Looking at Alicia Gray Snake on the screen, she was completely down.

He had imagined countless scenarios, but he never imagined that his home would be robbed by one of his own.

at the same time

Destiny Headquarters, Intelligence Room

Amber looked at the gray snake opposite, his eyes flashing slightly under the amber lenses.


Is this the snake they've been trying to catch but couldn't? I didn't expect to get the coordinates so easily...

Amber looked at the coordinates displayed on the instrument and looked at Alicia with a confused look.

"Grey Snake, why don't you speak? Do you not like to talk?"

Alicia looked at the gray snake standing there without saying a word and asked curiously.

Gray Snake: "..."

Sister, do you really not feel a pang of conscience when you say this?

But then I think about it, now that the Thirteen Heroes are all resurrected, even if the World Snake is born early, there won't be a big problem.

"I'm just a little surprised how Miss Alicia knew about this channel."

Gray Snake took a deep breath and asked in a slightly helpless tone.

World Snake's communications are extremely encrypted and use pre-civilization technology, which cannot be detected or deciphered by modern technology.

"Of course please Vivi."

Ellie said naturally.

Gray Snake choked.

When I think about it, no one among the Thirteen Heroes can do it except this big boss.

"Miss Ellie, can I say something?"

At this time, Amber's voice came, and she asked Alicia softly.

"Of course."

Ellie readily agreed.

She is very tolerant of cute girls, especially after seeing Amber's true appearance.


After getting the answer, Kohaku thanked her.

Then he took a step forward, looked at the gray snake on the screen, and heard a cold voice.

"Mr. Gray Snake, Tianming would like to have a conversation with you. I wonder if you are free."


No time, not at all!

Unfortunately, the current Gray Snake couldn't say that. He pondered for a while and then spoke.


"World Snake is also looking forward to the conversation with Tianming."

Now that it's been exposed, let's just show it off.

Anyway, World Snake has the resurrected Thirteen Heroes here, so I have the advantage!


When the communication was closed, Gray Snake pressed his forehead.

It had been lurking for more than 1,500 years, but it was unexpectedly exposed like this.

Fortunately, it's not a big problem.

With the equipment made by Weiwei, it will not be long before the Lord returns.


This side of destiny

Looking at the closed screen, Ellie had a smile on her face.

"If we establish cooperation with Tianming, more girls can go to World Snake to further their studies. Then I won't have to travel back and forth between two places."

His long index finger was placed at the corner of his mouth, and his blue-pink eyes were full of longing for a better life in the future.

People on the side: "..."

This calculation is really rattling.

"Xilin, during the period when brother is away, you have to be careful about sister Aili."

Ling Yu whispered to Xilin who was held in his arms.

"Yeah, good."

Xilin, who was holding her fingers in her mouth, nodded her head after hearing this.

Xilin’s mother looked helpless.

Not to mention Siren, she had already been invited by Alicia to sleep with her at night, saying that she wanted to talk to her about Siren's future education policy.

Question: Why hasn't Hua been noticed by Aili for so long in the Paradise?

Answer: Because even girls know how to panic.

"Stop eating your fingers, there are germs."

Ling Yu was very satisfied with Xilin's answer and helped her pull out the fingers from her mouth.

My little white hands were wrinkled from being soaked in saliva for a long time.

Just when Xilin's mother said that Ling Yu did the right thing, the next second, Ling Yu's words caused her brain to shut down.

"Look, your fingers are wrinkled. Come and eat my brother's fingers. My brother is not afraid."

With that said, Ling Yu put his finger into Xilin's mouth.

So, Xilin hugged Ling Yu's hand with both hands and started sucking.

After all, he is only five years old. It is normal to like to suck things. Many children also like to bite their nails.

"Didn't you say there were bacteria?"

Cecilia on the side said blankly.

How come what is said is different from what is done?

"I'm sterile."

Ling Yu said seriously.

He is a dignified lawyer and has a clean body. How could there be such a thing as bacteria?

Cecilia: "..."

Xilin’s mother: “…”

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

After leaving the information room, everyone continued to visit Tianming under the leadership of Amber.

After walking around, Ling Yu didn't see the legendary 'Heavenly Father' who was 99% progressed.

"I really miss the days of riding on Kurigara."

Standing on a high place, overlooking the huge Tianming headquarters, Ling Yu sighed with emotion.

When he was in the game, he rode Kurigara and flew over the Tianming Headquarters, landing directly at the place where he was performing the entrusted mission.

"This is where the Valkyries train."

Arriving at an empty room, Amber introduced everyone.

In the room, several B-level Valkyries were undergoing simulation training.

They quickly saluted after seeing Amber.

The status of Secretary-General of Bishop Amber can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

In addition, all the logistics of Tianming are dispatched by her, so she is respected by the Valkyries.

After nodding and greeting the Valkyries, Amber continued: "Here we will perform holographic projection of Honkai Beast to help the Valkyries better deal with various emergencies."

As she said that, Amber turned on the switch.

Instantly, a tank-level Honkai Beast appeared, but compared with the real tank-level Honkai Beast, this one was only five meters in size.

"That's the Valkyries' dormitory."

"Wait, Miss Alicia, that place is the Valkyries' private area and is not open to the public."

Amber, who mentioned it casually, saw Alicia walking towards the Valkyries' dormitory and hurriedly said.

"Amber, am I a girl?"

Alisa, who was called, looked at Amber very seriously.

Amber was stunned, but still answered: "Yes, yes."

"Can I become a Valkyrie with my strength?"

"Of course I can."

"Then why can't I go to the Valkyrie dormitory?"


Confused by the three questions, Amber stood there blankly, watching Alicia cross the door of the Valkyrie dormitory.

At this time, Ling Yu came over and patted Amber on the shoulder.

"You can allocate a room for Alicia. Alicia will probably become a frequent visitor here in the future."

"Mr. Ling Yu, Miss Ali..."

Looking at Alicia, who was humming a song and talking to a group of helpless Valkyries, Amber looked at Ling Yu and hesitated in her words.

"Yes, she is a lesbian."

Amber looked at Ling Yu in surprise.

So direct?

Although I had vaguely sensed it, I didn't expect it to be true...

"It's okay. Compared to the opposite sex, Ai Li just likes girls a little more. She won't force anyone."

Amber: "..."

I'm so scared when you say that.

In the end, it was Eden who pulled back the reluctant Ai Lishiya.

In fact, it's not Ai Li's fault. In a world full of beautiful girls, anyone would get lost.

Including Ling Yu.

It was evening.

After rejecting Otto's request to stay, everyone returned to Taixu Mountain.

This time, Cheng Lixue was missing from the team that came back. She needed to take the A-level Valkyrie test, so she stayed in Tianming.

After deciding to eat dumplings for dinner, Fu Hua took Greshu and Kosmo to the market area not far below Taixu Mountain to buy ingredients.

And Hua, Ying, Qianjie and others began to make relevant preparations.

The Fuyun Temple, which had been idle and silent, suddenly became lively.

"Mr. Ling Yu, thank you."

The moon was high in the sky. Just as Ling Yu was sitting on the steps at the door, holding Esther and leaning his head against hers to admire the moon, Cecilia came behind him.

She opened her cherry lips and thanked Ling Yu.

If it weren't for Ling Yu, she probably wouldn't have been able to get permission to go out freely in her life.

"Why thank me? I just did what I should do."

"Take it. I forgot to give it to you before."

A black and gold card appeared in his hand and was handed to Cecilia by Ling Yu.

Cecilia took it curiously. The moment she touched the card, a strange message appeared in her mind.

"Items that can be opened to other worlds?" Cecilia opened her mouth slightly.

My previous understanding of the dimensional store was only based on Ling Yu's words. Now that I have touched the card, I know the real function of the store.

Cecilia looked at her origin point.

Two thousand.

This number is considered medium among the initial origin points.

"Don't forget to come back with me later." Ling Yu said to her.


Cecilia smiled gently.

"Big brother."

At this time, a light and soft voice sounded behind him.

Ling Yu turned his head, it was a little blue-haired loli.

There was a very cute silly hair on her head.

"It's Gray Xiu, what's wrong?"

Ling Yu looked at her curiously.

"This is for you."

Gray Xiu handed a painting to Ling Yu.

Ling Yu took it.

It was a family portrait.

Not only the Thirteen Heroes, but also Fu Hua, Amber, Cecilia and others, even Otto was in it.

Looking at the painting, Ling Yu touched Gray Xiu's head and said with a smile: "I will cherish it."

"Well, then I'll go back first."

Gray Xiu Sanwu showed a cute smile on her face.

Then, Ling Yu saw Gray Xiu threw herself into Abonya's arms.

After noticing Ling Yu's sight, Abonya smiled and nodded, and then took Gray Xiu back to the house.

"It seems that Gresh really likes you."

"Gresh doesn't easily give her paintings to others, especially when there are so many people together. I also want to have one."

An envious voice came, and Ling Yu chuckled when he heard the voice.

The structural power in his hand flowed, and then an identical painting appeared in his hand and handed it to the figure next to him.

"The original is impossible, but a copy is okay."

"Hehe, thank you."

Ailishia happily took it.

Of course, Cecilia also has it.

For this kind of thing, Ling Yu is fair.

"What did you give Cecilia just now?" Ai Li asked curiously.

"It's just a store pass, do you want it?"

Ling Yu took out another one and handed it to Alicia.


Ellie answered and took the card.

However, the moment she touched the card, Ellie was stunned.

"This is?"

Feeling the strange memory in her mind, Alicia opened her mouth slightly.

When she looked at the card, she was stunned.

Her origin point amount is shown as 0.

But Ai Li wasn't too surprised, as she was already dead.

"You can earn money from the source, such as killing Honkai Beasts or exchanging items for them." Ling Yu said.

Alicia nodded.

"Brother Ling Yu, what good things did you give Sister Ai Li?"

At this moment, a voice came from the other side of Ling Yu.

Ling Yu stretched out his hand and naturally placed it on the head with furry cat ears.

"If you want it, give me your collection in exchange."

"Ah? Sister Ai Li and Sister Lia are both free. Why do you have to exchange things for me?"

"Pado, did you pay when you purchased the goods?" Ling Yu looked at her with a smile.

"Ah this..."

Maomao's eyes were a little evasive.

"If you don't change it, I won't give it to you."

"Wait, I'll change!"

Paduo shouted quickly.

Finally, I turned over my bag painfully.

"Let me look for it."

"how about this?"

Then, Pado took out a golden Rubik's Cube and placed it in front of Ling Yu.

"This is?"

After seeing the golden Rubik's Cube, not only Ling Yu, but also Alicia and Cecilia were stunned.

"Pado, where did you find it?" Alicia asked.

"It's in Destiny. I saw it sitting there all alone. I couldn't bear it being buried, so I brought it out, hehe." Pado scratched his head and laughed.

Ling Yu: "..."

"Brother Ling Yu, this is the item I plan to trade with Gray Snake. You see, I really don't want to cheat you." Pado looked pained.

"As expected of Pado, I would like to call you the strongest!" Ling Yu was silent for a moment and raised his thumb to her.

This golden Rubik's Cube is none other than the key to the first god, Void Wanzang.

He was able to get things done from Otto. Is he worthy of being called Pado?

The number one supplier of Paradise.

Fifty thousand years of training is not in vain.

But thinking about it, being able to obtain various items from a group of fusion warriors is a very powerful thing in itself.

"By the way, Brother Ling Yu, there seems to be something inside this Void Manzang. It's nagging. I thought it was noisy, so I locked it. Be careful when you use it in the future."

Pado said.


Ling Yu took the Void Manzang and then gave the card to Paduo in her expectant eyes.

Padu, who took the card, also learned about the store.

Instantly, she was excited.

"Brother Ling Yu, can we cooperate?"

"Why, you want to sell your belongings and go to other worlds?" Ling Yu could see what Padu was thinking at a glance.

"Hey, isn't it our businessmen's responsibility to let the stagnant goods circulate?" Pado said embarrassedly after being seen through.

Ling Yu laughed in amusement and said, "Then join a group first."

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