This Side Effect is Awesome

Chapter 267 Come and catch me

When Song Ankang was crying about poverty, he never thought about one thing, that is, looking at the huge human race, when many gods are practicing, there are only a few who can take magic pills and medicines every day to practice, and even one pill cannot be guaranteed for several days.

Under normal circumstances, a human god, whether it is because of his wealth or because he is afraid that taking too many magical pills and magical medicines will cause his foundation to become unstable, so he usually takes only one magical pill or one plant every few months. The magical medicine is used for spiritual practice.

How could they be as luxurious as Song Ankang, and they didn't care about the side effects of the magical elixir.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones are enough to support a minor god's decades of practice. It is already very good that the Monster Curse Well can accumulate tens of millions of low-grade spiritual stones after becoming a god for a hundred years.

After all, this is the territory of the human race, which is quite unfriendly to monsters and monsters. Relatively speaking, the monsters here are also much poorer, and the accumulation of monsters, gods, and cursed wells is already quite good.

Whether it was the strange magic pen fairy or the strange magic well, Song Ankang saw similarities with certain things on the earth. This made Song Ankang more and more certain about one thing. Perhaps the world where Fang Xuanhuang Continent is located, really It's a parallel world to Earth.

It's just that the earth does not have the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and cannot develop extraordinary things. However, this is an extraordinary world with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so the development situation is completely different from that of earth.

And the strange god that Song Ankang is about to enslave is also similar to some myths and legends on Earth.

In the western suburbs of Ancheng, Lanruo Inn.

Song Ankang used the art of hiding gods and hiding qi in the art of hiding heaven and earth to hide his true soul and true energy, and used the art of hiding form to disguise himself as a warrior in the earth realm with strong qi and blood. He was also a warrior. A handsome young scholar, pretending to be traveling to Kyoto from other places to look for opportunities, happened to pass by Lanruo Inn.

Seeing that it was getting late, Song Ankang entered Lanruo Inn, found a complete room, lit a bonfire, and prepared to rest.

As the name suggests, Lanruo Inn was an inn with good business decades ago. However, due to the haunting, the inn fell into disrepair. Dozens of rooms became dilapidated because they had not been taken care of for many years.

People who live nearby basically don't come here. Only those outsiders occasionally stay at Lanruo Inn because of darkness, rain and other reasons. In the past, there were still people who left Lanruo Inn alive, but in the past year, they have been staying at Lanruo Inn. Of the outsiders, basically no one survived.

According to the information received from the strange god Curse Well, there is indeed a ghost in Lanruo Inn, and it is a ghost that serves the strange god Black Mountain Old Demon. It specializes in confusing outsiders passing by, and then sends them to the Black Mountain Old Demon to be devoured by them after being charmed. The energy and spirit are used to strengthen oneself.

The old demon from Montenegro, half demon and half ghost, turned into something weird because of a special treasure. His talents and qualifications are extremely amazing. He was promoted to the rank of a middle god in just three thousand years. He is one of the great dangers to the human race.

The reason why the great god of the human race guarding Kyoto was seriously injured a few months ago has something to do with the old demon of Montenegro. It was the old demon of Montenegro who combined with several median god-level demons and monsters to ambush the great god of the human race, which severely damaged him at this time. At this moment, the only great god guarding Kyoto failed to kill and devour the opponent.

Although this ambush failed, it also deprived Kyoto of its only top combat force and gave many monsters and monsters an opportunity.

The Black Mountain Old Demon was also seriously injured in this ambush and has never recovered. He had to mobilize a large number of monsters and ghosts enslaved by him to hunt down human beings everywhere and devour their spirits to recover from his injuries.

At this moment, Song Ankang was pretending to be a prey, preparing to hunt the old Black Mountain demon in turn.

In the first half of the night, Song Ankang wandered around the inn, exposing himself as much as possible. At the same time, his body was full of energy and blood, fearing that the surrounding monsters and monsters would not notice him.

Unfortunately, he was unable to wait for what he wanted to wait for, so he pretended to be asleep in the middle of the night, giving the other party a better chance.

This time, the ghost with limited intelligence did not let go of the prey that was brought to his mouth. Wearing a white dress, with a fairy spirit, he came to Song Ankang's window pure and picturesque.

Seeing Song Ankang "sleeping peacefully" lying on the broken bed, feeling the vitality and blood in his body, the pure female ghost smiled slightly, turned into a white mist and enveloped him, and used spiritual illusion to seduce Song Ankang.

Song Ankang let him have his way, gave up resistance, and soon entered a festive fantasy world.

In the fantasy world, he was dressed in gorgeous clothes and was getting married to a beautiful lady. The surroundings were filled with loud gongs and drums and brightly lit lights. It could be said that it was extremely lively.

First bow to the heaven and earth, second bow to the high hall, and then the husband and wife bow to each other...and then they are sent to the bridal chamber.

Song Ankang's face was full of smiles, as if he had been completely confused. He smiled and lifted his wife's hijab. What came into view was a peerless beauty who was as poetic as picturesque, fairy-like and dreamy. He couldn't help but be slightly startled: "Madam, you are so beautiful. Immortals come down to earth!"

"Thank you, husband. How can Xiaoqian be so beautiful?" the bride in red makeup said with a smile.

Song Ankang was stunned. Even if he looked like the celebrity named Wang, his name was also Xiaoqian. It was indeed a parallel world to the earth.

However, Song Ankang did not show any surprise at all. He still looked confused and smiled as he wanted to catch his wife: "Madam, let's get married."

"Husband, according to our rules, you have to play a little game before the wedding." Xiaoqian said with a smile.

Song Ankang asked: "What little game?"

"Catch me. As long as you can catch me, I will let you...hehehe..." As she spoke, Xiaoqian stood up playfully and ran around the room.

Song Ankang smiled and nodded: "Okay, okay, then I will arrest you."

As he spoke, Song Ankang grabbed Xiaoqian. At the same time, influenced by Xiaoqian's illusion, Song Ankang's body also started running, and soon left Lanruo Inn with a silly smile on his face. He ran towards the huge black mountain behind Lanruo Inn, seemingly unaware of the abnormality of his actions.

Song Ankang separated a part of his true soul to play games with Xiaoqian. Most of his true souls were watching everything around him with cold eyes, observing the movements around him and being able to launch a fatal blow at any time.

After these days of hard training, he has cultivated the imperial scriptures to a small level, and the condensed imperial orders have become more powerful. However, under the influence of the side effects of the imperial scriptures and imperial orders, Song Ankang not only did not become crazy and his true soul was turbid. , On the contrary, he became more awake, his spirit and will were firmer, and the power of the imperial order was naturally stronger.

In this way, under the temptation of the female ghost Xiaoqian, Song Ankang's body ran faster and faster, farther and farther, and soon went deep into the Black Mountain.

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