This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 495 493 The immeasurable value of copyright! How much is the box office share?

Qin Yuhai and Qin Mo both had eyes shining...

All domestic paper companies still take exporting to Hollywood as a point of pride and promotion.

If this had happened to any other movie currently in theaters, there would have been a lot of hype immediately to lure audiences into the theater!

As a film producer, Qin Mo thought the same way at this time.

However, Qin Yuhai and Shen Shenghui wanted to hide the news immediately.


When news spreads that Hollywood wants to buy distribution and adaptation rights, will Wang Cheng still sell the rights? Will other companies sit back and watch as Rubik's Cube Entertainment successfully acquires the copyright from Wang Cheng?

Qin Yuhai's eyes flickered and he asked in a deep voice: "Which company and how much is the bid?"

Shen Shenghui immediately replied: "Guangyin Film Company buys the distribution rights of some domestic films for distribution in Europe and the United States every year, but they make less money. But they basically don't lose money because they lower prices very hard. Last year's Spring Festival stalls were the best The popular movie had a domestic box office of 2 billion, but the foreign distribution rights only sold for 3 million!"

"Their bid for the distribution rights of The Matrix was two million, a one-time buyout. The adaptation rights were given 1.5 million, a one-time buyout! This is considered a normal price for domestic movies."

The distribution rights are only 2 million, and the adaptation rights are only 1.5 million!

Qin Mo immediately lost interest after hearing this. The domestic box office of The Matrix was more than 3 billion, and the final revenue share was at least 1.5 billion, plus online copyrights, TV copyrights, and portrait copyrights, etc. Income, the total initial income will not be less than 2 billion, and the long-term income will continue to flow!

However, Hollywood's Brightbank only offered a price of 3.5 million, and wanted to package the distribution rights and adaptation rights, and it was a one-time buyout, so the subsequent income had nothing to do with the domestic producers.

In Qin Mo's opinion, this was too cheap.

However, Qin Mo and Shen Shenghui looked moved.

If they had the rights now, they might agree to it with a slightly higher price.

They are not interested in this little income, but they want to go global through this movie, build a reputation and foundation, and pave the way for subsequent sustainable development.

Moreover, in the past ten or twenty years, at least hundreds of movies have been distributed in the international market by European and American film companies, but only a few have made money, and none have become box office hits. If it is not a loss, it is a success!

Therefore, they have little confidence in the box office of The Matrix in the international market. Even if the domestic box office and word-of-mouth are extremely explosive, such a movie has not happened before, and once it reaches the international market, foreigners from other countries do not like it. Look, the box office is very good. If it can break 20 million US dollars at the box office, it is an unprecedented success. Generally, it is between 5 million and 10 million US dollars at the box office.

The distributor may lose money at the box office in the short term, but it may still be able to achieve a slight profit by relying on long-term copyright operations.

This is also the fundamental difference between many established foreign distribution companies and domestic film companies.

Many well-established foreign distribution companies produce and distribute movies for copyright and long-term interests. The purpose is to continuously enrich their copyright library so that they can remain standing and be stable every year relying on the growing copyright library. Receive large amounts of revenue to combat risks in other areas.

However, many domestic production companies are still stuck in the idea of ​​​​making quick money, or even making a fortune and running away.

As one of the domestic entertainment giants, Qin Yuhai is naturally ambitious and wants to build Rubik's Cube Entertainment into a century-old entertainment giant like the major Hollywood giants.

Therefore, Rubik's Cube Entertainment has a complete production and distribution system in China, and also has its own connections in Southeast Asia, but it is still blank in Europe and the United States.

The Matrix is ​​promoted by Rubik's Cube Entertainment itself. It will charge a promotion fee, which is usually about 10 to 20% of the box office. If the box office reaches 3 billion, the distribution fee income will reach about 4 to 5 billion!

However, how many movies like The Matrix can be released in a year?

Qin Yuhai thought quickly in his mind, and he thought of many things from this Matrix movie, most of which were related to the company's development and long-term operations.

This Matrix may be his chance!

Therefore, Qin Yuhai immediately said: "Where will Wang Cheng be during the Spring Festival holiday?"

Shen Shenghui: "I just received news from Xia Xi. She accompanied Wang Cheng home early in the morning to celebrate the New Year. She also said that Wang Cheng did not want to be disturbed during the New Year holiday."

Qin Yuhai closed his eyes: "Okay, then we won't go to him during the New Year holiday! As soon as the New Year holiday is over, the two of you will go to see Wang Cheng immediately. The copyright of The Matrix must be negotiated! It doesn't matter what conditions he puts forward. We can talk, we can compromise, or even just work for him!"

"However, we must have a certain right to participate in decision-making, and we cannot just become workers."

Qin Mo nodded: "I understand!"

As a producer, she also represents Rubik's Cube Entertainment, so she naturally wants to gain more say in it.


She also knew clearly that the success of this movie had nothing to do with her or Rubik's Cube Entertainment. Wang Cheng took care of everything by himself.

The starring role is Wang Cheng, and the heroine An Keru was invited by Wang Cheng. The script was written by Wang Cheng himself. The entire filming process of the film was controlled by Wang Cheng alone. Even the final post-production was directed and participated by Wang Cheng. The special effects company just realized the picture completely according to Wang Cheng's ideas!

The final editing and even the soundtrack were all completed by Wang Cheng himself...

Therefore, she is not qualified to have the right to speak, nor does she have the strength and ability.

Otherwise, if the entire crew of The Matrix were given to her, would she be able to produce such a movie?

Qin Mo had failed several crews, and she knew she couldn't do it.

Even the producer of The Matrix can be said to be Wang Cheng. She only played the role of an executor. Everything was done according to Wang Cheng's instructions, and she did not fulfill the role that a producer should play at all.


Qin Mo said with certainty: "The core soul of this movie is Wang Cheng. If you want to make a sequel and ensure its success, you must ensure that Wang Cheng is involved. Otherwise, I don't know who else in China can make such a film." a movie."

Qin Yuhai nodded: "Indeed, the quality of this movie can be said to have reached the level of Hollywood's top director team, and the special effects are also top-notch! I said that Wang Cheng can agree to any conditions, as long as he is willing to negotiate. We can We don’t want profit, but we want leadership.”

Qin Mo: "Okay, as soon as Wang Cheng comes back, I'll go talk to him!"

After saying that, Qin Mo went out to continue leading the release and promotion of The Matrix. It was only the first day of release, and she still had a lot to do.

After Qin Mo left, Shen Shenghui said to Qin Yuhai: "Mr. Qin! CCTV, Dragon TV, Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV, Xiangnan TV, and all other TV stations have once again sent Wang Cheng a variety show invitation! This time, we How to deal with it?”

At the end of the Spring Festival Gala, Wang Cheng proved his appeal in terms of ratings, single-handedly crushing everyone else in the entire Spring Festival Gala.

At the same time, as soon as several songs were released, they set off a download frenzy and once again broke the sales record of paid downloads. The number of downloads of the single on the first day reached 400 million, setting off a heated discussion on the entire Internet!

And it's not over yet.

Because, there is also The Matrix.

A science fiction film directed, acted, and written by Wang Cheng, who took three months to produce it, actually caused a stir in the entire Spring Festival and the Chinese entertainment industry, and even attracted offers from international distribution companies!

These three factors have made Wang Cheng once again the most popular person in China.

Moreover, the popularity and popularity will exceed the peak period three months ago, and the number of fans is already heading towards 300 million.

This, of course, once again attracted all the TV stations across the country to bid and compete again!

Everyone wants to try to invite Wang Cheng to their own TV station to produce programs, continue to create ratings miracles, and continue to enjoy Wang Cheng’s traffic.

Ganxi Satellite TV originally invited Wang Cheng and cooperated once, and the entire TV station immediately rose to a higher level. From a third-rate TV station that no one cared about before, it has now become a second-tier TV station. The overall ratings, revenue, and topicality have increased significantly.

China Central Television was the first to cooperate with Wang Cheng and also enjoyed such benefits.

Therefore, every small TV station is trying to raise funds by selling iron and steel, hoping to win the opportunity to cooperate with Wang Cheng.

Several other first-class major TV stations, including CCTV, are even more eyeing and have been hungry for a long time. As long as Rubik's Cube Entertainment is willing to negotiate, they will immediately fly to the Magic City to have an interview with them. The price is not an issue, and they are even willing to Give away program copyright income dividends.

Regarding Wang Cheng's matter, Shen Shenghui no longer dared to make decisions on his own, so he came to report to Qin Yuhai and just be the executor himself.

Qin Yuhai squinted his eyes slightly and said softly: "Don't worry for now. Let's wait until Wang Cheng's vacation is over. By the way, help me book a New Year's gift and send it to Wang Cheng's home."

Qin Yuhai's thoughts were all on the movie The Matrix at this time. He wanted to know how much the movie's box office would be during the Spring Festival. He also wanted to get the copyright of the movie as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

Shen Shenghui nodded: "Okay, Mr. Qin, I will personally deliver the gift to Wang Cheng's home."

Qin Yuhai waved his hand: "No, just send it over. By the way, do the actors of The Matrix, An Keru, Zhang Hanwen, and Wang Cheng, give their actor contracts a share of the box office?"

Qin Yuhai suddenly remembered the actor contracts between An Keru and Zhang Hanwen in The Matrix, which seemed to be a share of the box office.

At the beginning, such a box office sharing contract had the potential to be a scam. After all, it was the first time for Wang Cheng to direct, act, and write a film, so there was a high probability that it would be a hit!


Now it seems.

This box office sharing contract is simply a huge profit.

Shen Shenghui also asked specifically in the morning, so he immediately said it in detail: "An Keru will get 15% of the box office share, and Zhang Hanwen will get 3%! If the final box office exceeds 3 billion, An Keru can get To 450 million, Zhang Hanwen can get 90 million!"

"Their actor contracts were all finalized by Wang Cheng!"

Qin Yuhai sighed and shook his head: "Forget it, that's it! I'll take a break these two days, and you should pay attention to the company's affairs. All invitations from Wang Cheng should be stopped temporarily and let him have a peaceful rest. annual leave!"

Now, Qin Yuhai also started to think about Wang Cheng!

The value of Wang Cheng is becoming more and more unimaginable. Qin Yuhai has begun to think about it in the long term. Even if the contract cannot be renewed by then, he will try his best to maintain a good relationship with Wang Cheng, which will create more bonds at this time.

For example, don’t pay a penny to help Wang Cheng film the sequel to The Matrix!

Shen Shenghui promised: "Okay, I will keep an eye on it. Happy New Year, Mr. Qin."

At this time, the one that everyone envied the most in the entire actor circle was An Keru!

Previously, An Keru rejected Director Song's annual TV series and went to film Wang Cheng's first self-written, directed and starred movie. Many people were not optimistic about it. Director Song was furious about this and targeted An Keru in the circle.


Now that The Matrix is ​​released, Ankoru can be said to have gained both fame and fortune.

In an instant, she transformed from a classical beauty to an action star, and the looks from The Matrix have been downloaded by countless people and become mobile phones and computer desktops.


Everyone in the upper class knows that An Keru signed a share contract, which is about 15%. The final box office share will be a huge amount of income!

At the same time, Zhang Hanwen and all other actors who participated in The Matrix became an instant hit at this time!

Group actors who were previously ignored, as well as actors who had been playing supporting roles for many years, have now received invitations from various variety shows, or from directors with small investment, wanting to invite them to play leading roles.

Some people are not in a hurry to do anything and just wait quietly for the box office of The Matrix to continue to take off for a while. Some people are impatient to accept some invitations and endorsements, and continue to use social platforms to attract attention. Fans, improve your status!

Both An Keru and Zhang Hanwen kept a low profile. They just said Happy New Year to Wang Cheng on Weibo early in the morning, and then became extremely quiet, without any intention of taking advantage of the popularity.

Jiang Yun called An Keru early in the morning to report: "The theater chains are now trying to find ways to add screens to The Matrix. This movie is so popular that it is hard to get a ticket in every theater now. The box office is expected to be It’s more than 3 billion. Fortunately, you chose the share-sharing contract. I had no foresight. With this share-sharing contract, you can get a guaranteed dividend of more than 450 million!"

Even though An Keru's popularity has increased significantly this year, the dividends he received from one film are approximately 450 million, which is still far more than the income of a super celebrity!

The most important thing is that with the support of this movie, Ankeru has successfully transformed. In the future, his acting career will be wider, and he will be able to take on more big-investment blockbusters, and his development line will suddenly increase a lot.

An Keru said calmly: "I said, he will succeed."

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Okay, I have no vision. Whatever Wang Cheng does in the future, I will definitely believe that he will be a great success."

Even the science fiction film he wrote, directed and starred in when he entered the film and television industry for the first time was a big success. Jiang Yun believed that Wang Cheng could succeed in anything else he did.

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