This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 614: It's the Peak of Life

The latest website: Then, once again inexplicable excitement and excitement.

After this game was developed, it was absolutely popular. The development of a predictable and absolutely popular game, and it is from the hands of Li Han, is absolutely exciting and inexplicable.

Li Han said at this time: "How is it? Is there a problem in a month?"

The eight people looked at each other, and then Yang Xu said, "No problem, no problem at all. One month is enough, and it's even easier."

Li Han smiled and said, "Then I will trouble you all. After a month, we will use this game to participate in trade fairs."

"Don't worry, Mr. Li Han, we will definitely make the game well." The eight people patted their chests to assure. For the exhibition, what I have been looking forward to!

Li Han nodded, and then asked the eight people to recommend a person in charge to each other.

After some mutual recommendation, Yang Xu became the head of the development team.

Li Han handed the game data to Yang Xu, and then let Yang Xu arrange all the matters such as the team's working hours.

Li Han only needs the result.

Yang Xu was very excited and repeatedly assured Li Han that he would do his best work.

After that, Li Han suggested that the eight people can take a good walk in the village today, and it would not be too late to start work tomorrow.

And let Li Qian arrange a boy named Li Chao to be a guide for eight people.

One month is more than enough time, and there is really no need to rush to start work today.

Therefore, all the eight people readily accepted Li Han's suggestion and decided to take a good tour of the village today.

This was what they had longed for.

In this way, Li Chao took eight people to play in the village.

Li Chao is outgoing and good at making friends, and he quickly got acquainted with eight people.

After getting acquainted with it, Yang Xu asked eagerly, "Brother, which of the two beauties before is Miss Xiaoru?"

In addition, Zeng Yu, Yang Lin and others,

They all looked at Li Chao.

They wanted to ask this question for a long time, but they couldn't ask it. Now that I am familiar with Li Chao, I can finally ask.

Li Chao was stunned for a while, and glanced at the eight people in surprise. Then he understood that the eight people had always believed that one of Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue was Li Xiaoru.

Why do you think so? Li Chao thought about it and understood the reason.

Then he couldn't help feeling a little funny, and said, "Neither of them are Xiaoru. They are Miss Yuqing and Miss Xiaoyue."

What? neither?

The eight people were completely stunned. They all thought that one of them must be Li Xiaoru.

Not even now?

They got it wrong again.

Is Li Xiaoru even more beautiful? It's impossible.

Yang Xu said, "Brother, is Miss Xiaoru more beautiful than those two young ladies? This..."

Li Chao waved his hand and said, "That's not true. Xiaoru is not prettier than them, but not worse than them. The three of them are beauties of the same level."

All eight people nodded, that's right.

Let's just say, there can't be any more beautiful women than them.

Well, not right either. Since there are three beauties of the same level, why is Li Xiaoru the only one in the rumors?

Li Chao explained with a smile: "This is because Miss Yuqing and Miss Xiaoyue are not from the farm. They just came to the village to find Xiaohan... this...for Mr. Li Han."

"So that's the case." All eight of them were stunned.

Then I thought that there were three beauties of this level around Li Han, I was really envious!

And then, for Li Xiaoru, the eight people are even more eager to meet.

Li Chao said with a smile: "Xiaoru is often in the office building, so there is still a great chance for you to meet."

All eight nodded, full of anticipation.


Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue returned home.

Qin Xiaoyue said: "Everyone in the game field now knows that you are developing a game. However, everyone doesn't seem to be optimistic about your game. They all say that you are rich and willful, and want to develop a game on a whim to entertain yourself. Enjoy yourself."

Li Han said with a smile: "I really can say this is a whim. It's normal that everyone is not optimistic."

Su Yuqing said: "In addition to the game field, there are also a few rumors on the Internet that you are developing a game. However, almost no one believes it."

Li Han smiled again and said, "This is also normal. If it were me, I wouldn't believe it."

Qin Xiaoyue giggled and said, "I'm really looking forward to the game fair in a month!"

Li Han said: "I'm looking forward to it too."

The advent of the first game brought to this world is indeed something that people look forward to very much.


Li Chao walked around the village with eight people, and returned to the office building before it was too early.

As soon as I got down to the office building, I saw a figure with a very good figure and a very beautiful appearance coming out of the office building.

This figure is almost as good as the previous two beauties in terms of body and appearance.

The hearts of the eight people jumped inexplicably, and suddenly they became very excited and excited.

Finally, they finally saw the rumored Li Xiaoru.

This time, it is absolutely absolutely impossible to go wrong again.

If they are wrong again, they are really unbelievable.

This time there is indeed no mistake, the figure is Li Xiaoru.

"Hello, Miss Xiaoru!"

"Hello, Miss Xiaoru!"

The eight people greeted each other excitedly. Then I wanted to look at it a few more times, but I was too embarrassed to look at it more.

Li Xiaoru smiled slightly, she naturally knew the identities of the eight people, and said, "Hello! Welcome to Yuanxi Village. Xiaohan's game is up to you."

"Miss Xiaoru, please rest assured, we will do a good job. This is our honor." The eight people said one after another.

Li Xiaoru nodded, thanked him again and left.

After leaving, the eight people still sighed, "The rumors are true!"

Li Chao said with a smile: "I said that the probability of you meeting her is not small."

The eight people nodded hurriedly.


the next day.

Eight people arrived at the studio, and game development officially started.

The eight people have always been inexplicably excited and full of energy. Their drive has never been greater than it is now.

They now feel that coming here to work and develop Li Han's games is much happier than they thought before!

Simply the pinnacle of life!


On the Internet, rumors that Li Han is developing a game are still circulating on a small scale.

Rumors spread slowly because almost no one believed it.

And the discussion about "Shooting the Condor" and "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" has never stopped, and the popularity has always been very high.

Today, the popularity is destined to reach a new peak.

Because, the new issue of "Swordsman" magazine is released today, and "Shooting the Condor" and "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" will continue to update new content.

early morning.

Just like when the previous issues of "Swordsman" magazine were released, there were long queues in front of bookstores and newsstands.

No way, the current circulation of "Swordsman" magazine is still unable to meet the market demand.

If you want to buy "Swordsman" magazine earlier, you still have to get up early and queue up.

Fortunately, in the process of waiting in line, everyone discussed and waited with each other, which was very interesting, and did not feel cold and fortunate at all.

This can also be regarded as a small gathering for fans of "Shooting the Condor" and fans of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness".

Quite interesting.


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