This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 139 Realistic game farm?

After Wang Chang left with Xiao Haoling, Li Han squatted on the edge of the pond, watching the guests fishing while thinking about one thing in his heart.

Wang Chang brought Xiao Haoling here today, and he was using land and growing vegetables, which reminded him of a game in his previous life that was once extremely popular.

Moreover, it has been popular for several years.

Over the years, its popularity has remained high. Until he came to this world not long ago, although that game was no longer popular, there were still people playing it.

Vitality is not weak.

That game is a casual game launched by Penguin Enterprise: QQ Farm.

Once upon a time, "stealing vegetables" was always the most willing thing to do.

When two people meet, they often don't ask "Did you eat?", but ask "Did you steal food?"

In order to collect their crops in time and not be stolen, some people often calculate the time when the crops are ripe and set the alarm clock.

As soon as the alarm clock rings, immediately log in to the game to collect the food.

Even if the crops are ripe in the middle of the night, in the early morning, it is still fine, and the alarm clock is still set.

As soon as the alarm clock rang, even in the middle of the night, he would get up in a hurry, turn on the computer to collect crops, and plant new crops before continuing to sleep.

Of course, there are also people who get up in the middle of the night to steal other people's food, every night.

Not crazy.

It was a hugely successful game.

And Li Han now thinks of this game, naturally not to launch such a game.

Is he considering whether to copy the game to reality? Come to a realistic version of the QQ farm?

Of course, the name is definitely not called QQ Farm.

Change to Happy Farm?

It seems to be possible, but the name thing is not urgent.

The key now is whether to do it or not? Li Han was thinking.

The reason why there is such an idea is that Xiao Haoling's interest and excitement between planting and harvesting today made Li Han quite infected.

And there must be many children like Xiao Haoling in the country.

He is willing to let more children feel the happiness that Xiao Haoling feels today. I am also willing to let more children have a deeper understanding of crops through their own operations such as planting and harvesting crops.

Another reason is that it would be very interesting and fun.

Imagine if he concentrated all the land in the village, then rebuilt and managed it in a unified way, dividing it into small farms one after another.

Each small farm is then leased out, and guests grow, manage, harvest, etc. on their own small farm.

This way, it will be very interesting.

Moreover, if the system presents something like "crop elixir" in the future, he can also provide seeds or seedlings for the guests.

Of course, it is provided for a fee, and guests have to buy it with money.

Seeds and seedlings can only be planted on the farm and cannot be taken outside for planting without permission.

In this way, the crops and vegetables grown by the guests on the farm will be unique and delicious.

This makes the farm appear unique and precious.

This is more interesting.

In addition, he can also formulate some farm rules, such as "stealing vegetables" from each other.

The crops grown by the guests, or the crops "stolen", can be brought back by themselves or purchased by him.

If there are specific rules, you can slowly ponder.

This makes it even more interesting.

Moreover, for Li Han, it is indeed feasible to launch such a farm.

It's meaningful, fun, and fun, so why can't it be launched?

Li Han was very moved.

Think again.

After all, if it is to be launched, it is not in a hurry.


When Wang Chang brought Xiao Haoran back home, it was already late, and Xiao Haoran's parents had already gone home and were ready to make dinner.

Seeing this, Wang Chang said to Xiao Haoran's mother Lin Fei: "Xiao Fei,

For the vegetables tonight, I used the vegetables that Hao Ling and I brought back. "

Lin Fei wondered: "Dad, what's the difference between what you brought back? Didn't you go to Yuanxi Village today? The vegetables were brought back from Yuanxi Village, right?"

Wang Changdao: "It is indeed brought back from Yuanxi Village. It is indeed different, you will understand after you eat it."

Lin Fei said: "Well, you will use what you brought back tonight."

Wang Chang nodded and said, "By the way, there are two corns, and I cooked and ate them."

Lin Fei agreed and went to work in the kitchen.

Xiao Haoling's father Wang Yongji asked, "Dad, how are you feeling today?"

Wang Changdao: "Let Hao Ling tell you. Ask Hao Ling what he has gained today?"

"Oh? Could it be that the harvest is not small?" Wang Yongji was overjoyed, called Xiao Haoling to his side, and asked Xiao Haoling what he had gained today?

Xiao Haoling was very excited and told all of her experiences today.

Then, through grandpa's explanation about crop knowledge, what knowledge did he know? He personally turned the soil, burrowed, sow seeds, planted vegetable seedlings, etc., and how he felt, etc., all said.

Although the expression is sometimes unclear, and the logic is sometimes wrong, but Wang Yongji still understands everything.

And, the more I listened, the more surprised I became.

This trip to Yuanxi Village, the harvest was so great?

Wang Chang said at this time: "On the way there, I never thought that the harvest would be so great. And the reason why it is so great, there is a very important reason is that little friend Li Han provided us with a whole A lot of land, and so many vegetable seedlings were given away.”

Wang Yongji nodded and said, "Dad, then we must thank Li Han this time!"

Wang Changdao: "That's for sure. Moreover, they specially reserved that piece of land for us. The peanuts and vegetables we planted today, Hao Ling can still see them sprouting and growing leaves, and even flowering and bearing fruit. Harvest. This love is really big!"

Wang Yongji nodded, this love is indeed very big.

At this time, Xiao Haoling said excitedly again: "Dad, Dad, we also saw red-crowned cranes today. The real red-crowned cranes are much prettier than the red-crowned cranes in the zoo. It seems to be bigger."

"Red-crowned crane?" Wang Yongji was startled and asked Wang Chang quickly, "Dad, is it really a red-crowned crane?"

Wang Chang smiled and said, "Yes, it is indeed a red-crowned crane. The real wild red-crowned crane. It gives the impression that it is indeed not comparable to the red-crowned cranes in the zoo."

Wang Yongji was surprised: "Wild red-crowned cranes? How can there be wild red-crowned cranes there? Dad, what happened?"

Wang Chang sighed, and at this time, he was still very emotional.

After that, I will talk about the red-crowned crane.

After listening to it, Wang Yongji said incredulously: "There is such a strange thing. There are wild red-crowned cranes living there. More importantly, that red-crowned crane is so smart."

It's incredible.

If Wang Chang didn't say this, Wang Yongji wouldn't believe it.


Fourth more (plus more). For the "Gumei gum" boss who rewarded two rudder masters (22)

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