This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 399 This song is really so powerful

Is that Lin Yuemei? Countless people on the Internet are talking about it.

From the analysis of the current situation, it feels more and more likely.

All fans of Lin Yuemei, or those who know that there is such a singer, feel incredible, even shocked.

The audience who went to the show today were equally shocked. This is really unimaginable by any means.

In addition, there are more people who are unfamiliar with Lin Yuemei, or who feel that Lin Yuemei, a singer, is somewhat unfamiliar. The degree of shock in their hearts is not so great, but they also feel that it is too unbelievable.

Mainly they did not expect that the daughter in the story would be a public figure like a well-known singer.

Then, they went to learn about Lin Yuemei's character, and found that Lin Yuemei's character was completely different from the character of her daughter in the story.

In this way, it is either a mistake, and Lin Yuemei is not the daughter in the story. Either Lin Yuemei's previous character design was deliberately fabricated.

It now appears that the latter is much more likely. This made many people shake their heads helplessly.

As a result, the character that Lin Yuemei had worked so hard to build before had completely collapsed.

They don't care, they don't have much feeling, at most they are just watching the excitement.

However, for Lin Yuemei's fans, it is very difficult to accept.

In fact it is.

Then, there are those who are incomprehensible, those who hate iron but not steel, and those who feel angry...

All in all, fans reacted differently. But there is one thing in common, that is, they are all very disappointed in Lin Yuemei.

If Lin Yuemei collapsed her personality for some other reason, then maybe it's okay, and maybe there are fans who will find reasons to support it.

However, Lin Yuemei's current situation is unforgivable.

The grace of parenting is greater than God, and no matter what the reason is, it can never be an excuse not to meet his father.

On the Internet, Lin Yuemei's reputation quickly dropped below freezing.

So, is Lin Yuemei really the daughter in the story?

Numerous entertainment reporters were as excited as they had been beaten, and tried every means to verify.

In the end, Lin Yuemei posted a post in person, admitted that she was indeed the daughter in the story, and expressed her sincere apologies to the fans who liked her.

Lin Yuemei personally admitted that while there was an uproar on the Internet, she finally got a little nod.

Lin Yuemei didn't know what price she would pay after admitting it, but she admitted it directly without even any hesitation.

This seems to prove that she has woken up from obsession.

In fact, everyone has long believed that Lin Yuemei has woken up from her obsession.

Because of that photo.

That photo made the entertainment reporter named Lin Yong find out that the daughter in the story was Lin Yuemei, which shocked the entire Internet.

But that photo also proved that Lin Yuemei had woken up from obsession.

Because there are Lin Yuemei and the mute father in the photo, they have already met, and it is still in public.

This shows that Lin Yuemei is no longer afraid of letting the outside world know about her father, which is naturally regarded as waking up from obsession.

This made the outside world, especially Lin Yuemei's fans, feel more or less relieved.

In any case, Lin Yuemei did not choose to escape, but chose to bear the consequences of her own mistakes.

In addition, the dumb father in the story finally found his daughter again. This is more comforting and joyful.

In any case, the outcome of things is not bad.

And why Lin Yuemei was awakened, everyone knows the reason.

Because of Li Han's new song "If you sell dry wine".

Li Han's most basic purpose of writing this new song has really come true.

A song can turn one,

People obsessed with admiration and vanity wake up and let them find their conscience again.

What kind of song is this Nima? To be able to have such a powerful force.

All the people on the Internet are suddenly more curious about the song "If You Can Sell Nothing". Including all musicians in the music field.

If they were asked to write a song to wake up Lin Yuemei. Honestly, they didn't even have the slightest bit of confidence.

It is precisely because they don't have a little confidence that they are so curious about "Drinking Dried Wine".

This Nima is impossible, right? A song is just a song after all, when did it have such a powerful force?

There shouldn't be anything tricky about it, right? Lin Yuemei and Li Han joined forces to hype?

Musicians have to think that way. If they listened to "If You Can't Sell Alcohol" and found that it was impossible to have such a powerful force, then it was really possible that two people were working together to hype.

In the entertainment industry, it is not uncommon for any kind of hype. In this joint hype, although Lin Yuemei suffered a big loss, the bridge that finally came to her senses made it possible for her to come back again.

These are all in their plans. If Li Han offered some other benefits, Lin Yuemei would definitely agree.

So, is it really so? Musicians are looking forward to it.

Countless people on the Internet are now eager to hear "If You Can Sell Nothing".

The person in charge of the performance, Wang Zheye, was very excited after learning about the situation on the Internet.

If the video of Ye Qingxian singing that song was posted on the Internet, wouldn't it be instantly popular all over the Internet? Their businesses will also benefit greatly.

Excited, Wang Zheye immediately contacted Lin Yuemei's agent Ye Lan, saying that they hoped to cut Ye Qingxian's singing video and send it online.

Ye Lan naturally agreed with a hundred. However, this matter must first obtain the consent of Li Han.

So, Ye Lan asked Ye Qingxian to contact Li Han again to ask Li Han's opinion.

In the end, Li Han agreed.

Wang Zheye ordered to go on excitedly.

Then, the video of Ye Qingxian singing "Dried Wine If You Can't Sell It" finally appeared on the Internet.

Countless people can't wait to click...

Then, they finally found the answer.

No wonder this song can wake up Lin Yuemei, even if they listened to it, they couldn't help but moisten their eyes.

This song has become a classic at this moment.

All the musicians clicked on the video with excitement and anticipation. then.

He also made a joint hype with Lin Yuemei, and made a joint hype!

This Nima song really has such a strong power! This song really has the potential to wake up Lin Yuemei.

To be honest, they were both deeply touched by the song. As the party concerned, Lin Yuemei's heart must be touched far more than them, and it is really possible to be awakened.

"Alas!" All the musicians sighed.

What they thought was absolutely impossible, Li Han actually did.

Li Han may really be the first genius in the field of music.

They have to admit.


say in the country

Thank you very much, I will give you a reward of 1,000 coins for the faint of time! Thanks big man!

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