This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 270 Negotiation (for Subscription)

(Thank you for the support of monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from all the bosses, thank you very much)

September 17, light rain.

Yang Qing shook off the water from the umbrella and put it on the counter of Miracle Company, then touched the little clothes of Chun Xia and Xiao Er beside her, and said with a smile:

"Fortunately, I didn't get wet. I'll go to the office with my brother to have a meeting. When your sister Xiaoxue comes, let her teach you how to sing."

"Yeah, good!"

The two had little heads, and then Xiao Chun'er touched Yang Qing's clothes, and said with concern:

"Brother, your clothes are wet, take them off quickly, or you will catch a cold"

"Yeah, I'm going to the office to take off, there is a young lady here." Yang Qing pointed to a woman at the front desk and Xiaomei who came over.


The two boys nodded, and followed Yang Qing to his office. As soon as they entered, the two boys opened their mouths wide and looked around in surprise.

"Wow! Brother, this is where you go to work, so cool!"

After a while, Xiao Xia stood in front of the glass window, looking at the tall buildings outside the window and the pedestrians and cars on the road, she exclaimed.

"Hmm..." Yang Qing nodded and smiled, and then said to the two boys: "You guys play by yourself, take what you want to drink from the refrigerator"

"Okay! Brother, go to work, we won't bother you." Xiao Chun'er nodded her head sensiblely.

Hearing this, Yang Qing smiled, and then he took off the t-shirt he was wearing, and sat at the desk wearing only a white vest, and buried himself in writing the script.

Xiao Xia'er wandered around the office for a while, and when the novelty wore off, she became bored. Looking at her brother who was working hard, she quietly came to his side with her little hands behind her back.

"Wow! There is a lump on my brother's arm, is it a muscle..."

Little Xia'er was amazed and curious, then she stretched out her little finger and poked lightly...

"Hehe~ You little troublemaker, what are you doing?" Yang Qing stopped writing, looked at her and smiled.

"Hee hee... brother, what are you writing?"

"Write a story"

"Story?! What story?"

"Hmm... the story of the Seven Fairies, I want Qiu'er and the others to act in the film."

"The story of the Seven Fairies, Qiu'er and the others will act?!"

Little Xia'er was stunned, but in the next second she excitedly asked: "Can Xia'er act!"

"Okay." Yang Qing smiled and said, "When brother finishes writing the story, then let brother Hao take pictures for you."

"Yeah, okay!" Xiao Xia'er nodded her head excitedly and said, "Then brother, write quickly, Xia'er won't bother you."

After the sound fell, she ran over and sat on the sofa, chatting excitedly with Xiao Chun'er.

At nine o'clock, Jiang Xiaoxue and Wang Ming knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hello sister Xiaoxue, hello brother Wang Ming"

The two little ones sitting on the sofa politely got up and said hello.

"Well, how are you, Chun'er and Xia'er, let's go with my sister."

Jiang Xiaoxue smiled at the two little ones, and then said to Yang Qing: "Brother Qing is in good shape, I will take the cutie away."

"Um... please, Xiaoxue." Yang Qing smiled and nodded, and then said to the two Xiaoxue, "You have to listen to sister Xiaoxue."


The two nodded, and then followed Jiang Xiaoxue to the karaoke room to learn songs, while Yang Qing handed the written plan to Wang Ming and said with a smile:

"I'll leave the negotiation with the TV station to you."

"Haha, don't worry, I'll make an appointment now." Wang Ming took it and said with a smile.

"Well, let's make an appointment. I'll go to the editing room and re-review the film with Xiao Hao."

"Hehe...I understand!" Wang Ming laughed and said, "Avoid suspicion, Haozi just hid there too."

Yang Qing smiled, yes, to avoid suspicion, he didn't know if the TV station would send Qin Xue over, but he still had to avoid it.

Yang Qing and Qin Hao hid in the editing room and started reviewing the film. It was also the last day to review the film. Tomorrow the film will be submitted for review.

Wang Ming contacted Fang Du. At 10:30, Fang Du and a middle-aged woman from the TV station arrived at Miracle Company.

Qin Xue didn't come, Yang Qing didn't want to make it difficult for her, and she didn't want to make it difficult for Yang Qing!

In fact, Fang Du didn't want to come, but he couldn't do it, because this incident happened because of him.

"Amin, this is Minister Lin from our Variety Show Planning Department"

"Well, Hello Minister Lin, welcome, let's go to the reception room to talk."

Wang Ming brought the two of them to the reception room, and after pouring them a glass of water, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed over the plan written by Yang Qing:

"Take a look first. If you are satisfied, we can talk again. If you are not satisfied, it doesn't matter. Just make friends."

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Fang Du angrily took the proposal from him, and handed it to Minister Lin.

Minister Lin flipped through the planning book, and then she said in a daze: "Handwritten..."

"Well, is there a problem?"

Wang Ming said calmly, negotiation is an invisible confrontation, whoever has the upper hand will take the initiative.

"No, it's just that there are some words... I might not know them," Minister Lin shook his head and smiled.

"Oh, I know, I can translate for you."

"Hehe, thank you then"

"You're welcome, you should"

Both Wang Ming and Minister Lin seemed very calm, but Fang Du heard a spark, so he watched his eyes, nose, nose, nose and heart, and drank the water in silence.

Half an hour later, Minister Lin finished reading the plan. She took a deep breath, covered up the waves in her heart and said:

"The plan is not bad. I don't know what price Mr. Wang plans to sell it to us."

"Oh, is it okay?" Wang Ming pretended to be disappointed and said, "Then Minister Lin, let me tell you what price you can give."

"Hmm..." Minister Lin took a deep look at Wang Ming, pondered for a moment and said, "Three million."

"Oh, three million... This proposal seems to be poorly written. I thought it could be sold for eighteen million."

Wang Ming sighed in disappointment, stretched out to Minister Lin, and said with a smile:

"Minister Lin, since this plan doesn't work, forget it, you can't let your money go to waste, and you can't smash our miracle sign."

Minister Lin: ...

She is also a person who has seen big wind and waves, but this is the first time she has met Wang Ming to negotiate like this, and she will drive him away if there is a disagreement!

Helplessly, she turned her gaze to Fang Du who was on the side.

Fang Du: ...

It's really going to break up, you can talk as long as you negotiate, let's see what I do! I'm here to make soy sauce!


He complained crazily in his heart, but Fang Du still helplessly pulled Wang Ming to sit down and said:

"What are you doing, I haven't finished my glass of water, so you drive me away, brother!"

"Hey... what water to drink, I invite you to drink beer and drink skewers, let's go!" Wang Ming laughed.

"Fuck!" Fang Du glared at him and said, "Talk about the business, don't engage in nonsense, tell me your price, let's listen and talk!"

"Okay, for your face, ten million!" Wang Ming patted Fang Du on the shoulder and said.

"Ten million!"

Hearing this, Fang Du and Minister Lin screamed in unison, and then fell silent again.

"Ahem...Mr. Wang, the price is a bit high." After a long silence, Minister Lin coughed dryly and said, "This is just a plan for a new variety show. No one knows its future value, so..."

"So I will only sell you the copyright for one year." Wang Ming interrupted her, "After one year, if the value is not high, you can stop buying it. If it is high, then we can talk about it at that time."

"This..." Minister Lin was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said, "If the copyright is only for one year, we can only pay five million at most, and it's fine if it's higher."

"Okay." Wang Ming nodded and said, "Let's forget about it. My sister is going to do an interview on Tomato TV in a while. I'll ask them if they have any intentions. Hey..."

With a sigh, Wang Ming took the plan put on the table by Minister Lin, and greeted Fang Du:

"Little Fangzi, we're done talking, let's have a drink together this Saturday night."

When the tone fell, he made a gesture of invitation to the two of them.

When Minister Lin saw this, she really wanted to get angry, because she had never met such a negotiator before!

I won't entangle you with nonsense at all, just talk if you are satisfied, and ask you to leave if you are not satisfied!

But in all fairness, she still likes this planning project very much. Judging from her professional perspective of doing variety shows for many years, as long as this variety show planning project is done well, it will definitely become popular!

What's more, the other party also mentioned Tomato Station, which is a competitor!

Minister Lin thought of this, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wang, I don't think you need to ask Tomato Station. The price they give will definitely not be higher than ours! How about six million!"

Wang Ming shook his head when he heard the words, then looked at Fang Du again, hesitated for a moment and said: "One price, seven million, I will give my brother a face, if seven million can be negotiated, let's talk, if not, let's forget it, this is me The final reserve price!"

"Okay!" Minister Lin gritted his teeth.

"Haha, cool! Then let's continue"

"Well... go on!"

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