This Side Effect is Awesome

Chapter 286 Braving the disapproval of the world

When Song Ankang was busy cultivating and making breakthroughs, he never thought that some people would dare to act so boldly and risk the disapproval of the world to kill him at the Tang family's residence.

Thousands of imperial guards stormed into the Tang family's mansion fiercely and began to arrest everyone in the Tang family.

"According to the oracle, the Tang family has an affair with demons and ghosts. All members of the Tang family will be imprisoned in heaven and await trial by the court."

"The Tang family is lawless, killing people of the same clan indiscriminately, and colluding with monsters and ghosts. According to the law, they should be imprisoned in the sky prison."

"No one is allowed to resist, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless."

"Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy."

As soon as a group of people from the Tang family rushed back to the Tang family's mansion from the Qinhuai River, they were arrested by the imperial guards. Some of them tried to resist, but were killed on the spot by the imperial guards.

Seeing that these imperial guards were not joking, Tang Yelan and Tang Zhijia quickly shouted loudly, asking everyone in the Tang family to surrender without any resistance.

Many senior officials of the Tang family knew that these imperial guards must have been sent by the royal family. Apparently, even the royal family believed that the incident at Pingyao Palace was the work of their ancestors of the Tang family, so they came to arrest members of the Tang family.

It’s just that neither Song Ankang nor the senior officials of the Tang family expected that the royal family would be so lawless. Knowing that Prince Pingyao’s Palace had done so many bad things and having conclusive evidence, they would not deal with the affairs of Prince Pingyao’s Palace first. Arrest members of the Tang family.

The royal family obviously wanted to force their Tang family ancestors to come out, and they were probably sending people to search for the whereabouts of their Tang family ancestors and preparing to arrest them.

Now that the human race is in danger, what Prince Pingyao does is obviously trampling on the fundamental policy of unity of the human race. Even if Prince Pingyao is a member of the royal family, under normal circumstances the Emperor of Xia will not risk the disapproval of the world and let Prince Pingyao go. .

As for the Tang family and the Tang family ancestors who played a great role in exposing and overthrowing Prince Pingyao's palace, even if there is no reward or anything like that, under normal circumstances the royal family should not attack the Tang family and the Tang family ancestors.

But that's what the royal family did. Aren't they afraid that if this incident spreads, it will bring a huge blow to the royal family? Or would the royal family rather accept such a blow and take revenge on the Tang family?

For a moment, Tang Yelan felt a little chilled. After all, if the Xia royal family really wanted to deal with the Tang family, the Tang family would not be their opponent at all.

Not to mention the dozens of divine ancestors in the royal family, the Tang family alone cannot contend with the large number of Jindan Daoist members in the royal family.

The ancestor's strength seems to be only at the level of the Golden Core. How could he be the opponent of the royal family? This time, the ancestor was a little too impulsive and reckless. It was just a matter of snatching back the Thousand Tempered Fruits. Why waste all the buildings of Prince Ping Yao's Mansion? As for the monks above the basic level, they exposed the ugly face of Pingyao Prince's Palace, leaving no room for Pingyao Prince's Palace to turn around.

This is an attempt to level the Demon King's Mansion to death. How could the royal family ignore it? Now it has indeed caused a backlash.

However, as long as the ancestors can survive, there may be the possibility of being promoted to gods in the future. As long as they can be promoted to the realm of gods, the Tang family will have a chance to make a comeback.

It’s just a group of them, who knows what their fate will be next.

In addition to the Tang family's mansion, a large number of imperial guards also went to White Jade Mulberry Forest, Leopard Head Volcano and other places to arrest all the Tang family's children, including Song Ankang's four maids.

However, because Song Ankang was practicing in the training room, the guards did not pay attention and missed Song Ankang.

Thousands of direct and collateral descendants of the Tang family were quickly arrested and imprisoned, including some Tang family stewards. The huge Tang family was almost wiped out, leaving only small characters. There is no qualification to enter the prison.

The sky prison is cold and damp, full of filth, and some demons and ghosts are imprisoned. The environment is extremely harsh. If you stay here for a long time, you will only get minor illnesses and injuries, and you may even die here.

What's more, many female members of the Tang family were caught here, including the three sisters of the Tang family and Song Ankang's four maids. Who knows what the jailers in the sky prison will do to them as time goes by.

Fortunately, time was urgent, and the Ouchi guards only detained the Tang family members for the time being, and did not do anything else.

Soon the third floor of the Tianlao was filled with children of the Tang family. At first, some people said that their ancestors were too reckless, but gradually all these blaming voices turned into worries.

"The ancestor has not been captured by the Ouchi guards yet. Obviously the royal family has not found the ancestor, or has not caught the ancestor. This is the only good news at the moment."

"As long as nothing happens to our ancestors, our Tang family has the possibility of making a comeback. I hope that our ancestors can escape smoothly and be promoted to the realm of gods in the future. In this way, our Tang family can not only rebuild, but also have the possibility of becoming a family of gods."

"God bless me, I must let my ancestor of the Tang family escape smoothly and not be caught by the Ouchi guards."

"I am afraid that all of us will die this time. I hope that everyone in the Tang family outside can escape one by one, especially our ancestors."

Although there is also turmoil within the Tang family, especially the first hospital that is too selfish, but at a critical moment of life and death, the unity and friendship engraved in the heart still come to mind, making all the senior officials of the Tang family no longer blame Song Ankang, the ancestor, and all Hope he can escape smoothly.

There are even senior officials of the Tang family who are already trying to figure out what they can do to make it more likely that their ancestors will escape.

What's more, now that Tang Kexiao's family has been deposed, the Tang family has also expelled them from the Tang family, and the most disharmonious First House has also become harmonious. The entire Tang family can be said to be more united than ever before.

Almost no one in the Tang family thought that they could survive this time. After all, since the royal family dared to risk the world's disapproval to attack them, they even dispatched Ouchi guards, and they came so quickly, making it clear that they were prepared to let Tang The family pays for their lives to quell the demon king's palace.

Therefore, the possibility that the Tang family could escape this disaster was not high, especially on the Qinhuai River. Many royal children of the Pingyao Palace were beaten to death by the angry crowd. Under such circumstances, how could the royal family give up.

Especially when they were on the road, the senior officials of the Tang family who were friendly with these imperial guards came out with news that made everyone despair.

This news is that the order to arrest the Tang family was indeed issued by a god of the royal family, not by the Emperor of Xia Kingdom, and the person who issued this oracle was Dali Ying, the father of Song Baotian, the ancestor of Pingyao Palace. Shen Song Shi Nian.

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