This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 161 The construction site is in full swing

Li Han walked out of the yard. After seeing Li Han, some of the guests who came to fish early asked, "Young man, when I first entered the village, I saw that construction was going on at the entrance of the village. Is this something to be built?"

Li Han nodded and said, "Prepare to build a hotel."

"Restaurants?" The guest laughed and said, "It's good to build a restaurant. It's long overdue to open a restaurant. If we don't go back at noon, we don't have to eat instant noodles or dry food all the time."

Li Han also smiled and said, "Welcome to the restaurant for dinner later."

The guest said, "As long as you don't go back at noon, that's for sure. But, young man, after the restaurant opens, do you plan to use the vegetables you grow yourself? I'm afraid the output of your current fields is far from enough!"

Li Han said, "It's definitely not enough. Let's use vegetables bought outside. I'm considering whether to expand the planting area?"

The guest said, "Young man, you can just take this opportunity to expand the planting area. We know you don't want to plant more, but you can ask people to plant it!"

It is hoped that Li Han will expand the planting area, which is what every guest wishes.

As far as Li Han's current land is concerned, a batch of vegetables will be sold out in two days.

They don't know how many times they have suggested to Li Han, let Li Han be more varied.

However, Li Han never had that desire. The guests have no choice.

But now, guests are feeling hopeful. Restaurants are open, so it must be best to use delicious vegetables grown by yourself.

This necessitates the expansion of the planting area.

Li Han naturally knew the thoughts of the guests. It's just that he really didn't want to expand the planting area before.

Now, maybe it is really necessary to expand the planting area.

It's really not an option for your own restaurant to always use ordinary vegetables purchased from outside.

That's all, then wait for the hotel to be built, and then officially expand the planting area.

Go and discuss with the village chief about renting the land and asking someone to help with planting later.

The village chief was at the entrance of the village, watching the big and small workers dig the foundation.

Li Han went to the field to pick a few large watermelons,

Put it on the shelf of the motorcycle, and ride the motorcycle to the entrance of the village.

The workers are working hard.

Li Han went to Li Mingjiu's canteen to borrow a knife, cut all the watermelons, and greeted everyone to take a rest, eat the watermelon and continue.

The eyes of the workers lit up. The watermelon from Li Han's house was very delicious. In addition to doing physical work for so long, I was indeed thirsty.

So, they all stopped what they were doing and started eating watermelon.

While eating, laughing and admiring.

Li Han will prepare to expand the planting area and told the village chief and the villagers.

The village chief was very happy after hearing this, and said, "Xiaohan, you finally plan to expand the planting area."

The villagers were even more happy. Li Han expanded the planting area, so he must have asked someone to help plant it.

Who will you find? They must be looking for these villagers.

In this way, they also have work in the village and can earn money. This is a great thing.

Li Han said, "If we want to expand the planting area, the land in my house is definitely not enough. We also need to rent some of your land. I don't know if you would like it? Of course, you can rest assured that the rent I will give is definitely higher than yours. Farming your own land is more profitable.”

The eyes of the villagers are bright, this is a good thing that can't be found even with lanterns, how can there be unwillingness?

They all laughed and said that even if Li Han rented all the land in the village, everyone was very willing.

Of course, Li Han can't rent all the land, and there is no need to expand the planting area so much.

When Li Han wants to come, he can rent a land of about ten mu.

This is sufficient for current needs.

If it continues to develop in the future and cannot meet the demand, we will talk about it later.

As for where to rent? Li Han needs to investigate.

The villagers all hope that Li Han can rent their land first, and the rent is higher than the income of his own farming, which is a great thing.

After eating the watermelon, the villagers continued to work. The boss Li Han is upright and generous, and they are extraordinarily energetic in their work.

At this time, Li Zhongmin, a cook in the village, returned to the village entrance from the outside on a motorcycle.

The shelves of motorcycles are full of various ingredients, including vegetables and meat.

This is for lunch and dinner.

Li Han invited everyone to work, and also provided two meals at noon and in the evening. Specially invited chef Li Zhongmin to help with cooking.

Li Zhongmin is the chef in the village, and often arranges various red and white banquets.

It doesn't cost much to invite the workers to eat two meals, but it can make the workers work more energetically and add a working atmosphere. This is a good thing.

In the open space next to the construction site, Li Zhongmin built two large temporary stoves with bricks. The fire in the stove was burning red.

When the cooks saw that Li Zhongmin had bought the ingredients, they started to process all kinds of ingredients and got busy.

Li Zhongmin smiled and said to Li Han, "Xiao Han, according to your request, I bought quite a lot."

Li Han said, "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Min. Everyone is working hard. We should make the food better."

Li Zhongmin said, "It's not just good, it's about to catch up with an ordinary banquet."

Li Han smiled and said, "Everyone can eat and be happy."

Li Zhongmin was very emotional, and then got busy.

The meals of dozens of workers are trivial to him.

It's 12 noon.

There are several large round tables on the open space next to the stove, filled with various dishes and overflowing with aroma.

The workers who had just stopped work were all a little excited when they saw such a rich lunch. They had never eaten such a rich on-site meal.

They all said to Li Han, saying that Li Han is too generous, what a waste of money.

Li Han said that everyone is happy to eat.

More than happy, simply exciting!

Began to eat!

Li Han and his father and mother also ate here.

Each table opened a bottle of wine, such a sumptuous dish, if there is no wine, it is really boring.

To continue working in the afternoon, the workers do not drink too much, a small cup per person is enough.

The gongs and chips were staggered, and everyone was very happy to eat.

After eating and drinking, the workers rested, chatted and set up a dragon gate array, and there was a great sense of satisfaction.

There is work to do, money to take, and food so well, it is definitely satisfying.

After a good rest, the workers continued to work with energy all over their bodies.

After a few days, the foundations were laid. Various building materials have also arrived one after another, piled up pile after pile.

Li Han also took some time in the past few days to revise the script of the movie "Tang Bohu's Autumn Fragrance" that needs to be revised.

Now, it can be sent to Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue.


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