This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 265 263. He doesn’t deserve to perform on the same stage with us! I would be more defiant th

Many people present who had been paying attention to Wang Cheng saw this scene.

They all glanced at Yu Hong curiously, although they were slightly shocked. Yu Hong's appearance and temperament were almost as good as Wen Yixiao and An Keru.

However, no one thinks that Wang Cheng will be attracted by Yu Hong's appearance and temperament.

Because everyone present in the industry knows very well that Wang Cheng has been chased by Wen Yixiao, An Keru, Han Xiao, and Zhu Ziqi for a long time, but there is no expression, which makes many men in the industry feel confused. Envious and jealous.

If Wang Cheng cares about appearance and temperament, then he only needs to nod his head, and any female star with good appearance and temperament in the circle will be chosen by him, including Wen Yixiao and others, and they will not refuse.

However, Wang Cheng has always turned a blind eye to all the advances and pursuits of the opposite sex.

Everyone naturally thinks that Wang Cheng definitely doesn't care about appearance and temperament, but may care more about the inside.

This is also the reason why Wen Yixiao, An Keru, Han Xiao, Zhu Ziqi and others have been reading books to enrich themselves whenever they have time recently.

Now, seeing Wang Cheng paying attention to Yu Hong, everyone observed Yu Hong carefully and suddenly noticed something different!

Yu Hong seems to have a unique and rich scholarly atmosphere...

However, at this time, Wang Cheng had already walked in and did not look at Yu Hong a second time. The interested people around him could only keep Yu Hong's incident in mind and wait to learn more about it later. .

As soon as you enter the venue!

It is a very typical performance stage. The stage faces a huge fan-shaped auditorium, which can accommodate thousands of people. At this time, there are already densely packed audience members.

There were also some well-dressed young people and middle-aged people standing on the stage. They were obviously teachers and students from major music academies.

As soon as Wang Cheng came in, the eyes of thousands of people at the scene focused on him, and they all looked at Wang Cheng curiously. At the same time, many of their eyes showed obvious exploration and dissatisfaction.

A middle-aged man wearing a well-dressed suit on the stage looked at Wang Cheng and said calmly: "What a big arrogance, making so many people wait for him."

Another middle-aged man next to him, who was also wearing a suit, had a smile on his face and said: "They don't go to work until nine o'clock, and we don't want to give them face. We don't dare! I heard that Director Xie, the chief director of this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala, went to invite him personally. Wang Cheng was rejected three times.”

When several people around him heard this, a trace of displeasure flashed in their eyes.

They are used to being complimented on the program team and being paid advertising fees that are several times higher than their salary. They have long regarded this place as their own independent money-making circle.

Now that Wang Cheng is coming, the entire program team and even the entire TV station must be careful not to offend Wang Cheng. Moreover, they have also heard that Wang Cheng’s single-issue announcement fee is as high as 90 million, which is simply beyond the reach of Wang Cheng. Their imagination made many of them feel unbalanced and jealous.

There were also some obviously European and American people who looked at Wang Cheng with emotions and some disdain.

An old man with some gray hair asked the translator beside him: "Who is this?"

The translator whispered: "Professor Smith, this is the most popular singer and star in our country right now. His name is Wang Cheng. He has recently composed a lot of pop songs, and the sales are very good! Moreover, he also composed a Chinese classical music, General make."

Professor Smith's eyes lit up slightly after hearing this, and his tone was filled with obvious disbelief: "Did he compose the General's Order? That guzheng piece?"

The translator nodded: "Yes, it was his first live performance on a variety show."

Smith frowned: "But, he looks too young!"

The translator said with certainty: "Yes, he is very young, only nineteen years old. However, the General's Order was indeed created by him, and no one can deny this."

After hearing this, Professor Smith and several professors and students from famous foreign music schools were a little surprised and disbelieving. At the same time, they were also a little dissatisfied with Wang Cheng being such a big name...

As teachers and students from top foreign music schools, they came to China to study and exchange. They were complimented and honored wherever they went, and they were also paid handsomely.

At this time, they felt that Wang Cheng had stolen their limelight!

A blond young man whispered: "He is just a star, he does not deserve to perform on the same stage with us!"

Another young blond woman in a long skirt also nodded and said: "Yes, although he is very good-looking and the best-looking man I have ever seen. However, this stage is not suitable for him to perform."

For a while...

Dozens of people on the stage looked at Wang Cheng coldly.

Wang Cheng looked at the scene layout, which was like a Western stage play, and followed Hu Xiaoshan and others with an expressionless expression!

Then, an older man in front walked over quickly, smiled at Wang Cheng, stretched out his hand and said, "Wang Cheng, do you still remember me?"

Wang Cheng nodded, stretched out his hand to shake hands, and said softly: "Professor Xu..."

The person who came was none other than Xu Chaohua, the vice-principal of Sichuan Sound.

Hu Xiaoshan, Zhao Donghu, Gu Jun, and Li Guang were all slightly surprised. They didn't expect that Wang Cheng and Xu Chaohua seemed to have a good relationship!

Because this was the first person Wang Cheng called when he came here.

It is perfectly normal for ordinary people to call each other when they meet.

However, Wang Cheng seems to be very special here.

Because Wang Cheng and the others didn't even say a word...

Xu Chaohua also knew Wang Cheng's reputation and personality in the circle. He suddenly felt that he was somewhat honored to be remembered by Wang Cheng and willing to talk. He smiled and said: "I heard that you were coming to perform, so I came over overnight. Oh. My biggest regret in my life is that I didn’t go to Shonan Satellite TV and Central Plains Satellite TV to see you calligraphy. If I had known, when I was on the Tomorrow Idol program, I would have asked you for a calligraphy no matter what!"

"Now, I have no shame in asking you for calligraphy treasures anymore."

Xu Chaohua's face was full of regrets, regrets, and admiration.

At first, he just saw a character written by Wang Cheng in thin gold calligraphy. The master-level charm was unique, and coupled with the even more unique calligraphy font, he felt that Wang Cheng had extraordinary attainments in calligraphy and would soar to the sky sooner or later.

However, he never dreamed that Wang Cheng could master the two calligraphy styles of running script and cursive script at the same time, and also had a literary level that was unparalleled in the contemporary era.

An inscription about a humble house and a knight's journey made Xu Chaohua's blood boil.

In his opinion, just these two works are enough for Wang Cheng to dominate the contemporary literary world.


He could never get another piece of Wang Cheng's work.

Li Guang, Hu Xiaoshan, Zhao Donghu, and Gu Jun all around felt a slight movement in their hearts after hearing this.

What they are looking forward to most today is actually Wang Cheng's creative work...

Because Wang Cheng's stunning creations and calligraphy displays on two consecutive programs have made many viewers full of expectations. They are looking forward to whether Wang Cheng will continue to create a piece of work on the third program and continue to display master-level calligraphy!

As long as Wang Cheng can write a few words on the musician program, the ratings of this program will not be lower than three points.

If they could get Wang Cheng's calligraphy works here, then a few of them would really be willing to serve Wang Cheng tea...

Lin Dongqing, who was following behind, whispered to his daughter Lin Mi: "If he can write a calligraphy for me, I will agree to your marriage to him!"

You can sell yourself just by hearing one word from Dad.

Lin Mi reached out and patted her father, but then a hint of shyness flashed in her eyes. If Wang Cheng was willing to nod, she would not want anything, and she could marry Wang Cheng with her tens of millions of wealth.

However, she knew it was very difficult.

So far, she doesn't know what Wang Cheng likes.

Wang Cheng did not show any pride at Xu Chaohua's praise, his expression remained calm, and he seemed not to care about it. He didn't even speak, he just nodded lightly, and then continued to walk forward.

Xu Chaohua was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile. He thought he was somewhat special in Wang Cheng's heart and could communicate with him, but he didn't expect that he was only qualified to be called Wang Cheng.

This kid...

Don't know what to think.

Xu Chaohua nodded to Hu Xiaoshan and others, then walked to his seat and sat down in the second row. Sitting next to him was a woman with delicate features and obvious Sichuan characteristics, that is, her skin was particularly good. , fair and tender as if you could pinch water, not too tall, with the temperament of Xiaojiabiyu, which makes people want to protect and take care of her at a glance.

Xu Chaohua sat down and said to the young woman next to him: "Yan Yu, you see, this is Wang Cheng, I am very familiar with him!"

Yan Yu also kept looking at Wang Cheng, with a hint of surprise flashing in her water-like bright eyes.

With her eyes that never cared about appearance, she could not help but be surprised by Wang Cheng's appearance and temperament.

Because Wang Cheng fits all her aesthetics and all her fantasies about the appearance and temperament of the opposite sex...

Hearing Xu Chaohua's words, Yan Yu nodded and said, "Well, you are very familiar with him. He even said a word to you."

Xu Chaohua's face turned slightly red and he said, "You don't know him. There are only a few people in the entire entertainment industry who can speak to him. This is already very rare."

Yan Yu didn't bother with this, and she didn't care about it either. She just asked, "Will Wang Cheng perform the General's Order live today?"

Xu Chaohua nodded: "That's for sure. Wang Cheng has only played this piece of classical music, and it is Chinese classical music, so it is very suitable to be performed here."

Yan Yu nodded: "Then it's worth it this time!"

Xu Chaohua: "Well, many acquaintances are here this time. They just want to hear Wang Cheng play this guzheng piece live."

The two of them looked around and saw a lot of acquaintances, all from the folk music departments of major music conservatories in China. They all came here for Wang Cheng's live performance of General's Order.

After all, this piece of music can be said to be one of the rare Chinese folk music masterpieces in recent decades, and it has also been a key piece of research and study in the folk music departments of major conservatories in recent times.

The folk music department of every music school wants to invite Wang Cheng to their school to perform live and communicate.

Unfortunately, all the invitations from the music conservatory to study and exchange with Wang Cheng have fallen into disarray. Whether it was an open invitation on the Internet platform or a private official invitation to Rubik's Cube Entertainment, there was no response.

Therefore, this time Wang Cheng rarely performed the General's Order publicly again on the show.

Many people in the folk music circle came to the scene through their connections and wanted to hear Wang Cheng, the original creator, play this piece in person.

Among them, there is also Tian Wen, a guzheng master from the Department of Folk Music of the Central Academy of Music.

Chen Yuqi and Yu Hong came to the front row and sat next to Tian Wen. They looked at the stage together, looking forward to Wang Cheng's performance today.

Chen Yuqi asked her mother Tian Wen curiously: "Professor Tian, ​​are you coming to see Wang Cheng's performance again?"

Tian Wen came over suddenly, but Chen Yuqi didn't know.

Tian Wen rolled her eyes at her daughter and replied softly: "I want to talk to Wang Cheng face to face!"

Chen Yuqi: "Invite him to perform at Yangyin for exchanges?"

Tian Wen nodded: "Yes!"

Chen Yuqi: "Don't think about it..."

Tian Wen: "You have to try even if it's difficult."

Teachers and students from other conservatoires around also looked at Wang Cheng and chatted with each other.

"That's Wang Cheng. He's really handsome, but he seems a little too aloof and cold."

"It's normal to be arrogant when you are young and successful. If I could master two master-level calligraphy at his age and write a work like Xia Ke Xing, I might be as arrogant as him..."

"If I had his good looks and temperament, I would be more arrogant than him..."

"Superficial! You only care about appearance. If I could make as much money as him, I would be a hundred times more arrogant than him..."

"I don't know what Wang Cheng will perform in the show today..."

"Look, those people on the stage don't seem to welcome Wang Cheng very much!"

"Haha, those foreign devils look indifferent to everyone."

"Who said he is a genius professor from one of the top music schools? That Jack is the favorite to win this year. It is said that he is not the best at the Eastman School of Music and can only be ranked third. This is already Can crush the best player here..."

"Hey, why did Wang Cheng sit down?"

Many eyes in the audience looked at the stage with curiosity and surprise.

I saw that after Wang Cheng walked onto the stage, he ignored Hu Xiaoshan's attempt to introduce him to the thoughts and actions of the people on the stage. He also did not look at those people. He just walked to the side program group and sat on the chair. He sat down, then took out a thermos cup from his bag and took a sip of water, then took out a book and started reading.

The scene where many people were talking in low voices suddenly became extremely quiet. All eyes were wide open as they looked at Wang Cheng, who was sitting there drinking water and reading a book.

Teachers and students from major music academies on the stage, as well as Zhao Donghu and Hu Xiaoshan from the program team, all looked at Wang Cheng with wide-eyed surprises, and the audience's complex emotions were revealed one by one.

There is anger, shock, disdain, curiosity...

The entire scene was instantly quiet, making Wang Cheng's voice turning the pages of the book extremely clear and harsh.

Wang Cheng also found that the surroundings were too quiet. He looked up curiously and saw thousands of pairs of eyes in the audience staring at him. He did not show any discomfort or weakness. Instead, he looked directly into the eyes of thousands of people and asked lightly: "Why? Already?"

What's wrong?

What's wrong?

What's wrong?

These three words echoed in the ears of everyone at the scene, making them all not know how to answer this question, or how to complain.

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