This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 236 234. From obscurity to hundreds of stars vying to join! There is only one Wang Cheng lef

The explosion of ratings for Country Life was something that many people had never expected.


What many people in the industry did not expect was that the online video version of the ten-hour rural life had such an astonishing number of views on the online platform of Hunan Satellite TV.

In less than a day, the number of plays exceeded 100 million.

This is a ten-hour version, not the one-hour-plus version of other ordinary variety shows.

This shows that many viewers are not just looking for Wang Cheng, but actually watch the content of the show and like the content, so they will watch the ten hours of video.

At the same time, the video playback volume of many programs in front of Rural Life has increased a lot. The overall changes brought to the Rural Life program group can be called earth-shaking!

Xiao Qiang answered the phone: "Oh, hello! Oh, yes, yes! The next show is about to be recorded. Oh, show guests? It hasn't been decided yet... Sorry, uh... your artist is willing to participate for free ? Oh, okay, I understand, I will write it down, thank you for your affirmation..."

After a few perfunctory words, Xiao Qiang hung up the phone and said to station director Liu Jie and the deputy directors: "Here is another person who wants to record a program with Wang Cheng. He is a front-line young talent and is willing to pay for free. But The announcement fee will be announced to be five million! I'm holding off for now..."

Liu Jie nodded lightly: "Well, don't worry yet! We won't record the show until tomorrow. We'll wait for those guys."

The assistant director echoed: "If they have time, they will definitely come. Everyone in the circle is wearing it, and they are all chasing Wang Cheng. As long as it is Wang Cheng's show, they will find a way to go together. The last time they went to the countryside to live For those who take the initiative to contact us, the notification fee is still very low, and the total is less than half of Wang Cheng’s!”

"The four of them also have a little bit of credit for rural life being so popular."

With a change of tone, the deputy director continued: "By the way. I heard from friends at Xiangnan Satellite TV that they plan to adjust rural life to a prime time slot on weekends, increase production funds, and re-plan. They want to take this opportunity to establish this program as a prime time slot. Get up and build it into a pillar program of Shonan Satellite TV."

Liu Jie smiled: "It's not that easy, maybe just give it a try. Not every celebrity guest is as attractive as Wang Cheng."

Xiao Qiang thought for a while and said: "I think it is possible to really stand up. Wang Cheng showed a completely different side in rural life and on the stage, allowing everyone to see what Wang Cheng is like in life. . This satisfies the curiosity of many fans... This is a way for Country Life to invite other big-name stars to show what they are like in life, and it can also attract a lot of viewers."

"It's impossible to reproduce the terrifying ratings of 4.5, but I think there's no problem if the ratings exceed 1!"

After hearing this, several people were filled with envy.

In recent years, Shonan Satellite TV has had a feeling of sunset, making many other TV stations feel that their opportunity has come.

However, this time, Wang Cheng may have brought a flagship program to Hunan Satellite TV.

If Rural Life can stabilize its ratings by a little or more in the future, and occasionally reach two points, then it will secure a prime spot on the weekends for Shonan Satellite TV, and it will be able to support half of the sky for Shonan Satellite TV in the future. Shonan Satellite TV will be able to stabilize its own ratings for at least two or three years. status and income.

Such a good thing...

What TV station wouldn’t want that?

While a few people were chatting, they saw groups of fans holding Wang Cheng signs not far away arriving at the airport one after another. They stood quietly and politely, not blocking passers-by.

Hundreds of people have come now, and they are still coming intermittently.

The assistant director lamented: "Wang Cheng's itinerary has been leaked again. These fans came here on their own initiative... There are still so many of them, and now only Wang Cheng can do this in China."

Xiao Qiang said with a smile: "These fans want to see Wang Cheng again and again, and Wang Cheng avoids them every time, but they still persevere and find a way to pick them up every time. This scene is the only one in the country... …”

Several people were very happy to see such a scene.

Because this just shows Wang Cheng's popularity and charm.

Gives them some confidence...

Buzz buzz...

Xiao Qiang's phone rang again. He picked it up and connected it again. A female voice came from the other side: "Hello, Xiao Dao, I'm Wen Yixiao's agent Mo Jinhua."


Xiao Qiang sat up straight in an instant, his spirit was shaken, he waved to Liu Jie and others to signal for silence, and then smiled and said: "Oh, sister Mo, hello, hello!"

Mo Jinhua over there said straight to the point: "Xiao Dao, I heard that your Cultural Central Plains program team invited Wang Cheng to participate in the recording of the next program. We Wen Yixiao also happened to have a schedule and wanted to participate in this program. Recording, is there still a place?”

Xiao Qiang immediately smiled and said: "Of course there is still a place. No one usually pays attention to our program, so it is difficult to invite big-name guests. Wen Yixiao can come, of course we welcome it! Just... Sister Mo, our program team is relatively Small, production funds are limited, can Wen Yixiao’s advertising fee be lowered?”

Mo Jinhua was silent for two seconds, and then said: "Xiao Dao, the notification fee is just like rural life, it cannot be lower!"

This is the lowest limit that Mo Jinhua can accept. If it is any lower, it will be unjustifiable.

Xiao Qiang said quickly: "No problem, that's the price! Our show will be recorded tomorrow morning. When can you come over? I'll book a hotel room for you."

Mo Jinhua: "We have to shoot a commercial in the morning. Let's go there in the afternoon. We should be able to make it there in the evening. It won't delay the recording of tomorrow's program!"

Xiao Qiang: "Okay, then it's settled."

Mo Jinhua: "Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Xiao Dao!"

Xiao Qiang: "No trouble, no trouble!"

hang up the phone.

Xiao Qiang said excitedly to Liu Jie and the assistant director who were looking at him: "Here we come! Sure enough, where there is Wang Cheng, there must be Wen Yixiao. It depends on whether the other three come!"

The assistant director also became excited and said with a smile: "Wen Yixiao, Han Xiao, Zhu Ziqi, and An Keru, if we add the four of them together, it will be exactly the same as the lineup of Country Life. I heard that Hongxing also I signed four of them at once, and they may have been filming commercials in Shanghai for the past two days!"

Liu Jie also laughed: "That's great, Lao Xiao, Wang Cheng is here, and Wen Yixiao is here. These are two superstars. If Han Xiao, An Keru, and Zhu Ziqi also come, there will be three." A big name above the A-list. With such a lineup, the ratings are over two, so that’s not a big problem, right?”

"I don't dare to expect the same as rural life, four o'clock, let alone three o'clock. I know the nature of your program, it is an educational program, and the schedule is not good. I want two o'clock..."

The excited smile on Xiao Qiang's face gradually faded and he said seriously: "Director Liu, I will try my best!"

Liu Jie was about to speak...

Xiao Qiang's phone rang again.

Another call came from the agent of a big-name star. He also wanted to participate in the recording of this cultural program. He wanted to appear on the scene with Wang Cheng, and he hinted that it would be free!

Xiao Qiang said something perfunctory again, refused, put down the phone and said helplessly: "Since the news spread that Wang Cheng was coming to record the show, I have received calls from hundreds of agents, most of whom are first- and second-tier agents. There are also several top-notch big names. They all want to take advantage of Wang Cheng’s popularity.”

“The explosive appeal of country life is too great!”

Several people nodded after hearing this.

Liu Jie looked at the time again.

Xiao Qiang's phone rang again, and when he heard the voice on the other side, he smiled again: "Hello, Xiao Dao, I am Han Xiao's manager Li Jing! I heard that Wang Cheng is going to participate in the recording of your show, and we, Han Xiao, are also I want to record a show with Wang Cheng, are there any spots available?"

Xiao Qiang immediately said: "Of course there is still a place. We welcome Han Xiao to come! However, our small program team may have limited production funds..."

Li Jing anticipated this situation and immediately said: "The notification fee can be reduced appropriately, just like in rural life, how about it?"

Xiao Qiang: "That's no problem, happy cooperation!"

Li Jing: "Happy cooperation!"

hang up the phone.

Xiao Qiang smiled at the people in the car and said, "Han Xiao is here too."

Several people laughed.

Before their smiles fell, Xiao Qiang's phone rang again.

This time, it was An Keru’s agent calling!

After a while...

Zhu Ziqi's agent also called.

Xiao Qiang agreed, and the notice fee was in line with rural life. This was the lowest price they could accept.

If I hadn't asked Wang Cheng, their single-issue announcement fees would have been over ten million, and Wen Yixiao's price would have been at least twenty million!

The program team saved at least more than 30 million yuan here...


Magic City!

Mo Jinhua put down the phone and said OK to Wen Yixiao, who was trying on clothes over there, saying it was done.

Yu Jinghong, who was standing next to her, said softly: "Now Wang Cheng has become the most sought-after partner in the industry. As far as I know, the phone calls at Central Plains TV have been buzzed with calls. All the big-name celebrities and artists who can be named want to participate in this show. program, I want to cooperate with Wang Cheng and be on TV together!”

"This show only had a ratings of 0.1 or 0.2 before. If it weren't for Wang Cheng, no matter how much money we gave them, they wouldn't go."

Mo Jinhua nodded and said with emotion: "This is the charm of Wang Cheng. Since the end of the broadcast on Country Satellite TV, in less than a day, Wang Cheng himself has gained three million fans, and the number of fans has exceeded 90 million. Wen Yi Xiaodu has gained two million fans, and the number of fans is almost 70 million!"

"Zhu Ziqi has gained six million followers, Han Xiao has gained three million followers, and An Keru has gained three million followers! Both Han Xiao and An Keru are about to become super giants thanks to Wang Cheng."

"Zhu Ziqi, who filmed an advertisement with Wang Cheng, has gained more followers and has strong staying power. Zhang Hanwen, who has been hidden by Rubik's Cube Entertainment, has gained more than 5 million followers, and the number of fans has exceeded 10 million. Being hidden can also increase his popularity. position, he is still the first.”

Yu Jinghong's eyes flashed: "Yes, Wang Cheng is simply the source of popularity! Han Xiao and An Keru have gained a wave of fans this time. If they also join Wenhua Zhongyuan and cooperate with Wang Cheng, Wenhua Zhongyuan will become popular again. Then They may really cross the threshold of 50 million fans and become super giants!"

The two of them were silent for a while, thinking of this possibility, their eyes were full of shock and envy.

They are all veterans who have been in the industry for more than ten or twenty years. Have they ever seen such a scene this year?

Chaoju seems to be free of charge, giving out three or four at a time?

In the past few years, there has never been one in a year.

In the Chinese entertainment industry for thirty years, there are now less than ten people who can be called super giants!

This year, two super giants, Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao, suddenly appeared. If two more super giants emerge...

Simply outrageous.

The Chinese entertainment industry seems to have suddenly changed and become something else.

While the two were chatting.

Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru all arrived one after another, and like Wen Yixiao, they were here to shoot commercials.

The four of them were on their own sides, not talking to each other...

Then, Liu Xing came over in person to meet the four spokespersons he had just signed.

Looking at the serious commercial film shot by four people, they just held a few poses and did some actions to show off the shoe products...

Liu Xing recalled the experience of Wang Cheng shooting an advertisement, and felt lucky that she had chosen to trust Wang Cheng and give up Lao Chen's ordinary advertising plan.

Wang Cheng’s advertising MV is still attracting traffic to Hongxing.

In comparison, the commercials shot by Wen Yixiao and others at this time seem too ordinary, and they are not much different from the commercials shot by others. After it is broadcast, everyone may have passed it after watching it, and will not go to it again. After watching it a few times, it’s not like Wang Cheng’s commercial MV, which attracts many people to watch it repeatedly every day.

Liu Xing stepped forward and greeted the four of them one by one. Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru also responded politely, and then stopped talking to Liu Xing. They were either busy reading or He was busy watching advertisements or looking for clothes, and he didn't have the same enthusiasm as other ordinary celebrities towards their financial sponsor father.

Liu Xing smiled bitterly. These people all had the same style as Wang Cheng, and they were all indifferent to his father, the financial sponsor.

"Mr. Yu, congratulations on having a super giant like Wen Yixiao under your company."

Liu Xing and Yu Jinghong said with smiles.

Among those present, the person in Yu Jinghong's circle who was most qualified to speak to him was one of the vice presidents of Penguin Entertainment.

Yu Jinghong smiled and said: "Congratulations, Mr. Liu's company has come back to life and achieved greater glory. This time, with Wen Yixiao and the others joining, your brand may continue to explode, and it is very likely to surpass Ma Ning and Tayun." .”

Liu Xing shook his head and said: "I don't dare to think about it. It would be good if we can stabilize the current situation."

Yu Jinghong: "Mr. Liu is so humble. I just placed an order for a pair of your company's shoes at noon today, and they have been scheduled to be shipped in a month! Your products are so popular..."

Liu Xing smiled proudly.

Product orders are scheduled for a month later.

This is the first time ever for a sports product.

Hongxing can be regarded as making history...

Liu Xing: "Oh? Which pair of shoes do Mr. Yu want? What's the number? Just tell me and I'll have the factory customize a pair for you."

Yu Jinghong shook her head hurriedly: "I don't dare to take it seriously, I'd better wait..."

In fact, it was not that she wanted to buy it, but one of her assistants complained about it when she bought it.

She couldn't sign a favor for a pair of shoes.

However, thinking about the popularity of this product, she was also very jealous of Wang Cheng!

How much is the 10% share?

Liu Xing: "That's right! I'm going to the provincial capital of Zhongyuan in the afternoon to meet Wang Cheng, and by the way, I'll discuss a cooperation with Wenhua Zhongyuan. Do you want to go together?"

Because the call to Wang Cheng could not be reached, Liu Xing had no choice but to go to see Wang Cheng in person again to discuss a cooperation deal.

At the same time, we will sponsor an advertising fee for Cultural Central China.

The principle that Liu Xing adheres to now is that wherever Wang Cheng goes...

Hongxing’s products and logo will appear there!

A glimmer of light flashed in Yu Jinghong's eyes. She knew that the success of Liu Xing, the boss, was not accidental. Following Wang Cheng's footsteps, he had seized the current source of traffic and popularity. She immediately smiled and said: "I don't know yet!"

She did not disclose Wen Yixiao's itinerary, not because of confidentiality, but because she did not want to reveal Wen Yixiao's follow-up to Wang Cheng in person.

Liu Xing smiled, knowing the answer in his heart, but he did not expose it. He smiled and said: "Okay, then I will book the tickets myself and go first!"

Yu Jinghong: "Okay..."

After chatting casually for a few words, Liu Xing gave some instructions to the person in charge of advertising, then left the scene and went directly to the airport to the provincial capital of Central China.

And at the Zhongyuan Provincial Capital Airport.

Wang Cheng and three assistants walked out.

The three assistants wanted to help get things, but Wang Cheng refused.

Seeing a dense crowd of one or two thousand fans coming to pick him up at the airport, Wang Cheng's name could be seen everywhere. Wang Cheng didn't even look at the fans. He just carried his backpack and pulled his suitcase and walked out.

Wearing a hat, a mask, and blending in with the crowd, three assistants helped him block his sight.

Therefore, one or two thousand people did not find him!


There was still a group of smart people who did not go to Wang Cheng. Instead, they found Liu Jie, Xiao Qiang and others who were picked up by Central Plains TV and stayed by their side.

The moment Wang Cheng appeared.

Xiao Qiang and Liu Jie recognized them.

There were no three assistants who could stop him, and the other waiting fans recognized him immediately.


Loud shouts rang out at the airport.

"Wang Cheng..."

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