This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 450 The Little Doll Going to Work

"One, two, much is nineteen in the past, Xiaobai..."

"Twenty Thieves! Melon Baby, let you not study hard, and you won't even know how to count money, huh huh~"

"Hmph~ I'm only in the small class. When I get to the big class, I'm definitely better than you!"

"Hey, you're bragging"

"Hmph~ I'm not bragging, am I Qiu'er~"

"Hee hee~"

Xiao Qiu'er gave Xiao Xi'er a sweet smile so that she would not get involved in the bickering between the two little girlfriends.

"Dong'er, you and your daughter stack up these unpacked red envelopes neatly, don't throw them away, and don't tear them up, you know?"

Xiao Qiuer said aloud to the two little milk babies squatting beside them digging out the money box.


Xiao Dong'er raised her head in a questioning voice, and looked at Xiao Qiu'er cutely with her big black eyes, she expressed that she didn't understand~

"Hee hee ~ like this..."

Xiao Qiu'er smiled sweetly and taught Xiao Dong'er hand in hand.

The little girl was squatting on the side and screaming, her little finger kept pointing, she didn't know what she was talking about...

"Yes, just like my sister, put all the opened red envelopes here and fold them neatly..."

"Well~ will~ sister~give~give me~"

Xiao Dong'er was aroused, she nodded her head, and then anxiously asked Xiao Qiu'er to open the red envelope, and she wanted to do it herself.

"Yeah, here you are, Dong'er is awesome!"

Xiao Qiu'er praised Xiao Dong'er, and then watched this little baby boy and another little baby boy tidy up the opened red envelopes, she grinned, and counted the money.

Hmm... I have to say that Xiao Qiu'er, who used to go out with her brother to buy pancakes and fruits, is really strong.

Small hands clapping... small mouth beeping... her movements of counting money are smooth and proficient!

Xiao Xi'er was dumbfounded, she looked down at her hands, and then at Xiao Qiu'er's hands, she immediately became suspicious of Tong Sheng.

This...same age, same small hands, why is there such a big gap?

"Qiu'er~Qiu'er~" Xiao Xi'er's cute milk called.

"Well, what's the matter, Xi'er..." Xiao Qiu'er asked without raising her head.

"Hiaahia~ You count money so fast, teach me!" Xiao Xi'er asked to learn.

"Hee hee ~ good!"

Xiao Qiu'er nodded in agreement, and then she taught Xiao Xi'er hand in hand.

"Look, Xi'er, let's fold the money neatly first, then take it like this, and then just like this...hehe~ Have you learned it yet?"


"Then you count..."

"emmm~ My eyes can do it, but my hands can't do it~"

Xiaoqiuer: (д`)

Xiao Xier: o(^o^)o

Xiaobai (ω): "Melon baby, come and see me!"

Xiaoxier→_→: "Huh~huh~ I will definitely be stronger than Xiaobai when I go to the big class!"

"Okay, are Ah Qiang!"

"Hiahiahia~Are you Jane~"

"Hee hee~ Ah Zhen fell in love with Ah Qiang, on a starry night..."

Suddenly, Xiao Qiu'er's little milk voice rang out, and Xiao Xi'er and Xiao Bai laughed and sang along with the little pacifier.

In an instant, the singing voice of Xiao Naiyin filled the room, and the happiness was doubled!


"A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang, on a starry night"

"The plane flew overhead, and the meteor pierced the night sky"

"Although life is meaningless..."

In the study room, Yang Qing was humming a song, tapping the keyboard with one finger while writing a script.

He used to write all the scripts by hand, but to be honest, his handwriting is really ugly, sometimes Qin Hao can recognize many words.

Now, taking advantage of this free time, Yang Qing plans to use the computer to code out the two scripts that are about to be filmed, and Qin Hao, who will return it at that time, will go to see his manuscripts and reorganize them.

Hmm... One-finger typing is really slow. Yang Qing finished humming the song "A Zhen is in Love with A Qiang", but when he looked at the computer document, he only typed less than a hundred words.

Immediately, he became Spartan, and he felt that his hand was a cripple!

"Hey, keep up the good work! One day my fingers will be left behind on the keyboard!"

Yang Qing said to himself to cheer himself up, and then he continued to hum "A Zhen is in love with A Qiang", and tapped the keyboard with one finger.


Suddenly, an uncontrollable laugh came from the door, Yang Qing's humming stopped immediately, and when he turned his head, he saw Qin Xue snuggling up at the door and smiling at him.

"Hehe~ Xuexue, why didn't you take a break? You've been tired all day." Yang Qing rubbed her nose in embarrassment and said with a sneer.

"Hehe~ I went to see Qiu'er and the others."

Qin Xue walked in with a smile, lay gently on the back of the computer chair, wrapped her arms around Yang Qing's neck, put her pretty face against his and said with a coquettish smile:

"I just heard the three of them sing this song at the door of Qiu'er's room. I wonder where they learned to sing it. The source is from you..."

"Hehe~ Ah Zhen fell in love with Ah Qiang, I feel very happy unexpectedly."

Qin Xue smiled slightly and said: "I remember your movie, "Shaolin Soccer" appeared in the name A Zhen."

"Yeah, Xuexue, you still remember this paragraph." Yang Qing said in surprise.

"Well, I've been watching your movies very seriously, I feel that there is something you want to express in it!"

Qin Xue said affirmatively, and then she looked at the document on the computer screen and said with a smile: "You are writing a new script, "I am not the God of medicine", what kind of story are you going to tell this time?"

"Hmm... talk about a tragedy, a mass tragedy caused by disease and this profit-seeking society"

Yang Qing said in a deep voice: "Xuexue, there are too many children and patients like Xiao Tiantian in this society. In fact, sometimes the disease is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that they can't cure the disease!"

"Which is more important than money or life, I think it is life!"

"But...but many people in this society don't think so. When the disease is not befalling them, when the scythe of death is not hooking their necks, they value profit and money more than anything else! "

Yang Qing clenched his fists tightly and said, "Medicine is used to cure diseases, not to make huge profits!"

"But now many drug manufacturers, even hospitals, hehe~ they have been corrupted by profit money"

"If you are sick, you can't see a doctor, and if you have no money, you can only wait to die. Such a phenomenon is the tragedy of this era!"

"I'm just an ordinary person who lives a little better than ordinary people. This is my good luck. I think that in the future, my family and I will not have to wait for our lives to wither because we can't see a doctor..."

"But if I don't have that good luck, what will happen to my future, Qiu'er and the others? I dare not think..."

Yang Qing said in a deep voice: "Now I have some ability, so I want to do something, which can also be regarded as a kind of cry for these low-level ordinary "patients"!"

"Maybe this cry is useless, but doing or not doing are two completely different choices, what do you think?"

Yang Qingyin fell, and he turned his head slightly to look at Qin Xue, but Qin Xue's eyes were full of unconcealable love at this moment.

"Well! I support you!"

Summarized into this sentence without any words, Qin Xue gently kissed Yang Qing, and said tenderly: "Let me help you write, you say, I write, I also want to participate in your "cry"! "

"Well, okay"

Yang Qing was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and smiled and said, "I am convinced of this typing, it is really a fierce operation, look up and see."


Qin Xue patted him with a smile and said, "Just practice more, come on, let's start."


Afterwards, Qin Xue sat on the computer chair, and Yang Qing moved a chair to sit beside her. Then one person spoke, the other wrote, and the two cooperated and wrote the script tacitly.

Time passed quietly at the fingertips, unconsciously, more than an hour passed quietly.

Yang Qing stopped talking, Qin Xue's slender fingers also left the keyboard, and then she leaned back and stretched.

But in the next second, out of the corner of her eye, she saw three little dolls at the door staring at her and Yang Qing, covering their mouths and laughing.

Qin Xue immediately paused, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, she turned her head to look at the three little ones who were covering their mouths and giggling, and said, "What are you three little fellows standing at the door laughing at, come in quickly?"

Yang Qing also turned to look at the three little ones at the door, and waved to them with a smile.

"Hiaahia~" Xiao Xi'er jumped in and said with a smile, "Brother Qing, were you telling a story to Sister Qin just now? Why can't I understand it!"

"Yes, yes, I don't understand, Brother Qing, play with your computer for us!" Xiao Bai answered.

"Well... what do you want to play?" Yang Qing said amusedly: "Watch cartoons and watch them on the TV in the living room. Computers can easily damage your eyes."

"Hee hee~Brother, we are planning." Xiao Qiu'er said, "We want to see where we can see the sea and the big whales."

"Oh, that's it, let Sister Qin show you."

Yang Qing said with a smile, he agrees and agrees with the three little ones planning to go overseas by themselves. This is a good habit to cultivate.


Sanxiao nodded, then chattered around Qin Xue about their request.

"There must be a warm sun, we need to wear beautiful short-sleeved shorts to play, it must not be cold!" Xiao Xi'er said first, this little doll is more afraid of the cold.

"Hey, there must be a big beach. It is said every year that you can dig sand on the beach and dig ditches for fun," Xiaobai said.

"Hee hee~ I want my brothers and sisters to like it, we want to invite everyone to play together!" Xiao Qiuer said with big eyes.

"Oh, that's how it is"

After hearing this, Qin Xue smiled and searched for a vacation destination on the computer, showed the pictures to them, and said softly:

"Look at this place, it's warm like spring all year round, the environment is beautiful, and the beach is big and fun."

"Kangkang! We are Kangkang!"

San Xiaozhi didn't expect Qin Xue to find a place that met their requirements all of a sudden, and immediately looked excitedly.

Pictures of beautiful scenery came into the eyes of the three little ones.

Sea, beach, tourists, food...

The three little ones became more and more satisfied as they watched, so they unanimously nodded their little heads, and Xiaobai decided aloud:

"That's great! It's here! Let's go play here! Where is this, Sister Qin?"

Qin Xue said with a smile: "This is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in our country, Qiongya Yazhou..."

"hiahia~Qiongya Yazhou, I'll tell my sister, she will definitely like to go there!"

Xiao Xi'er never forgot to share all the good news with her favorite sister, she smiled and wanted to run, but was stopped by Qin Xue.

"Xi'er, don't be in a hurry." Qin Xue said with a smile: "You plan to invite all of us to play here, so do you have enough money?"

"Hiaahia~ that's enough, we received a lot of red envelopes, and we have a lot of money!" Xiao Xier raised her head proudly.

"Hee hee~ Sister Qin, we counted the money just now, there are a lot of them, there are... so many" Xiao Qiu'er smiled sweetly.

"Hoho~ This amount of money should be enough." Xiao Bai looked at Qin Xue and grinned.

Qin Xue looked at the three little ones and shook her head gently. She didn't know if the three little ones counted the right amount of money, but according to their current amount, it was obviously not enough to invite everyone to play.

Seeing Qin Xue shaking her head, the three little ones were taken aback immediately, and the smiles on their faces froze.

"No... not enough! No, sister Qin..." Xiao Bai said with a little hand in disbelief: "We have so much money!"

"Hehe~" Qin Xue said with a smile: "Don't worry, listen to my sister's analysis for you, let's improve your travel plan, how about it?"

"Okay!" San Xiao only had a little head.

"Well, first of all, you want to invite those people to play, can you tell my sister?"

"Hmm... I want to invite my elder brother, sister Qin, and elder sister, second sister, Dong'er, sister Jin'er, father Bai, mother Bai, brother Hao, aunt Qin, uncle Qin, and aunt Lingyue," Xiao Qiuer said.

"Hiaahia~ and Sister Xiaorou, Sister Xiaorou is Brother Hao's fat female friend, I want to invite you too," Xiao Xier added.

"Hoho~ My grandparents won't go, I secretly asked them, they said they want to go back to their hometown to have a look," Xiaobai finally said with a grin.

"Well, please invite us, sister, thank you first."

Qin Xue happily invited each of the three little ones, and then she said: "Look, there are so many of us, let's go by plane, it costs money..."

"When we get to the place, we still need to stay in a hotel. It will cost a lot of money to stay in a room for two people for several days, and we have to play, so we have to..."

Qin Xue babbled about everything to the three little ones, but only the three little ones were dumbfounded. In the end, Xiaobai grabbed his watermelon head weakly and said:

"Then...then we don't have enough money! Still...much worse?!"


Qin Xue nodded, but she didn't say anything, but looked at the three little ones with a smile, she wanted to see what they would decide next.

"What should I do? I don't have enough money, but... But I want to see the sea, and I want to see big whales!" Xiao Xi'er frowned and said.

"Hmm...we're going to keep saving money!" Xiao Qiu'er clenched her fists and said out loud.

"No way," the little white lady said, "it will cost a lot of money, and it will be very difficult for us to save, oh, I'm so worried!"

"Then...then let's go make money!"

Xiao Qiu'er came up with an idea again, and Xiao Xi'er and Xiao Bai's eyes lit up when they heard it.

"Hey! We want it! Let's make money!"

"Hiaahia~ Let's go to play, Yaoyao said that acting can make a lot of money!"

"Hee hee ~ good!"

Xiao Qiu'er agreed with her little head, and then she looked at Yang Qing who was listening silently, and shouted: "Brother~"

Seeing this, Yang Qing smiled and said: "Acting is fine, but I have a better idea, do you want to listen to it?"

"What better idea?"

"Well... you can work in our store, how about it?"

"work to earn a living?!"

The three little ones were all taken aback.

"Well, part-time job." Yang Qing smiled and said, "You go to the store to work part-time, and then ask Mama Bai to pay you part-time work every day, how about it?"

"Hooooo~ I want it!"

As soon as Xiaobai asked her mother to pay her, she didn't even think about it anymore and said with a little head:

"Okay! Let's go to work! Work to earn money! Then go to see the sea! Qiu'er, Xi'er, okay?"

"Yeah, okay!"

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