here.

In the pre-civilization, there were at least male fusion warriors, but in this Destiny, except for a few older researchers, the rest are young girls.

"According to the research of the Destiny Organization, only women have a very small probability of high resistance to Honkai energy."

Amber explained to Alicia.

"No wonder it is called the Valkyrie Corps, little Amber, can I become a Valkyrie too?"

Amber: "Lady Alicia, as a warrior of the pre-civilization, it is naturally possible."

"Then what about the welfare benefits?"

"After becoming a Valkyrie, all expenses will be borne by Destiny. Valkyries of different levels enjoy different privileges. For example, A-level Valkyries can choose an artificial floating island as their activity area." Amber said respectfully.

"Send an island?"

Alicia blinked.

This treatment is better than her in the Fire Chaser.

Not only is the happiness not high, but there are also a group of old guys who bury people.

Even they can't hold some activities privately, for fear that their rights will be overturned.

"Why, are you tempted? Just stay in Tianming, and don't go back to World Serpent."

Mebius raised his eyelids slightly, and started to criticize Ellie.

"Oh, my dear Mebius, am I such a person who can't resist temptation in your eyes?"

Ellie said innocently.

"And we are not enemies, so we can cooperate more."


"We are here."

During the conversation, everyone came to a holy cathedral.

This was built in imitation of the church in Krosten Town.

Waving away the guarding Valkyries, Otto pushed open the door.

After the door was opened, everyone saw a crystal coffin surrounded by flowers in the center of the church.

A pure white girl was sleeping here, with her hands clasped together, and her holy posture could not be desecrated.

Coming to Kallen, looking at the familiar face, Otto's expression was moved.

He gently stroked the crystal coffin, and the cold touch brought him back to his senses.

If there is anyone in this world who can still make his heart tremble, it is only Kallen.

And everyone also saw Kallen sleeping in the crystal coffin, and the invisible Gresh was held high by Kosmo.

"White big sister."

Gresh murmured.

In her eyes, Kallen's body is pure white.

This is a color that only noble and pure people have.

This big sister must have been a good person when she was alive.

"As long as you can revive Kallen, you can ask me to do anything!" Otto looked at Ling Yu and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I will need you later."

As he said, Ling Yu looked at the figure in the crystal coffin, and a faint blue light flashed in his eyes.

The next second, a plain voice echoed in this empty church.

"Stand up."

As the king's power that cannot be violated was activated, the dark shadow power flew out from Kallen's body.

Under Otto's gaze, these black air intertwined into a familiar woman.

"Your Majesty!"

The woman knelt on one knee and said respectfully to Ling Yu.


Otto was very excited to see Kallen again.

Although the color was not right, Otto knew that it was the Kallen he knew!

But Kallen's eyes did not look at him, but stared at another man.


Ling Yu nodded after hearing Kallen's words.

Took out a pale yellow core and threw it at Shadow Kallen.

The next second, the memory of the soul began to be engraved into the Herrscher Gem.

After the complete transcription, Ling Yu raised his hand to Kallen while removing the shadow power.

Instantly, the blue structural power instantly covered Kallen's whole body.

It only lasted for a few seconds, and Ling Yu put his hand down.

As the structural power dissipated, a figure as bright as moonlight appeared in front of everyone.

In Otto's excited eyes, Kallen slowly opened her pale blue eyes.


The dazzling light made Kallen make a strange sound.

"I am... Otto?"

After seeing the world for the first time in a long time, Karen looked at the confusion on everyone's face, until she saw a familiar person, and subconsciously called out his name.


Although this Otto was very ordinary, it made Otto unable to hold back any longer.

He excitedly stepped forward and hugged Karen in his arms.

"Wait, Otto... Are you crying?"

Kalen was startled by the sudden hug. She was about to push it away, but she was stunned.

The crying figure in the memory appeared again.

"Karen, I miss you so much."

Smelling the familiar fragrance of Karen, Otto buried his head in Karen's shoulder and choked.

His voice was very soft, but his words were trembling.

He hugged Karen's hands tightly, fearing that she would leave him again in the next second.

"My Lord Bishop..."

Amber looked at the figure that looked exactly like her, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

But she couldn't say this feeling.

Feeling that Otto was wrong, Karen didn't break free again, but patted Otto's back gently like coaxing a child.

There was a trace of loneliness in Kevin's calm eyes.

He also hoped that he could hug Mei.

Good brother Su saw his thoughts and patted his shoulder.

It was only a pity that Kevin had a normal sexual orientation, otherwise he could still sacrifice one or two.


About ten minutes later, Otto reluctantly came out of Karen's arms.

This was still forced by Karen, mainly because so many people were watching, and Karen was also very shy.

Even though it was the one in Yae Village, her heart was still so straightforward and pure.

Otherwise, with Otto's longing for Kallen for the past five hundred years, he would not want to be separated from Kallen for a single second.

Hold her until death!

He decided to replace Kallen with a soul steel body later.

In this way, Kallen would be as fearless of death as he was.

Otto didn't have the conditions before, but now he has a chance again, and he wants to arrange everything for Kallen.

"Otto, what's going on now? Am I not dead?"

Kallen looked at Otto and asked.

She still had the memory of being pierced in the abdomen by the Honkai Beast in her mind.

"Is it the power of the Black Abyss White Flower?"

Kallen remembered that Otto wanted to embrace the Black Abyss White Flower to revive her dead father, but was interrupted by herself.

"I'm sorry, the Black Abyss White Flower cannot revive the dead."

Otto shook his head.

That was just a lie used by Void Manzang to obtain his body.

He is no longer as innocent as he was then.

"Is that so? How long do you want to hold it?"

Karen murmured, looking at Otto's hand and asked.

"If possible, I want to hold it forever." Otto smiled.

Kallen felt a chill when she heard it.

When did Otto become so greasy?

Suddenly, Karen noticed the crystal coffin beside her and was stunned when she saw the sleeping figure inside.

(Because she had been hugged by Otto before, her side was blocked by Otto's head, so she couldn't see the crystal coffin)

She looked at herself in the crystal coffin and murmured: "Otto, I... am really dead."

Otto shook his head: "That's over."

"Otto, you didn't do anything bad to revive me, right?"

Karen suddenly looked at Otto as if she had thought of something.

Just like the previous human experiment, she was afraid that Otto would make an unforgivable mistake again in order to revive her.

"Karen, I..."

"It's me who revived you, not Otto, so you don't have to worry."

Otto was about to speak when he was interrupted by a voice.

Ling Yu said to Karen.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ling Yu, nice to meet you, Miss Karen of Destiny."

Ling Yu looked at her and smiled.

Otto also reacted, he almost told Karen everything.

He whispered to Karen: "Karen, I'll tell you the details later, now, please trust me."

Looking at Otto's determined eyes, Karen was a little stunned.

The immature boy has also grown into an uncle who can say "but he still has me".

"Mr. Ling Yu, I can't repay Karen for what you did. If you have any requests in the future, I, Otto Apokalis, will do everything to complete it!"

Otto came to Ling Yu and said seriously.

"Then return the Cangxuan Book first."


Otto looked at Amber without hesitation.


Amber replied and started to contact the people in the laboratory.

After seeing Amber, Karen's eyes flashed with a strange color.

Why does this person look so much like her?

As Kallen from 500 years ago, her cognition was a little poor, so she didn't know what a clone was.

She simply thought that Amber looked like her.

"Miss Kallen, long time no see."

Fu Hua, who knew Kallen, stepped forward and took the initiative to greet her.

"It's you?!"

Kallen's pupils shrank after seeing Fu Hua, and she subconsciously showed a state of alert.

She still remembers the battle of the Tianming Expeditionary Force.

With just a light punch, she was beaten without any ability to fight back.

"All the things in the past life are in the past. Now I am a Valkyrie under Tianming." Fu Hua looked at Kallen and smiled.


Kallen was stunned.

This big guy not only joined Tianming but also became a Valkyrie?

What happened to Tianming during her absence!

"Miss Karen, can we talk?"

Just as Karen was about to ask, a voice came, and Alicia came over with a smile, pressed Fu Hua's shoulder, poked her head out from the side of Fu Hua's cheek, and smiled at her.

"Hello, who are you?"

Karen looked at the beautiful girl in front of her and asked in confusion.

"My name is Alicia, a beautiful girl like flying flowers." Alicia introduced with a smile.

Karen was startled.

This self-introduction... was the first time she had heard it.

After a brief moment of daze, Kallen recovered and reached out to Alicia.

"My name is Kallen Kaslana, please teach me."


After a while, Amber came back with the Cangxuan Book.

The Cangxuan Book was returned, and Cang Xiaoxuan happily jumped on it.

I haven't seen my mount for more than a thousand years, and I miss it very much.

And Otto looked at the Cangxuan Book that Cang Xiaoxuan used as a means of transportation and sat under him with a strange expression.

What they have been studying for so long turned out to be just a mount for a little doll from the previous civilization?

"Cang Xiaoxuan, is Sister Paduo good to you?"

Looking at Cang Xiaoxuan who took back the Cangxuan Book, Paduo's eyes turned and came to her side and asked.


"Can I borrow the Cangxuan Book from Sister Padu for a few days?"


Cang Xiaoxuan refused and looked at Padu with dead eyes: "According to the records, anything you borrowed is likely to be seen in someone else's hands."

Padu Felice: "..."

"I maximized the value of the item." Padu retorted.

"After the value is maximized, the money goes into your pocket." Cang Xiaoxuan was unmoved.

Otto, who was standing aside, looked at Kallen and Alicia who were "talking happily", and his heart skipped a beat.

He used to think that Kallen's sexual orientation was normal until she said she liked Yaezakura at the parliament.

Although Yaezakura is dead now.

But there is also Alicia with pink hair, and Sakura who looks very calm but has the same appearance as Yaezakura!

While hesitating, Otto contacted Theresa who was on a mission in the Far East.

Let her put down all the tasks in her hands and rush back as quickly as possible.

Theresa, who received the call, thought the headquarters was attacked, and rushed to the headquarters of the destiny.



After returning, Theresa immediately walked towards Otto's room.

The moment she opened the door, she was stared at by more than a dozen pairs of eyes.


Feeling these eyes and the oppression in the room, Theresa's heart was pounding.

"Theresa, you're back."

Otto smiled at Theresa.

Theresa was shocked.

Grandpa didn't use that weird tone after seeing her?

Usually, he would add dear Theresa as the front.

Looking at Otto's bright smile, Theresa was a little flustered.

Something's wrong! Very wrong!

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you."

Theresa didn't know the darkness that Otto had done, so she was full of concern and trust for Otto.

"Come here and meet your grandma." Otto waved to Theresa.

There was no fake smile on his face, all true feelings were revealed.


Looking at Kallen next to Otto, Theresa's face was confused.

My grandma?


I treat you as a friend, you want to be my grandma?

Note: Amber looks the same as Kallen.

Theresa came over and looked at Kallen with doubt in her eyes.

You are so good, Amber, I treat you as a sister, and you want to be my grandma?

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