This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 109: The Rat as the Protagonist

There is a decision.

Li Han entered the words "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta" in the dialog box.

This is the most famous fairy tale novel by Zheng Yuanjie, the king of fairy tales in the previous life. It is a masterpiece of fairy tales with more than 1 million words.

It took Mr. Zheng Yuanjie a total of more than 10 years to complete this work.

The two mice, Shuke and Beta, can almost be regarded as well-known fairy tale images and have accompanied the growth of generations.

This work is suspenseful, exciting, and peculiar in imagination. It can be said to be very classic.

There are 366 episodes in total, not just 100 as some people think.

There is only one thing that is a pity, that is, this work only made 13 episodes of animation.

Moreover, some didactic elements are mixed in it, and it does not show the original appearance of the work.

Very sorry.

Of course, this is a pity before.

After entering the title of the work, click OK.

After the work is redeemed, what form will it take? It was Li Han who was more concerned.

The answer will soon be known.

"Please choose the form in which the work exists: electronic document form? Physical book form?"


so advanced? Can also choose the form of existence?

This operation is quite humane!


Li Han's mood can be described as extremely happy.

Because if he chooses the form of an electronic document, it means that he does not need to code a word, and the work already exists in the form of an electronic document.

Originally, he thought that the exchanged works would exist in his mind in a special form.

He also needs to code the works word by word.

But who knew that the system would operate in such a way that he didn't need to code a word.

feeling good! Quite a pleasure!

Subsequently, Li Han chose the form of electronic document existence.

After a while, the work exchange volume turned into something that looked like a USB flash drive and was stored in the inventory.

Li Han took it out, and it turned out to be a USB flash drive.

It may not be called a USB flash drive, but it has the same interface as a USB flash drive and can be connected to a computer.

Li Han turned on the computer, connected it to the computer, and found that the operation was the same as the USB flash drive.

After opening it, there is nothing else in it, just a folder that says "Adventures of Shuke and Beta".

Then click on the folder, there are documents one by one, and each document is a chapter.

Quite human.

Open the first chapter, "Shuke, you are old enough to go out and find something to eat by yourself. One day, my mother said to the little mouse Shuke"

It is the beginning of the adventures of Shuke and Beta in the previous life.

For the opening chapter, Li Han was impressed.

It seems that there is really no need to code a word.

In that case, let He Chan send a part of the past.

Presumably, He Chan has been looking forward to it.

Li Han copied the first twenty chapters,

I created a new folder and pasted the first twenty chapters into it.

Then package it, send the file to He Chan's mailbox, and send He Chan a Feixin message by the way, saying that the opening part of the work has been sent.

Magic City.

Children's Fun Magazine.

He Chan was busy in front of the computer when she suddenly received a new Fetion message.

When I opened it, I heard "Yeah", which was very pleasant.

Then, regardless of the busy work at hand, he opened the mailbox at the first time.

She has been looking forward to Li Han's works.

The Adventures of Shook and Beta?

He Chan nodded, this Shuke and Beta are obviously two names, but I don't know if it is the name of a person or the name of an animal?

In fairy tales, animals are often the protagonists.

At the beginning, the mouse mother said to the little mouse Shuke, saying that when Shuke grew up, he could go out and find something to eat by himself.

It turned out to be a mouse, and He Chan was a little surprised.

Fairy tales do often feature animals as protagonists, but they never seem to feature rats.

Never had.

After all, mice have a bad reputation.

Moreover, mice are very annoying, and many people, especially children, are a little afraid of mice.

When a mouse crosses the street, everyone shouts and beats it.

With the mouse as the protagonist, Li Han is the first.

"As expected of Li Han, he is different." He Chan thought so in his heart.

If it was the submission of the other authors, with the mouse as the protagonist, He Chan would definitely frown, or even kill the manuscript.

Works with mice as the protagonist, it is strange that some people like to watch them, and there will definitely be no market.

But now it is Li Han who is writing this, and He Chan has a completely different mind.

I have to say that He Chan has unconditional trust in Li Han.

Then, He Chan couldn't help but be very curious, how did Li Han write such a story with a mouse as the protagonist?

Shook is a mouse.

So, what about beta? Is it a mouse too? Or some other animal?

Continue to look below.

The mother mouse took Shuke out to find food, and then Shuke heard someone call him a thief, saying that their mice always steal other people's food to eat, and that their mice are all bad guys.

Shuke was very sad. He didn't want to be a thief, so he decided to leave the house and go outside to get food through labor.

There was a toy helicopter in the house, and Shuke saw the helicopter and drove away.

Seeing this, He Chan's eyes brightened, the mouse flew a helicopter, and his brain was wide open!


Continue to look below.

Shuke drove around in a helicopter, rescued a few ants that fell into the water, and became a good friend of the ants.

Then he rescued sparrows and other animals, and gained a good reputation.

Shuke was very happy. When people asked him what his name was, he always said that he was the pilot Shuke.

Then, Beta also appeared.

Beta is also a mouse, and he is always bullied by a cat at home.

There is a toy tank in the house.

One day, in order to stop being bullied by cats, Beta went out in a tank.

Tanks can also shoot bullets, and Beta accidentally wounded a sparrow with a bullet.

The sparrow asked Shuke for help.

In this way, Shuke drove the plane, Beta drove the tank, and there was a big battle between the two mice.

The war was evenly divided, and no one got any advantage.

In the end, the two mice became good friends.

Well, I don't know each other.

In this way, two mice walked together, one drove a plane and the other drove a tank, and began their adventure.

The more He Chan looked, the brighter her eyes became. It was interesting. It was really interesting.

Not only is it interesting, but the plot is quite twisty. The brain hole is even more open, one is driving a plane, the other is driving a tank, this image is really too strong.

Also, it's very interesting.

In addition, it is very positive. Both mice have a strong sense of justice, saving people and fighting bad guys.

He Chan is absolutely sure that this work will be very popular. Children will love it very much, the little mice Shuke and Beta.

Li Han's shot can always surprise people.

He Chan couldn't help knocking on the door of the editor-in-chief's office.

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