This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 224 Take the initiative to admit defeat, the dust settles

In addition to a number of screenwriters, there are also some American audiences who also walked into the Khaki Cinema under suspicion.

After watching "Buried Alive", I also sighed helplessly.

They finally believed, the previous comments from the audience about "Buried Alive".

"Buried Alive" is indeed an excellent and heart-wrenching movie, and it is really much better than "Waiting".

The box office of this movie may not be too high, but it must not be bad, and it must be much higher than "Waiting".

Everyone was too optimistic before.

Then, under their influence, more American audiences walked into the cinema to watch Buried Alive.

Tickets for "Buried Alive" at the Khakik Cinema began to sell better and better.

Before, the occupancy rate in a movie hall was only about 10%.

And now, it can basically reach 50%.

And this finally caught the attention of some other theaters in the United States.

Began to send people to investigate the film "Buried Alive".


Yan Kingdom here.

More and more people walked into the cinema with doubts in their hearts.

They're going to uncover the reasons why those who watched "Buried Alive" feel a little weird about the "Buried Alive" statement.

When they watched the entire movie, they finally found out why.

They finally understood why those people said those words that made Ran feel confused.

It is indeed a very wonderful movie, and it is indeed a movie that makes people not want to watch it a second time.

And then, aside from the content of the film itself, it's another thing that's extremely exciting.

Li Han actually won the Avid of the United States in this contest.

Although the final result has not yet been settled, all viewers who have watched "Buried Alive" are quite sure about it.

Both movies are there,

Anyone can see the level of quality. Even Arvid's desperate efforts to swipe the box office for the sake of face is useless.

Li Han once again brought everyone a huge surprise.

Countless people are very excited.

Facts have once again proved that Li Han is Li Han after all, the Li Han who always surprises people.


After listening to Lao Yang's suggestion, a group of screenwriters also went into the cinema to watch "Buried Alive".

After watching it, they finally understood, why did Lao Yang suggest them to watch this movie?

Under the constraints of one scene and one person, being able to write a script like "Buried Alive" is indeed worth every screenwriter's study.

Li Han was able to write a script like "Buried Alive" in a short period of time under the premise of hasty challenges.

The screenwriters were both surprised and surprised, and very excited.

They want to know how Arvid and the screenwriters in the United States are feeling now?

Although it can't be seen, it can be roughly imagined.

While I can't believe it, I should be a little scared, right?

They were shocked that the Yan Kingdom had given birth to such a young screenwriter genius.

Thinking of this, the mood of the screenwriters is indescribably happy.


Whether in Yan Kingdom or the United States, more and more people are sure that Li Han's "Buried Alive" is better than Avid's "Waiting".

And, much better.

The people here in the Yan Kingdom are full of surprises and excitement.

On the other hand, the people in the United States are unbelievable and regretful.

The box office of the two films is almost certain that "Buried Alive" must be higher.

But Li Han and Avid, who will win this time? There has never been an official statement.

until this day.

Arvid took the initiative to say on his social account that Li Han's "Buried Alive" was indeed better than his "Waiting", and he was willing to take the initiative to admit defeat.

Arvid voluntarily conceded defeat.

This time the game is over.

When the news spread, everyone in the Yan Kingdom was surprised, but not too surprised, happy and excited.

On the US side, there are all kinds of regrets and sighs.

Those who have always been reluctant to believe that "Buried Alive" is better than "Waiting" and never went to the cinema to watch "Buried Alive".

This is finally believed, Avid really lost this time.

Those who have watched "Buried Alive", the evaluation of "Buried Alive" turned out to be true.

Avid actually lost to Yan Guo, a 21-year-old new screenwriter.

Moreover, it is said that Avid was already prepared, so Li Han was in a hurry.

What an incredible thing.

But it is already a fact.

Those who didn't want to believe before, all sighed long at this time.

Then, a question was put in front of them, that is, should I watch Buried Alive?

After hesitating for a while, I decided to go see it.

They want to see, is the movie that made Arvid take the initiative to admit defeat, is it really that good?

Tickets for "Buried Alive" in the Khakik Cinema became difficult to buy.

The occupancy rate of the theater is close to 100%.


Darryl, president of the American Editors Association, sighed, and Arvid still lost.

To a certain extent, it can also be said that the American Screenwriters Association lost to the Yanguo Screenwriters Association.

This is a fact that people are reluctant to accept, but have to accept.

He had felt faintly before that it might not be easy for Arvid to win against Li Han.

To this end, he also specifically reminded Arvid. But Avid was full of confidence at the time, and he also believed that Avid would definitely win, but it might not be too easy.

He never thought Avid would lose. But now the fact is that Avid not only lost, but also at an absolute disadvantage, losing completely.

Daryl sighed helplessly.

Li Han, it seems that they need to really pay attention to this young screenwriter genius.


The screenwriters in the United States were not surprised by Davis' initiative to admit defeat.

Already at an absolute disadvantage, there is no point in forcibly persisting, it will only make people laugh.

It is better to simply admit defeat and let this matter pass early.

Davis made the right choice.

It's just that Davis, as a senior screenwriter, took the initiative to "provocate" this time, and the other party was just a young screenwriter. Now, when the movie was just released, it had to take the initiative to admit defeat.

For him, this will undoubtedly be a very shameless thing.

It can even be said that it is a shameless thing for the entire American screenwriter industry.

But what can be done?

The screenwriters sighed helplessly, they didn't blame Arvid.

In fact, Arvid went to Li Han this time, as a representative of their American screenwriters, went to Li Han.

Losing now, they should have taken it with Avid.

Then, try to find an opportunity to win back what you lost today.

It's not terrible to lose, just win again.


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