This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 263 Invite Li Han to write a poem?

The video continues to ignite a prairie fire on the Internet, and more and more people have seen it.

Everyone who sees it will sigh, this is too leisurely and comfortable, right? Simply enviable!

Some martial arts fans also saw it.

"Damn it! Have you all seen that video? You are simply envious of others!"

"I see. It seems that Li Han's wish to launch a new martial arts work as soon as possible is not realistic!"

"No way. For Li Han, writing is probably just casual when he has nothing to do. This Nima is really a fairy-like life."



Among the famous martial arts masters, some people have also seen it.

Then, the video was spread in the circle, and all the famous martial arts masters didn't know how to express their feelings.

Stimulated by Li Han's concept of "no tricks win, no tricks", a group of famous martial arts masters are actively preparing their new works.

Reading books, researching materials, conceiving outlines, plots, characters, etc., is really tiring.

As for Li Han, he is now leisurely fishing in the mountains and rivers.

The comparison between the two phases really made a lot of martial arts masters feel complicated.

Then, they can't sigh, they are very envious of Li Han's life!

But they are not destined to live that life.

"Forget it, let's prepare our own works. We can't enjoy that kid's leisure. We just hope that we can create a better work than "Seven Weapons" as soon as possible."

"Alas! Hope!"


Magic City.

After seeing the video, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue immediately made a decision that they would go to Yuanxi Village again.

that leisurely life,

Nature is what they yearn for.

Fortunately, they can just walk away.


Funan Province.

The Funan Film and Television Shooting Base is located in the southwest of the provincial capital.

Funan Province also has a film and television base. Although it is not as famous and scale as Hengdian, it is also a large-scale film and television base nationwide.

The last time the singer of the song "Serve the Country with Loyalty" was selected, it was in this film and television base.

The costume romance drama "Heart Plum" was filmed here.

Now that all the filming of the drama has ended, and the post-production has been basically completed, it will be broadcast on Funan Satellite TV after it has been submitted for review.

This was originally a short drama filmed by Funan Satellite TV.

Now, the only thing that gives director Qiu Feng a headache is that the short play is still short of a satisfactory episode.

In other words, there is still one satisfactory word, a word filled in according to the traditional brand name.

Words are songs.

In fact, the ancient words we are talking about now are actually the songs of ancient people. Each word card represents a piece of music, with melody and rhythm.

The sum of these melodies and rhythms is the tone of the word. In today's words, it is the score of the song.

When ancient poets were writing lyrics, they could also be said to be filling in words, filling in words according to word cards. It is essentially the same as the current musicians filling in the lyrics.

However, the word card has very strict requirements in terms of word count, flatness, etc., and the requirements for the poet are very high.

Ordinary people really can't fill in the words. Or the words filled in are just the right number of words, but the flatness is completely wrong.

In the ancient costume love drama "Heart Plum", there is such a plot where the male and female protagonists are different.

Outside the pavilion, at the wharf, the male protagonist will leave here by boat, and the female protagonist will come to see them off. Two people are a pair of lovers, and the separation may be a year, two years, or even longer.

Therefore, the two could not bear to separate, and it was difficult for them to part.

This is a very important plot, one of the most important plots in the whole play.

Therefore, director Qiu Feng needs to accompany this episode with an episode to show the two people's difficult parting relationship.

Because it is a costume drama, Qiu Feng decided to use an ancient lyric song.

There are many words handed down in history about the scenes of lovers being separated. Some of them can be used as interludes, but it is more ideal to use an original new word.

Ancient style poetry is still very popular today, and there are many poets and lyricists. Poets are not separated from each other. Poets and lyricists are collectively called poets. There is absolutely no problem in asking poets to create a poem.

Moreover, there is no need to compose music, because the lyrics are readily available and there are many.

Poets only need to choose a word card, and then fill in the words on it.

In theory, it's a lot easier than writing a modern song, composing the lyrics and composing the music.

It's just that Qiu Feng has invited more than a dozen poets to fill in the lyrics in a row. In fact, there are several famous poets who are not too satisfied with the words they filled out.

Of course, Qiu Feng also knew that his requirements were too high. But this episode is very important to the whole drama, and Qiu Feng hopes it can be a high-quality song.

"Director Qiu, what do you think about this poem? This is Mr. Lin's work." The assistant said after handing a printed word to Qiu Feng.

Qiu Feng nodded, took the words, and said thank you.

Mr. Lin's name is Lin Qiu, and he is a well-known poet. Qiu Feng has some expectations.

After reading it, I nodded slowly, it is indeed a good word, reflecting the level of a great poet.

However, it still doesn't feel particularly amazing.

Of course, it can be used, but Qiu Feng is still a little unwilling, and he wants to find a better song.

At this time, the assistant suddenly came across a very popular video, a video of Li Han fishing between mountains and rivers.

The assistant first expressed all kinds of feelings and envy, and he also wanted to be so leisurely, but it was almost an extravagant hope for him.

Then, according to the text on the video and the comments of netizens, after learning that the angler was Li Han, my heart suddenly felt a shock.

Li Han? Yup! How did they forget Li Han?

Although Li Han can't be said to be a great poet and has few poems, the few poems he only have are very widely circulated.

Poets can generally write lyrics, so should Li Han? Then why not invite Li Han to write a song?

Thinking of this, the assistant became inexplicably excited, put the video in front of Qiu Feng, and said, "Director Qiu, watch this video."

When Qiu Feng saw it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with emotion, "It's really a magical scene to go fishing in the river, accompanied by a crane."

The assistant said: "Director Qiu, the point is that this is Jiulongxia, and this person is Li Han."

"Li Han?" Qiu Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, "It's not so strange that it's Li Han. Although I don't know much about him, but judging from some rumors I've heard, he is a laid-back guy. man of."

Then, Qiu Feng understood what the assistant meant and said, "Do you mean that we can invite Li Han to write a poem? I actually considered this before, but Li Han only writes poems and has never written a poem. At least , no words are circulated outside. Although poems are not divided into families, people who write poems can generally write poems, but after all, the two are somewhat different. Li Han may not be able to write good words!"

The assistant smiled and said, "But Director Qiu, we can at least invite him to write a song! We won't know until we write it. Anyway, it's hard for us to get better words now, isn't it?"

Qiu Feng nodded and said, "That's true. Then, let's go to Yuanxi Village to visit Li Han and invite him to take action. It's not too far away anyway."

The assistant said: "Okay, Director Qiu. When are we leaving?"

Qiu Feng said: "Now."


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