This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 267 265. Who is not a genius? What music does Wang Cheng play?

Li Guang also hopes to continue to cooperate with Wang Cheng next time, and hopes that Wang Cheng can take Dragon TV to fly!

Naturally, Li Guang does not want Wang Cheng's image and reputation to be damaged in the program group he leads.

After discussing the countermeasures with Hu Xiaoshan and balancing the pros and cons of both sides, Li Guang said to Wang Cheng: "Wang Cheng, you read for a while first. I will call you when I need you to perform on stage." .”

Wang Cheng hummed and said nothing.

He thought about it with his fingernails while flipping the book, and realized that there must be many conflicts within this program group, and many people might be dissatisfied with him. But he didn't bother to pay attention to the messy things inside these program groups, let alone spend time and energy on messing around.

In his previous life, he had experienced too much.

In this life, he just wants a simple life.

I won't get involved in such troublesome matters at all.

Anyway, he was just here to perform.

When it's time for him to perform on stage, he goes to perform, and when the performance is over, he steps off the stage and leaves!

As soon as the get off work time comes at noon, I go off to eat and rest. As soon as 8 p.m. comes, I go back to the dormitory to rest.

Don't waste any time and energy fighting with these messy people...

His experience with the Wenhua Zhongyuan program crew in the past two days made him regret that he was too busy.


He won't say a word about the internal affairs of the program team now, and he doesn't even bother to look at those people.

Just do your job well.

Zhou Zhe walked over and said to the contestants who were going to compete today: "Everyone, Wang Cheng will perform a performance after each group of contestants has finished their performance. I hope that you will all come up with a performance." The best performance condition and level, don't be compared to Wang Cheng."

"After all, he is just a nineteen-year-old boy who just graduated from high school and started as a trainee! Although, he composed a general song, which surprised us all. But that just proves that his talent can, It’s a pity that this talent was wasted in the entertainment industry.”

"We have an obligation to let him experience the true art of classical music. Each of you is a carefully selected musical genius, and you are all better than him."

"Of course, the most important thing is to advance as far as possible and reach the end!"

"Last year, our best result at the Huaxia Conservatory of Music was the top eight. I hope we can make a breakthrough this year..."

Zhou Zhe nodded solemnly to the three contestants from the China Conservatory of Music.

The three of them are Sun Haibo from the Piano Department of Central Academy of Music. He is only 20 years old and is a famous piano genius in China. He went to Curtis Institute for exchange and study for half a year last year, so he did not participate in the last season’s musician program. After returning from Curtis College, he participated in this year's musicians, passed all the tests, and easily reached the top eight. This time his opponent was a young piano genius from Curtis College, Phipps!

The second person is Zheng Yun, a violin genius from the Moyin Orchestra Department. He is also twenty years old. He went abroad to study at the age of sixteen and studied in Europe for three years. He returned to the Modu Conservatory of Music at the age of nineteen and has just been back here for half a year. I plan to continue my study tour in North America in one year and will not stay at Moyin for a long time. My opponent is Andre, a violin genius from the Eastman School of Music in North America!

The third person is Yan Qing, a folk music genius from Sichuan Music. He is only 21 years old this year. He was born into a family of folk music. His parents are both famous professors of folk music in Sichuan Music. His grandfather is a famous Sichuan Opera master in western Sichuan. The folk music that has become niche has reached the top eight in front of talents from international music schools, which is enough to prove her strength. And her opponent in the top eight this time is the piano genius from the Berlin Conservatory of Music, the top music school in Europe, Eva .

There is also a remaining set of opponents, namely Yun Na, a violin genius from the Juilliard School of Music, and Bruce, a piano genius from the Vienna Conservatory of Music in Europe.

Everyone who can reach this point is called a genius.

Everyone has their own absolute pride and confidence.

After hearing Zhou Zhe's words, the three Chinese players all glanced at their opponents not far away curiously and with fighting intent. They all wanted to defeat their opponents and become this year's champion in the end, which would definitely make them famous.

As for Wang Cheng...

They just glanced at Wang Cheng who was sitting there reading a book, and then stopped paying attention.

Just a star singer in the entertainment industry!

Even if you have some musical talent and talent, it is far from comparable to them...

Sun Haibo said softly: "Director Zhou is making too much fuss. He is just a 19-year-old singer. He still wants to challenge so many of us? How ridiculous!"

Yan Qing's eyes flickered and he said nothing, but he was looking forward to Wang Cheng's performance of General's Order.

Because she also likes this guzheng piece very much and has practiced it very well. When the competition started, she wanted to play it in the competition. Unfortunately, the teacher and the program team did not agree. The reason was that the piece was too new and it was too new. It is not recognized by the entire circle. Compared with the long-famous classical music selected by others, the background is too shallow. If it is not good, it may be eliminated by the judges.

Therefore, Yan Qing did not play this general's order.

Now, being able to see the original creator of this piece perform live, she could take a good look at it.

Looking at the auditorium, Yan Qing saw Xu Chaohua and Yan Yu. Xu Chaohua smiled and nodded at Yan Qing, while Yan Yu smiled and waved to Yan Qing. Yan Qing looked expressionless at his teacher and twin sister. He nodded and then walked backstage to prepare for today's game.

Seeing Yan Qing's cold silence, Sun Haibo felt a little helpless. He also saw Yan Yu who looked the same as Yan Qing in the audience, and said to Zheng Yun next to him: "Yan Qing and Yan Yu are really two extremes, one is cold and the other is cold. Warm as jade!”

Zheng Yun didn't speak to Sun Haibo, and didn't even look at the other people around her, including Wang Cheng, and turned around and walked backstage.

Sun Haibo was speechless, feeling like a fool talking to himself...

However, he also knew that Yan Qing had such a cold personality, while Zheng Yun was too proud to take any of his peers seriously, including the other seven musical geniuses on the stage.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhe patted Sun Haibo on the shoulder and comforted: "Perform the competition well, you win the championship. Zheng Yun will look at you seriously. This girl has been a genius since she was a child, and she was also a genius when she went to Europe. The students at the conservatory of music are watching. Unless you can defeat him..."

Sun Haibo nodded, feeling a little stressed.

He watched Zheng Yun's two competition performances. The level of his violin playing was high enough to rival that of several domestic violin masters, and it was also at the top level internationally.

For him to defeat Zheng Yun, his only chance is to rely on the piano to have a larger audience and greater influence than the violin.

If he relied solely on his technical skills, he had no confidence in defeating Zheng Yun.


He smiled bitterly in his heart when he thought about his opponent in today's match.

I don’t know if I can make it to the end!

Sun Haibo took a deep breath and said to Zhou Zhe: "Director Zhou, I will try my best."

After saying that, Sun Haibo also turned and walked backstage to prepare for the upcoming game.

The other five European and American contestants also chatted with teachers from their own colleges and then communicated with the program director Zhao Donghai about today's program arrangements.

When they heard that Wang Cheng would perform a performance after each of their contestants' performances, several people's faces were full of shock and confusion!

Phipps frowned and said, "What does he want to do?"

Andre smiled disdainfully: "I don't know, he doesn't deserve our attention. We just need to defeat our opponents. He is just a pop singer. He doesn't understand music and art at all."

Bruce shook his head: "I just hope that after seeing our performance, he will still have the confidence to perform! Hi, Eva, if I win the championship, can you go on a date with me?"

Several people shook their heads when they heard Bruce's words.

Ever since I came to the show and met Eva, I have been amazed. I have been pursuing her, and I have not given up even if I was constantly rejected.

Eva ignored Bruce and just glanced at Wang Cheng who was sitting there reading a book with curiosity. After confirming the performance process with the translator again, she walked backstage to prepare for her performance!

Andre patted Bruce on the shoulder: "Man, you won't win the championship. Because, I will be the ultimate champion!"

Phipps: "You think too much, the champion will definitely be me..."

Yun Na listened to the conversation of several people, shook her head slightly, and was too lazy to pay attention to them. After knowing the order of her performance, she followed Eva to the backstage.

The other three people were too lazy to chat and quickly went backstage to prepare for their own competition performances!

Just kidding, but each of them wants to win.

Then, today's game must not be lost.

As for the 19-year-old Chinese singer who performed after their competition performance, they didn't pay attention at all.

After communicating with the contestants and judges.

The program team is just starting to work...

The stage began to clear.

Several judges sat down in their seats one after another, glancing at Wang Cheng who was sitting not far away as if he was not in the same time and space as the others around him. When they saw Wang Cheng still sitting there reading, several judges frowned. , I made up my mind that when Wang Cheng's performance is over, he will not be polite.

While Wang Cheng was reading, he smelled something familiar again.

A figure sat down next to him and whispered: "Wang Cheng, they are targeting you, you can refuse."

Wen Yixiao had just heard what Zhou Zhe and others said, and knew that they were obviously targeting Wang Cheng, and wanted to make Wang Cheng look embarrassed behind the talented players from the prestigious music school.

Wang Cheng glanced at Wen Yixiao, and then continued reading. He could finish this book today, and he could read a new book tomorrow.

Wen Yixiao frowned slightly. She wanted to help Wang Cheng, but she didn't know what to do.

She is just a guest performer and has no right to speak. Even if she goes on strike, the program team will not listen to her. After all, the program team itself did not arrange her performance. It was she who used her connections to force her to arrange a solo performance. , if she gives up now, maybe the teacher and student leaders of the music school in the program team will be happy to see it happen.

After thinking about it, Wen Yixiao was about to say something more, but Zhao Donghu waved to her, indicating that she should go over and prepare for the performance.

She is today's opening performer and the first one to appear, so she must prepare as soon as possible.

Wen Yixiao was helpless and said to Wang Cheng: "I'm going to prepare for the performance first. Thank you for giving me the Xia Ke Xing. It is the most precious gift in my life and I will treasure it for the rest of my life."

After saying that, Wen Yixiao walked towards Zhao Donghu with a reddish face, entered the backstage and began to prepare for the opening performance.

When Wang Cheng heard Wen Yixiao's words, his heart was slightly touched, and he sighed slightly helplessly.

He deliberately wanted to keep a distance from Wen Yixiao so that this girl, who was like the angel in his memory, would not get into trouble with him.


Now it seems that it has some counterproductive effects.

Wang Cheng was also helpless.

In his previous life, he felt very guilty for that angel. Although he left her some inheritance in his will when he left, he knew that this was far from making up for it.

Now, all he can do is to continue to keep a distance from Wen Yixiao, not giving her any hope, and making his life simpler. Don't repeat the mistakes of his previous life, get entangled in multiple relationships, and waste a lot of time and energy. In particular, it will consume a lot of vitality and lead to a short life...

Life is best to be simple and relaxed.

Most of the audience in the audience did not know what happened on the stage just now. After all, they were already sitting in the audience as spectators, but now they saw that the performance was about to begin, and they were all slightly looking forward to it.

However, An Keru, Han Xiao, and Zhu Ziqi were all envious of Wen Yixiao for getting the opportunity to perform on the same stage as Wang Cheng, and they all made up their minds again to find time to learn another musical instrument in the future. Maybe not Know when to use it.

Lin Dongqing walked out from the backstage, sat down next to Lin Mi, and said softly: "Wang Cheng is in trouble this time."

Lin Mi frowned and asked worriedly: "What's the trouble?"

Lin Dongqing said truthfully: "People from several music academies proposed to let Wang Cheng perform a few more shows. After each group of contestants finish the competition, Wang Cheng will perform one. It is called this to increase the ratings of the show. In fact, I want Wang Cheng to participate in the competition performances of each group of contestants, make direct comparisons, and want to damage Wang Cheng’s music reputation!”

Lin Mi's eyes widened: "Why are you targeting Wang Cheng so much?"

Lin Dongqing smiled bitterly and said: "Because this kid is so arrogant. Who of those people on the stage is not a genius? They were all dissatisfied when they were ignored by Wang Cheng, so they wanted to take revenge. Wang Cheng is only nineteen years old, and he deserves to be successful at a young age. Experiencing a severe beating from society will help him improve his memory, otherwise he will suffer more losses in the future..."

"This might be a good thing for him."

Lin Mi was speechless at his father's words and whispered: "But he shouldn't have to bear this."

She didn't want to see Wang Cheng suffer any harm. If possible, she would be willing to bear it instead of Wang Cheng...

Lin Dongqing shook his head and said, "This is society. You have been working in Taiwan for several years and you still haven't understood it?"

Lin Mi sighed: "I know this is the reality of society. But he shouldn't have to go through this. He can live a carefree life all the time!"

Lin Dongqing: "You want to protect him, but they don't want to pay attention to you. He didn't even look at Wen's girl when she was talking to him just now. This kid's heart is really made of stone."

Lin Mi looked worriedly at the direction where Wang Cheng was resting, thinking about how to help Wang Cheng.

And this time.

The host walked onto the stage and the recording of today's program officially started.

The two hosts, one is Zhang Han, a veteran host from Dragon TV, who has excellent professional skills but is not well-known, and the other is a newcomer from Shanghai Media University and the current rising star in the hosting industry, Wang Wenjing!

As soon as the two came on stage, Wang Wenjing looked noble and elegant in a red dress, while Zhang Han wore a suit and glasses.

Dragon TV obviously wanted to praise Wang Wenjing, so it gave Wang Wenjing more opportunities to speak and express herself and said first on stage: "Today our program welcomes two superstars that everyone is looking forward to and like as guest performers!"

"Wang Cheng, and Wen Yixiao..."

First, the names of Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao are revealed to give the audience a sense of anticipation.

After a while of pleasantries.

Wang Wenjing looked at Wang Cheng who was sitting backstage not far away. She was disappointed when she saw that Wang Cheng had been reading a book and did not look at her. Then she announced loudly: "Next, Wen Yixiao is invited to perform on stage!"

In the midst of everyone’s applause!

A guzheng appeared on the stage, and then Wen Yixiao walked out in a cheongsam. Her appearance and temperament, enhanced by the cheongsam, made many people at the scene widen their eyes.

Wen Yixiao bowed slightly to everyone, then bowed slightly to the four judges again, then came to sit down gracefully in front of Gu Zheng, glanced at Wang Cheng, and saw that Wang Cheng was still reading, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Disappointed and aggrieved, he quickly collected his emotions and started playing.

A pair of delicate hands immediately moved on the guzheng strings...

A familiar rhythm sounded instantly.

All the audience's eyes lit up and they were a little surprised.

Many of the audience present are teachers and students from major music academies, and some are music and art lovers. Today, there are also many people from the entertainment industry who come to the scene, and they also have certain appreciation abilities.

Therefore, almost everyone can hear that Wen Yixiao has shown considerable strength.

Moreover, everyone heard it.

This piece is none other than the recently popular guzheng piece—Jiangjun Ling!

Many people did not expect that Wen Yixiao would play this piece of music.

They all instinctively thought that if Wang Cheng came to perform classical music live, he would definitely play this guzheng piece that he composed himself and was recognized by many professionals.

However, Wen Yixiao played this piece first...

What about Wang Cheng?

While enjoying Wen Yixiao's performance, many viewers nodded and recognized her ability.

At the same time, I am also wondering and looking forward to what works Wang Cheng will perform?

Tian Wen whispered: "This girl from the Wen family is very talented in classical music. If she is willing to come to Yangyin to study, I can work for her."

Chen Yuqi said in surprise: "Mom, you haven't accepted a disciple for a long time."

Tian Wen: "Wen Yixiao is worthy of my acceptance and can be my close disciple."

Tian Wen is one of the few guzheng masters in the Chinese folk music circle. Her disciples will definitely inherit her legacy and will definitely become one of the new Guzhen masters in the future.

Chen Yuqi and Yu Hong both looked at Wen Yixiao in surprise. They could tell that Wen Yixiao was good at it, but they didn't expect Tian Wen to be so optimistic about it.

However, they all felt that Wen Yixiao would not join Tian Wen's family.


He is a super giant in the entertainment industry. He has just debuted less than half a year ago and is famous in half of China. How can he just break away from the industry and learn guzheng?

Chen Yuqi whispered: "Didn't you hear that Wang Cheng is going to play this general's order?"

Tian Wen shook his head: "I don't know either. I also want to hear Wang Cheng himself perform this piece of music! Now that Wen Yixiao has played it first, Wang Cheng will definitely play other pieces of music. I don't know what they are! Now can I There are not many choices of classical music for public performance..."

Tian Wen is looking forward to Wang Cheng playing other classical works, so that he can further see Wang Cheng's strength and talent in classical music.

At this time, the director team watching Wen Yixiao's performance backstage also looked confused.

Zhao Donghu asked directly: "Why did Wen Yixiao play this piece of music?"

Hu Xiaoshan frowned: "Have you communicated with Wen Yixiao in advance? What was the track she submitted? Was this a temporary change by her?"

Gu Jun hurriedly waved to the staff and shouted: "Quick, get the track list reported by Wen Yixiao!"

The staff rummaged around hurriedly and found a piece of paper and quickly sent it over. They said nervously: "The tracks reported by Director Zhao, Producer Hu, Director Gu, and Wen Yixiao are the general orders! But, she The agent reported it too late, at midnight last night. And he reported it twice. The first time was a classical piano piece, and the second time was this general order, half an hour apart. We all paid attention to it later. Wang Cheng, so I didn’t pay attention to Wen Yixiao’s information..."

Zhao Donghu, Hu Xiaoshan, Gu Jun, and Li Guang, who wanted to be an audience, all looked speechless and annoyed!

This mistake...

too big!

Wen Yixiao played the general's order first.

What should Wang Cheng do?

Wang Cheng doesn't just have one performance.

There are four shows!

Moreover, there were many professionals in the classical music circle who came here for Wang Cheng’s General Ling and wanted to see Wang Cheng, the original author, perform it himself.


Now, Wang Cheng can't play this piece?

It's not just that they don't know how Wang Cheng's subsequent performances will be performed.

Even other viewers and the judges and contestants on the stage will be disappointed, and the audience will definitely be disappointed too...

Several leaders of the program team looked at each other in confusion for a while, all with gloomy expressions and frowning, not knowing what to do.

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