This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 116 Go to Yuanxi Village to discuss animation copyright

Qinghe Animation Studio.

Assistant Tan Zhe said to director Gong Zhangming, "Director, do you remember the work "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta" that was promoted before "Children's Fun"?"

Gong Zhangming nodded and said, "I still remember. Those are two mice, one drives a plane and the other drives a tank. It's quite interesting."

Tan Zhedao "Yes, director. That work officially started serialization today. I watched it, and I felt it was a very good work. Moreover, it felt very suitable for making an animation."

"Really?" Gong Zhangming became interested and said, "Show me."

Tan Zhe agreed and handed the "Children's Fun" that he had been holding to Gong Zhangming.

Gong Zhangming reached out to take it and opened it directly.

After watching it for a while, he said to Tan Zhe, "Xiao Tan, how is the market's reaction? Have you investigated it?"

Tan Zhedao, "Director, I have already investigated. The children have no resistance to these two characters and like them very much. Even the parents themselves said that this is a work that even they can watch."

Gong Zhangming smiled and said, "It's very well done. You are right, this work is indeed very suitable for making an animation. The story is bizarre and twisted, very interesting, and the image of the two mice is very strong. I will try to contact the author Li immediately. Han, negotiate the purchase of relevant copyrights."

Tan Zhe said, "Okay director, I'll go right now."

Gong Zhangming nodded, and after Tan Zhe went out, he picked up the book again and continued to read the following content, which he had not finished just now.

Not to mention, even he was a little curious about the development of the next plot, and wanted to continue reading the latter.


Yuanxi Village.

Li Han received a call from He Chan.

"Li Han, Qinghe Animation wants to buy the animation copyright, do you want to sell it? Do you want to know?"

"Okay, let's find out."

"Okay. Then I'll give them your phone number and let them contact you."

"OK, thanks."

If an animation company wants to buy animation copyright, Li Han will naturally not refuse.

In fact, Li Han originally wanted to make it into an animation.

In the previous life, this work only produced 13 episodes of cartoons, which has always made Li Han very regretful.

If the previous life can produce more episodes of cartoons, it should also bring the influence of the two mice one step closer.

Now, let's make up for the regrets of the previous life in this life.

Soon, the mobile phone received a strange call from Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province.

"Hello, Mr. Li Han. I'm Gong Zhangming, the director of Qinghe Animation. We are very willing to make your work "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta" into an animation work..."

Qinghe Animation's intention was very strong, and Li Han himself was also interested, and the conversation between the two went very smoothly.

In the end, the two agreed to meet for a detailed discussion.

It is also necessary to meet and discuss in detail, and if the negotiation is successful, a contract must be signed.

The place to meet was Yuanxi Village, and the other party came over.


Qinghe Animation Studio.

Gong Zhangming put down the phone and said to Tan Zhe, "I will book two air tickets to Funan Province as soon as possible. This work is very important to us.

I want to go over and talk to Mr. Li Han in detail. You go with me. "

Tan Zhe said, "Okay, Director. I'll make an appointment right away."

Gong Zhangming nodded and said, "I heard that Li Han is still growing vegetables and raising fish at home. Moreover, both the vegetables he grows and the fish he raises are much better than usual. I don't know if it's true or not? This time it's just fine. Go get acquainted."

Tan Zhedao "There is indeed such a statement on the Internet. But I think it should be a bit exaggerated. Maybe it is better than ordinary, but it is not as exaggerated as the Internet said."

Gong Zhangming said, "Maybe. Anyway, I'll know after this time has passed."


The next morning.

A taxi stopped slowly at the entrance of Yuanxi Village, and the master said, "Two gentlemen, this is the way, this is the entrance of Yuanxi Village."

"Okay, thanks. Are you sure it's here?" a passenger asked.

The master smiled and said, "Sure. I sent another passenger over before."

"Okay, thank you master."

"You're welcome."

The two passengers got off, it was Gong Zhangming and Tan Zhe.

They took a plane to the provincial capital of Funan Province last night, and took a taxi to Changle County early this morning, and then changed to a local taxi to go directly here.

The two looked around at the entrance of the village.

Tan Zhe said with a smile, "Director, let's not say anything else, the scenery here is beautiful."

Gong Zhangming nodded and said, "It's really beautiful, but it's hard to see such a beautiful countryside scene."

Tan Zhe's eyes fell on a large rock, "Huh", and said, "Director, there seems to be a map?"

Gong Zhangming also saw it and said, "Go and have a look."

The two took a closer look and found that the main criteria on the map were the locations and routes of several weirs and ponds.

There are weirs for fish, weirs for lobsters, and weirs for crabs.

Tan Zhedao, "Director, the location of the weir and pond is specially marked here. Do people often come here to fish, get lobsters, etc.?"

Gong Zhangming said, "It should be like this. Could it be that the fish, lobsters, and crabs here are really what they say on the Internet? Xiao Tan, since there is a map here, we might as well follow the map and go to those weirs and ponds first." Maybe I can meet Li Han directly."

Tan Zhe's eyes lit up and said, "Okay, Director, let's go to a few weirs and ponds first. Let's see if there are people fishing or lobsters there? I took a picture of the map with my mobile phone."

Gong Zhangming nodded.

After Tan Zhe took the map, Gong Zhangming pointed to a weir on the map and said, "This weir seems to be the largest, so let's go to the largest one first."

Tan Zhe said, "Okay, Director."

The two walked into the village, looking for the way on the map, while admiring the scenery of the village, they felt very comfortable.

Twenty minutes later, within the sight of the two, a weir pond with the size of an acre appeared.

Tan Zhe said happily, "Director, here it is, it should be the one. Sure enough, there are many people here."

On the ridge of the weir, a dozen people stood sparsely.

Gong Zhangming said, "From the markings on the map, this is a lobster pond. Those people should be fishing for lobsters. Xiao Tan, let's go and have a look."

Tan Zhe agreed and said, "Director, you just said 'fishing for lobster', is lobster also used for 'fishing'?"

Gong Zhangming smiled and said, "It is possible to fish. Look at the attitude of those people on the dam and pond, they are fishing for lobsters."

Tan Zhe looked at it carefully and said, "You can also fish for lobsters. I've never heard of it before."

Gong Zhangming smiled and said, "You grew up in the city, and you have hardly ever been to the countryside, so it's normal that you haven't heard of it."



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