This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 128 Poetry Party Invitation

Xie Renjie was not the only one who read it in one go, Gong Zhangming also read it in one go.

After watching it, I was still a little unsure.

It's really a good work, and it will definitely become a classic in the future.

The original work will become a classic, so the cartoons adapted from Qinghe Animation will definitely become a classic.

A cartoon that can become a classic is always exciting and anticipating.

Gong Zhangming has already obtained the exclusive rights to the animation adaptation of "Hulu Brothers" from Li Han.

Now, the animation production of "The Adventures of Shukebeta (Part 1)" and "Hulu Brothers" has officially started, and it will not be long before they will be officially broadcast.

Gong Zhangming is looking forward to it!


The next day, in the morning.

Yuanxi Village.

Li Han carried the painting tools on his back and hurried out of the yard.

He was going to find a place to paint.

Li Han has always been interested in painting ever since he acquired painting skills last time.

Choosing a place with unique scenery and drawing on paper with a brush has always made Li Han happy.

Today, he intends to find a place he has never been to before.

When he came to the place where the bamboo raft was parked by the river, he was going to take the waterway today.

Down the river is the direction of Jiulong Gorge. Li Han has traveled in this direction many times.

Today he is going upstream to find a place.

Going upstream will enter the depths of the jungle, and Li Han intends to take a look. He had walked before, but not far, and he planned to walk further today.

Untie the rope, grab the bamboo wormwood, and jump on the bamboo raft.

Set off!

It is said to be upstream, but because the current is very gentle, paddling the bamboo raft forward,

Still very easy.

Li Han did not row hard, and let the bamboo raft move forward slowly.

After about two hours, the surrounding environment was quite different from the beginning.

There are few people around here, and there are almost no people involved, and it is barely into the depths of the jungle.

It's almost enough. If you go too deep, there may be wild beasts, which is more dangerous.

Li Han looked around, prepared to choose a place to dock, and started painting.

Just then, a whimper was heard suddenly.

Although it was a whimper, the voice was very high-pitched and loud.

Even the whine is so high-pitched and loud, if it is a normal call, wouldn't the sound be even more high-pitched and loud.

What animal can make such a high-pitched, loud call? And why whine?

Li Han frowned slightly and looked carefully in the direction of the voice.

Soon found.

Li Han was slightly startled, a little stunned, that there is such an animal here.

In a swamp shoal next to the river, there is a huge white bird with a body length of more than 1.5 meters. White, slender feet, black.

It is a red-crowned crane! Also known as the crane.

To be precise, it was an injured red-crowned crane, whose slender feet were injured and seemed unable to stand.

How was it injured? It is unknown.

There was actually a red-crowned crane here, and Li Han was a little surprised. No wonder the whining sound was so high-pitched and loud.

The sound of the red-crowned crane is extremely high-pitched and loud, and can be transmitted to places 3 to 5 kilometers away.

It seemed that in the depths of the jungle, there were indeed many animals that Li Han and the villagers did not know about.

If this red-crowned crane was not injured, it is estimated that Li Fan would not have encountered it here, but would have stayed in the deeper jungle.

However, this red-crowned crane can meet Li Han, which is also its good fortune.

Because Li Han can save it.

There are still a lot of Bailingdan donated by the system last time.

Bailingdan has an effect on all birds and fowls, cures diseases and wounds, and has the effect of bringing back the dead.

The red-crowned crane is a large wading bird, and naturally it is also within the scope of action of lark.

Li Han paddled the bamboo raft to approach the past. After reaching the shore, he jumped ashore, tied the bamboo raft, and walked towards the swamp shoal.

The red-crowned crane naturally saw Li Han long ago, and when he saw Li Han approaching, he kept vibrating his wings and wanted to fly away.

But could not take off successfully.

After Li Han approached, he took out a Bailingdan from the space, seized the opportunity, and threw the Bailingdan directly into the mouth of the red-crowned crane.

Soon, perhaps the lark began to take effect, and the red-crowned cranes stopped chirping and flapping.

Li Han observed the red-crowned crane for a while, not sure if the red-crowned crane's feet were healed?

However, it is estimated that it is not good. If it's okay, the red-crowned crane should fly away.

In this case, Li Han decided to paint here, waiting for the red-crowned crane's feet to recover and fly away.

Back on the bamboo raft, I carried the easel and other tools ashore, chose a scene, set up the easel, made other preparations, and started painting.

Two hours later, the red-crowned crane finally fluttered away and flew deeper into the jungle.

Li Han has also completed a number of paintings. Seeing that the red-crowned crane flew away, he also began to pack up his tools and was ready to go back.

After packing up, jump on the bamboo raft and head back down the river.

A red-crowned crane was accidentally rescued, and Li Han was in a good mood.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Huang Jian who called.

"Old Huang."

On the phone, Huang Jian smiled heartily and said, "Li Han Xiaoyou, didn't bother you?"


"That's good. That's right, the City Poetry Association will hold a poetry party tomorrow. Is Little Friend Li Han interested in coming over to participate?"

"Poetry Club? Is Mr. Huang going to participate in the Poetry Club?"

"Yeah. I'm also dabbling in poetry, and I'm going to join in the fun tomorrow. Xiaoyou Li's two poems, "Chinging the Goose" and "Pity the Farmer", show that Xiaoyou Li's talent in poetry is not low. I really want to meet again, Li Han's style in poetry. Hahaha!"

"Huang Lao has passed the award. I just wrote two small poems. How can I dare to say that I have any style?"

"Li Han Xiaoyou is humble. Your two poems are not simple. If it was me, I might not be able to write them. If Li Han Xiaoyou is free tomorrow, please come and participate!"

"Where will it be held?"

"The northern suburb of Yinjiang City, where Huai Ming held his birthday party last time."

"It's really a good place there. OK, then I'll come and see it tomorrow."

"Okay, that's good. With little friend Li Han participating, I'm really looking forward to it! Hahaha!"

"Old Huang, I'm just going to join in the fun."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, I'm just going to join in the fun, let's all join in the fun. Little friend Li Han, see you tomorrow!"

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Li Han continued to shake the bamboo raft.


Go and have a look.

The first time.

Li Han is still quite curious about the poetry society in this world.


( = )

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