This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 321 319 The first contemporary poet? One vegetable, one soup and one bowl of rice!

Chapter 321 319. The first contemporary poet? One vegetable, one soup and one bowl of rice!

Several people walked into the elevator, and everyone looked a little complicated!

As several big names from the Beijing circle, they all know that the attitude towards Wang Cheng in the cultural field of the Beijing circle is rather strange at this time.

Many cultural tycoons in the Beijing circle did not take Wang Cheng seriously, but at the same time they contacted Wang Cheng privately to recruit him into their circle.


Even though many big shots in the cultural circles looked down upon Wang Cheng's age and ordinary background, they could not ignore the brilliance of talent that overflowed from Wang Cheng. They had to find a way to secretly draw Wang Cheng into their circle, and then think about it again. Find a way to spread Wang Cheng's aura onto yourself.

Zhang Heping and Guan Sheng, who grew up in Beijing, are not used to this kind of thing.


The two of them recognized Wang Cheng's strength and talent, but they did not pay too much attention to Wang Cheng.


The two of them also wanted Wang Cheng's works very much. They were almost like those cultural tycoons in the Beijing circle. They despised Wang Cheng and wanted to take advantage of Wang Cheng's glory.

Zhang Heping thought about Wen Yixiao and the others who had just taken the first step, and whispered: "Last time, Wen Yixiao got a cursive script from Wang Cheng. That work is definitely a rare masterpiece in the past hundred years. Regardless. Whether it is the literary quality or the calligraphy itself, it is a masterpiece that is rare throughout the ages."

"It would be great if I could borrow it from Wen Yixiao and take a look at it."

Zhang Heping looked at Huang Ping and Sun Hongchao, obviously hoping that these two people would take advantage of this opportunity to cooperate with Wen Yixiao to find a way to borrow the cursive calligraphy Xia Kexing from Wen Yixiao.

However, although Huang Ping and Sun Hongchao heard Zhang Heping's thoughts, they pretended not to understand. Huang Ping said: "The hotel manager said it was Wang Cheng's assistant who made the call! The hotel was not prepared for this."

Sun Hongchao said regretfully: "We didn't expect it, so we didn't carry these with us. It's a pity. Wen Yixiao, Ziqi, Keru, Han Xiao and the others were very well prepared and carried these with them at all times. This I don’t know if any of them will get a chance.”

Shen Xinyan whispered: "I wonder if Wang Cheng will send out works this time?"

Hearing Shen Xinyan's words, everyone in the elevator was filled with envy.

Everyone had strange thoughts. The elevator had reached the top floor. The moment the elevator opened, several people walked out quickly at the same time!

Several people came to the door of Wang Cheng's room and saw that the door was still open. Wen Yixiao and others had just walked in. Wang Cheng's chief assistant was still at the door and was about to close the door.

Huang Ping and Sun Hongchao hurriedly walked in without letting the assistant close the door, and then others followed.

As soon as everyone including Zhang Heping, Guan Sheng, Wu Zixin, Zhang Xiao, Shen Xinyan, and Ma Jianfeng entered the room, they immediately looked at the figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window at the same time.

Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and some inexplicable emotions. The admiration and traces of admiration in Shen Xinyan's eyes almost overflowed, and Ma Jianfeng also showed obvious admiration!

Even Zhang Heping and Guan Sheng, two big bosses in the Beijing circle who looked down upon Wang Cheng, were a little surprised when they looked at Wang Cheng's back.

Just a back view made the two big guys who have been in the entertainment industry for more than 40 years a little surprised. The aura of Wang Cheng was something they had never seen before!

as if……

That's a painting.

Wang Cheng stood there, looking at the beautiful scenery of the West Lake outside. It merged harmoniously into one and turned into a painting.

Everyone who walks into the room involuntarily becomes quiet, unable to bear to break the natural harmony of the painting.

Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru were the first to come in. They were all standing in front. Each of them held a pack of things in their hands. This was the pen, ink, paper and inkstone they prepared. What I spent a lot of time and painstaking efforts to buy from all over the country at a high price are all top treasures in their respective fields.

The four of them all looked at Wang Cheng. They didn't say anything to disturb Wang Cheng, and they didn't make any move. They just stood there quietly, looking at Wang Cheng's back expectantly and anxiously, as if the four of them were waiting for Wang Cheng to flip the sign. The beauty in the palace...

After the chief assistant closed the door of the room, he came to the front and looked at Wen Yixiao and the other four. He didn't say anything. He just stood there quietly, looking at Wang Cheng in front of him with admiration.

One room...

Everyone looked at Wang Cheng's back quietly.

No one spoke.

The four judges, Zhang Heping, Guan Sheng, Wu Zixin, and Zhang Xiao, all woke up quickly. They looked at each other and could see the shock and amazement in each other's eyes.

This temperament, this aura...

These four entertainment industry tycoons, who have been in Beijing circles for decades and have met big names in various circles, are all amazed. All the contempt for Wang Cheng in their hearts has completely disappeared!

At this time...

Wang Cheng turned around gently and glanced at everyone in the room. His eyes were calm and natural, as if he didn't see Zhang Heping and others. His eyes fell on the four people Wen Yixiao in front of him, and then he stared at Han Xiao and said calmly. Said: "Han Xiao, lend me your things. Write something..."

Han Xiao's face instantly showed a smile of surprise. She had a premonition that she might be selected by Wang Cheng, but she didn't expect that she would be selected. She immediately jumped forward and came to the coffee table that had been cleaned up by the assistant. He slowly spread out the things in his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, I went to learn these specifically."

As he spoke, Han Xiao was a little awkward, but he placed the pens, inks, paper and inkstones one by one in an orderly manner. He also looked at Wen Yixiao, An Keru and Zhu Ziqi with a somewhat proud look.

Wang Cheng didn't speak. He just took two steps forward to the coffee table, looked at the white paper, then picked up the brush next to him and dipped it on the inkstone where Han Xiao was grinding.


Everyone in the room quickly took a few steps forward and came to the coffee table. They stretched their necks to look at Wang Cheng and the piece of paper. Everyone's eyes were full of expectation and curiosity, wanting to know what Wang Cheng was doing. What would Cheng write? I want to know, is Wang Cheng's calligraphy really that good in reality?

Zhang Heping and Guan Sheng, in particular, were looking forward to and curious. Being able to watch Wang Cheng write on the spot was exactly what they wanted.

If they can take this piece of work away later, it will definitely be a huge gain for them.

Any authentic work by a calligraphy master has great collection value...

Not to mention, Wang Cheng is not only a master of calligraphy, but the works he writes are also masterpieces. When the two are combined, the value is not just one plus one equals two, but at least a bonus effect greater than five.

Of course, neither Zhang Heping nor Guan Sheng are short of money, and their pursuit of money is not that strong. What they want more is fame and status improvement. Obtaining Wang Cheng's works can improve their status in the circle. reputation and status.

As for Huang Ping, Sun Hongchao, Zhu Haigui, and Wu Tong, the four people from the program team and the TV station, they regretted it even more!

There are examples of Hunan Satellite TV and Central Plains Satellite TV. Every program team that invites Wang Cheng will prepare the best pen, ink, paper and inkstone for Wang Cheng. This is almost an unspoken rule in the industry.

You may not have seen it, but the inscription on a humble house caused Hunan Satellite TV to constantly hype it up, raising the level of rural satellite TV.

And a picture of Xia Ke Xing made Cultural Central Plains instantly become a promotional program representing traditional culture, and the quality has also been improved by several levels!

If they can also get the same works, it will also be of great benefit to Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV, and there will be a steady stream of benefits and popularity.


They prepared it in advance, but they didn’t take it with them or bring it to the hotel. They were still on stage and in the program group!

They never imagined that Wang Cheng would write a work in a hotel...

Wu Tong made up his mind that if he cooperates with Wang Cheng again in the future, he will definitely carry pen, ink, paper and inkstone with him and have an assistant follow him. He will do nothing but carry pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Several people looked at Wang Cheng and the blank paper on the coffee table with strangely complicated thoughts!

Han Xiao, who was obsessed with ink, was ignored by them...

I saw.

Wang Cheng held the brush, and his whole person showed a free and casual feeling. The brush in his hand was almost integrated with the entire arm. When the brush was swung, the brush itself did not shake at all, but moved with the entire arm. , as steady as a mountain, but revealing a different kind of temperament.


On the white paper, running script fonts with a very personal style and atmosphere appeared.

Just this line of calligraphy amazed everyone present. They all felt the beauty of calligraphy deeply in an instant, without even paying attention to the meaning of the words themselves.

After a few seconds, a few people carefully looked at the combined meaning of the words.

"West Lake, it's sunny at first."

“It’s beautiful when the water is shining and the sky is clear, but it’s also strange when the mountains are empty and covered with rain.”

"If the West Lake is compared to the West, heavy makeup is always more appropriate."

It is a very short poem, and every word in it reveals its unique beauty, which makes everyone around it marvel in admiration.

Zhang Heping, Guan Sheng and others couldn't help but admire Wang Cheng.

They have never seen such calligraphy in their lives. Several contemporary calligraphers are inferior to them. Even the authentic works of several historical masters they have seen seem to have less charm than Wang Cheng's calligraphy.

This is really incredible!

The brush in Wang Cheng's hand did not pause for a moment, and he wrote it in one go. Every word was amazing. After writing, he put down the brush in his hand, then looked at each word on it, glanced at Han Xiao, and said lightly: "Here you go!"

After saying that, Wang Cheng didn't look at the other people in the room. He went back to the sofa and sat down. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water. He said to his assistant: "You can bring the food over."

The assistant quickly woke up and said, "Okay, I'll notify the room service and bring the food right away."

The food has been ordered just now!

At this time, everyone else in the room woke up.

Han Xiao, who was helping Wang Cheng polish the ink, first looked at Wang Cheng with eyes wide open in surprise, and asked with certainty: "Wang Cheng, was this work really given to me?"

When she saw the first sentence, Han Xiao was very familiar with it, and then she remembered that she had picked up this piece before when she went to pick up the garbage thrown by Wang Cheng in the spring and summer when there was your program group. I just didn't pick up all of them, but now I finally see the entire piece, and it's more amazing calligraphy, rather than random practice.

Wen Yixiao, An Keru, and Zhu Ziqi were all envious, but they didn't say anything.

Zhang Heping, Guan Sheng, Wu Zixin, Zhang Xiao and others had their desires written directly on their faces. They all wanted to say something to Wang Cheng, but they just looked at the way Wang Cheng ignored them and felt dissatisfied in their hearts. It grew again. For a moment, they didn't want to talk to Wang Cheng, and they didn't want to appear that they were fawning over Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng took a sip of water and said calmly to Han Xiao: "Well, here it is! This is not the work I just thought of. I thought of it when I was in West Lake last time, but I just didn't have the chance to write it. This time I will write it to Forget it..."

The smile on Han Xiao's face was as bright as a flower. She carefully put the paper away and said with a smile, "Thank you. I will frame it and store it when I get back."

Wang Cheng said casually: "It's up to you."

Others were speechless after hearing Wang Cheng's casual tone. The things they dreamed of seemed to Wang Cheng like things that could be thrown away.

Zhu Ziqi had the least psychological burden, so she was the first to speak: "Wang Cheng, this poem is so well written, it's great. You are definitely the number one poet in the contemporary literary world. A chivalrous line, and this poem, First Sunny in the West Lake, are just like this." Enough to push everyone else down.”

Zhu Ziqi's words made Zhang Heping and Guan Sheng curl their lips. They felt that they were too loud. Wang Cheng was only nineteen years old, and he dared to call him the first contemporary poet? Where does this put the others?

However, the two of them thought about it, read the familiar names one by one, and compared them with Wang Cheng's Xia Ke Xing and the song "The First Sunny of the West Lake", and found that there was really no one who could fight.

Therefore, the two big guys from the Beijing circle were silent again, unable to refute.

An Keru said softly: "It is indeed a good poem."

Wen Yixiao pursed her lips and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it. She just looked at Han Xiao with envy.

Huang Ping stood up and said with a smile: "Today I finally had the honor to see Wang Cheng splashing ink live. It was an eye-opener for all of us. His poetry is good and his calligraphy is even more outstanding."

Sun Hongchao: "It is indeed a masterpiece. It did rain a little bit here in the West Lake this afternoon. The West Lake after the rain is indeed one of the most beautiful moments."

Shen Xinyan whispered: "It's amazing..."

Faced with the compliments of several people, Wang Cheng seemed not to have heard them. He picked up a book next to him and started reading by himself, apparently without any intention of paying attention to others.

This made Huang Ping and Sun Hongchao a little embarrassed.

As for Zhang Heping and Guan Sheng, their expressions were even more embarrassed, and a hint of helplessness flashed in their eyes. This was the first time that they were ignored like this, and it was in the entertainment industry that they were most familiar with...


There was a knock on the door.

The assistant hurriedly went over to open the door. He was relieved when he saw that it was the waiter who brought the food. He hurriedly helped bring the food and placed it in front of Wang Cheng.

It's just one vegetable, one soup and a bowl of rice. It couldn't be simpler.

Huang Ping, Sun Hongchao, Zhu Haigui, Zhang Heping, and Guan Sheng, who saw Wang Cheng's diet for the first time, all flashed a hint of surprise and surprise.

Although everyone has heard some rumors about Wang Cheng, one of them is that Wang Cheng's diet is extremely simple and plain...

However, is this too simple and plain?

A bowl of vegetables, a bowl of soup, a bowl of white rice?

Zhang Heping, Guan Sheng, Wu Zixin, Shen Xinyan, Ma Jianfeng, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but glance at Huang Ping and other members of the program team - did you deliberately give these to Wang Cheng?

Huang Ping, Sun Hongchao, Zhu Haigui and others naturally felt the thoughts of Zhang Heping and others, and shook their heads to express that it had nothing to do with them...

Wang Cheng first took a sip of the soup, then looked up at Huang Ping and others, and said lightly: "I want to eat!"

All right……

Everyone heard it.

This means that people are being driven away.

I'm about to eat, it's time for you to leave!

The muscles on the faces of Huang Ping, Sun Hongchao, Zhu Haigui, Zhang Heping, Guan Sheng and others twitched at the same time. This kind of direct expulsion... was also the first time for them to enjoy it.

However, Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, An Keru, and Han Xiao were obviously used to it, so they didn't say much and immediately packed up and left.

The smile on Han Xiao's face never stopped, she carefully took what Wang Cheng wrote and left quickly.

Wen Yixiao and others followed Han Xiao.

Then, Huang Ping and others also left one after another.

The four judges Zhang Heping, Guan Sheng, Wu Zixin, and Zhang Xiao didn't say anything. Wang Cheng ignored them. They didn't take the initiative to say hello to Wang Cheng, and they left immediately.

Zhang Heping and Guan Sheng quickly followed Han Xiao.

"Han Xiao, can we talk?"

Zhang Heping took the initiative to ask.

At the same time, Wen Yixiao also said to Han Xiao: "I brought something to frame calligraphy and paintings. If you don't mind, come to my room and I will help you frame it briefly so that you can keep it and carry it."

Han Xiao thought for a while and said to Wen Yixiao: "Okay, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Although she was in a competitive relationship with Wen Yixiao, An Keru, and Zhu Ziqi, they had never had any conflicts in private, they just ignored each other.

However, Han Xiao also wanted to frame Wang Cheng's works as soon as possible and appreciate them. He was not afraid that Wen Yixiao would snatch his things, so he immediately followed Wen Yixiao.

Zhang Heping was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly chased after him and shouted: "Han Xiao, I will pay 10 million to buy this work by Wang Cheng!"

Guan Sheng also followed. When he heard Zhang Heping's offer, he immediately said: "I will pay 30 million..."

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