This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 453: Going to the West Lake to Write Poems Again

Two days later, Tangzhou West Lake.

There will be a large-scale art exhibition here today, jointly organized by the West Lake Tourism Office and the Tangzhou Art Association.

Today is the weekend, there are a lot of people coming to the West Lake to play, plus the people who come specially for the art exhibition, today's West Lake is destined to be overcrowded.

At eight in the morning, Li Han arrived at the West Lake.

"Mr. Li Han, I'm here." This was Luo Xue's voice.

The two made an appointment to meet here.

Today's Luo Xue put on a little makeup and looked even more beautiful. The eyes of the boys around, intentionally or not, always glanced at Luo Xue, and their eyes were full of amazing colors.

Li Han smiled, walked over, and said, "We are about the same age, you can just call me by my name."

Luo Xue nodded, "Then call my name directly."

Li Han also nodded.

Luo Xue smiled and said, "I've been to West Lake once before, and this is the second time. I want to go to Yuehu, where you wrote your poems. The last time I came was three years ago, when you didn't stay there. poetry."

Of course Li Han had no opinion. He hasn't been there since he wrote poems at Yuehu last time.

Now that you have come to West Lake again, you can indeed go and see it.

It is still early, and the exhibition will not officially open to the public until nine o'clock. And it is not far from Yuehu Lake.

The two went to the place where Li Han wrote poems in Yuehu Lake. On a natural boulder here, the song "Early Sunshine and After Rain" left by Li Han was engraved.

It's still early, but there are already tourists here.

They took pictures or took pictures with boulders, and some people were emotional.

"'If you want to compare the West Lake to Xizi, light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable.' It is indeed the first poem to praise the West Lake.

"Writing such poems is not based on hard work, but talent. You, stop such unrealistic fantasies."

Someone immediately poured a basin of cold water.

The man was not angry, but shook his head helplessly. Of course he knew he couldn't write poetry like that, he was just very emotional.

Luo Xue was very envious in her heart. She was also a poet, and she also wanted to write poems with such great influence.

However, it is almost impossible.

It's really frustrating.

Li Han understood what Luo Xue was thinking, and smiled: "It is not impossible to write such a poem. Maybe you will write it one day."

"Really?" Luo Xue smiled and said, "Then I'll borrow your auspicious words."

Of course Luo Xue knew that Li Han was encouraging her. The surrounding tourists also heard Li Han's words.

This made the tourists look at Li Han with some dissatisfaction. Listening to the meaning of this kid, does he think this poem is not too great?

Does this kid understand poetry? It is simply fearless.

The person who had just poured cold water seemed particularly dissatisfied. In addition to giving Li Han a dissatisfied look, he also muttered, "If you don't understand, pretend to understand."

Li Han was not angry after hearing this, but smiled a little. These guys are not malicious, on the contrary they should be his fans.

Luo Xue's big eyes blinked,

I find it interesting. Then he took out his phone to take pictures.

He also asked Li Han to take a photo of her with Keshi.

After that, Li Han said, "Okay, Luo Xue, let's go."

Luo Xue nodded, and the two left.

After leaving, the tourist who had just splashed cold water suddenly frowned and said, "Luoxue? That beauty's name is Luoxue? Why do I seem to have heard this name somewhere?"

"Luoxue? I seem to have heard this name before."

"I seem to have heard it too."

Visitors at the scene said that they seemed to have heard it.

Have you heard of it? It seems that he must have really heard it.

Where is it? Everyone is trying to remember.


The tourist who poured cold water patted his thigh and said, "I remembered. In a story about Mr. Li Han, the heroine is called Luo Xue."

After saying this, the rest of the tourists also suddenly remembered.

That is the story that Li Han left in front of Tengwang Pavilion in Hongzhou not long ago.

In that story, Li Han and a woman named Luoxue had three consecutive confrontations.

The triplets are all related to the bridal chamber and love. Among them, the third couplet, "Lotus is due to the lotus? There are apricots but not plums.", is the most classic and most talked about.

That is, after this story, in the same place, Li Han wrote the shocking "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng".

After thinking about who Luo Xue was, all the tourists sighed, saying that Luo Xue was a beautiful woman, and she was an absolute beauty when they first saw it.

No matter their size or appearance, they are the only ones they have ever seen in their lives.

Moreover, I heard that Luo Xue was the number one talented woman in Hongzhou, and her poems, couplets, and even calligraphy and painting were all of a high standard.

It is no wonder that the young man just now said that it is not impossible to write such a poem.

That young man... um... wait... crap!

The tourists were suddenly agitated, and they all thought of a problem.

Who is that young man?

Since that beauty is Luo Xue, shouldn't the young man be...

What the hell! It's impossible.

The tourists who poured cold water suddenly had bright eyes and said, "Nothing is impossible. According to the stories about Mr. Li Han, it is normal for Mr. Li Han to appear in front of us like that. Mr. Li Han... um ...Fuck!"

The tourists who poured cold water suddenly remembered that Nima and the others looked at Li Han with dissatisfaction before, and suspected that Li Han did not understand poetry at all, so he pretended not to understand.

He even muttered the words "do not understand and pretend to understand" aloud.

Moreover, Li Han should have heard it.

They actually said that Li Han did not understand poetry and pretended to understand.

This Nima...

The tourists all felt extremely dry.

Fortunately, Li Han did not seem to be angry at all, and the tourists all breathed a sigh of relief.

People like Li Han would not care about them.

"By the way, Li Han and Luo Xue appeared here, most likely for today's exhibition. Does that mean they should go to the exhibition?"

Someone said so.

When the rest of the tourists heard it, they thought it was very good.

As a result, the tourists were all very excited and ran away.

The direction they were running was officially the direction that Li Han and Luo Xue left.

Obviously, they went after Li Han.


Li Han and Luo Xue naturally did come to the exhibition site.

It has already been arranged here, and it will only be officially opened to tourists when it arrives at nine o'clock.

At the entrance of the venue, in addition to Li Han and Luo Xue, a large number of people gathered.

Not to mention there are thousands of people.

And with the opening of the venue, there will definitely be a steady stream of tourists.

It seems that there are many people who are interested in painting!

Li Han was very happy.

While waiting, everyone talked a lot, and what they said was almost related to poetry and painting.

The atmosphere was very good.

Li Han likes this kind of atmosphere very much.


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