This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 416: Writing Poems by the Beautiful Gan River

On the banks of the Gan River.

Li Han, Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, as well as Liu Changqing, Gu Yi and other great poets, as well as many other people on the scene, are also here.

They also saw the beauty of the sunset in the distance.

Liu Changqing said: "This situation makes people really want to describe it in poetry, but unfortunately there is no good sentence, which makes people very distressed."

Gu Yi said: "Brother Changqing is right. If this situation is not described in poetry, it is indeed a regrettable thing. Unfortunately, I don't have a good sentence right now."

The other great poets also shook their heads helplessly, indicating that they did not have a good sentence either.

Liu Changqing said: "I can't tell the beauty in front of me, this is a distressing thing."

Gu Yi looked at Li Han, laughed, and said, "You don't have to regret it. Because brother Li Han is here, I must have a good sentence now."

Listening to Gu Yi's words, Liang Bosheng, Liu Hongzhang and the others who are also here are very bright. Gu Yi's words are really in line with their hearts.

They expected Li Han to leave a poem, preferably one related to Tengwang Pavilion.

Could there be hope?

Liang Bosheng, Liu Hongzhang and others were extremely looking forward to it, and they were even a little nervous.

The rest of the participants in the surrounding activities are naturally also extremely looking forward to it. Li Han has left some works such as couplets, calligraphy, and paintings today, but he has not left a single poem.

It would be a very perfect and wonderful thing to leave a poem at the end of today.

Li Han smiled and said, "In front of several great poets, I dare not write poetry or compose words."

Liu Changqing said: "We just have more qualifications than Brother Li Han. Brother Li Han, don't be more humble, and quickly write good sentences, don't let this beautiful sunset down!"

Li Han nodded and said: "Alright, then I will venture to write a few words, and ask several great poets, Mr. Liang, and everyone present to correct me."

Li Han did not refuse, because he had originally planned to write a poem.

Of course, it may not be too accurate to say that it is a poem. It should be a paraphrase to be exact.

But parallel prose is actually also a poem, and it also pays more attention to the neatness of the confrontation and the sonorous rhythm of the rhythm. It is not wrong to say that it is a poem.

What Li Han is going to write is "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" written by Wang Bo, a famous poet in the early Tang Dynasty.

The Tengwang Pavilion in the previous life was famous all over the world because of Wang Bo's "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion".

Now, since Li Han has come to Tengwang Pavilion, let's do something for it. He wrote "The Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" and helped him become famous all over the world, so that it would not be worthwhile for him to come here for a trip.

Of course, Li Han will delete some appropriately.

Because in the previous life Wang Bo wrote some of his experiences and ambitions in the "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng", as well as his resentment that he was underappreciated. These Li Hans do not need to be written.

Everyone at the scene was pleasantly surprised after hearing what Li Han said, especially Liang Bosheng, Liu Hongzhang and others.

Liu Changqing laughed and said, "I've long wanted to see Li Han's poetry writing on the spot for a long time. Today I finally got the chance."

Gu Yi and several other great poets also expressed the same meaning.

Liang Bosheng also smiled and said, "To be able to enjoy Mr. Li Han's live writing of poems on the banks of the Gan River at sunset is definitely a rare opportunity, which makes people look forward to it."

Li Han kept a few words of modesty.

At this time, the news that Li Han was going to write a poem was spreading to the entire scene at a very fast speed.

It was getting late, and some people were already planning to leave.

"I said to those in front, are you planning to leave? What are you leaving, you will regret it for the rest of your life."


"Because Mr. Li Han is going to write a poem."

"Fuck! True or false? Where?"

"Of course it's true. On the banks of the Gan River. Don't you see a lot of people running in that direction now?"

"Damn it! It's true. Then let's run as fast as we can, it's so late that we won't be able to squeeze in!"

"Mr. Li Han is going to write a poem? In the end, there is such a surprise? Then hurry up! Madam,

It is estimated that it is too late to squeeze in. "

"If you can't squeeze in, you have to go."

"Nonsense, of course I'm going. This kind of opportunity is hard to come by. Even if you can only stay in the periphery tens of meters away, you must go."


When the news spread, the whole scene was excited, and they all ran to the banks of the Gan River.

Some had already left, but after receiving a call from a friend, they hurried back, "Mada! It's early."

The banks of the Ganjiang River were quickly surrounded by people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors. Those who were a little slower could only linger on the periphery with great regret.

Liang Bosheng had long expected such a situation, and immediately arranged for someone to maintain order on the scene.

Therefore, although the scene was crowded with people, there was no conflict.

On the Internet, there are naturally people who share the news in a timely manner.

"Hahaha! A sudden surprise, Mr. Li Han is going to write a poem."

"Damn it! Is it true? Mr. Li Han is still at the scene and hasn't left?"

"Of course it's true. Mr. Li Han is still there, and now he's on the banks of the Gan River. The banks of the Gan River are beautiful now. The sunset glows in the distance, reflecting the Tengwang Pavilion nearby, which is an absolute beauty."

"So, Mr. Li Han is going to write poems on the banks of the Gan River? It should be really beautiful to let Mr. Li Han write poems. Could you please take a photo and post it? Let's take a look too. The beautiful scenery along the Ganjiang River!"

"Take a photo? Yes, no problem. I'll take a photo and send it here. I happen to be in a very good position, and it's very good for framing. Fortunately, I have been here before. Otherwise, I can't squeeze this position now. Come on. Don't you know, it's crowded right now."

After saying this, the person at the scene took a photo and posted it on the Internet.

"Don't tell me, it's really beautiful. The sunset glow is red, and the water surface is red. What are those black shadows flying in the air? It looks like some kind of big bird."

"It is indeed a big bird. It should be a crane, a heron, or a wild duck or something."

"The reflection that looks like a pavilion below should be the reflection of Tengwang Pavilion, right? Looking at this reflection, it is quite imposing."

"What kind of poems will Mr. Li Han write on the banks of such a beautiful Gan River? It's really exciting!"

"I can't wait. It's a pity that I wasn't there. Can anyone live stream the process of Mr. Li Han's poem writing? Let's also feel the atmosphere of the scene!"

"Live broadcast? If Mr. Li Han agrees, there will definitely be a lot of people on the scene. Let me ask Mr. Li Han, can I live broadcast? I feel that it is very natural to communicate with Mr. Li Han, and I don't feel restrained or nervous at all. ."


After seeing the beautiful scenery along the Ganjiang River, people on the Internet looked forward to Li Han's poems even more. If you can see the process of Li Han writing poems through the live broadcast, it will be perfect.

on site.

"Live broadcast?" Li Han thought for a while. He actually didn't like live broadcasts, and he didn't like to appear in live broadcasts.

Therefore, he never plays live broadcasts.

And everyone at the scene was looking forward to it, and Li Han couldn't bear to refuse. After thinking about it, Li Han said that the live broadcast is okay, but it is best not to let his front face appear in the camera.

This is of course no problem.

The people around Li Han were very excited, and they took out their mobile phones to prepare to live broadcast Li Han's poetry writing process.

The news spread to the Internet, and countless people were ecstatic.

This is definitely the biggest surprise of the day!


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