This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 571 Celebrities Are Ordinary People When They Come to Yuanxi Village

On the Internet, countless people responded quickly.

"True or false? Where? How did you know?"

"Yuanxi Village Jiulong Gorge. Many people must have heard of this place. The specific shooting time will start tomorrow morning. As for how we know, the director Du Menghui just told us personally. Hahaha!"

"Fuck! Did Director Du really say it himself? Did you meet Director Du? What's the situation?"

"We not only met Director Du. We also met Chen Qianxiang, Song Yuanzheng, Ling Bai and all the actors who participated in "Swordsman". We also took a photo together. Hahaha! Do you want to see it? "

"Really or not? Send it out and let's see."

The tourists at the scene did take pictures with many actors just now, and now it's time for them to pretend to be coercive on the Internet, which is enviable.

As a result, they have posted photos of themselves and the actors on the Internet.

People on the Internet are indeed envious.

"It turned out to be true. This is indeed Chen Qianxiang, right next to Song Yuanzheng."

"This should be Director Du, right? I saw an interview about Director Du last time, and I have some impressions."

"Really Nima is enviable! Where is this? Is it Yuanxi Village?"

"That's right. This is indeed Yuanxi Village. Director Du, Chen Qianxiang, Song Yuanzheng, Ling Bai and other actors are now visiting Yuanxi Village. A large group of people."

"I envy you! It seems that what you just said is indeed true. This is normal, after all, it is Mr. Li Han's work. Jiulongxia, I have not only heard of it, but also seen it in the video. Last time Li Han The place where Mr. Han, a crane, and a bamboo raft fished is the Jiulong Gorge? Judging from the video, it is indeed very beautiful."

"The place where Mr. Li Han sang "The Story of Time" is also Jiulong Gorge. In addition, there are many videos taken by tourists who go there. If you want to watch it, it is easy to find. It is indeed a beautiful place. A suffocating place."

"Blessed are those who are not far from Yuanxi Village. They can go to the shooting site to watch. Don't forget to share the scene with us on the Internet!"

"that is,

Friends who came to the scene, don't forget us! Tell us more about the scene. "

"It's easy to say, easy to say. I must share it when the time comes."


The shooting location and shooting time of "Sword of the Swordsman" were posted on the Internet, which naturally caused various heated discussions on the Internet.

Jiulong Gorge is not a scenic spot, but it is very famous on the Internet.

This is naturally all because of Li Han.

There are also a lot of videos about Jiulong Gorge circulating on the Internet.

Shooting in such a beautiful place undoubtedly makes people look forward to a lot more.


Yuanxi Village.

A group of actors continued to tour the village.

The news that they are in the village now has spread in the village.

Therefore, from time to time, tourists will come to watch, or hope to be able to take photos and so on.

The actors are patiently satisfied with the demands of the tourists.

This is Yuanxi Village, and the actors did not dare to show any pretense.

Also embarrassed to pose. Li Han never puts on a show, what kind of show do you make?

To the edge of a big Yantang.

There are many guests fishing around the pond.

Chen Qianxiang said: "It is rumored that the fish in Yuanxi Village is very delicious, far better than the fish in other places. Is it the fish caught in this kind of pond?"

The rest of the actors didn't know the situation and looked at Du Menghui one after another.

Du Menghui was quite familiar with the whole village, and he said with a smile: "It is indeed the fish in this kind of pond. There are more than 20 ponds in the whole village. Some of them are bigger than this one, and some are bigger than this one. Small. Not all ponds have fish though. Some have lobsters, crabs, turtles, etc.”

Chen Qianxiang said: "Lobster and crab are also said to be far more delicious than other places. Since this time is here, I have to try it."

The rest of the actors also said that they must also try it.

After listening to Du Menghui, he smiled and said, "It's easy. Tonight we all ate at Mr. Li Han's restaurant. The fish, lobsters, crabs, vegetables and other ingredients in the restaurant are from the farm."

Li Han smiled at this time: "I will invite everyone to dinner tonight, and let everyone taste the ingredients of our Yuanxi Village."

"Okay! Thank you Mr. Li Han." All the actors laughed and expressed their thanks to Li Han.

After that, many actors took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Along the way, they will take out their mobile phones to take pictures wherever they see places that are worth shooting.

The guests fishing around the pond had heard about a group of actors visiting the village before.

Now that the actors have arrived at the pond where they are fishing, they are also very happy. They put down their fishing rods and interacted with the actors for a while.

After that, the actors left the weir and continued to move forward.

Not long after, he arrived at the famous Tingxi Corridor.

The actors have heard of the name of the Tingxi Corridor, and now they can see that there are all kinds of beautiful birds everywhere on both sides of the corridor, and the number and species are very large. Everyone was overjoyed.

The Tingxi Corridor really lives up to its reputation.

All the actors took out their mobile phones to take pictures, or took pictures, or asked others to help them take pictures with all kinds of beautiful birds.

There are more tourists here.

Visitors snickered when they saw that the actors were busy with various shootings.

It turns out that the stars are just like them.

Then, they used their mobile phones to take pictures of the stars who were shooting in various ways.

Such photos must be very interesting, much more interesting than the various celebrity photos secretly taken by entertainment reporters.

If there is an entertainment reporter here, it must be very excited.

After tourists took pictures of various casts by the actors, someone posted them online.

Because Chen Qianxiang, Song Yuanzheng, Ling Bai and other actors are now playing in Yuanxi Village, it has always been a hot news on the Internet.

Therefore, after the photos of tourists were posted on the Internet, netizens soon noticed.

Netizens were happy when they saw it.

"Hahaha! This is the Tingxi Corridor. It turns out that they are in the Tingxi Corridor now. Look at how they are busy taking pictures, just like us ordinary people."

"The main reason is that the Tingxi Corridor is so shocking. Dozens and hundreds of species of birds gather together. What is the concept? It's hard to believe your eyes. Celebrities see such a scene, No matter how famous you are, you will become an ordinary person in seconds. Hahaha!"

"That's true. I suggest that if you have the opportunity, you must go to Tingxi Corridor. The feeling of the scene is completely incapable of being given by video or photos. Celebrities will be so busy with various shootings when they arrive at Tingxi Corridor. It's so normal."



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