This Simplification Is Too Outrageous

Chapter 230 Deaf and Blind

The night is quiet, the moon is on the tip of the moon.

There was a sudden screeching of brakes beside the silent highway, and a black sedan parked in the emergency lane.

Smoke came out from the hood, and as the door opened, a handsome young man rolled out of the cab in a panic.

He ran towards the end of the road covered in blood, with a look of fear and panic on his face, as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying.


keep running!

If you don't run, you will die!

Because there's that kind of thing haunting him behind him!

The entire road was pitch black, as if it had no end, and the night wind blew through and made a whimpering sound, like the wailing of a lonely ghost, which made the man feel hairy.

A faint light came from a distance.

That's... a billboard!


[Welcome to the territory of Liyang City, the people of Liyang City welcome you]

【In case of emergency and abnormal situation, please call this number******】

[Liyang City Security Bureau is at your service warmly]

The man raised his head to see the message, turned to look behind again, the back was pitch black, swallowed his dry throat, held onto the fence to stabilize his body, and quickly took out his mobile phone.

His eyes flashed with hope, and he dialed the number swayingly.


Soon, the call was connected.


"Hello, this is the emergency contact center of the Liyang City Security Bureau. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Chengyang Expressway... Huhu..."

The man bared his teeth and grinned in pain... panting heavily, he covered his wound with his left hand to prevent excessive bleeding.

"Hello, sir, can you hear me? Where is the intersection of Chengyang Expressway?"

"Save me... hoo... there is... something... kill me..."

"Sir, I can't help you like this, please provide your specific location..." On the other end of the phone, the staff said gently.

"Just...under the billboard...I...I don't know where this is, I can't see clearly..." The man looked around, and both the front and the back were enveloped in darkness.

It's like he's been abandoned by the world, except for this billboard.

The situation was deteriorating as his vision began to blur due to excessive blood loss.


"Okay, billboards, right? Lighted billboards or the ones that don't?"

"Fa... shine... save me... I'm hurt..."

"Okay, don't worry, sir, relax... um... I checked here. There are ten luminous billboards along the Chengyang Expressway. May I ask where you are now, which billboard has No other distinctive features?"


The man's wound began to bleed, and the pain was unbearable for a while, cold sweat poured out, and he looked up with a staggered figure.

There are indeed ads on the back.

"There... there are ads, save me..."

"Okay sir, what exactly is the advertisement?"

"'s an advertisement for a house...Save me...I...I'm really dying."

"Sir, please don't worry, I can only arrange someone to rescue you when I successfully find your location, um... I checked again, and the scope has been narrowed down to eight blocks. Is the advertisement an existing or off-plan house?"


The man's wound bleeds again, the blood on the soles of his feet has gathered into a pool, the air is full of blood, and now he only feels powerless, leaning on the fence sideways, and using the last trace of strength to look at the top of his head.

"Period... off-plan..."


After a minute.

"Excellent, sir, three more seats have been excluded for you, and only five seats meet the standard. The efficiency of our security bureau's rescue will be greatly improved!"

The blood from the man's wound has become less and less, and his body twitches...for a long time he was speechless, and his breathing began to weaken.

"Sir, sir? Are you still there? Please cooperate with my work and be louder?"

"What is the price of the off-plan house? Where is the location? How is the environment?"

"Hey, you are talking! You are all adults, can you not make this joke?"


"are you still there?"

"Are you still alive?"

"Don't tell me I hung up?"

"Sir?... cluck... cluck..."

On the other end of the phone, at the end, the woman's laughter came.

Ethereal, creepy!


The confused man fell to the ground completely, looking at the sky helplessly... At this last moment, the confused man finally saw it!

A pair of white silk lace-trimmed tube socks appeared on the billboard swaying.

Just obscuring a phone number digit.


The night wind blew, and on the huge billboard, a white and slender jade leg swayed...

"It's boring, this person is really boring... I couldn't hold on for a few minutes. I didn't say that in the car before."

"The blood should be drained and ready to eat!"

A figure jumped off the billboard.

Wearing a white dress, her skin is fair and translucent, her facial features are extremely delicate, and her eyes are full of clear spirituality, like two pools of blue waves rippling.

He came to the dying man and stared at the man's body.

Slaughtering pigs requires bloodletting, and the same is true for people...

Bloody meat is not good!

Just as the white figure bent down and grabbed it, a dazzling light came from the darkness in the distance.



The screeching brakes sounded again, and a black SUV pulled up beside the highway.

Then two figures got out of the car.

They look like twins, but one wears earmuffs and the other wears sunglasses.

"Deaf, I heard a woman's voice, did you see it? How does it look? Anyway, the voice hit my heart!"

One of the men took off his sunglasses, revealing an inch long nails, which looked extremely coquettish.

Under the sunglasses are two empty eye sockets, leaning forward... From time to time, he gestures with his hands.

"Blind man, your eyes are blind, but your ears are really good enough. You said that you have heard a superb voice from afar. This kind of thing is rare among us!" Another man with earmuffs gave a thumbs up.

"Where, didn't you see it all the way? Your mental power is also very strong!" The blind man said modestly, and then gestured.

"No no no... or your hearing is strong!"

"No no no... it's still your mental strength!"


On the road, the deaf and the blind complimented each other.

"Deaf, I have an idea, how about you?" the blind man gestured.

"I have an idea too!"

The two faced each other, smiled at each other, and then moved away from each other.


The deaf give cloth, and the blind give scissors.

"Hahahaha, it looks like this superb product is mine!"

The blind man laughed, and jumped over the fence comically to the side of the open space, two empty eye sockets facing the alien spirit covered in hair in front of him.

"Sir, let me go, I... I didn't kill anyone, I just gave him artificial respiration!"

Saying that, the white-skirted spirit quickly lay on the ground and brought his mouth to the man's mouth.

It can sense the energy fluctuations in the bodies of these two men without any obstruction... This is definitely the fourth order!

And it's only third order!

There is no escape!


"Don't, don't, don't kiss, you must keep the first kiss! The price is high!"

"Don't take him lightly, he's already dead, and there's no help!"

The blind man raised his foot and stepped on it, directly piercing the man's chest.

"Look, I stepped on him, and he didn't resist, he must be dead!"

The white skirt Variant Spirit trembled and shrank back involuntarily, this human does not look like a good person!

As bad as yourself!

Wouldn't you also trample yourself to death?

Do you want to run away?

A blind man, although he is fourth-order, he is not without hope of escape.

Thinking of this, the spirit of the white skirt became active, and slowly stepped out of the right leg, but suddenly... a hand was placed on its shoulder.

The glamorous nails glowed dimly.

"Although I'm blind, I'm not deaf, don't try to leave, or I'll kill you..."

Seeing this, the white-skirted spirit immediately knelt on the ground and quickly kowtowed.

"Don't kill me, you can let me do anything!"

The blind man smiled.

"From now on, follow what I say, and whether you can survive depends on your next performance!"

White Skirt Variant Spirit: "From now on, whatever I say, you will follow along. Whether you can survive or not depends on your next performance!"

The smile on the blind man's face stiffened, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

When the deaf man saw it, he couldn't stop laughing.


Blind man: "Hello VIP, I am the technician of the shared app, I am very happy to serve you..."

White Skirt Variant Spirit: "Hello VIP, I'm the technician of the shared app, I'm happy to serve you..."

The blind man nodded in satisfaction.

"We have various package services here, what do the VIPs need..."

White Skirt Variant Spirit: "We have various package services here, what do the VIPs need..."

"As long as you add money, we can do anything... Airborne throughout the city"

White Skirt Variant Spirit: "As long as you add money, we can do anything... Airborne throughout the city"


With each repetition, the blind man's smile grew brighter.

"Deaf, have you seen it? This kind of thing is born a technician..."

"I pay 100 million, give it to me, my stronghold is just one card away!" Deaf said.

"Impossible... You have just lost to me, this kind of thing is mine!" The blind man laughed.

Then the blind man turned his head towards the white-skirted spirit.

"You now have two options!"

"A is to do things for me, I can give you anything you like, you have to make money for me, find out information for me..."


After a minute.

The white-skirted spirits became more and more frightened as they listened to them, these two awakened ones are really not good things!

Make yourself a technician, make money for them, spy on intelligence...

But...three meals a day!

Dry stuff!

Pack and eat!

There is a commission!

Don't worry about the security bureau!

This's moving!

"Option B, I'll kill you now..."

"Choose A, choose A decisively!" The white skirt Variant Spirit said solemnly.

"Very good, I just like to talk to smart Variant Spirits and get in the car with me!"

Then...the two of them got into the car with a strange spirit.


on the highway.

The deaf man drove with his hands on his knees, and the blind man sat in the passenger seat.

Also sitting in the back seat was a man wrapped in a black robe.

The White Skirt Variant Spirit looked at it curiously, it was the same kind, but the state was a bit strange.

"Boss, how long will we start working?" The white-skirted spirit said excitedly.

According to what this awakened person just said, in addition to the "basic salary", there is actually a commission!

Do more, get more!

For your future happiness, you have to go to work as soon as possible!

"No hurry, wait until we go to Liyang City to deal with a person." The blind man in the co-pilot said.

"Boss, who are you dealing with? Do you want me to help? I'm bloodletting fast! I'm also proficient in all kinds of torture methods..." The white skirt Variant Spirit actively expressed.

"You? You can' can't let his blood!" The blind man in the co-pilot shook his head.

"Also, don't call me the boss, we are just agents, just call us the manager, there is always only one boss!"


"Manager, I can do it. Humans are very good at fighting. I can go and seduce him, and then let him bleed while he's not ready! Please believe me!"

"No one can not covet my beauty!" The white-skirted spirit said to himself.

It can live for so long, never by strength, but by beauty!

None of those dignitaries did not bow down to its group to cover up their traces.

The co-pilot's blind man's ears moved, and he seemed quite moved.

Then figure out the cab.

"It makes sense, and the voice is nice, maybe it can really seduce that person!"


"You don't need to gesture. Although I can't hear you, I can sense your words, and you can't sign language. You seem to have a stroke!"

"I know, doesn't this show you my nails? Isn't it beautiful?" The blind man gestured again, revealing a pair of long nails.


Deaf: "..."

He turned his head and looked at the white-skirted ghost in the back seat.

"It's really beautiful, you can try it. According to the information, there is a foreign spirit in his family, and it's very beautiful. Maybe he's just fine with it."

The blind man nodded, then shook his head again.

"Deaf, the Variant Spirit beside him can't pay attention to it, the boss said it, otherwise we won't be able to explain it in the laboratory!"


"Two managers, who is that person? Is it worth your troubles?" The white-skirted spirit became curious, showing an innocent and pure face.

"Qiao Yuan, Liyang City, have you heard of it?" said the blind man.

The white-dressed alien spirit frowned and looked out the window, then shook his head.

"This name sounds silly, is he famous? I'm new here, how strong is he?"

Blind man: "According to the information, it should be Tier 4!"

When the white-skirted spirit heard it, he immediately retreated.

Tier four!

It's a bit dangerous, so don't take this mission.

"But you don't have to worry, he is a very lustful person, and there is a Variant Spirit at home, you can seduce him and seduce him, and leave the rest to us... After this is done, you can advance one monthly salary!"

"Remember, he must be brought over in the rainy stage from afternoon to midnight tomorrow, neither earlier nor later!"

Hearing what the co-pilot manager said, the timid heart of the white skirt spirit became active again.

Two fourth-orders play a fourth-order, very stable!


"Okay, manager, no problem!" The white-skirted spirit patted his chest and agreed.

"This is the target's information, you have a look at it, just in case, you get off now... We are separated here, so as not to be discovered by the security bureau!" The blind man said.

"Good manager, don't worry, I'm very good at dealing with men!"


The car finally stopped, the white-skirted spirit got out of the car, bowed to the two managers in the cab, and waved a small hand.

Picked up the file and took a look.

[Strength Analysis: Strong, Strong, Strong]

[Character Analysis: Passionate, likes to fight injustice, full of sense of justice, suspected of being lecherous, likes beautiful alien spirits...]

"A human with a sense of justice?"

The white skirt Variant Spirit muttered to himself, and then an idea came to his mind.

Today's update, something happened

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