This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 427 Mr. Storyteller is Excited

It didn't take too long for Wu Liang to read the whole story.

Then he asked Li Han very excitedly, "Sir, did you really write this story?"

Wu Liang has some doubts. The young man in front of him is too young. Can he write such a story on the basis of the Three Kingdoms story?

Looking at this power, it is definitely at the level of a master, and it doesn't look like it came from the hands of a young man.

Wu Liang previously believed that the story of the Three Kingdoms is very difficult to fabricate and process. After all, this is a real historical story. How can it be fabricated and processed?

If you are a little careless, you will definitely be criticized by people who like the history of the Three Kingdoms, and even historians.

Let him tell fictitious and processed stories, he absolutely dare not, he does not want to be sprayed.

But now, he has completely changed his mind.

To be precise, when he only watched a small part of it, he had completely changed his mind.

The story of "Taoyuan Three Knots" that he saw turned out to be so wonderful after some fiction and processing on the basis of real history.

Much better than the original story.

When such a story is told, not only will he be more excited and invested, but it will definitely attract a lot of people who are not interested in the story of the Three Kingdoms.

Of course it can't be all, but the proportion must not be small.

Wu Liang is very sure of this. At this time, he had already made up his mind, no matter what, he had to win the opportunity to tell the story of "Taoyuan Three Knots".

Li Han smiled slightly and said, "This story is indeed mine. Besides, it was just written not long ago."

Wu Liang was stunned again. He suddenly remembered that when he was just talking on the square stage, he accidentally glanced at Li Han and did see what Li Han was writing on the tea table?

Are you writing this story?

Written on the spot?

This Nima...

Wu Liang was shocked. He originally thought that this story should have been written and revised by a master who repeatedly wrote and revised it at home, but where did he expect that it would be a young man who wrote it directly at the tea shop?

It's absolutely unbelievable.

Could it be that this young man felt that the story he just told was unattractive, so he temporarily decided to make up and process the story he told on the spot?

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so coincidental. The story of "Taoyuan Three Knots" happens to be the story he just told.

This is even more incredible!

The more Wu Liang thought about it, the more shocked, and the more he thought about it, the more incredible he felt.

It's unbelievable. The young man in front of him is not bragging, is he?

Thinking of this, Wu Liang said, "I'm very sorry, but I haven't asked for Mr.'s name. I don't know what to call him?"

Li Han smiled and said, "My surname is Li, and my name is Li Han."

Wu Liang nodded and said, "It turned out to be Li Xian... eh? Li Han?"

This time, Wu Liang was the real shocker, staring at Li Han with wide eyes.

Although he is no longer young, he is 49 years old this year, but as a storyteller, he is absolutely familiar with the name Li Han.

In fact, he often mentions several martial arts works of Li Han. He has always paid close attention to Li Han's other works.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him was Li Han.

At this moment, Wu Liang had no doubts.

Because, if there is a young man, it is indeed possible to write the story of "Taoyuan Sanyiyi" in a short period of time on the scene.

That young man could only possibly be Li Han.

On the other hand, since the other party's Li Han, such an operation does not seem so incredible.

However, it is still emotional.

Li Han is indeed an extraordinary genius!

Wu Liang sighed in his heart, and said again and again: "It turned out to be Mr. Li Han. It was really rude just now."

Li Han said: "Mr. Wu is too polite. You are an elder, and I am a junior. I wonder if Mr. Wu is interested in this story?"

Wu Liang heard it,

Inexplicably excited, he said, "Yes, yes, I am very interested. This story has been processed by Mr. Li Han, and I don't know how much more exciting it is. Is Mr. Li Han willing to let me tell this story?"

Li Han smiled and said, "If Mr. Wu wants to, of course there is no problem. In fact, this is the reason why I invited Mr. Wu to come here."

Wu Liang was even more excited and said, "Yes, yes, Mr. Li Han, I am very willing."

Although telling this story, it is inevitable not to tell the real history of the Three Kingdoms. But he was not talking about the history of the Three Kingdoms, he was telling stories.

Li Han said: "If that's the case, then please ask Mr. Wu."

It seems interesting that the story of "Taoyuan Three Knots" appeared in this world in this way.

Wu Liang repeatedly said that he should be thanking Li Han.

After that, Wu Liang went to prepare.

He will be here in a while, and for the first time, he tells the story of Taoyuan's three marriages, which are destined to become a household name in the future.

After Wu Liang left, Qin Xiaoyue giggled and said, "It seems to be very exciting."

Li Han said: "The two of you should be somewhat interested."


Wu Liang returned to Fangtai, still inexplicably excited and excited. He thinks that he is really lucky today.

When the story of Taoyuan's three marriages spreads, it will definitely make the rest of the storytellers extremely envious, even jealous.

No matter how you think about it, my heart is very cool.

Wu Liang was excitedly preparing on the square stage, but the guests in the tea shop did not notice the slightest difference.

Someone who listened carefully just now waited calmly for Wu Liang to continue. Those young people who play with their mobile phones are still playing with their mobile phones.

After a while, Wu Liang was ready. Said: "Hello everyone, welcome everyone here. Now, I will tell you a story again."

Tell a story again? Hearing what Wu Liang said, some young people playing with mobile phones looked up and seemed a little curious about what kind of story Wu Liang would tell next?

Wu Liang continued: "This story is still the story of the Three Kingdoms. However, it is the story of the Three Kingdoms that you have never heard of."

"Cut!" The person who looked up at him lost interest in an instant. It turned out to be the story of the Three Kingdoms. They were unfamiliar with the story of the Three Kingdoms, and if they told a story casually, they probably had never heard of it before.

Forget it, keep playing with your phone. Rest for a while, drink this cup of tea, and then leave.

Those who had listened carefully before had some expectations.

Wu Liang adjusted his mood, and his voice was cadenced, "Speaking of the general trend of the world, if the world is divided for a long time, it will be united, and if it is united for a long time, it will be divided. On the weekend, the seven kingdoms were divided and merged into Qin. After Qin was destroyed, Chu and Han divided and merged into Han.

The Han Dynasty revolted since Gaozu killed the white snake and ruled the world..."

Li Han nodded, Wu Liang said with great momentum and feeling, and he was indeed an excellent storyteller.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue's two daughters lit up, this opening is very atmospheric!

The rest of the people in the tea shop, whether they were listening carefully or playing with their mobile phones, were all stunned for a moment.

Especially people who play with mobile phones. They are playing with mobile phones. They are shocked when they hear such a powerful sentence suddenly.

Then, all raised their heads and looked at Wu Liang.

This is not to say that they suddenly have an interest in listening to stories. But when they heard such an imposing sentence, they subconsciously looked up.

Of course, compared to before, there is indeed a little bit of interest.

It seems that you can reluctantly continue to listen?


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