This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 665 Sing a song and communicate with everyone

After Cai He and Lin Dadong bowed deeply, they said, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Li Han. We just said those disrespectful things. You are right, music creation is indeed just a skill and a profession. We shouldn't feel superior..."

The two really came to apologize, and they were very sincere.

The owner and the guests in the restaurant all nodded slowly.

Either way, an apology is worth affirming.

If two people can really put away their sense of superiority and regain their original intention of music creation, it will also be a happy thing.

Li Han smiled slightly and said: "What I just said is just what I think. It may not be correct. However, no matter what career it is, don't have a sense of superiority in your heart, and don't take it as a show. capital. It can’t be wrong.”

Cai He and Lin Dadong bowed again and said, "I have been taught, thank you Mr. Li Han."

The boss and the rest of the customers in the store nodded slowly after listening to what Li Han had just said.

They fully agree with what Li Han said, that any profession is indeed not a capital to show off.

Li Han waved his hand, so that the two of them didn't have to do this, saying that he was just expressing his own opinions.

The two expressed their apology and gratitude once again.

After that, the two returned to the rest area and chose an empty seat to sit down.

The place they had wanted to sit before, after Li Han and Li Xiaoru left, is now empty.

However, the two did not go to that position.

At the front desk, the boss once again invited Li Han and Li Xiaoru to sit for a while longer.

And I introduced Li Han, the young man who followed him into the store before, and then stood beside him all the time.

It turned out that the young man was a relative of the boss, named Liang Sheng, 25 years old and a singer.

Of course, it's not a star singer, but just a resident singer in a bar.

At most, it is in the bar, and it is only a little famous.

The bar where Liang Sheng is stationed is not far from here. Since Li Han wrote the song "Prisoner Bird" in this restaurant, Liang Sheng will often come to sit here.

Came here again today, and happened to meet the boss who came back from outside, and the two walked into the restaurant together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the restaurant, he encountered one of the biggest surprises in his life.

Li Han is actually here!

When the boss shouted "Mr. Li Han" in surprise, Liang Sheng was stunned.

In addition to Li Han's reason, the reason why he often comes here is to see if he can get the chance to meet some musicians.

He's just a singer and doesn't have the ability to compose his own songs. Getting to know musicians is very important to him.

Most of the musicians who come here are ordinary musicians or amateur musicians.

When Li Han suddenly appeared here, how could Liang Sheng react?

After a while, Liang Sheng was sure that he had an unfortunate chance and met Li Han today.

If you can take this opportunity to get acquainted with Li Han, what kind of blessing would it be?

Liang Sheng was unprecedentedly excited and nervous.

Now the boss introduced him to Li Han, which made him even more excited and nervous, and said, "I have met Mr. Li Han. I am very honored to be able to meet Mr. Li Han."

Li Han looked at Liang Sheng, smiled, and said, "Don't be polite, Mr. Liang. Is Mr. Liang a singer?"

Liang Sheng said quickly, "I don't dare to call myself a singer in front of Mr. Li Han. I sing in Yetian Bar not far from here."

Li Han said: "It doesn't matter where you sing, and it doesn't matter if you are famous. The point is that you are not sure that you are a singer? If you are sure, then you are a singer."

Liang Sheng sighed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Han! I like to sing, and I'm sure I'm a singer."

Li Han smiled and said, "That's right!"

Liang Sheng said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Han!"

Then, the boss once again warmly invited Li Han and Li Xiaoru to have a cup of tea.

Kindness is hard to come by, or not, then drink another cup of tea and rest for a while.

The boss was overjoyed, and Liang Sheng was also overjoyed.

The boss quickly said, "Mr. Li Han please! Miss Xiaoru please!"

Li Han and Li Xiaoru nodded and walked to the rest area together with the boss and Liang Sheng.

The previous seat was still empty, and Cai He and Lin Dadong did not sit.

The boss asked Li Han and Li Xiaoru to sit down at the previous seats.

Then he personally went to make a cup of tea for Li Han and Li Xiaoru.

After that, the boss said to Liang Sheng: "Xiao Sheng, Mr. Li Han is here, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. Why don't you take this opportunity to sing a song and ask Mr. Li Han to give pointers. It is hard to find, if you miss it, you will never have it again.”

When Liang Sheng heard this, he was excited and nervous again. This was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he should try to seize such an opportunity.

So, Liang Sheng said to Li Han, "Mr. Li Han, do you think this is okay? Wouldn't it be too abrupt?"

Li Han smiled and said, "I can also be said to be a singer. If Mr. Liang wants to, he can sing a song and communicate with everyone. Of course, it is possible."

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene paid more respect to Li Han.

Cai He and Lin Dadong sighed in their hearts again, looking at Li Han's realm, and then looking at them...


Liang Sheng was overjoyed and said excitedly: "Thank you Mr. Li Han. Then I will sing a song and ask Mr. Li Han to give pointers."

After that, Liang Sheng walked up to Cai He and said, "Mr. Cai, can I borrow your guitar?"

Liang Sheng knew Cai He and Lin Dadong. But the two were a little conceited before, and Liang Sheng did not have a deep friendship with the two.

Of course, Cai He also knew Liang Sheng, and said, "Of course there is no problem. Liang Sheng can just use it. I am very honored to hear Mr. Liang sing."

Liang Sheng was very surprised that Cai He was able to say such a thing?

After thinking about it, I understood, it seems that after what happened just now, Cai He's mentality has indeed changed.

In this case, it is possible to make friends in the future.

Then he said, "Thank you, Mr. Cai!"

Liang Sheng returned to Li Han's seat with the guitar and said, "Mr. Li Han, there is no related equipment here. I will play and sing by myself. Can you think of it?"

Li Han nodded and said, "Of course, Mr. Liang please!"

Liang Sheng nodded, trying to adjust his emotions.

He's still nervous now, and he's trying to make himself less nervous.

He wants to play to his true level.

At this time, the attention of the rest of the guests in the restaurant was all here.

Everyone wants to hear how Liang Sheng sings?

Then what will Li Han say?

They are looking forward to it!


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