This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 262 260. No money? It’s free! Not going on stage? You can also be an audience member...

More than an hour ago.

Li Guangcai finalized the contract details on behalf of Oriental TV and Rubik's Cube Entertainment, and came to Wang Cheng to sign and it was official.


The news has spread within Rubik's Cube Entertainment.

At the same time, there are already rumors outside.

Many people are ready to make a move.

When Li Guang officially released the official news on behalf of Dragon TV, the entire Chinese entertainment industry quickly became agitated.

Li Guang's phone rang immediately. He saw that it was a familiar agent. He looked at Shen Shenghui and smiled bitterly: "It's here as promised..."

Although he didn't want to answer it, Li Guang couldn't refuse it directly.

In this circle, it's all about connections.

Li Guang also smiled at Lin Mi, then turned around and answered the phone: "Hey, Lao He, how are you doing recently?"

"Oh? Want to appear on our TV station's musician program?"

"Lao He, I'll tell you clearly. This time we invited Wang Cheng to come to the show. It will cost too much. We can't invite anyone else."

"'s free. This, to be honest, is difficult!"

Li Guang heard the other party say it was free, but did not agree. He said hesitantly: "You should understand that the musician program is not just for anyone who wants to go. The judges and contestants above, etc., have been teachers and students from several famous music and art schools in the country. , they have requirements for other guests, and if they don’t meet the requirements, they won’t be allowed to go on stage.”

"Wang Cheng is also very accomplished in music, so that's why he went up."

Although the other party felt that Li Guang was talking nonsense, he still insisted: "Director Li, if you are not a guest, how about you be the audience head office? First row of audience, okay? Our artist is also a first-line fan with more than 18 million fans. Flow, it’s not too much to just go to the show and be an audience, right?”


Now, Li Guang really couldn't refuse.

They don’t ask for money, and they don’t appear on stage. They just need to sit in the audience.

If you refuse this, you will really offend people...

However, as for the specific location of the auditorium, he couldn't agree directly. After all, he didn't know what would happen next.

Li Guang was silent for a moment and replied: "Of course you can. Since your artists love music and art so much, I think no one will refuse to come and be an audience. However, it's hard to say the specific location. Because, we We must first satisfy the professors and leaders of those famous music schools..."

The other party was also silent for a moment.

Obviously, as a top-notch person, it is enough for him to lower his body and become a spectator. However, such a low profile does not guarantee a place in the first row, which is somewhat unacceptable.

However, after only two seconds of silence, the other party agreed: "Of course, we just follow Director Li's arrangements."

Li Guang knew that the other party was still attracted by Wang Cheng's huge popularity and popularity, and he could accept it even if he was not in the first row of the auditorium.

This also exceeds Li Guang’s views on the entertainment industry.

However, he understood that in just one week, An Keru and Han Xiao had become new superstars by appearing on the show with Wang Cheng, and Zhu Ziqi also gained more than 10 million followers.

Wang Cheng himself has just officially surpassed 100 million fans, becoming the second superstar in the history of the entire entertainment industry to have over 100 million fans.

Moreover, Wang Cheng's fan count of over 100 million is far more valuable than Liu Qianhua, who is still the number one person in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Because Liu Qianhua's fans have slowly grown to more than 110 million through years of accumulation. Over time, many fans have become inactive, or even forgotten to follow Liu Qianhua, and are no longer considered Liu Qianhua's fans.

Naturally, Liu Qianhua's appeal is actually slowly declining.

And Wang Cheng...

It only took a few months to accumulate over 100 million fans.

These fans are still at the peak of their activity, and the popularity and value they bring to Wang Cheng are beyond the imagination of others.

According to investigation by authoritative agencies.

The number of fans that the Chinese entertainment industry can attract as a whole is actually only about 100 million. Adding in the occasional passersby who follow the entertainment industry, the number will not exceed 200 million at most!

Most other people don't care about the entertainment industry or the affairs of celebrity artists.

As for Wang Cheng's hundreds of millions of fans at this time, some are fans in the industry who like to chase stars, and some are actually passers-by, but they are all included in the range of about 200 million people, and only a few are outside the 200 million people. Stranger.

this means……

The number of Wang Cheng's personal fans accounts for almost half of the Chinese entertainment industry.

This is data that entertainment companies in the entertainment industry and many senior brokerage teams can easily calculate.


It's understandable why so many people want to come here to ride on Wang Cheng's popularity.

After all, Wang Cheng contains half of the popularity of the entertainment industry.

hang up the phone!

Li Guang looked at Shen Shenghui and smiled: "This is the first time I have been so sought after..."

Shen Shenghui smiled at Li Guang and said, "Director Li, if you can go to the audience, then there are several artists in our company who want to go and experience the atmosphere of music and art!"

Li Guang immediately agreed: "Of course you can!"

Neither of them mentioned the location arrangement, so it was just decided.

If you want to go on stage...

Shen Shenghui knows that in the entire entertainment industry, there are not many people who are qualified and capable to perform music and art performances and discuss on stage.

If you still have to be in front of many teachers and students from several top music and art schools at home and abroad, it can be said that no one in the circle has the qualifications and strength.


Even if you are an audience member, you can at least catch Wang Cheng's attention.

Anyway, it only takes a day or two.

If Wang Cheng can make the ratings of the musician program exceed four points again this time, then they will all make money, even if there are only a few shots in the audience.

However, as long as you can show your face and the team's hype operation, you can definitely gain a wave of popularity...


Most people are still skeptical about this.

After all, it is obvious at first glance that the program Musicians is not for the general public, and its previous ratings have always been very low.

But wasn’t the previous rural life and culture also the same in the Central Plains? Didn't Wang Cheng become popular after he went up?

Who's to say that Wang Cheng can't make musicians popular too?

What if it also becomes popular?


Everyone has this expectation and wants to go on the show to gain popularity.

Shen Shenghui tried his best to find this kind of extremely restrictive program for Wang Cheng to come on, hoping to give Wang Cheng a blow.

However, everyone else has expectations and hopes for Wang Cheng.

Shen Shenghui was helpless about this.

The two of them didn't chat much. They were both busy people. After confirming that several celebrity artists under Rubik's Cube Entertainment were going to be the audience at the musician's venue, they left separately!

Lin Mi also left in a car.

She also wanted to watch Wang Cheng's recording live, but instead of going through Li Guang and Shen Shenghui, she called her dad after getting in the car!

Her father is an old man from Dragon TV. Although he is not a big leader, he is also one of the leaders with real power. He is still in office at this time. It is natural that he wants a seat in the audience of a small and inconspicuous program, so he immediately agreed. .

Lin Mi said happily: "Thank you, dad."

Father Lin smiled and said: "The recent exclusive interviews you conducted with Wang Cheng were very good, and they are considered a reward for you. By the way, I heard that you paid Wang Cheng 30 million to buy the inscription on the humble house. Is it true? Does he intend to sell it? I really want his painting of Knights of the Knights, and it’s fine within 50 million! I can borrow it from your grandfather and uncles."

Obviously, Father Lin also liked Wang Cheng's authentic chivalrous work very much, and he didn't hesitate to spend all his money to buy it.

Lin Mi answered truthfully: "Don't think about it, dad. I just left Wang Cheng. Uncle Qin offered 100 million to buy it, but he was rejected. Wang Cheng made it clear that he would not sell his works."

Father Lin said regretfully: "That's such a pity. If I could hold this original work in my hands, I would die! This work is really an absolute masterpiece that is rare in history. The poem is good, The words are good and the idea is good! There are few in history that can compare with it."

"Your grandfather asked me specifically this morning to inquire. He knew that you had contact with Wang Cheng and wanted to ask if you could get the authentic works of Wang Cheng."

Lin Mi was slightly surprised and asked curiously: "Grandpa also asked about it? But didn't Wang Cheng reject the invitation from the Modu Calligraphy Association and the Writers Association? Don't they all dislike Wang Cheng?"

Lin Mi knew that although his grandfather was retired, he was also a member of the Calligraphy Association and the Writers Association, and he was also accomplished in calligraphy. Although he was far from being able to compare with calligraphy masters, he was still in the family, and with his senior qualifications in the Magic City, Words carry some weight.

She thought that people like Grandpa did not like Wang Cheng and would not like Wang Cheng's works...

Dad Lin said: "What they don't like is Wang Cheng's attitude! It's not that they don't like Wang Cheng's works. Wang Cheng's two works, Inscription on the Humble Room and Xia Ke Xing, are of such a standard that they can't deny that they don't like them. The quality of the work itself, as well as Wang Cheng’s calligraphy realm.”

"So, these old guys say they don't like Wang Cheng, and they publicly belittle Wang Cheng's works. But privately, they are looking for connections to buy Wang Cheng's works."

"Haha, they know better than anyone else how high-level and valuable Wang Cheng's works are."

Lin Mi understood immediately.

These old antiques just want to make a fortune in silence.

Just like the experts on those treasure appraisal programs in the past, they devalued other people’s things as fakes, bought them at low prices, and then resold them for sky-high prices...

Her grandfather was one of them.

Lin Mi: "Why is Grandpa like this?"

Dad Lin: "Your grandfather is a better person. He has never publicly disparaged Wang Cheng or his works. He has always appreciated it, but he has never expressed it publicly. His biggest idea now is to get an authentic painting of Wang Cheng . Since the two works by Wang Cheng are no longer possible, what about the only cursive calligrapher who is living outside?"

"Wen Yixiao is a girl from the Southern Wen family. With the reputation of our family, people will definitely not bother to care about us!"

Lin Mi also said: "I advise you not to think about it. It is impossible for Wen Yixiao to give away Wang Cheng's works!"

Father Lin also put aside the topic for the time being and asked, "Wang Cheng is going to be a musician. Do you think there will be some success this time?"

Lin Mi: "I don't know, but the popularity is rising. But I'm not sure whether Wang Cheng will perform well on the show. Wang Cheng can only attract viewers, can they retain them, and can the ratings be stable? What's more, It depends on the content. In terms of rural life, Wang Cheng's performance is very exciting. Let alone the culture of the Central Plains. Even if Wang Cheng did not write the knight's journey, those three dances would be enough to explode."

"So, the key depends on the content."

Dad Lin: "This is none of my business. By the way, you have been in contact with Wang Cheng a few times. What do you think of this person?"

How about Wang Cheng?

Lin Mi was silent for two seconds before saying, "Just like what I publicly commented on Weibo. He is the most perfect person I have ever seen!"

After a pause, Lin Mi said seriously: "He is really perfect. Except for a slight flaw in his personal character, he really can't find any shortcomings or black spots. It can be said that he is perfect!"

Father Lin was silent for a moment and said, "Such a high evaluation? Lin Mi, don't fall in love with me!"

Lin Mi smiled bitterly and said, "I would like to, but people don't like me."

Father Lin was surprised and said: "Girl, do you really like her?"

Lin Mi didn't hide anything and said directly: "Yes, I confessed my love to him today. He ignored me and didn't say a word to me! Hey, this is the first time I feel unattractive in my growth. "

Dad Lin: "Then you want to be more open-minded. You are so beautiful and outstanding. There are many choices besides him. By the way, when will he record a musician? I will go and see it live to see what charm this person has."

Lin Mi: "It is said that it will be tomorrow morning!"

Dad Lin: "Okay, then I'll go there tomorrow and we'll talk then."

Lin Mi: "Goodbye dad!"

hang up the phone.

Lin Mi took a few deep breaths to calm down. She recalled her confession to Wang Cheng today and her insistence on following Wang Cheng for almost a whole day. She kept recalling it in her mind, and a smile slowly emerged from the corner of her mouth.

Although, Wang Cheng ignored her and didn't say a word.

However, she still felt very happy.

Because she has been following Wang Cheng and looking at Wang Cheng...


Before Li Guang officially announced that Wang Cheng would participate in the musician program.

Wen Yixiao had already asked Mo Jinhua to contact the musician program team and wanted to participate in the recording of the program.

However, after Mo Jinhua contacted the producers and directors of the program, they did not get a commitment to let Wen Yixiao be a guest performer on stage. They only promised that Wen Yixiao could sit in the front row as an audience member...

Mo Jinhua contacted Li Guang again. Even in the face of such a popular celebrity as Wen Yixiao, Li Guang did not dare to agree to let Wen Yixiao come on stage!


Mo Jinhua reluctantly reported the situation to Wen Yixiao: "According to the information I got from contacting several acquaintances within Dragon TV, although the ratings of the musician program are not high, there are no big names in the industry. However, it is domestic Several well-known foreign music and art schools participated, and their status was very high. The program team and the TV station did not dare to offend it casually, so they lost money and did not stop broadcasting."

"Every guest who wants to perform on stage needs to be approved by judges from several prestigious music schools. They have already used their power by forcing Wang Cheng to come on stage as a special guest. If they add more people, it may Offend the leaders of those prestigious schools."

"So, no matter who they are, they don't dare to agree to perform on stage. They can only go to the auditorium to be spectators."

Wen Yixiao put down the book, thought for a moment, and said, "Yangyin and Sichuan Yin are also two of them, right?"

Mo Jinhua nodded: "Yes, both Yangyin and Sichuan Yin, Yangyin is still one of the biggest! Among the judges, there is Yangyin's professor. Sichuan Yin is qualified to send talented players to perform and compete, but there are no judges Seat."

Wen Yixiao nodded: "Then I'll ask my dad to contact some acquaintances in Yangyin! I'll go up and play a piece of piano. It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Wen Yixiao is good at two musical instruments, piano and guzheng. She has no confidence in competing with music students from famous schools at home and abroad, but she is confident when she just goes on stage to play a piece of music.

Mo Jinhua: "If it can pass Mr. Wen's side, it will definitely be no problem!"

Wen Yixiao hummed, picked up the phone and called her father.

The connection was quickly connected, and Wen's father's rather resentful voice came from the other side: "Yixiao, do you still remember your father?"

Wen Yixiao smiled and said: "Of course I remember dad."

Father Wen said disdainfully: "You must have thought of me because of something, so just tell me."

Wen Yixiao said simply: "Then let me tell you, I want Dad to contact Yangyin so that I can participate in the performance of Oriental TV's musician program tomorrow as a special guest! This is not right for Dad. Is it difficult?”

Father Wen was silent for a second and said, "It's indeed not difficult. Finding Lao Ma shouldn't be a big problem. But why should I help you chase that Wang Cheng?"

Wen Yixiao: "Dad... I want to play a piano piece!"

Father Wen: "It's not impossible for you to want to go. In this case, you can give me the cursive calligrapher's line, and I will help you get the chance to perform two pieces of music!"

Wen Yixiao suddenly smiled bitterly: "Dad, you can't take advantage of the fire like this. This knight's journey is my most precious thing. Unless I die, no, even if I die, I will take it with me and will not let anyone Others get it.”

Father Wen also said in a helpless tone: "You girl, you are not going to die. You are so young, don't think about this. I have no problem with you liking Wang Cheng, but don't seek life and death for him. Even if others don't like you, you still have to Live well."

Wen Yixiao: "I know...I'm going to perform as a musician."

Father Wen: "Then I'll give it a try! But, I don't need that cursive calligraphy painting of Xia Ke Xing. Then you can bring it home next time and lend it to me to look at, right? Let me tell you, your grandpa doesn't even watch TV. He has a mobile phone, so he doesn’t know about Wang Cheng or this work. If he knew about it, he would definitely go to you and ask for it!"

Thinking of the way grandpa did things...

Wen Yixiao knew that if her grandfather knew about Wang Cheng's talent and strength, as well as the knight's story he wrote, she believed that the old man would come and snatch it away immediately.

Then she really can't keep it...

Therefore, she could only agree: "Okay, next time I go back, I will lend it to you for ten minutes."

Father Wen: "One day!"

Wen Yixiao: "One hour, otherwise we won't have to talk!"

Father Wen: "Okay, wait for my news."

Wen Yixiao: "Thank you, Dad!"

hang up the phone.

Wen Yixiao breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more relaxed. She looked at Mo Jinhua and said, "Sister Mo, have you booked your flight to Shanghai?"

Mo Jinhua: "It's been decided!"

Wen Yixiao hummed, picked up the phone and called Wang Cheng again out of habit.


There was still a busy signal with no one answering until I hung up.

Wen Yixiao was not discouraged, put down the phone, and did not continue to read. Instead, he collected the Xia Ke Xing that Lin Bing came to frame today, put it into a box made of huanghuali wood that he bought at a high price, and solemnly put it into his In the bag.

She decided to carry this work with her everywhere in the future and take it out to appreciate it every day!


Wang Cheng didn't pay attention to everything outside.

Still living in his own world.

Early the next morning.

Get up and go for a morning run and eat as usual.

A figure followed him again.

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