This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 368 It's Li Han's Song

Two days later, the event officially started.

The singers who have been gearing up for a long time uploaded their own works in the first time.

Any singer can upload works directly, no need to register in advance.

Of course, after the song is uploaded, it will not appear on the list immediately, but will first appear in the background and be reviewed by the staff.

It will appear on the list only after it has passed the review.

This event is a win-win for the singer and Qianxun Music Platform.

Ye Qingxian also uploaded her own songs. Through repeated practice in the past two days, she has been able to sing songs to the best level.

After uploading, it is exciting and looking forward to waiting.


The event started. Tang Zhe, the event planner and person in charge, was also excited and looking forward to it, but of course he was a little nervous.

Hope to see some good songs!

Tang Zhe looked forward to this in his heart, and then waited for the appearance of a good song in the office.

He had told the staff in charge of the review in advance. If you find a good song during the review process, you must notify him in time.

He wants to audition as soon as possible. Only after hearing good songs appear, can he be completely relieved.

An hour has passed and no staff has found any good songs.

This is of course normal, Tang Zhe is not in a hurry.

Good songs are hard to find, and there are never many good songs. Moreover, the speed of review is inherently slow.

Also, what Tang Zhe is waiting for is not an ordinary good song, but an absolutely good song that can get a high score when you listen to it.

Tang Zhe waited patiently.

After another hour, a staff member finally came to the news and found a good song.

Tang Zhe was shocked, and immediately found the good song mentioned by the staff in the backstage library of songs.

A singer named Lin Rui sang "Understanding the Heart of Love". I haven't heard much about the singer, so it should be a little-known singer.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the song is good.

In fact, this is a great opportunity for many unknown singers, as well as newcomers, to gain fame.

As long as the song is good enough, there is a good chance that it will get enough fame for it.

It's just that good songs are hard to find, and I want to stand out in this ranking event.

It's hard!

Tang Zhe felt satisfied after listening to "Understanding the Heart of Love". It's a really good song, and it deserves a decent score.

However, the feeling is not enough, it is better to have better songs.

Tang Zhe continued to wait and look forward to it.


The event finally started, and countless fans were excited.

This is the new song audition feast they have been looking forward to for a month, and they have already made preparations.

This ranking event has a dedicated page and list.

Now, songs that have passed the review are starting to appear on the charts.

Fans can directly click on the song to audition.

If you think a song sounds good, you can click to recommend that song.

Each song can only be recommended once by the same account. There is no limit to the number of songs that an account can recommend.

That is to say, every good song a fan hears, he can recommend. Don't worry about running out of referrals.

Even recommending every song is fine.

However, each song can only be recommended once, and if you recommend it again, it will be invalid.

Once a song is recommended, it will have a little popularity. It is recommended 100 times, and the popularity value is naturally 100.

Songs will be displayed in the popularity list in descending order according to the popularity value.

Now, the number one song in the popularity list is called "Understanding the Heart of Love", with a popularity value of 5005.

That said, 5005 people have already recommended this song.

In a short period of time, so many people have already recommended it, it should be a good song indeed.

However, that doesn't mean the song is the best.

Maybe, there are some better songs that haven't been uploaded yet. Or still waiting for review in the background.


The fans are very excited, and there will be surprises inadvertently.

For example, the song "Understanding the Heart of Love" is a surprise.

Sounds great!

After listening to it, many people clicked the recommendation.

"So far, the best song I've heard is "Understanding the Heart of Love". Its popularity is indeed the highest. It seems that everyone's appreciation level is quite consistent."

"The second-ranked song has also caught up with its popularity. There are still many good songs! Satisfied! Very satisfied!"


Fans listened to the song and talked non-stop. So far, most fans are quite satisfied with the overall quality of the song.


Tang Zhe breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the fans' comments.

The fans are satisfied.

With such a start, the ranking activity this time seems to be no worse than it is.

Tang Zhe was basically relieved. At this time, another review staff recommended a song.

This time, listening to the voice of the review staff, seemed to be a little excited, more excited than any time before.

Could there be a significantly better song out there?

Tang Zhe's heart moved, and he quickly searched for the song title: "Prisoner Bird".

After searching, I quickly looked at the singer's name. After seeing it, I was overjoyed.

It turned out to be Ye Qingxian!

Ye Qingxian can basically be regarded as a star singer. Although I can't say how popular it is, it is definitely not low.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxian released a new song again.

Click to listen now.

After not listening for a while, Tang Zhe was shocked, and then became very excited.

Ye Qingxian's song is very nice! The quality is very high, and it feels better than all the songs Ye Qingxian sang before.

Ye Qingxian got an amazing song this time!

Tang Zhe sighed, in his opinion, this song is much better than the few good songs he auditioned before.

The melody, the lyrics, and the emotions expressed are all of a high standard.

Tang Zhe was very excited. With this song, he was finally able to feel at ease.

After listening to the song, Tang Zhe couldn't help but sigh, it's a rare good song!

By the way, who is the author of this song?

Tang Zhe is not an ordinary fan. For a good song, he is very concerned about who the author is?

Quickly click on the song information, and after seeing the name of the author of the lyrics and song, I was stunned for a while.

After being stunned for a while, he suddenly became even more excited and excited!

What the hell!

It turned out to be the work of Li Han!

For Tang Zhe, this is definitely a very unexpected big surprise!

No wonder it sounds so good. It turned out to be Li Han's work, so it's quite normal.

Ye Qingxian actually got Li Han's song, which is really surprising.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Tang Zhe.

He only knows now that Li Han's works appeared in this ranking event. After the news spreads, it will definitely attract more people's attention.

In the field of music, Li Han now has a very high influence.

The more Tang Zhe thought about it, the more excited he became. His luck this time seemed to be very good!


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