This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 607 Can't live in your house?

The latest website: Qin Xiaoyue believes that Li Han should indeed have this ability.

If Li Han really designs a game, will it be really very playable?

It's very exciting!

Qin Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Okay! Then I'll wait for the game you design. The key is when do you plan to start designing?"

Li Han said: "You can start anytime, it's not difficult."

Qin Xiaoyue said: "That means you can start now? But aren't you serializing "The Condor Heroes" and "Three Heroes and Five Justices" at the same time? Do you still have time to design the game?"

Li Han smiled and said, "It's just two works, how much time can I spend? I have plenty of time every day."

Qin Xiaoyue looked overjoyed and said, "If that's the case, then you can start designing now. By the way, what type of game are you planning to design? If it is a puzzle game, maybe it will catch up with the game in a month's time. What about the game competition. Oh, you may not know it, a month later, there will be a puzzle game competition in Mo. Of course, it can also be called a trade fair.”

Li Han said: "I know, I've heard about it. However, it's probably too late. After I design it, I have to find a game company to develop it. It is estimated that it will take ten days or a half to find a suitable game company and reach a cooperation agreement. Months. Where will the rest of the time be enough to develop it?"

Li Han actually thought about it, should he take advantage of this opportunity to launch a game?

He is still looking forward to bringing those classic games from previous lives to this world.

It's just that one month is probably not enough.

Qin Xiaoyue said: "You don't need to find a game company to cooperate. We can find someone by ourselves, set up a development team, and develop it ourselves."

Of course Li Han also thought about this method. It only takes time to win over excellent development talents. The delay should be longer than finding a game company to cooperate with.

Qin Xiaoyue smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. I have a way. In just one day, I can form the best game development team in the country for you."

real or fake?

Li Han was a little suspicious at first.

However, she quickly thought of Qin Xiaoyue's identity, and she couldn't help but suffocate slightly.

Seems like it could be true.

At this time, Su Yuqing smiled slightly and said, "It's really not difficult, one day is enough."

Li Han can only say two words: cattle batch!

In this case, Li Han was suddenly very moved.

Why don't you take this opportunity to launch a game to test the water?

As long as he can provide all the data, so that the development team does not have to research and test the data repeatedly, it should be possible to catch up with the competition a month later.

If so, then do it!

Li Han also really wanted to play those familiar classic games from previous lives in this world.

That feeling must be quite good.

So Li Han said: "Okay, then it's settled. I will start to research and design a game, and calculate the corresponding data. You are responsible for forming a game development team."

Qin Xiaoyue was overjoyed after hearing this, not only because she was looking forward to Li Han's game, but also because this matter was very interesting.

She finally had something very interesting to do.

This made her a little excited. The decision to come to Yuanxi Village to find Li Han was indeed correct.

I just arrived at Yuanxi Village, and it is really cool to have such an interesting thing to do.

Even Su Yuqing couldn't help but be overjoyed. Although she has no feeling about the game, the matter itself is very interesting and worth looking forward to.

Qin Xiaoyue said happily: "Okay, no problem, you can leave it to us to set up a development team. However, where do we put the team's work place? How about letting them come to the village to work? Right in your farm office building, get a room for them to use as a studio."

Li Han said: "Of course this is possible. But the key is whether people are willing to come and work here?

Qin Xiaoyue said: "I should be willing. Now Yuanxi Village is about to become a legendary place. If you have the opportunity to work here, you should be very excited, right? Besides, the development this time will last for a month at most. It's not too long."

Li Han thought about it, and it seemed to make sense, and said, "Then ask them what they mean. Come here if you want. If you don't want to come, find another place for them. You can develop anywhere."

Qin Xiaoyue nodded, "Okay, that's the decision."

Li Han nodded.

And then if those people are really willing to come and work here, there is one more problem that needs to be solved, and that is accommodation.

The current village cannot provide accommodation for the time being, and can only rent hotels or houses in Shuanglong Township or Xunxian Town.

It's time to talk about this.

After negotiating this matter, the three continued to wander around the village.

And this time it was too early.

Qin Xiaoyue said, "Li Han, where do Yuqing and I stay at night?"

When the two of them came to the village before, they went to the hotel in Xunxian Town every night.

Now, that seems to be the only way to go.

Of course, there are two vacant rooms in Li Han's house for people to live in.

It's just that the conditions are relatively simple, and it is obvious that the two eldest ladies will be wronged. The two eldest ladies should not be used to it.

It seems that it is indeed necessary to rebuild the family house.

After the new year, the construction will start, and a three- or four-story villa will be built.

Li Han coughed lightly and said, "How about I take you to a hotel in Xunxian Town?"

Qin Xiaoyue muttered: "It's so far. You don't have any extra rooms in your house?"

Li Han said: "Yes, there are, but the conditions are relatively simple. I'm afraid you two eldest misses are not used to living there."

Qin Xiaoyue said: "What does it matter if it is simple? As long as it is clean enough."

Li Han said: "That is absolutely very clean."

Qin Xiaoyue giggled and said, "That's fine. We are not expensive, so there is something we are not used to. Right, Yuqing."

Su Yuqing nodded and said, "Yes, as long as it is clean enough, it doesn't matter how simple it is."

"That's it!" Li Han said, "Then you can stay at home. There are just two extra rooms."

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue nodded at the same time. They really didn't want to go to Xunxian Town every night. It would be best if Li Han could live at home.

Li Han said: "Since that's the case, let's go back now. Mom is probably going to start making dinner."

Su Yuqing said: "Then let's go back early and help Auntie. By the way, do you want to invite Sister Xiaoru to have dinner together at night?"

Li Han said: "Yes! Then let me tell her."

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue nodded at the same time.


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