This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 305 Choice

script? Li Han really intends to write about it.

This time the system did not directly give away the script, Li Han could only write it himself.

He is very familiar with the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and he has no problem writing the script by himself.

Afterwards, the two daughters Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue went back to their own rooms and stopped disturbing Li Han.

Li Han began to conceive the script.

In the previous life, the legend of the love story between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai began in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and has been circulating for more than a thousand years.

For thousands of years, it has been known as the eternal masterpiece of love, attracting countless people to sigh. It is one of the four folk love legends, and it also has a great influence in the world.

Moreover, there are many versions, and each version is different.

However, no matter which version it is, the core content is the same.

That is, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai fell in love with each other, but their love encountered many obstacles and finally could not achieve their wish.

In the end, Liang Shanbo died, and Zhu Yingtai died. After the two died, they turned into a pair of butterflies and lingered.

The scene where the two of them turn into butterflies at the end is undoubtedly the most classic scene in this love legend.

It adds an endless romanticism to the originally tragic love story.

Tragedy doesn't seem so sad.

And Li Han suddenly had the interest and idea to shoot Liang Zhu's story because he suddenly wanted to recreate this classic scene in this world.

Now, he's starting to write the script. It's not difficult for him.

The version he chose was the most widely circulated version in his previous life.

In order to be able to read, Zhu Yingtai disguised herself as a man, went to school, and met Liang Shanbo's version on the way...

It took two hours to write, about one-fifth of the content. Li Han feels that it is almost the same, and the rest will be written another day. Why should it be written all at once? How tiring!


Call the two daughters Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue into the room and let them read the script.

After the two girls saw it, their eyes lit up, and there really was a feeling that this was the lost story, the original true story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

However, this feeling is still very light, and the two girls are not in a hurry. They believe that after reading the entire script, that feeling will definitely be much stronger.


the next day.

After getting up in the morning, Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue continued to play in the ancient city of Linqiong.

There are many places in the ancient city, which are full of the vicissitudes and thickness of history. All three love this place.

The former residence of Wenjun is a place that must be visited when visiting the ancient city of Linqiong.

Perhaps because of the fact that the film crew is filming the movie "Feng Qiuhuang" here, the number of tourists visiting Wenjun's former residence in the past two days is obviously much more than before.

Today is no exception.

When Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue arrived at Wenjun's former residence, there were already many tourists here.

While visiting, the tourists chatted about the love story between Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru, and felt very sorry for the loss of Zhuo Wenjun's poem.

Everyone is talking, but I don't know how the film "Feng Qiuhuang" will deal with that lost poem?

Some people say that maybe the plot will be slightly changed. It was also said that a poem might be used to represent Zhuo Wenjun's poem.

In either case, it will be quite regrettable, but it is also something that can't be helped.

Tourists are mourning.

The two girls, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue, heard what the tourists were talking about, and they laughed and whispered non-stop. They were looking forward to the reaction of these tourists after seeing the song "Bai Tou Yin".

At this time, Jing Wenbo called Li Han and said that Lu Fei had arrived and was now at the scene of his filming.

Now that you've arrived, let's go see you.

So, the three left Wenjun's former residence and went to the scene where Jing Wenbo was filming.

In the rest area, I saw Jing Wenbo and another man in his thirties. It must be Lu Fei.

Sure enough, Jing Wenbo introduced the two parties, and the man was in Lu Fei.

Lu Fei shook hands with Li Han, feeling that Li Han was really too young. Such an achievement at such a young age.

So, what kind of heights can the future reach? I can't imagine it.

Then, he said hello to Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue. He had already heard the names of these two eldest ladies.

When I saw it today, I felt that it was much more beautiful than the rumors, and I couldn't help feeling another burst of emotion in my heart.

After the greeting, Lu Fei thanked Li Han again, thanked Li Han for his trust in him, and said that he would do his best to make the movie well, and he would not disappoint Li Han.

Li Han smiled and said, "Director Lu is welcome. I should also thank Director Lu for his interest in filming my film."

Lu Fei said: "Although I still don't know which story Mr. Li Han is going to shoot? But I believe that the story will not be simple in Mr. Li Han's pen."

Li Han said: "It's not necessarily. Maybe Director Lu has no interest in this filming after knowing which story I want to shoot."

Lu Fei said with a smile, this is definitely impossible.

Jing Wenbo's eyes lit up and said, "So, Mr. Li Han has already decided which story to shoot?"

Li Han nodded and said, "It's decided."

"Which story?" Jing Wenbo asked repeatedly.

Lu Fei also looked at Li Han, he also wanted to know the answer.

Li Han said: "The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."


The first reactions of Jing Wenbo and Lu Fei were similar to those of Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue yesterday.

Then, the questions that the two women can think of, they can naturally think of.

Jing Wenbo was a little hesitant to speak. He really wanted to persuade Li Han to think about it again?

Li Han saw what Jing Wenbo meant and said, "Director Jing, I chose this story, and naturally I have a reason for choosing this story."

Jing Wenbo nodded slowly. He didn't ask Li Han what the reason was?

Some questions are inappropriate to ask.

At the same time, he also understood what Li Han just said. Maybe Lu Fei lost interest in filming after knowing which story he was going to shoot.

To shoot the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai was indeed a big adventure.

Especially for a young rookie director like Lu Fei, if the first film is criticized, it might affect the future development.

How will Lu Fei choose? Jing Wenbo did not intend to interfere.

To shoot or not to shoot is ultimately your choice.

And Lu Fei is really thinking now.

Li Han didn't bother Lu Fei.

When he thought about it, Lu Fei might propose to read the script first.

If so, Li Han would agree. He wanted to cooperate with Lu Fei, and Lu Fei's suggestion to read the script first was a normal request.

Lu Fei didn't think about it for a long time, and said, "Mr. Li Han, I still say what I said before. No matter which story it is, in Mr. Li Han's pen, I am afraid it will become difficult. The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai , too."

Li Han was a little surprised, then smiled and said, "So, Director Lu, it's a pleasure to work with."

Lu Fei also smiled and said, "Mr. Li Han, it's a pleasure to cooperate."

Then, the two shook hands again. The meaning of the handshake this time is obviously different from the previous one.

Jing Wenbo looked at Lu Fei and nodded.

Maybe this will be the right choice.


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