This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 266 Reshooting a scene because of a lyric

After watching it many times in a row, the two finally stopped.

Qiu Feng said with emotion: "Mr. Li Han's talent, I finally felt it personally today. This "Rain Rings" is the best "Rain Rings" I have ever seen, no one. Even if you compare it among all the poems, it's definitely one of the best."

There was one more thing that Qiu Feng didn't say, and that was the most emotional thing for him. That is such a classic word that Li Han wrote in a short period of time.

It's hard to believe if you don't see it with your own eyes.

Li Han smiled and said, "Director Qiu praised it. Director Qiu is satisfied!"

Qiu Feng smiled and said, "More than satisfied, I can say that there is no better word to describe the reluctance between lovers than this one."

Li Han said a few more words of modesty.

After that, the two sides reached a verbal agreement on the use of the short drama "Heart Plum" and the use of this song "Yu Lin Ling: Chilling Chilling" as an episode, and then it only needs to formally sign the agreement.

Before, Qiu Feng and his assistant did not expect that Li Han would write the words in an instant.

Otherwise, they will bring the relevant agreement over today, and it can be officially signed now.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it can't be officially signed now, just do it again tomorrow.

After the business was over, Qiu Feng finally got an ideal word. To be sure, it is a much more ideal word than the ideal, and the mood is extremely happy.

Of course the assistant was in a good mood. Speaking of which, this time he suggested that Qiu Feng come to Li Han for help.

This matter should be remembered by Qiu Feng.

After that, the two sides chatted casually for a while.

After that, Qiu Feng and his assistant said goodbye and left.


Back to the provincial capital South Film and Television Base.

Qiu Feng said to the assistant: "Xiao Luo, I plan to re-shoot that episode. Please inform the relevant personnel and gather here tomorrow afternoon."

Is that episode going to be reshot? The assistant was slightly taken aback,

Then I quickly understood why Qiu Feng wanted to re-shoot that segment? It is obviously related to Li Han's words.

If you shoot according to what the word describes, the effect will indeed be much better than the original.

It is the first time in the film and television industry to decide to remake a scene because of a word, right?

And that song is really good, it's really worth reshooting that scene, even if it costs a lot of money, it's definitely worth it.

As for the rest of the crew and the actors involved, they should also understand. Even if you don't understand it at the beginning, you should understand it after you see that word.

After a few words in his heart, the assistant said, "Okay, Director Qiu, there is no problem. By the way, Director Qiu, do we need to disclose this matter to the media and the outside world?"

Qiu Fengdao: "Of course we have to disclose, not only to disclose, but also to publicize it. Such stunts are hard to come by. If the publicity is good, it is possible to increase the final ratings by a lot."

The assistant nodded, he thought so too.

Whether it is a movie, a TV series, or a short play, the crew will try their best to "break the news" in order to increase the popularity of the crew and get more attention from the outside world.

Now, re-shooting a scene because of a word, this gimmick is indeed rare.

Once it is released, it will definitely attract a lot of people's attention.

Many people must be very curious, what kind of word can actually make the crew change the play?

And they just don't make that song public. want to know? Then it's time to watch TV.

As a result, the ratings will go up, that's for sure. As for how much it can go up, I don't know, but it's enough to look forward to.

It's exciting to think about it.

Then, the assistant said, "Director Qiu, then I will inform the rest of the crew and the actors involved now."

Qiu Feng nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

The assistant first notified all the people involved by phone, and then told the matter in the Feixin group of the "Xinmei" crew.

The crew members were bubbling.

"Do you want to reshoot that scene? Why do you want to reshoot it so well? When that scene was filmed, it had already been shot many times. It can be said that the effect is very good!"

"Yeah, wasn't Director Qiu very satisfied at the time? If you remake it, it will cost a lot of money!"


Sure enough, everyone did not understand. When I was on the phone just now, everyone was asking.

And the assistant deliberately sold a key, and did not tell everyone the reason, only said that after everyone arrives at the film and television base tomorrow afternoon, they will naturally understand the reason.

Now, in the Fetion group, the assistant still just said that everyone will know when they arrive tomorrow.

This made the relevant crew members, especially the male and female protagonists, very puzzled and muttered to themselves.

At the same time, I was very curious, what was the reason that would make Director Qiu, who was already very satisfied at the time, change his mind and want to reshoot?

They discussed it privately for a while, but they still couldn't figure out the reason?

We can only talk about it after going to the film and television base tomorrow afternoon.


The next morning.

This morning, Qiu Feng and his assistant have to come over again, and the two sides will formally sign the contract.

However, Li Han did not wait at home now, but rode a motorcycle to Shuanglong Township Street.

He came to pick up the two daughters of Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue.

The two girls are coming soon.

After waiting for a while, a taxi from the county town slowly stopped at the intersection, and two girls got off, officially Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue.

Li Han got on the motorcycle and stopped in front of the two women. The two women stepped on the motorcycle one after another and put on the helmets that Li Han handed to them.

Set off!

"Li Han, what's the situation with that crane?" Qin Xiaoyue asked loudly.

No way, the voice is too low to hear.

"It's similar to that bird of paradise." Li Han also answered loudly.

"Will it come to the village today?"

"I don't know, maybe."


The three of them talked and arrived at the entrance of the village in a short time. I saw a car parked at the entrance of the village, and two people were getting out of the car.

It was Qiu Feng and his assistant who came to sign the contract.

The two also heard the sound of the motorcycle and looked back. Because Li Han was wearing a helmet, the two did not recognize it for a while.

Seeing this, Li Han stopped his motorcycle, took off his helmet, and said with a smile, "Director Qiu and Mr. Luo, early morning!"

Only then did Qiu Feng and the assistant know that it was Li Han, and they greeted him with a smile, and then looked suspiciously at the two daughters, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue, who were getting off the motorcycle.

Although the two girls are wearing helmets, they are definitely beauties judging from their tall and perfect figures.

Li Han, this kid is okay, where did he go to pick up two beauties in the early morning?

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue took off their helmets one after another. When Qiu Feng and the assistant saw it, they were not only beautiful, but also much more beautiful than expected!

Li Han, this kid can do it!

Li Han smiled and introduced the two sides.

Qiu Feng was stunned, laughed and said, "It turned out to be Miss Su and Miss Qin. I have heard the names of the two young ladies for a long time, and I finally met them today."

As a director, Qiu Feng knew Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue. Just never saw it.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue returned their greetings.

Afterwards, Li Han parked his motorcycle at the entrance of the village, and walked into the village with Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue's second daughter, Qiu Feng and his assistant.


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