This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 227 225. Cooking skills? calligraphy? fishing? What does this have to do with celebrities?

The car drove away slowly!

However, everyone sitting in the car has a different mood.

This time, the person who came to pick up Wen Yixiao was not only her manager Mo Jinhua, but also Yu Jinghong, the vice president of artist director of Penguin Entertainment.

Yu Jinghong wanted to go down and shake hands with Wang Cheng for a few words, but Wang Cheng didn't give her a chance and got in the car and left. She didn't get out of the car at all to avoid embarrassment.

As soon as Wen Yixiao got in the car, Yu Jinghong smiled enthusiastically: "Yixiao, are you tired from recording the program this time? I heard that Director Zhang took the initiative to come to the program team to help. With Director Zhang here, everything will go well, right?"

Wen Yixiao sat down, leaned back on the chair, nodded slightly, and said nothing. His eyes were still looking at the car that had driven away in front of him, as if he wanted to see Wang Cheng inside through the car window.

Unfortunately, she didn't have clairvoyance and could only see the dark car glass.

Mo Jinhua smiled and said: "Yixiao, how are you? Is there any work here? I've seen two episodes, and several guests made a fool of themselves while working..."

Both of them want to get close to Wen Yixiao, build a relationship, and ensure long-term cooperation with Wen Yixiao.

Seeing Wen Yixiao like this, the two of them looked at each other, feeling a little surprised and helpless.

They thought that if Wen Yixiao came to spend a day with Zhu Ziqi, An Keru and Han Xiao face to face, some conflicts might arise and they would be more resistant to this relationship.

But now it seems...

Wen Yixiao stared at Wang Chengyuan's car in a daze, not wanting to pay attention to them at all.

This way, it seems that he is even more obsessed?

They both sighed at the same time.

Wen Yixiao looked away from the car that was driving away, looked at Yu Jinghong, and asked, "Sister Hong, what's the situation at Hongxing now?"

Yu Jinghong replied seriously: "Hongxing continues to be popular, and it is difficult to buy spot goods. It is said that pre-sales have been scheduled for a month. Now a large number of scalpers on the Internet have begun to speculate on Hongxing's shoes, including a pair of dragon series Wang Cheng The same model of shoes in stock, originally priced at more than 300 yuan, has now been sold for 800 yuan."

Mo Jinhua said seriously: "It is expected that in the short term in the future, Hongxing's products may be in short supply! Because of this endorsement, Wang Cheng's commercial value has increased significantly. Many people in the circle know that Hongxing can be said to be Completely saved by Wang Cheng. Zhu Ziqi and Zhang Hanwen both benefited a lot from this."

"Zhu Ziqi's current number of fans has exceeded 30 million, and Zhang Hanwen's fans have also exceeded 13 million. This is incredible for a newcomer who has been hidden!"

Wen Yixiao asked curiously: "Magic Cube Entertainment is still banning Zhang Hanwen?"

Yu Jinghong nodded: "Well, it is said that a program team invited Zhang Hanwen, but he was rejected by Rubik's Cube Entertainment. They don't care about Zhang Hanwen's values."

Wen Yixiao nodded slightly regretfully, and then asked: "Did Hongxing send me an endorsement invitation?"

Yu Jinghong and Mo Jinhua were silent for a moment, then nodded at the same time.

Mo Jinhua said truthfully: "Since the product exploded yesterday, Hongxing has sent out new endorsement invitations in a targeted manner. Zhu Ziqi, Du Wei, Zhang Hanwen, and you, Wen Yixiao! They are all at the same time as Wang Cheng The younger generation who debuted can be said to be as powerful as Wang Cheng!"

"Hongxing sent you an invitation this morning. Five years of endorsement, 30 million a year, with a total value of 1.5 billion, which is in line with the price of a super giant!"

"We are hesitating..."

Wen Yixiao said directly: "Promise!"

Mo Jinhua looked at Yu Jinghong, who nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, then we will treat Hongxing as your first big brand endorsement as Yixiao, and give Hongxing and Wang Cheng some face!"

Wen Yixiao shook her head gently: "When the program recorded today is broadcast, you guys should take a good look!"

She didn't want to talk to Yu Jinghong and Mo Jinhua.

She knew that these two people thought more from the standpoint of interests.

And her mind at the moment is just constantly replaying the scenes that happened during the day!

The picture of Wang Cheng skillfully cooking...

The scene of Wang Cheng fishing...

The picture of Wang Cheng writing!

The words in the inscription on the humble house seemed to come alive, floating around in her mind.


Wen Yixiao took a deep breath, her face flushed with excitement again, and she murmured softly: "If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, if there are dragons, it will be spiritual..."

Yu Jinghong looked at Wen Yixiao and knew that when Wen Yixiao and Wang Cheng recorded the program together, she might have been shocked by Wang Cheng's performance. She asked softly: "Yixiao, when you were recording the program, Wang Cheng performed for you live. Already?"

Yu Jinghong believed that Wang Cheng's live performance during the talent show during the recording session might have shocked Wen Yixiao.

She can also understand this.

After all, she had seen Wang Cheng's live performance. The aura and charm of the scene were indeed unparalleled. Even her aunt, who was used to seeing all kinds of good-looking young people in the industry, couldn't help it at that time. Heartbeat.

In this program recording, Wang Cheng performing for Wen Yixiao and others at such a close distance may be even more shocking and impactful.


Wen Yixiao shook her head gently: "No!"

Yu Jinghong was curious: "Then what did Wang Cheng do?"

Wen Yixiao looked at Yu Jinghong seriously: "He has done everything. Sister Hong, after watching this show, you will find a completely different Wang Cheng who will definitely shock everyone!"

"By then, the current negative public opinions will disappear without a trace. The number of his fans will increase rapidly, and it is inevitable that he will surpass Liu Qianhua and become the number one person in the entertainment industry!"

"Rubik's Cube Entertainment can't suppress him anymore."

Listen to Wen Yixiao's words.

Yu Jinghong and Mo Jinhua looked at each other, both shocked.

They didn't know what Wang Cheng had done that would have such a huge impact on Wen Yixiao, as if it was changing Wen Yixiao's outlook on things.

Nowadays, Wang Cheng's negative public opinion from the outside world is almost non-stop, and he is a popular source of traffic for many self-media and gossip media.

The last time Wang Cheng was interviewed by Lin Mi, he offended a lot of fans, and these fans also turned into anti-fans, who went everywhere to criticize Wang Cheng every day, with a negative tone.

In Yu Jinghong's view, such negative public opinion is almost impossible to quell and reverse. Even Penguin Entertainment may not be able to quell it.

Can Wang Cheng quell these negative public opinions with just one midnight variety show with little popularity and little ratings?

Both of their eyes were full of doubt and disbelief.

If Wang Cheng participates in a mainstream singing and dancing variety show with high ratings, showing Wang Cheng's stage talent and strength, and publishes one or two good works such as Jiucao Gangmu and Chinese Kung Fu, then use this time to Several songs that have not been uploaded have been uploaded at once, which may indeed calm the current negative public opinion and calm down the many dissatisfaction of fans.


How could a midnight country variety show do this?

Wen Yixiao was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Sister Hong, is it still possible for me to leave the circle and go to school now?"


When Yu Jinghong, who was silently thinking about Wang Cheng's negative public opinion, heard this, her eyes widened again and she looked at Wen Yixiao in surprise. She couldn't help but ask: "Yixiao, what do you think? If you withdraw from the circle and go to school now, , the efforts of the past few years have been in vain. It will take more time to study for the college entrance examination again."

If Wen Yixiao withdraws from the entertainment industry, it will be a big blow to Yu Jinghong and Penguin Entertainment, and will affect Penguin Entertainment's layout in the entertainment industry in the next ten years.

Wen Yixiao said in a melancholy tone: "I just feel that I know too little and know too little."

When I thought about the conversation between Wang Cheng and Zhou Wen, I was overwhelmed by Zhou Wen, who was known for his profound knowledge. He could also cook, he could also write master-level calligraphy, and he could write articles like the inscription on a humble room...

Wen Yixiao felt like she was a child who had just entered kindergarten and didn't know anything. When Wang Cheng and Zhou Wen were talking, she couldn't get a word in.

The only thing that gave her some comfort was that Zhu Ziqi, An Keru, and Han Xiao were also in similar condition at the time, and they could only be spectators like her!


She wanted to improve herself and talk to Wang Chengneng.

Or, she wants to improve herself so that she has the shining point that Wang Cheng is interested in.

Yu Jinghong and Mo Jinhua looked at each other again, guessing that Wen Yixiao might have been hit by Wang Cheng again, so they wanted to learn more, just like they studied music composition before, and now they want to go to school to learn knowledge...

Yu Jinghong thought for a moment and said, "Yixiao, what kind of knowledge do you want to learn? I can ask a teacher to teach you, and you don't need to withdraw from the circle."

Wen Yixiao: "There are many things I want to learn, such as cooking, calligraphy, literary creation, health preservation, inner cultivation, etc."

All right……

The two fell into speechless silence again.

None of these things seem to be of much use to celebrity artists.

However, if Wen Yixiao wants to learn, they will help as much as possible.

Otherwise, if Wen Yixiao withdraws from the circle, they will cry to death.

Yu Jinghong quickly promised: "When you are done with your work during this period and the album is finished, I will contact you!"

Wen Yixiao hummed and stopped talking.

Zhu Ziqi also said to her agent Peng Yuying at this time: "Sister Ying, I want to learn calligraphy and cooking. Is there any reliable teacher in this area?"

Peng Yuying only felt a few question marks floating on her forehead, and looked at Zhu Ziqi in surprise: "Ziqi, why do you want to learn this? Isn't this of any help to you?"

Zhu Ziqi's development path is to take on the role of singing and dancing ability in the girl group and take the rock route.

What’s the use of calligraphy and cooking?

Zhu Ziqi took a deep breath and said, "You will know after you watch this program."

Peng Yuying thought of something in an instant and asked curiously: "Because of Wang Cheng? He showed off his cooking skills and calligraphy during the recording of the show?"

Zhu Ziqi nodded: "Yes!"

Peng Yuying smiled, shook her head and said, "Ziqi, these can only be regarded as icing on the cake, and have no essential effect for an artist!"

She thought that Wang Cheng could only cook two dishes and write two calligraphy...

Zhu Ziqi shook his head: "You will know when you see it. By the way, how is the endorsement deal with Hongxing?"

Peng Yuying became serious and said: "Hongxing gave us three and five years. The three-year term is 20 to 50 million per year, and the five-year term is 20 million per year! This price is very affordable for your current fan status. , is on the high side. I suggest signing a three-year short-term contract. You are still on the rise. With your strength and potential, you will definitely be a super giant in three years, and the endorsement fee will be higher!"

She knew that this was Hongxing's reward for Zhu Ziqi's timely help in filming the commercial.

Otherwise, with Zhu Ziqi’s fan base that has just surpassed the first-tier celebrity status, she would not be able to get 25 million in annual endorsement fees!

Zhu Ziqi nodded: "Okay, you can watch the operation."

Although, she wanted to directly sign a five-year contract to express her determination to follow Wang Cheng.

However, she didn't want to get into too much trouble with the brokerage company. After all, the brokerage company wanted to make money, so she let the broker decide on the number of years.

After a pause, Zhu Ziqi asked again: "Sister Ying, do you know how much a work by a calligraphy master is worth now?"

Peng Yuying was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why Zhu Ziqi suddenly changed the topic to this, but she quickly replied: "I went to Hong Kong Island to participate in an auction last month. There was a painting on it that is still there. The work of a living calligraphy master, a copybook with 110 words, was auctioned for 10 million. It is said that this is just an ordinary work of the calligraphy master. If it is a masterpiece, the transaction price may be doubled. "

Zhu Ziqi thought of the calligraphy written by Wang Cheng and the article, and felt certain that the value must be higher. She felt pressure in her heart and took a deep breath.

Such Wang Cheng.

Can she catch up?

Is she worthy of standing next to Wang Cheng?

Zhu Ziqi once doubted herself.


A few seconds later, Zhu Ziqi cheered herself up again.

She still had the opportunity to continue to make progress, and decided in her heart to buy a set of Four Treasures of the Study when she returned.

She wants to start practicing calligraphy!

An Keru sat in the car, closed her eyes slightly, and said calmly to the agent: "Hire me a cooking teacher, and help me buy the best fishing tools..."


An Keru nodded: "Well, fishing..."

The most profound picture in her mind was not when Wang Cheng was cooking and writing, but when Wang Cheng was sitting there fishing, as if it was a painting in itself, an extremely harmonious natural picture that made the rest of them No one dares to go there, for fear of breaking the natural harmony.

Therefore, she wanted to sit next to Wang Cheng and fish with him, so that the natural harmony would not be broken.

As for calligraphy!

She had not stopped practicing calligraphy since she last saw Wang Cheng's calligraphy on Tomorrow's Idol, but she couldn't master it yet, so she didn't mention it to Wang Cheng.

She wanted to wait until she had achieved some success in her calligraphy practice before showing it to Wang Cheng and giving him a surprise.

Wang Cheng's car did not return to the hotel, but went directly to the airport, preparing to return to the Magic City.

The work here has been completed, and he doesn't want to go home to see his parents who are strangers in this world now. After the contract with the agency is over and he feels relaxed, he can go back to see his parents, so there is no need to stay in Shonan now.

When Wang Cheng arrived at the Xiangnan Airport, the airport had once again gathered many fans who came to see Wang Cheng off. They held Wang Cheng's sign and wanted to meet Wang Cheng by chance...

Unfortunately, Wang Cheng ignored them completely, passed through them quietly, got on the plane and left.

When the plane arrived in Magic City.

More fans gathered at the Shanghai Airport. Wang Cheng's name could be seen everywhere, but they were all in separate groups because no one organized them, so they all came spontaneously.

However, someone obviously leaked Wang Cheng's whereabouts, so they could arrive at the airport on time.

However, Wang Cheng still left the airport very low-key, without disturbing any fans or the media who wanted to gain traffic...

It was still relatively early. Wang Cheng looked at the time and saw that it was not yet seven o'clock. He breathed a sigh of relief, picked up a book and continued reading.

The assistant asked Wang Cheng in a low voice: "Wang Cheng, Mr. Qin wants to invite you to dinner together!"

Wang Cheng didn't even raise his head and said calmly: "No time!"

The assistant looked bitter. This was a task that Qin Yuhai personally called him to give him. If he couldn't complete it, he might have to work as Assistant Shen Shenghui for a few more years. He immediately persuaded him: "Wang Cheng, Mr. Qin wants to talk to you. It’s about your contract! Regarding your agency contract and your Hongxing endorsement contract..."

Wang Cheng thought for a moment with his hair, and then he knew Qin Yuhai's purpose and thoughts. A faint smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and then he said calmly: "No time!"

Still no time...

The assistant was speechless, of course he knew this was Wang Cheng's excuse.

Will he and Qin Yuhai know if Wang Cheng has time?

However, Wang Cheng was unwilling to go, and there was nothing they could do against Wang Cheng.

The assistant picked up the phone and sent a message to Shen Shenghui, replying that Wang Cheng was unwilling to go.

Therefore, when the car arrived at the apartment dormitory where Wang Cheng lived alone, Qin Yuhai's car was already parked downstairs.

Qin Yuhai and Shen Shenghui stood on the roadside waiting for Wang Cheng.

The assistant's eyes widened when he saw it. Qin Yuhai came to wait in person, and felt deeply about Wang Cheng's weight.

And Shen Shenghui opened the door for Wang Cheng in person and said with a smile: "Wang Cheng, thank you for your hard work!"

Wang Cheng got out of the car naturally, as if Shen Shenghui should have opened the door for him. He walked directly to his dormitory without saying anything or looking at Shen Shenghui and Qin Yuhai.

Qin Yuhai's face looked slightly ugly for a moment, then he quickly put on a smile, followed Wang Cheng and walked over, saying with a smile: "Wang Cheng, I heard that you are back, I came to see you in person and help you wash away the dust. I know you are still here. We haven’t eaten yet, so I ordered a table of dishes at Private Kitchen, which are all signature dishes. Let’s go have dinner together, right?”

Wang Cheng still said calmly: "No time. If you are here to discuss the contract, I advise you not to waste our mutual time."

Qin Yuhai took a deep breath, and when he saw Wang Cheng's expressionless face, he really wanted to turn around and leave.

This is the first time someone has given him such a look...

However, thinking of the value of Wang Cheng, he still resisted the impulse in his heart and said with a stiff face: "Wang Cheng, since you don't want to waste time, I will tell you directly."

"Can you transfer the 10% share of the advertising contract between you and Hongxing to me! If you are willing, I can give you 10% of the shares of Rubik's Cube Entertainment, and at the same time promise not to force you to renew the contract, and I will not force you to renew the contract in the future. We will not target you in terms of resources, but will give you normal resources within the circle to allow you to go further.”

"Your friend Zhang Hanwen will also return to normal and will no longer be hidden by the company..."

Qin Yuhai still couldn't ignore Hongxing's 10% sales share, so he vented his anger and wanted to take it from Wang Cheng and make it his own!

This is the exchange method he can think of for the time being.


Wang Cheng has no interest in any of this.

In fact, he is not very interested in Hongxing's 10% sales share, but he just doesn't have to worry about life for the rest of his life and can get at least hundreds of millions of shares every year!

Money and interests are not what he wants...

However, he was even less interested in Qin Yuhai's exchange plan.

He didn't want to have too much to do with Qin Yuhai.

Therefore, Wang Cheng ignored Qin Yuhai at all, and went to the door of his dormitory with a salute, took out the key, opened the dormitory door, and walked in.


Closed the door.

Qin Yuhai and Shen Shenghui were blocked from the door.


Qin Yuhai's face was ashen, his breathing was rapid, and his fists were clenched.

Shen Shenghui really wished that he was not here, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and whispered: "Mr. Qin, Wang Cheng is definitely not willing to give up this large amount of benefits."

"According to the latest news I know, Hongxing's total sales today have exceeded 1 billion, of which pre-sales have reached nearly 800 million. It is speculated that Hongxing's products will be out of stock for a long time, and this year's sales will not be It will be less than 5 billion..."

There are still two months until the end of the year.

In just over two months, Hongxing was able to generate sales of 5 billion!

This is almost the top level among second-tier sports brands, and above that are the two first-tier brands Ma Ning and Tayun!

This further illustrates the potential shown by Hongxing.

Ten percent sales share represents even more amazing and attractive benefits.

By the end of this year alone, Wang Cheng may receive a share of about 500 million!

More to come next year…

Who wouldn't be jealous after seeing this?

Qin Yuhai turned around and walked out, walking quickly and forcefully, and said in a deep voice: "Shen Shenghui!"

Shen Shenghui immediately replied: "Mr. Qin, I'm here."

Qin Yuhai: "Call Liu Xing. If Wang Cheng can't get through here, then go to Hongxing! If Hongxing agrees, Wang Cheng's opinion won't matter."

Shen Shenghui was not optimistic, but he still picked up the phone and called Liu Xing.

The call was quickly connected, and Liu Xing's hearty voice came: "Director Shen, are you here to ask about sales data again?"

From yesterday to now, every time Shen Shenghui calls Liu Xing, he asks for sales data!

Shen Shenghui smiled and said: "Not this time, Mr. Liu! I am representing Rubik's Cube Entertainment this time and I want to discuss something with Mr. Liu."

Liu Xing said in a serious tone: "Okay, Director Shen, tell me!"

Shen Shenghui glanced at Qin Yuhai, and then said seriously: "Mr. Liu, after internal discussions within our company, I feel that it is too hasty to transfer your company's 10% sales share to Wang Cheng, and I want to get it back. This originally belongs to the company. Do you agree with this plan?"

Liu Xing over there was silent for a moment.

Indeed, the 10% share was originally given to Rubik's Cube Entertainment. Liu Xing did not have the confidence to object to what Rubik's Cube Entertainment would do with it at the time, so he let Rubik's Cube Entertainment give it to Wang Cheng!

Now, Rubik's Cube Entertainment is jealous and wants to come back?

If it had been a day ago, Liu Xing might not have dared to object and could only agree, because he was afraid that Rubik's Cube Entertainment would not cooperate with Wang Cheng's endorsement of Hongxing!

But now...

Liu Xing said with a hint of smile: "Director Shen, you can't dispose of this how you want. I think you should have read the contract, right? The contract states that it cannot be transferred, sold, or treated as an inheritance. …”

Shen Shenghui glanced at Qin Yuhai. Qin Yuhai was silent and just waved his hand to express that he did not want to talk. Liu Xing had already refused, so he had nothing to say.

Since Liu Xing has refused, Shen Shenghui can only say: "Okay, I just want to discuss it with you. Since Mr. Liu is not willing, forget it! I wish Mr. Liu a prosperous business..."

Liu Xing: "Thank you, Director Shen, say hello to Mr. Qin for me! I'll treat him to dinner next time I go to Shanghai."

Liu Xing was not qualified to talk to Qin Yuhai before, because he was just the boss of a brand that was about to go bankrupt, and the company was already insolvent!

Now, Hongxing has the potential to become a second-tier brand, and Liu Xing is qualified to invite Qin Yuhai to dinner and have direct conversations.

Shen Shenghui laughed and said, "Okay, I will convey it to Mr. Liu!"

hang up the phone.

Shen Shenghui shook his head at Qin Yuhai and said, "It's unlikely that Liu Xing's side will work!"

Neither of them was surprised at all.

Because Hongxing became popular by relying on Wang Cheng’s popularity and the appeal of his works, not Rubik’s Cube Entertainment!

Qin Yuhai said in a cold tone: "You are now suppressing Wang Cheng at all costs. I allow you to join the public relations department to start promoting all his negative public opinions, and you can also expose all his negative public opinions!"

Is this really using Rubik's Cube Entertainment to suppress Wang Cheng...?

This will not only suppress Wang Cheng, but also Hongxing.

Because Hongxing relied on Wang Cheng's popularity to resurrect and become popular. If Wang Cheng's image is damaged and his popularity plummets, then Hongxing's appeal will also drop by a notch!

A hint of joy flashed in Shen Shenghui's eyes. He had never dared to do it before because he was afraid of doing it too blatantly, but now that Qin Yuhai had spoken, he ignored it and immediately agreed: "Okay, Mr. Qin, I will contact the Public Relations Department to cooperate. But , there are really not many negative news that Wang Cheng can hype up. He is an anomaly!"

Wang Cheng eats, reads, exercises, sleeps and works every day...

There is no black material that can be substantively operated!

Qin Yuhai said in a low tone: "Then go and create and expose! Isn't it okay to be a big name or have a relationship? I only want to see the results!"

Exposing a relationship?

This is indeed the most significant blow to the young and handsome celebrity artist.


Shen Shenghui said softly: "Mr. Qin, if Wang Cheng's love affair is exposed, will it affect Wang Cheng's upper limit in the future?"

Qin Yuhai said firmly: "It doesn't matter so much, let's take care of the present first. I want him to see that Rubik's Cube Entertainment can become a giant with the resources and strength in the industry. If I want him to be popular, he can be popular. I If you want him to be black, he must be black!”

Shen Shenghui: "Okay, Mr. Qin!"

The two got into the car and left quickly.

Shen Shenghui began to think about what to do next.

First, hype up Wang Cheng's rural life and how boring this program is. When the ratings are ugly when it is broadcast, then hype up how low the ratings are and break Wang Cheng's golden reputation in ratings.

Then, Wang Cheng's love affair was exposed, and Wen Yixiao and Han Xiao were brought in to further attack those female fans...

Then, give Wang Cheng another announcement that affects his professional ability, such as a variety show in classical music? Or take on an acting variety show?

These are definitely things Wang Cheng is not good at, and he will be sprayed to death by his instructor when the time comes!

Those professors and great directors at the music conservatory would not tolerate Wang Cheng...

Or take another advertising endorsement from a bankrupt company!

The thoughts in Shen Shenghui's mind became clearer, and a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Then his eyes lit up and he said to Qin Yuhai: "Mr. Qin, we can let Wang Cheng be interviewed by Lin Mi again. With Wang Cheng's style, there may be more Offending more fans will also offend some insiders, and then we can suppress him with more confidence..."

Qin Yuhai's eyes were still wide open, and he was worried about Hongxing's 10% share. He said in a deep voice: "Okay! Just contact Lin Mi directly!"

At this time, it was on Hunan Satellite TV.

Li Chi, Zhang Huizhong, as well as the editors, looked at the many recorded materials and fell into a state of confusion...

Li Chi frowned and said: "This is all good material. Every paragraph has something to watch. I think it can be broadcast directly!"

Zhang Huizhong looked at Li Chi as if he were an idiot: "Is it possible? Do you want to broadcast a documentary that lasts more than ten hours?"

Li Chi: "Why not? I think Wang Cheng can..."

The editor suggested: "I recommend editing to about two hours! If Director Li wants to broadcast more clips, they can be included in the behind-the-scenes clips on the online platform!"

Li Chi's eyes lit up slightly: "You can also play the ten-hour version directly online. Except for sleeping at night, the rest will be broadcast without deletions."

Zhang Huizhong: "The number of views will be very ugly. Who will watch a ten-hour video?"

Li Chi shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to no one watching my show videos anyway!"

Several people discussed and started busy editing.

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