In front of the No. 1 arena, there was a sea of ​​people, and the expressions on everyone's faces were all very excited and looking forward to it.

One is the first among the younger generation in the field of couplets.

Of course, this did not include Li Han.

A beautiful woman who is so delicate.

Such a combination of opponents is really eye-catching.

In the crowd, Lin Xu's eyes widened, watching the hot scene in front of him in disbelief.

The fuse of this situation now can undoubtedly be said to be because of his first link.

One of his first couplets triggered such a hot scene.

Does he think he can be proud and proud?

Song Yuan was also a little proud at this time. It can be said that the reason why the situation at the scene is so hot now is because of him.

It was him who was the first of the younger generation. Now that he was going to take action, the situation on the scene became so hot.

See how popular he is?

The falling snow beauty on the opposite side should also be somewhat touched, right?

With this thought in his heart, Song Yuan's face was still quite calm, and he said, "Thank you Miss Luoxue for making it happen. Then, my first couplet is, 'Four-sided lamps, single-layer paper, splendid, shining all over the east, west, north and south.' "Miss Luoxue, please!"

As soon as the first couplet came out, it was really exciting, and it was quite difficult.

The people around cheered.

As expected of the first person in the younger generation, the first couplet of this small test of the knife has such a level.

So, can this beauty called Luoxue be right?

Everyone looked at Luo Xue. Everyone still hoped that Luo Xue could be right.

Otherwise, the first couplet will not be correct, and it will be somewhat boring.

It's just loud thunder and little rain!

However, most people thought that Luo Xue probably couldn't get the next link.

They are completely clueless in such a difficult connection, how can such a beautiful woman be able to deal with it?

This Song Yuan is also true, don't you know that Lianxiangxiyu is a little bit? Come up with a simple link!

In this way, it is good for the beauty of the family to show off.

well! It seems that Song Yuan is not very good at flirting with girls!

There are many thoughts in the hearts of the people at the scene, and they are also discussing in a low voice.

Some voices of discussion also entered Luo Xue's ears, but she turned a deaf ear.

She was thinking, this couplet is difficult, but she can get it right.

After a while, there is.

Luo Xue smiled lightly and said, "Then I'm right, 'One year of study, eight dangling money, hard work, all seasons.'"

When the words fell, there was a moment of silence.

It was obvious that Luo Xue made the next link in a short period of time, much to the surprise of most of the people present.

After the silence, various voices broke out.

"Fuck! You got it right so quickly. This beauty is also very strong!"

"Not only is it right, but it is also perfect. Song Yuan's strength is very strong, but this beauty is not weak! This time is wonderful."

"It turned out to be true,

It's unbelievable. So beautiful and so talented! This is so..."


Feeling incredible at the same time, the crowd applauded and cheered loudly!

At this time, they realized that this would really be a wonderful match.

This beauty called Luoxue has the strength to fight Song Yuan!

sharp! so amazing!

on the podium.

Han Qiufeng, Yan Guoli, Liu Changqing, Gu Yi and others all smiled and nodded.

Whether it is Song Yuan or Luo Xue, they are undoubtedly the best. Even in the face of them, it may not be much inferior.

Having such a strong young generation is the gospel of couplets, a culture and art that has been passed down for thousands of years!

Very pleased!

Han Qiufeng, Yan Guoli, Liu Changqing, Gu Yi and others were all relieved.

In front of the first ring.

Luo Xue heard the exclamations and applause of the people around her, looked at Li Han calmly, and blinked her eyes a little smugly.

The meaning is obvious, "How is it? I'm not bad, right?"

Li Han smiled, this girl...

Song Yuan was not surprised when he saw Luoxue's second couplet, he knew that this couplet couldn't help Luoxue.

This is just a couplet of his small test skills, and the next duel is the real start.

However, according to the rules, in the next couplet, Luo Xue could choose her to play the first couplet and fight the second couplet herself.

So, Song Yuan said, "Miss Luo Xue is going to appear in the first league?"

It is not easy to come up with a lower link, but it is also not easy to come up with a good upper link.

The couplet ability to be studied in the upper couplet is not under the lower couplet.

Luo Xue nodded without saying much, and said directly: "Linshui Kaixuan, surrounded by clouds and mountains are painted."

As soon as the first league came out, it also won bursts of applause.

This Shanglian atmosphere and artistic conception is absolutely high level, and of course it is very difficult.

Luo Xue's strength is really strong!

Song Yuan didn't dare to neglect, and he didn't dare to have any contempt. He tried his best to think about the next link.

After a while, I will definitely. Then he smiled lightly and said, "Ms. Luoxue is indeed very strong. This couplet has given me a lot of thought. My second couplet is, 'Looking from a railing and looking into the distance, the fireworks of thousands of families are always related to each other.'"

Song Yuan said this on the surface to say that it was not easy for him to be right, but in fact he was pretending to be forceful.

Everyone murmured to themselves.

However, Song Yuan did have the qualifications to pretend. This link is really good!

The same atmosphere and the same artistic conception are not at all under the upper link.

Song Yuan really lived up to his reputation.

Even Li Han nodded, Song Yuan's strength is indeed very strong, it should be above Luo Xue.

However, it will not be stronger than falling snow too much.

Moreover, Luo Xue was several years younger than Song Yuan. In the future, it is entirely possible to achieve an overtake.

Luo Xue also nodded and said, "Mr. Song is right."

Song Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Then, it's time for me to go out to the first couplet again. 'I have time to spare in the courtyard, bamboo dew pine wind and banana rain.'"

Luo Xue thought about it for a while and then replied, "There are no long things in the family, the sound of tea smoke and piano rhymes and books."

Whether it was the first or the second, it naturally attracted cheers from the crowd.

Next, Luo Xue came out to the first couplet, and Song Yuan faced the second couplet.

The two sides went back and forth like this, and they fought five or six times in a row. It was very exciting!

Everyone at the scene was very entertained and very excited.

Of course also very unexpected.

How could they have imagined that in the younger generation, there are still people who can fight with Song Yuandou to such an extent.

And, she is such a beautiful woman.

This is really surprising and surprising.

However, everyone could see that Luo Xue's strength was still inferior after all.

Because, Luo Xue's time to think about the connection is obviously longer than Song Yuan.

The last loser should be Luo Xue.

Sure enough, after Song Yuan made another first couplet, Luo Xue didn't answer the second couplet for a long time, and finally she could only say that she couldn't answer this couplet for the time being.

Song Yuan's first couplet is like this, "An inch of land is a temple, and a poem is written next to the temple. The poem says: Tomorrow, sail away from the ancient temple."


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