This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 414 Mr. Li Han is at the scene

Li Han said: "It turned out to be Mr. Liang. I am flattered by what Mr. Liang said."

Liang Bosheng waved his hand and said, "Where, where, it should be my Tengwang Pavilion Pengbishenghui."

The two were greeting each other, while Lin Xiao on the stage had the urge to vomit blood. This Nima turned out to be Li Han.

Wasn't Li Han still in Lechi Town some time ago? Why did they come to Hongzhou again?

Lin Xiao was very upset before, thinking in his heart if he could find an opportunity to embarrass Li Han?

But now, there is still a chance to find a fart. Since the other party is Li Han, then no matter how to find opportunities, it is estimated that it will be self-inflicted humiliation.

Lin Xiao was also very depressed in his heart. He actually liked Li Han's works very much. Poems, couplets, songs, novels, etc., can be said to be very fond of.

But in the previous period, he saw that Luo Xue seemed to be very interested in Li Han, but he was very unhappy with Li Han in his heart.

What should we do now? What kind of mentality should he have?

Lin Xiao himself didn't know. You are Li Han, you said earlier, big brother. If I had known that you were Li Han, I would still be unhappy in my heart, and it was too late to be excited.

Now it's settled.

Then, Lin Xiao thought again, Li Han really lived up to his reputation, he just made a trifecta of understatement, and it was extremely freehand and unrestrained. He was extremely lucky to be able to see it with his own eyes.

Wait a minute, when Li Han just started the first couplet, he seemed to call his own name and let him pick the second couplet.

So, you are still Li Han's guide to Sanlian just now?

What the hell!

Lin Xiao suddenly became inexplicably excited again.

His mood was very colorful in a short period of time.


Luo Xue looked at Li Han and was even more surprised.

In any case, she dared not imagine that one day she would be able to fight against Li Han evenly. And it is also a triptych about the talented and beautiful woman and the bridal candle.

Luck came so unexpectedly.

Before Luo Xue saw that her couplet level was too far from the opponent, she was a little frustrated, but now she is not depressed at all.

The opponent is Li Han, and the couplet level is far higher than his own, which is a very normal thing.

Luo Xue kept holding the piece of rice paper written by Li Han in her hand, "You have apricots but not plums." She looked at it, her heart pounding, and then she walked off the stage nervously and walked in front of Li Han.

Said: "It turned out to be Mr. Li Han. I dared to fight with Mr. Li Han before, which made Mr. Li Han laugh."

Li Han smiled and said, "Miss's couplets are of a high level, so they may not be below me. I don't know what to call Miss."

Luo Xue said: "My name is Luo Xue."

Li Han said: "Luoxue, good name."

Luo Xue said: "Thank you." Then he gestured to the rice paper in his hand, and said, "Can Mr. Li Han give this sentence to me?"

Li Han smiled: "Of course. I am very honored."

Luo Xue was overjoyed and said, "Thank you!"


The audience at the scene felt that they were unprecedentedly lucky. They actually witnessed Li Han fighting with people at the scene. It was as unbelievable as the legend.

Such a difficult first link can be matched with a wonderful second link in an instant, which is simply amazing.

Meeting is more famous, they feel that Li Han's accomplishments in couplets are stronger than the legend. Only by witnessing it with your own eyes can you truly feel the horror of that kind of power.

Of course, there is also a casual and unrestrained understatement, which makes people yearn infinitely.

The audience was very excited. They had only heard stories about Li Han writing poems and fighting couplets before, but they didn't expect to be able to see it with their own eyes today.

All of a sudden, everyone greeted and said hello to Li Han, and Li Han responded with a smile.

After a while, Li Han said goodbye to everyone, saying that he was going to look elsewhere.

Everyone said yes, they did not swarm around Li Han and followed Li Han. That's because of the feeling Li Han gave them,

Completely different from the rest of the stars.

Li Han stood among them like this, chatting and laughing with them, very harmonious and natural. Although they were excited and excited, they did not go up to Li Han to ask for autographs or group photos.

They have no such idea. They themselves found this strange at first, but soon found out why.

It should be what Li Han showed, the kind of very natural and unpretentious ordinary, which made them feel that Li Han was an ordinary person, just like them.

That seems to be the reason, but it doesn't seem to be. Audiences aren't too sure either, but that doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that such a Li Han makes them want to talk about it and tell each other stories about Li Han.

It is precisely because of this that the news of Li Han's presence at the scene quickly spread on the scene.

"I wipe it! Is it true? Is Li Han really there?"

"Of course it's true. I just had a three-piece fight with that beautiful young lady over there. I watched it at the scene, and it was amazing and unbelievable. Oh, by the way, that young lady is called Luoxue. "

"Luoxue? What the hell! That's our number one beauty and talent in Hongzhou! Bride? What a mess. Luoxue seems to be single."

"The first beauty and talented girl? They are indeed very beautiful and talented. The bride is of course a fake bride. Come, come, I will tell you in detail..."

"Okay, thank you."


"Is that right here? Mr. Li Han was just here to fight with Miss Bride? Where's that person? Where is Mr. Li Han? Where is Miss Bride?"

"It's all gone. Mr. Li Han will go first, and then the bride and sister will also go."

"Miss bride is gone too? Isn't she going to continue performing?"

"Probably not. The next scene will be different, and the actors have changed."

"Oh! I missed it in vain!"

"You must have missed the Dou Lian just now. However, Mr. Li Han is still at the scene, and he may even write a poem or something about Dou Lian. You still have the opportunity to witness Mr. Li Han's style on the spot. "

"I hope so! This is really exciting and exciting!"

"Of course."


The scene is like this, and the Internet is gradually no longer calm.

Because someone can't wait to share things online. Before, they were all on the Internet, listening to other people's stories about Li Han's writing poetry Doulian.

Now, they were extremely lucky to witness Li Handoulian's story on the spot, so naturally they couldn't help but pretend to be on the Internet, and they also had to become the envy of others.

"Hahaha! Good news, good news, great good news! Mr. Li Han appeared at the scene of the Tengwang Pavilion ancient cultural exchange meeting, which is currently in progress. The trifecta with a beautiful bride and sister is so wonderful that it makes people want to watch it. !"

Soon, there was a reaction on the Internet.

"Fuck! Is it true? Mr. Li Han is fighting at the scene again? Tengwang Pavilion? I seem to have heard of it, where is it?"

"In Hongzhou. There is an ancient cultural exchange meeting in Tengwang Pavilion in Hongzhou. I saw the promotion a few days ago, and it seems that it is indeed held today. I am too far away from here, and I didn't plan to go, so I didn't pay much attention. Mr. Li Han On the spot? Really?"

"Miaodou with the bride and sister? Someone got married at the scene? The bride and Mr. Li Han are fighting together? It sounds very exciting. What is the specific situation? Hurry up and tell me in detail!"

"That's right! Hurry up and talk about it in detail. We don't believe it without the details."

"Hahaha! Don't worry everyone, listen to me slowly..."

Those who shared things on the Internet laughed, and it was finally time for them to pretend.

As a result, under the urging of more and more people on the Internet, they began to slowly tell the story of Li Han's three-part battle with the bride and sister not long ago.


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