This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 150 Lie and your nose will grow longer

As for making other things with mud, this is totally fine.

Mud, I haven't played it in years. That's a memory from my childhood.

However, I haven't played it at all recently.

In the village, I often encounter smaller bears and children playing in the mud. The bear children always invited Li Han to play together.

When Li Han became interested, he would make a car or something at will, as a memory of his childhood.

Now, play with Xiao Haoling again.

Li Han asked Xiao Haoling, "Have you ever played in mud before?"

Xiao Haoling shook his head and said no, but quickly added: "However, I know that mud can be played."

Li Han smiled and said, "Brother Li Han will show you today."

Xiao Haoling cheered and looked forward to it.

In fact, it stands to reason that Xiao Haoling is now past the age where he likes to play with mud.

But Xiao Haoling had never played before, so it's normal to be so interested now.

Wang Chang smiled and said, "It's delaying little friend Li Han again."

Li Han also smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't have anything to do right now."

Playing in the mud, first of all, of course, to find the right mud. This is also a bit particular, and it needs moderately wet and dry mud.

Take Xiao Haoling to the edge of a field with little water.

Of course Wang Chang also followed, he also grew up in the countryside.

When he was a few years old, playing in the mud naturally often did.

For Wang Chang, that is a truly distant memory, more than fifty years old.

But those memories are always deeper and never forgotten.

Now, Wang Chang suddenly had the illusion of dreaming back to his childhood, which made him very emotional.

"Brother Han, what are you doing?" This was the voice of the bear child in the village.

Li Han turned his head,

Sure enough, I saw some bear children in the village walking towards them.

"Brother Han, do you want to catch lobsters? Or do you want to pick eels and loaches?" a arrogant child asked again.

Li Han said: "None of them, prepare to get some mud."

"Mud? Brother Han, do you still want to play in the mud?" Several bear children giggled.

Li Han said: "Is everyone's skin itchy? Come here, come here, get some mud up."


Several bear children searched for a while on the edge of the field and began to pick mud.

They know which mud is best.

Soon, each bear child had picked up enough mud.

Then came to a flat open space.

That's it.

Li Han asked Xiao Haoling, "What do you want to do with mud?"

Before Xiao Haoling could answer, a few arrogant children chattered:

"I want to make a car."

"I make a tank."

"I pinch a clay figurine."

Li Han was a little funny, and let the few bear children do whatever they wanted.

Xiao Haoling thought for a while before saying, "I also want to make a car."

Li Han nodded and said, "Then you can make a car."

Xiao Haoling said again: "Brother Li Han, what about you? What are you going to do?"

Li Han thought for a while, saw the puppet toy Xiao Haoling put aside, his eyes lit up, and said, "I'll be a puppet. No, it should be a clay puppet."

Xiao Haoling pointed to his puppet toy and said, "Is it like this?"

Li Han smiled and said, "Yes!"

Xiao Haoling's eyes lit up and said, "Brother Li Han, hurry up, I'll see."

Li Han said: "Okay! Then you will be the car, I will be the mud puppet. Let's compare and see who can do it faster, okay?"

"Okay." Xiao Haoling was eager to try.

Li Han and the children each started to make things, while Wang Chang watched with interest.

Xiao Haoling kept observing Li Han while making her own car.

Soon, Xiao Haoling asked strangely, "Brother Li Han, why is the nose of the clay puppet you made so long?"

Li Han said: "Because, this clay puppet is a child who doesn't like to read, and he panics. As soon as he lies, his nose will grow longer. You see that his nose is so long now, it must be because he just lied."

Hearing what Li Han said, Xiao Haoling and a few bear children were attracted.

Wang Chang also smiled, his nose would grow longer if he lied, which is an interesting idea.

As expected of a famous master of fairy tales and children's stories, his thinking is really very active.

Xiao Haoling asked, "Why does my nose grow longer when I lie?"

Li Han said: "Because, this is someone who made a trick on its nose. As soon as he lies, the nose will grow longer."

Xiao Haoling asked again, "Why did that person do such an institution?"

Li Han said: "Because I want him to be an honest child!"

Xiao Haoling said, "Does he often lie?"

Li Han said: "I don't lie all the time, but only once in a while. But even once in a while, it's not allowed! If you lie, there may be serious consequences."

Xiao Haoling said: "I know. It's like the kid who ran sheep. After talking twice in a row, when the wolf really came for the third time, no one believed him."

Li Han laughed and said, "Yes, that's it. Xiao Haoling also knows the story of "The Wolf is Coming"!"

Xiao Haoling said: "Of course I do. I also know that this story was written by brother Li Han. By the way, brother Li Han, do you still have a story? Can you tell us a story?"

"Brother Han, we also want to hear it." Several bear children also said.

Li Han thought for a while, then raised the unfinished clay puppet in his hand, and said, "Then I'll tell you a little more about this clay puppet whose nose will grow longer if it lies."

"Okay! Okay!" Xiao Haoling and several bear children were looking forward to it.

Even Wang Chang became interested and said to himself, "Li Han Xiaoyou is going to make up a story on the spot!"

Li Han smiled and said, "We just said that this child doesn't like to read, and wants to play all day. His family is very poor. In order to let him study, his father took his only clothes and bought him a textbook. He went to school with his textbooks, but on the way, he wanted to see a puppet show, but he had no tickets. So he sold his textbooks, and then used the money from the textbooks to buy tickets..."

"This is a bad boy." Xiao Haoling and the bear children said one after another.

Li Han smiled and said: "It can't be called a bad boy. He loves his father and has a good heart. He is just very playful. Of course, he can't be considered a good boy. However, his shortcomings can be corrected. After all shortcomings are corrected, he will become a good boy."

Xiao Haoling and a few bear children nodded hurriedly.

Wang Chang smiled and said, "Li Han, is this a new story? If you lie, your nose will grow longer. This setting is quite interesting!"

Li Han smiled and said, "This is also when I just made a clay puppet, and I suddenly thought of it."

After Wang Chang heard this, he sighed again. I am afraid that few people can compare this level of active thinking.

No wonder he has emerged in many fields at a young age.


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